View Full Version : Well Met By Starlight
Oct 28th, 2015, 09:23:54 PM
If anyone had to describe Kazahan, 'empathetic' would not be one of the words used to describe him. He was outgoing, and friendly, surprisingly observant at times, strong and fast and clever on his feet. Empathetic? Never.
So when he was warned that Jedi Master Serena Laran was not usually feeling up to visitors due to teaching a rowdy padawan or two and (here the whispering started) memories of Imperial torture, Kazahan simply took himself to be an exception. Well, that is a bit of a simplification. Kazahan took that warning and decided to test it, to see if Master Laran would speak to him or not regardless of her emotional state. After all as Master Solomon's apprentice, it was also his responsibility to care for his Master's people.
So, he thought hard about how he would tackle the problem of Master Laran, not knowing her well, and perhaps getting some tutelage from her. Master Solomon was a great teacher, but Kazahan wanted to be Grandmaster of the Jedi Order, and everyone knew Grandmasters were well rounded. At least, Kazahan assumed a Grandmaster should be. Otherwise they'd just be a regular Master, not that there was anything against that, but why be a Master when one could be a Grandmaster? It was much more ebullient and triumphant a word. Grand, even.
In the midst of those winding thoughts, a plan took hold.
Two weeks from the day of those winding thoughts, Kazahan had prepared for his journey to the edges of an Ysanna tribal lands on the far side of the mountain range the Gossam in exile called home. Gossam scouts and traders had reported that a large and prosperous people had made their homes in the hills along the coast. They had made contact, but the people were wary; word had spread of the Jedi and Gossam being expansionist and honourless conquerors.
Normally, Kazahan was only sent to map and scout out the lands surrounding the Jedi's sanctuary; despite full scans from orbit, some areas still were dangerously irradiated or unhealthy for life, and physical markers needed to be placed, flora and fauna needed to be documented, and possible enemies and allies needed to be discovered before they introduced themselves without warning. But if Kazahan were to come across any of this tribe, he wanted to be sure that someone much better at diplomacy than he was there to take control of the mission. He still remembered his near death at the hands of a still at large Ysanna war party; how they had evaded Morgan and his considerable abilities, the Trianii was not sure; but he did not take chances anymore.
He knew exactly who would work perfectly for this: why none other than Master Laran!
A thought occurred to Kazahan: he hoped Draiya was not there. She was of the habit of challenging Kazahan to various tasks, and he was loath to turn them down. But then, Draiya might be able to tell him where the Master was. He'd searched for a whole five minutes without finding her!
Serena Laran
Nov 4th, 2015, 02:51:23 PM
It was early morning and Serena was enjoying a cup of caf outside her cabin. She'd already spent some time in her garden, and was having a little meditative rest as the rest of the camp - no, village - woke up. She felt his presence before she saw him, the big Trianii padawan of Solomon's. Kazahan was a unique individual, to say the least.
Most considered him childlike and playful, because of his species' trouble with metaphors. He did have a joyful spirit, she allowed, but there were hidden depths to the Trianii. It appeared she was to have a chance to spend more time with him. The Force whispered the possibilities of the next week, and she sipped her caf as he came into view.
"Good morning, Kazahan." She called to him as she set down her mug on her outdoor table. "You look prepared for a hike."
Nov 5th, 2015, 04:25:46 PM
"Ah! Master Laran!" Kazahan said, perking up noticeably. His tail lashed the air behind him in a slow, undulating movement followed by a quick whip in the other direction. "That's because this one is prepared for a hike."
Kazahan stopped right before the Jedi Master and bowed perfunctorily, his mind too busy going over the details of what he was going to say to concentrate on maintaining proper decorum.
"Kazahan is being sent to scout out the mountain ranges on the far side of Mi... mirru... mriiouu... of the Gossam settlement. There is a large tribe of Ysanna there and they might be hostile, but the Gossam are not sure."
Serena Laran
Nov 16th, 2015, 09:09:09 PM
"Sounds like an important mission," Serena agreed. "Making contact with a new tribe of Ysanna is not to be taken lightly. Or are you just planning on observing them?"
She sipped her caf again.
Nov 25th, 2015, 08:57:04 PM
"Contact is preferred," Kazahan answered simply. "And this one would not be a good choice for such a task. Trianii is not of a rank to represent the Jedi Order, no? Thus Kazahan is here to ask for your aid in this mission."
Serena Laran
Dec 4th, 2015, 12:56:26 PM
"Then I had better pack," she said. "A return to nature would do me well, I think."
Twenty minutes later Serena had her pack filled with what she might need, her caf cup rinsed out and set by the sink, and had sent off a messenger droid to her padawans, Solomon, and to Zem. They would know where she was and that she wouldn't be back for a few days, maybe a week or two. A small multi-purpose droid ( was tucked into her pack as well, powered off for now. She emerged from her cabin and closed it up securely behind her.
"Lead the way," she said with a smile.
Jan 14th, 2016, 06:50:49 PM
"This one does so gladly," Kazahan replied, turning and leading her out into the direction of the Gossam settlement.
Sanctuary was bustling; Kazahan was supremely interested in the society that was beginning to form around the Jedi in this world: a mix of frontiersmen, explorers, and others not too eager to centralise into a single entity; the Alliance and Cizerack people whose verve for organization and a well defined hierarchy spurred building and the development of a bureaucracy; and the Jedi themselves inhabiting an awkward middle ground between the two. The reconstituted Order needed space to remake itself, but it needed cohesiveness and a well developed power structure so that its growth followed its principles and did not spiral out of control into something else.
The towering Trianii glanced over at the human that walked beside him, his thoughts branching off into dreamy suppositions of what he would do to fostering the growth of the Jedi, to Solomon's teachings, and then back to Master Laran.
"This one admits some trepidation in speaking and travelling with you," he said finally. "Your experience and the tales of your adventures are intimidating."
Serena Laran
Jan 15th, 2016, 01:50:20 PM
They were leaving the settlement behind, the dirt road that led toward the Gossam settlement stretching out ahead of them. Serena looked up at Kazahan, smiling slightly as he spoke. "I am only a human," she said, the smile twisting a bit. "And my adventures have probably been exaggerated by those who retell them. Please don't feel like you must hold back from talking with me. I would enjoy some conversation."
She adjusted her pack a little, and took a deep breath of fresh air, stretching her long legs as they traveled on. "How is your training going with Solomon?"
Jan 18th, 2016, 08:05:07 PM
Kazahan slumped slightly.
"This one is still having trouble with a lightsaber. Progress has been made, but until a comfortable fit has been found, my skill cannot progress. Solomon is working past his discomfort with his arm. Is it not fascinating, to attach a limb and have it work?"
Kazahan's depression melted away like dew under sunlight; he stood taller and his gait became more animated.
"But this one is getting better at willing movement and sensing the currents of the Force on a regular basis. Do not tell anyone," here Kazahan's voice dipped into his version of a whisper, which was in fact simply just under speaking volume, "but things became much easier once Kazahan simply thought of the Force like magic. Solomon is using song and singing to teach this one how to breathe in and out while focusing on the Force. It is ingenious, no?"
Serena Laran
Jan 24th, 2016, 01:26:56 PM
"Sounds much like Padawan Ndonsa," Serena agreed. "She learned of the Force initially as magic, and has many vocal chants she uses to help focus her concentration. There is no one right way to teach the Force, and I am pleased Solomon has found something that is helping you understand."
She hesitated, then added, "What sort of weapons are you used to, if you are? Cannot a lightsaber be constructed to fit your height and hands?"
May 29th, 2016, 10:37:43 AM
"Trianii is used to blasters," Kazahan answered absently, his eyes fixed on a bee bumbling along a distance away. "Spears, staves — or is the term staffs? Basic can be confusing — and swords, but since this one is much larger than most others the weight and balance of most weapons is easy to misjudge. Perhaps it is as simple as an enlarged and weighted hilt. Or perhaps it is a style that is as yet unknown to the Jedi. It does not help that lightsabers are a complete mystery to Kazahan. Something does not seem to work when this one concentrates on the lightsaber."
Serena Laran
May 30th, 2016, 09:04:57 PM
"Perhaps with more time and practice, the way will become clear. Experimenting with different sort of hilts will probably help you figure out what will work best." The trees around them were dropping away as the path curled up the foothills of the mountain they would be crossing that day. "Experience with a sword does not always mean one will be good with a lightsaber. Finding a hilt with the right balance is very important - and if one does not have the expertise themselves to balance one for their needs, then..." Her voice trailed off as she thought.
"Perhaps we can bring this issue to Master Wei, and he can help craft a training saber for you to use."
Jun 7th, 2016, 10:27:03 PM
"Kazahan has already put many many hours into practising," the massive Trianii grumbled quietly to himself, before continuing more loudly, "Perhaps that will do."
It was clear that Kazahan was humoring Master Laran, and did not quite believe Master Wei could do anything for him.
The day was warm, and the sunlight fell thick along the road out of Sanctuary. The burgeoning town was beginning to recede in the distance; even despite the time they'd been walking and their longer strides, it was only somewhat smaller in the distance.
"Ho there!" a voice called, causing Kazahan to stop. A flatbed speeder loaded down with boxes in its low-walled bed was pulling up from behind them, a Gossam behind the controls and a smiling human next to him. "Ah, Masters Jedi. A pleasure. Out for a walk, simply taking the day in? Or would you happen to be heading to the Misty Mountain? Jiubei here was adamant we hire some guards, but guards cost money, and we're running late as it is. Perhaps you could be so good as to accept our offer of transportation if that is where you are going?"
Serena Laran
Jun 9th, 2016, 12:32:48 PM
Serena could feel Kazahan's frustration, but there was little enough she could do for him except trust that Solomon was sussing out the correct path for his padawan. He knew more of the Trianii padawan than she did, though Kazahan's feelings on the matter could easily lead him down a wrong path, were they not assuaged.
She turned to face the speeder as it pulled up, shading her eyes a little from the sun. "We are indeed heading up the mountain, goodsirs. A ride would take time off our journey, and so I accept - if that is agreeable to you, Kazahan?" Serena looked at the Trianii, trying to read his alien, feline face.
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