View Full Version : Vapor Trails

Rruko Sa'raathi
Nov 10th, 2015, 01:30:13 AM


Rruko Sa'raathi wasn't really a fighter. He was more of a lover, and a man who appreciated beauty and art. He had expensive tastes that he couldn't always afford, but that usually never stopped him from getting what he wanted. He wasn't a hustler, but he was a cunning creature when he put his mind to it. Not to mention a pretty enough face that he was relatively assured in having his way.

Of course, fate didn't always smile upon those that chose to tempt her so, and the Cizerack was currently in just that very situation.

A game of Sabacc gone awry, a Gotal that demanded to see the contents of his sleeves, and a few too many cocktails had proven to be his undoing. It was not always so easy. And doubly so now, as he scoured his brain to think of the best exit strategy.

There was none, currently. It was a small room, after all. Thick with the haze of one too many cigars, and even a few stims.

The Gotal again made his demands more than known, and another moment of thought presented the only option.

Rruko slid back from the table, his lips pursed as he made a show of straightening his arms. And in the next moment he was on his feet. A sabacc table was much too heavy to even try and flip, and he settled for simply bolting. His mad dash sent him careening past his initially confused table partners, but they were soon enough wise to his game, and gave chase.

With a quickness the Cizerack burst out into the main casino area, surging forward with long strides.

A quick glance back at his pursuers told him that he had a decent enough head start, and confident in his abilities to evade capture, he turned back just in time to find himself presented with an unexpected obstacle.

A girl.

Well then!

He didn't exactly plow into her, but it wasn't a graceful pass that he made either, and he brought up his arms just in time to wrap them around her slender frame, very nearly hitching her up over his shoulder as he bulled into her.

What he ended up with was an armful of a perfume cloud and jingling earrings, and rather than simply dump her to the side, Rruko kept his pace, now carrying with him an unwitting accomplice as he threaded the needle of slot machines and cocktail waitresses.

Minnie Starshine
Nov 10th, 2015, 02:05:50 PM
And that particular armful of perfume cloud and jingling earrings was Minnie Starshine, spoiled socialite, rich brat, spectacular girly girl and Star Tours pilot, who had only come to the casino because it was the best local place to go if you wanted to dress up and show off your new pink sequinned dress. Which Minnie most certainly wanted to do, and so of course she'd come here, her chance to show off all of her glamour, wealth and beauty. Except now somebody had hit her and was carrying her off and she had no idea what was going on, but was terrified her heavy hairspray wouldn't hold her hair in its perfectly wavy style as she bounced along and that would be a disaster.

"H-hey! Put me down!" She shrieked. "If this is a kidnapping, I'm like, sure Daddy will pay you right away, just don't ruin my hair!" She added, which was probably not a smart thing to say for numerous reasons. But then again, Minnie wasn't exactly an overly smart girl...

Rruko Sa'raathi
Nov 10th, 2015, 02:35:42 PM
"Can't do that rrjight now, Love," came the breathless answer as Rruko continued to dodge his way through the main casino floor. Shouts and cries followed after him, and each syllable seemed to spur him further onward. Of course, it didn't really stop him from making sure his nostrils were situated just right so that he could deeply inhale of the alluring scent that the woman he'd shanghai'd exuded. It was a siren scent, and if his imminent doom wasn't so well apparent, the Cizerack would have availed himself to her in a much better light.

As it was, his circumstances now called for a completely different approach.

And so he kept on, knowing that if he wanted to keep breathing sweet sweet air, he had to navigate the not-quite-maze of obstacles that lay between him and the front doors.

And still, for some damnable reason (it was the perfume, truth be told), he held tight to the girl. With his nose half buried in a lock of hair and one ear skewed, he held on to her like she was a saving grace.

"We'rre almosst out... "

Minnie Starshine
Nov 10th, 2015, 03:25:12 PM
"Out!?" Minnie whined. "Why are we getting out? I just got here!" She complained, totally oblivious as to why they were on the run, or what this strange man was running from. All Minnie knew was that her all important hairstyle was at risk, and that this was certainly not what she had intended coming here. She had come here to show off her dress. And now it was probably ending up creased!

"Who are you!? What's going on!?" She complained whinily as she carried out of the casino helplessly...

Rruko Sa'raathi
Nov 10th, 2015, 03:41:50 PM
One last little nuzzle, and Rruko twisted at the last minute so that his side pushed into the crashbar of the casino doors. They opened like a ripe ka'orro fruit, and the bright sunshine of midday assailed his eyes as he finally pulled himself away from those wonderful perfumed strands of hair.

"No tjime forr that, Love," he gasped, still in minor thrall to her olfactory charms (whether she realized that fact or not).

"Gotta get outta herre."

A moment of stillness, and Rruko reluctantly let her slip from her arms so that she could stand on her own.

"jYou'rre wjith me now," he breathed out, looking from left to right. All seemed clear, but it wouldn't be long before his pursuers would catch up.

"Whjich alsso meanss jyou'rre jin ass much trrouble."

His brows rose, and his ears perked up just a bit as he gave her a cheshire cat's grin. That perfume!

"Pleasse tell me jyou ljike trrouble... "

Minnie Starshine
Nov 12th, 2015, 03:51:32 PM
"Well... I prefer shopping..." Minnie replied with a sheepish smile on her glossy lips. Minnie didn't particularly enjoy trouble, but it certainly had a very typical way of finding her. Usually the goofy fun kind, which this seemed to be. She paused for a moment, considering her options. Giving up now would probably make the rest of this day less interesting. And what was the worse that could happen? She was rich! She'd just buy her way out of any toruble.

"Okay, okay, well, like, I have a ship, if we can get to it?" She suggested. Okay, so using the Star Tours ship for an escape plan was probably in breach of staff policy, but Minnie always broke staff policy...

Rruko Sa'raathi
Nov 13th, 2015, 11:53:30 AM
A ship! Now, that was much more preferable to the method of escape that solely relied on leg strength. Rruko flashed a sly grin.

"A sshjip would be wonderrful!"

With his hands coming up to grip both of her shoulders, he gave her a squeeze before wheeling around and transferring his grip to one of her hands while starting off again, this time paying mind to not entirely drag her along. After all, she was the one that knew where her ship was.

"But, betterr make jit ssharrpjissh ssince jI have a healthjy notjion that the men chassjing me have jintentjionss of cuttjing mjy earrss off."

Minnie Starshine
Nov 13th, 2015, 01:30:56 PM
"What did you DO!?" Minnie shrieked as she tried to keep up, high heels and fashionista lifestyle not particularly being suited to running in any way shape or form. But she didn't have much choice, dragged along by her skinny wrist as Rruko led the charge. "My ship's at the starport. It's pretty far!" She went on to explain, panting hard already. "And I'm tiiiiiiiiired!" She whined.

Apparently, Minnie was so spoiled physical fitness was not part of her lifestyle, and she was already exhausted and ready to collapse.

Rruko Sa'raathi
Nov 15th, 2015, 12:47:38 PM
A quick look back over his shoulder, and Rruko took small heart in the fact that his pursuers hadn't yet made it outside of the casino. It wouldn't be long now, though. He was sure of it.

The girl's admission of being tired though was concerning, and the Cizerack let a single ear droop down. As they dove into the milling crowds that populated the massive front courtyard and its' beautifully manicured foliage, he looked up to the brightly lit, towering sign.

Witness The Power of Fun

The cascading fluorescent whites, pinks, yellows, and blues cast a kaleidoscope of color down on the people and gardens beneath. It was beautiful, not to mention it would allow Rruko and his new companion to effectively disappear. He pulled her further in, and as he slowed his pace, brought her close with an arm going around her waist.

His ears fluttered, his smile remained, and the Cizerack felt his body become like a fluid... thing. He very nearly danced through the crowds, obviously an old hand at losing himself in a large group of people.

He turned his smile to the girl, leaning in close so he could lower his voice in a conspiratorial manner.

"jI need new cuffljinkss," he purred, "And ssjince jI'm out of crreditss, jI thought jI'd have a go at the carrd tabless and ssee jif mjy luck could brrjing me jinto some monejy."

Minnie Starshine
Nov 29th, 2015, 07:28:36 AM
Minnie was effectively dragged along by Rruko, even as he put his arm around her. Truth was that Minnie was used to being the centre of attention, not disappearing in crowds, so it felt very unnatural for her to be following him in this manner, but she realised that she didn't have a huge choice in the matter. Not that she minded too much. This place looked fun, and as good of a place to show off her dress as any. As long as those people chasing her lost them...

"Oh, well, if it was for new cufflinks, I totally get it." Minnie nodded. "If I didn't have credits, I'd do anything for new jewellery!" She exclaimed, and it seemed likely that Minnie really believed that. Fortunately, running out of credits was never a threat for her. "So, uh, are we stopping here to win more credits, then?" She asked with a bright smile, obviously excited by the new locale.

Rruko Sa'raathi
Dec 1st, 2015, 12:38:19 PM
Rruko gave a fleeting look to the girl. He blinked, as the thought to mingle with the gamblers of Palpatine's Palace hadn't occurred to him. It wasn't a bad thought, but there was also concern that the posse from the Nubian Casino and Resort were still on the prowl. He guessed that they were, but the thought of having another go at winning a few credits was tempting enough.

Looking back forward as they entered the gold-framed glass doors, the Cizerack let his baby blues take in the luxury that was sprawled before him like a feast for the eyes.

"Well, jI guesss we can lojiterr forr a ljittle bjit."

Descending a shallow flight of wide steps into the main atrium, he gave her a sideways grin.

"Buy me a drrjink?"