View Full Version : Tea and Sympathy
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 11th, 2015, 11:35:45 PM
Madame Kalleeiha Maillanaarro eased her way into the turbolift, opening her hand fan to counteract the close air within. Stuffy things, lifts. The Empire certainly didn't take that consideration into account when they constructed this station. Or much anything else for that matter. The angles were so brutal, the colors offputting. Everything cool and clinical like a slaughterhouse or a mortuary.
Still, when on Coruscant as it were. It didn't mean that the good Madame had to demean herself with an austere wardrobe to accomodate the alien aesthetics. No, she was in the hospitality business, and part of being hospitable was looking the part. Warm hues, exquisite raiments, finery. She was everything that Jovan was not. Well, that Jovan was not yet, at least. The station was still changeable, pliant putty in her hands. She simply needed to knead it - coax it into position.
Hmm, now to figure this damned lift out. Madame Maillanaarro bent down at the array of buttons, each representing a level accessible to her. Ah, there. Right at the top. Command Deck. She tapped it with a smile, and just before the lift closed, another person stepped aboard. Human female. Some kind of uniform, looked foreign. Suddenly conscious of the shared space, the good Madame shifted to the right, mindful not to swish her tail like she owned the whole space.
"Good dajy, mm?"
The turbolift hummed in near-quiet operation, and Maillanaarro yearned to fill it with conversation. It was her profession, after all.
"Mmhm." The woman responded in affirmative. Or was that a grunt? Was a response without vowels a response at all.
Kalleeiha glanced sidelong to see if there was any change in demeanor. As stiff as a mannequin. Well then! The good Madame adjusted her hair in the idle time.
"Gojing to the Command deck too, jI ssee."
Like blood from a stone. The Madame fanned herself again, suddenly wishing for a fellow passenger with personality. After a few more awkward seconds, the lift feathered it's deceleration as they reached the apex. The lift doors opened, and the human female quickly exited before...
"Have a wonderrful dajy!" Maillanaarro called out brightly with a smile that went unrequited by the back of the departing woman's head. Her smile dissipated, and the Madame muttered behind her hand fan "...forrda ssavage."
Nevermind her. She wasn't here to chat up common people. Not today. No, the object of her hospitality was decidedly uncommon. With resolve in her pace, the portly Cizerack exited the lift, strolling past the array of uniformed officers. Hello and Ja irra were dispensed when appropriate, until she arrived at the threshold of Commander Kes Akiena's office door. And through the glass, she could clearly see he was inside.
She tapped the chime.
Kes Akiena
Oct 11th, 2015, 11:56:07 PM
"No. No no no. I don't care if you're worried about some sort of extra tariff. We need those supplies-"
The sound of a chime interrupted his conversation, and Kes looked up briefly from the translucent holo on his desk to peer at the body on the other side of his door. He blinked, then sent his eyes back to the object of his ire.
"I've got to go."
"Don't expect much, Akiena... "
"You're pushing your luck, Izekk."
"I ain't pushing anything, I'm just telling you the truth."
"Get off it," his hand came out to swiftly cut off the transmission, and Kes leaned back in his seat as the holo dissipated into nothingness.
A long breath, and the redhead finally looked back up, letting a deceptively easy smile fall upon his features as his arm lifted up to gesture that his guest enter his office. Whatever in the world she was doing here he had no idea, and a brief moment of worry flashed through the back of his mind. Had there been some sort of merchant's dispute that would need mediation? Or perhaps one of her patrons had seen fit to bring some sort of questionable business practice suite against her? The possible reasons for Madame Maillanaarro's presence were limitless.
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 12th, 2015, 12:16:23 AM
The Madame spread her thick arms wide in generous greeting, a glowing smile on her face as she passed the threshold towards his desk.
"Ja irra korra'nai! Arre jyou jin good health?"
He hadn't risen from his seat in greeting. Was that not a human custom? It made a greeting embrace...difficult. Kalleeiha reluctantly lowered her expecting hands to clasp around her middle. A gracious smile would have to do.
Kes Akiena
Oct 12th, 2015, 12:23:34 AM
Though he'd not initially risen, Kes at least made a show now, to stand from his seat. He still felt stiff, his body painfully wailing in silence at his attempts at movement. Still he pressed on, the genial smile on his face never leaving even as he skirted his desk.
"I'm in good health, Madame. My thanks."
He did make sure, at least, to keep a respectful distance from the woman.
"And you?" in an attempt to maintain a small amount of casual behavior, he let his hands bury themselves in the front pockets of his uniform trousers.
"I hope that the repairs to your establishment are coming along at a pace you're satisfied with?"
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 12th, 2015, 12:50:52 AM
"Nothjing a glazjierr and a few pajinterrss can't handle." she dismissed with a haughty wave. "jI beljieve thejirr chojice grraffjitji forr me wass Bourrgeojiss Collaborratorr."
Maillanaarro pursed her lips a bit and smiled.
"jI've been called farr worrsse."
But alas, he was deflecting. The good Madame began the casual/intentional act of circumnavigating Akiena's desk, her fingers running along the polished wood periphery. It was a beautiful species of barrier.
"But enough of that. jI'm not herre to whjinge at ssecurrjitjy orr to wheedle extrra amenjitjiess frrom mjy grracjiouss hosst. Good mannerrss arre a two-wajy converrssatjion, Commanderr, and jI adorre the arrt of jit."
Kes Akiena
Oct 12th, 2015, 01:04:51 AM
"Is that so?"
She approached, and to his credit he remained... mostly steadfast. Still though, in the face of her advancement, Kes couldn't help but retreat in some fashion. He back away, back around the way he'd come as she ran her fingers along the edge of his desk.
Making himself seem somewhat useful, the Commander gave her a gracious nod before finally pulling a hand out, and gesturing to the chairs that rested in front of his desk.
"Then sit, I insist."
He hoped that she would. For his part, he - as gracefully as he could manage - reclaimed his own seat.
"Now. What can I do for you?"
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 12th, 2015, 01:41:59 AM
Clever maneuvering and repositioning. He danced a very military sort of dance, didn't he? With reluctance, Kalleeiha took the seat offered to her, hitching up the hem of her dress slightly as she wedged into the confining space with her tail escaping under one of the arm rests.
What can I do for you?
She blinked at his question, as if the answer well and truly should be under his nose, because it should.
"jI ssent jyou a messsage, djidn't jI? No, jI ssent jyou thrree, jI beljieve." she corrected with an assured smile.
"Ssjince jI neverr hearrd back, jI fjigurred we'd rreached the ljimjitss of good converssatjion bjy electrronjic meanss, and came to ssee jyou jin perrsson."
Kes Akiena
Oct 12th, 2015, 01:54:10 AM
For the second time in too short of a span of time, Kes entertained the thought of the escape hatch in his office.
Instead he pushed forward, intending to meet this particular matter head on.
"Well, as you can imagine, I've been a bit... busy."
It was the nicest way he could think of to recall the more recent unfortunate events that'd befallen Jovan. She had one fire to quell; he had so many more.
Of course, her messages had been sent before the attack, but he ignored that technicality.
"My apologies for never being able to return word," he clasped his hands together, leaned forward, and rested his forearms on the glossed surface of his desk.
"But you are here now, and we can certainly discuss whatever you wished to discuss here."
In the safety of my office.
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 12th, 2015, 02:23:31 AM
"jYou can rresspond to mjy jinvjitatjion herre," She corrected with a patient measure to her voice "but therre arre naturral ljimjitss to the benefjit of prroperr djisscussjion jin the offjice wherre jyou worrk. The tenssjion, the sstrresss, jit'ss a parrt of the backgrround rradjiatjion."
With an authoritative nod, Kalleeiha leveled her steepled chubby index fingers in the Commander's direction.
"Tea would benefjit jyou. jIt would ljiberrate jyou jin wajyss jyou neverr underrsstand untjil jyou do."
The way he shifted in his seat, was that discomfort. At the mere invocation of the word?
"Do jyou know of ourr cusstom?"
Kes Akiena
Oct 12th, 2015, 11:20:33 AM
"I've been informed," came the nearly grimaced answer.
His features became a strange mixture of amiable and iron. He truly had no wish for tea of the Cizerack variety. Or rather, of the Madame's variety at least. Whatever concoction that T'yeellaa had brought him during the brief time he'd been displaced from his quarters was enjoyable, and he'd managed to get the recipe for it. But he had limits. He also had a great many eyes watching him. Being demoted upwards was a hell of a first, and it meant the level of scrutiny he now found himself upon to be that much more frustrating. And, to be perfectly honest, a healthy shade of nerve-racking.
"Madame Maillanaarro, I'm afraid that tea is the absolute last thing I need right now."
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 12th, 2015, 12:57:47 PM
"Arre humanss naturralljy sso guarrded, orr jiss that less the cusstom and morre the man jin frront of me?"
The Madam gave a deep sigh, shifting a bit in her seat. A rather uncomfortable piece of furniture that looked not-dissimilar from the one in which Akiena presently inhabited. No, that was the end of it, and the Madam discarded her uncomfortable perch as she rose.
"Sstand up."
Kes Akiena
Oct 12th, 2015, 11:28:23 PM
"Ah, no Ma'am."
He was as firm as he could be, his brow furrowing as he watched her rise up from her seat.
"I've enough to do right now as it is."
Kes didn't move a muscle, his arms still resting on his desk, and his fingers still laced together.
"If you've issue with official matters in regards to your business," he stopped just short of including 'and not me', then went on.
"... I would be more than willing to help in any way that I can. But if not, I'd recommend you return to your shop."
And find another victim.
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 13th, 2015, 12:43:29 AM
"Pah!" The Madame dismissed with a wave of a hand. "jI am cerrtajin a Commanderr of jyourr sskjill and experrjience knowss the arrt of delegatjion. Even a humble sshopkeep ssuch asss mjysself musst at tjimess hand off some ljittle tassk to an emplojyee. That dourr-faced K'ohta'rrou, jI'm cerrtajin sshe would be able to handle whateverr trrjivjium hass jyourr bodjy sso tensse."
Couldn't he feel the strain in his neck? His limbs? He seemed as taut as a steel cable. Again, Maillanaarro gestured in a beckoning way for him to join her on his feet.
"Mjy bussjinesss jiss the communjitjy, Commanderr. jYou arre the communjitjy leaderr. Gjive me fjifteen mjinutess of jyourr tjime, and jif jyou arre no betterr at the end of thosse fjifteen mjinutess than when jyou began..."
Kalleeiha laced her fingers together over her belly, deferring a gracious nod.
"...then jI wjill darrken jyourr doorrwajy no morre."
Kes Akiena
Oct 13th, 2015, 12:41:41 PM
He blinked then, leaning back in his seat as he continued to stare up at her. Her offer was gracious - or at least he suspected that in her particular terms it was as such. But his kneejerk reaction to what he now perceived was also not to be ignored. T'yeellaa's comments from before, about his need to assert dominance and not look as though he was simply some bauble or bit of decoration came flooding back. A moment later, he smiled.
"Fifteen minutes."
He would deal with this mis-translation the old way.
One finger came up, the genuine smile on his face still present.
"But. After my duties for the day are finished."
Kes made a conciliatory gesture.
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 13th, 2015, 11:12:58 PM
Two could play at stipulations. Kalleeiha's tail looped wide as she pondered his offer.
"When jyourr worrk jiss done, jojin me jin mjy parrlorr. We arre sstjill clossed to the publjic forr the lasst of the rrenovatjionss, but jI wjill hosst jyou prrjivateljy."
She paused, raising her eyebrows in consideration.
"And anjy guesstss jyou wjissh to accompanjy, of courrsse. Tea jiss what jyou make of jit, jyou wjill fjind. Brrjing an open mjind, Commanderr."
Kes Akiena
Oct 13th, 2015, 11:45:30 PM
He considered this, eventually giving a slow nod.
"Very well."
One hand came down to rest on the surface of his desk while the other took hold of a datapad that'd been set to the side.
"However, I would ask that you extend to me the same courtesy of an open mind. Yes?"
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 13th, 2015, 11:55:19 PM
Madame Maillanaarro's grin pressed her lips together, giving rise to her full cheeks in a mirthful expression.
"jI wouldn't be verrjy good at what jI do jif jI djidn't."
She turned to exit Akiena's office, casting one last warm glance in his direction before she departed.
Kes Akiena
Oct 14th, 2015, 12:17:18 AM
He watched her leave, a peculiar smile on his face as she stepped out of his office. Another few moments of thought, and the redhead set his eyes downward to the 'pad. Flicking it on, he scrolled through folders until finding the one he wanted, and with a fingertap it opened, revealing a list of names. It was a list that peeled the lingering smile from his features, replacing it with a much more sobering thin-lipped expression.
One name in particular stood out from all the rest. Perhaps due to familiarity? He knew many of the others, but this name...
A sigh, and the Commander reached out to his comm, keying in a number. Eternity seemed to pass before a small click sounded, and the holo sprang to life. In small translucent blue, a woman appeared.
"Hello Tish."
* * *
1922 Hours
The merchant sector was like a flood of construction and cleaning crews, even as the evening hours progessed. Some storefronts had been able to open back up, but many of the larger establishments were still closed. It was a hectic sight to say the least. Even the presence of the station's commander went largely without notice, though a few nodded in his direction as he passed by.
One arm was draped over the shoulders of a demure woman. She looked almost a mess; like she'd not slept. Like she'd been scrambling to make sense of a crashing reality so unexpected. She was also very obviously pregnant. She leaned into the commander as he led her through the crowds of workers and wanderers. He'd asked her to join him, and that he had something for her. Something that she needed.
Stopping at the shuttered doors of Madame Maillanaarro's 'shop', Kes gave an angled look down to his companion.
"This will help."
She didn't answer. Instead, she simply kept her eyes downcast. She nodded.
He said nothing to that, and raising a hand, the redhead gave a soft rap of his knuckles to the closed door.
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 14th, 2015, 12:59:23 AM
A few moments passed, and the rarely-closed door opened. Greeting the pair was one of the Madame's boys, Far'jaanderr. The Meera'in wore only a sarong and a smile as he bowed his head slightly in polite greeting.
"Ja irra korra'nai, Commanderr Akjiena, and?"
His eyes moved to the rather obviously-pregnant female in the Commander's company. Was she a consort? Didn't humans keep multiple wives of some fashion?
Kes Akiena
Oct 14th, 2015, 01:06:23 AM
A returned nod was given to their greeter.
He knew that Tish wouldn't speak up on her own, so Kes introduced her himself.
"Tisha Nellis."
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 14th, 2015, 01:34:25 AM
The name wasn't one Far'jaanderr was familiar with or one he'd been told to expect. Madame's instructions were clear. Any guest of the Commander was permitted to join. The manservant widened the door's opening, standing to let the guests pass.
"Welcome, Rrou Nelljiss. Madame Maillanaarro expectss jyou. Pleasse rremove jyourr sshoess and jI wjill sstow them. Would the Commanderr and Rrou carre forr rrefrresshment?"
Kes Akiena
Oct 14th, 2015, 10:48:24 AM
Kes gave a halfway worried look to Tish, but she seemed more preoccupied with simply staring around her at the interior. Then her eyes moved to the Cizerack. She stayed silent, but there was a hardening in her eyes that was unmistakable, and a single hand came to rest protectively over her belly.
Pausing only for a moment to remove his shoes, Kes knelt to take of Tish's. It would be easier this way. He stood back up.
"Nothing for me, thank you," his eyes went to her, then.
She glared at the Cizerack, but at least she answered, even if her voice took on a low, simmering tone.
"I'm not thirsty."
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 14th, 2015, 11:35:13 AM
Far'jaanderr retrieved their shoes, making note of each guest's declination. His eyes remained on Tish for a moment, noting all their hardness. He averted his eyes in demure politeness.
"Of courrsse, Rrou'a."
He returned his attention to Akiena, and then moved past to draw a curtain to lead into the tea chamber. Seated on a couch was Madame Maillanaarro. At each side was a manservant. One waved a heavy frond, cooling the air and offsetting the steam from the deeply-aromatic hot tub nearby. Another manservant played music on a kiisau, the strings sounding low and gentle in mimicry of the soft motion of the water below.
Maillanaarro rose from her seat, approaching to greet her guests. Far'jaanderr discretely separated himself to whisper in her ear before she dispensed with salutations.
"Commanderr Akjiena, Rrou Nelljiss."
The Madame's countenance was warm, inviting, and as serene as the music that played.
"Thank jyou forr comjing."
Kes Akiena
Oct 14th, 2015, 11:46:48 AM
"Thank you for receiving us," came the response, as Kes let his eyes turn back to Tish. Her body seemed like a tightening string, and he hoped to soothe her as soon as possible. He moved to stand before her, both hands going to grip her shoulders as he let his head angle down. Their foreheads touched.
"Tish," he started in a whisper.
"Why did you bring me here," came the angry, accusing question, not nearly so quiet as his voice.
"Last place I want to be is in a room full of damn 'Racks."
"Tish, hear me out."
She clenched her eyes shut, and breathed in deeply through her nose before letting it out once more. Now both hands went around her middle.
His smile was one of relief.
There was another moment that they stood there, in private-but-not-private conference. Eventually stepping back, Kes turned on his heel to look at the Madame before his gaze swept over the others in the room.
"I think it best," he started carefully as his eyes to the Madame, "... if you were the only one in here."
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 14th, 2015, 12:14:04 PM
Kalleeiha was an artisan in emotion. She had to be everything to everyone, and to know her client's needs even if they went unspoken. Kes had done the speaking on his woman's behalf, and despite the breech of Cizeri decorum in doing so, there was a need in the woman's eyes. Acute pain, and trauma. A moment of vulnerable empathy reacted on the madame's rotund face.
"Pa'rre eih."
The strings of the kiisau stopped. The fronds ceased waving. Far'jaanderr disappeared behind curtains, followed by his colleagues, leaving the Madame alone with her privacy. There, she gestured to her relieved place on the couch, space enough for the couple.
Kes Akiena
Oct 14th, 2015, 12:33:35 PM
Guiding Tish to the couch, Kes let her sit. She seemed to tense, and the Commander was loathe to allow her the chance to stew any longer than she had to in her melange of resentment.
Instead of sitting beside her, Kes crouched in front of her, taking her hands.
"It'll be ok. I promise."
"Tell that to Jacob."
His jaw clenched, and he closed his eyes, head dipping. There was nothing he could say to that.
"That's what I thought."
"Why did you bring me here," came the question again, interrupting whatever he'd hoped to say.
There was a silence, and finally he lifted his head to meet her eyes. So much sorrow mixed with accusation confronted him.
"Because it's what Jacob would want."
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 14th, 2015, 01:02:44 PM
Kalleeiha tended to her own chair, pulling it opposite the two to allow them what she sensed would be an appropriate space. The Madame eased her girth onto her own seat, clasping her hands around her middle as she felt the emotional tension with all discretion.
"Thjiss jiss a ssafe place. jI don't know what hass happened, rrou'a, but jyou'rre mjy guesst. jYou don't have to ssajy anjythjing, but jif jyou want to talk, jI wjill ljissten."
Kes Akiena
Oct 15th, 2015, 12:48:08 AM
At that, Tisha Nellis looked up to the Madame, and the hard edge of her eyes seemed to sharpen. She was a short woman; almost a slip of a thing. Her pregnancy only seemed to enhance that. But there was an energy to her posture that - despite the slumped shoulders - was unable to miss.
Kes moved his hand up, taking gentle hold of her forearm. She almost shrugged him off. Almost. Instead she remained where she sat.
"Just like this station was supposed to be safe?"
There was a bit more of a firm tone lacing his voice now, and the redhead sent a cautionary look to her. He remained crouched before her.
She looked down to him, her eyes staring through him.
Her lips parted, her next words nothing but a whisper.
"We were going to be a family. A family on a station that was supposed to be safe... "
"I know."
"We came with you because we wanted to. Because you and Jacob had served together for so long."
"I know." his own voice was now a degree lower. He went on.
"I can't change what happened, Tish. You know I can't. But that doesn't mean I can't try to help what comes after."
"By bringing me to some 'Rack brothel?"
"It's more than that."
"Then what is it."
At that, Kes gave pause. He pivoted slightly to afford a sideways look to the Madame.
"It's... a place to heal."
I hope.
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 15th, 2015, 11:08:11 PM
It became clear to Kalleeiha that Rrou Nellis had lost her husband in the attack. The Madame's ears fell in sympathetic attitude, and she let the two humans speak. Tish spoke out of hurt, and Maillanaarro didn't rise to defend herself even when maligned. She let Tish's words ooze with the pain and emotion. Only at the end did she venture.
"jI grrjieve wjith jyourr losss, rrou'a. jI won't cheapen jyourr pajin to prressume that jI underrstand jit'ss jintenssjitjy. No one ssufferrss aljike. jI can ssee that jyou love hjim verrrjy much."
Kes Akiena
Oct 16th, 2015, 12:19:35 AM
She looked up from Kes, meeting the Madam'es eyes with her own.
"My husband was on the command deck when your people came-"
"Mrs. Maillanaarro isn't- "
Kes' interruption was itself, interrupted.
"They're her people. They have the same blood. And I know for a fact that she's got claws just like those that-"
"Tisha, stop." The steel in his tone was an unmistakable warning now.
Tisha Nellis did not stop, though her words dropped to an accusing whisper.
"... just like the claws that tore open Jacob's throat."
She held the Madame's gaze for only a moment longer before her own features twisted, her brow knitting as she doggedly fought back tears. She shook off Kes' grip on her arm, bringing both hands up to bury her face in her palms as her shoulders shook in silent sobs.
In the face of it all, he felt helpless, and the redhead let his hand fall away.
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 16th, 2015, 12:42:19 AM
Kalleeiha raised a staying hand towards the Commander, as if to say let it be. Let her have an outlet for her grief and anger here, where it couldn't latch onto anyone else. For a few moments, the only sounds were of Tish's crying. The Madame pulled a silk handkerchief from her mantle, and placed it discretely within reach of the grieving widow, should she choose to make use of it.
"Mjy fjirrsst hussband wass kjilled bjy a sspeederr. Trraffjic accjident. He wass gojing to marrket jin Hai'rath'ee, jusst ljike anjy otherr dajy. A lorrjy came arround a bljind turrn, and he wass jin the crrossswalk."
Kalleeiha spoke about it in a matter-of-fact way, letting her even voice carry the void.
"jIt wass an accjident. Thejy ssajid therre would have been no wajy forr the drrjiverr to have sseen hjim and sstop jin tjime."
Madame Maillanaarro turned her hands over on themselves as they rested on her middle. Her tail rose and fell with her careful breath, but the conflict began to creep into the older woman's face.
"jI hated that woman forr sso long. jI hated herr hussbandss forr bejing aljive. jI hated herr chjildrren. jI hated herr forr not takjing herr fajirr ssharre of the horrorr that happensstance jinfljicted on me that dajy."
She nodded along at the thought, closing her eyes in the opening of an ancient wound.
"Fjive jyearrss laterr, mjy ssecond hussband got cancerr. The doctorrss ssajid jit wass trreatable, sso we sstarrted rrjight awajy. Fjirrsst the rradjiatjion. Then the chem and gene therrapjy. All nearr mjisssess. Almosst to rremjisssjion, but neverr qujite. On ourr weddjing njight, he carrjied me jin hjiss arrmss and lajid me down, he wass sstrrong and prroud. Two yearrss jinto cancerr, and jI could carrjy hjim to hjiss bed mjysself. jIt rrobbed hjim of hjiss bodjy. Of hjiss djignjitjy. Fjinalljy, hjiss ljife."
Kalleeiha's face twisted in painful recollection, but she stayed the water from her eyes, keeping her voice as even as it had been all along.
"Forr that, jI hated the Goddesss. jI hated the verrjy unjiverrse that could make me go thrrough jit all agajin. But morre than that, jI hated mjysself forr bejing sso usselesss, sso currssed, asss jif mjy love and affectjion had drrjipped jinto thejirr vejinss ljike pojisson to do the deed."
Kes Akiena
Oct 16th, 2015, 12:05:54 PM
Halfway through the Madame's telling, Tish had looked up. Her hands had fallen back to her lap, though every so often a finger lifted to wipe away the occasional stubborn and offending tear. She seemed to be composed once more. Or near enough to it.
An inward sigh, and Kes somewhat rocked back on his heels, allowing Mrs. Maillanaarro to take over. He'd done all that he could do after the initial, terrible act of actually telling Tish about her husband's death. He'd not sent a letter. His friendship with Jacob Nellis was more than that, and Tisha deserved more than a damn letter. It had not made seeing her face any easier. It had not made saying those terrible words any less difficult. But it was what was right.
He was composed as he eased himself back. Away and to a periphery that would give him space. Give Tish space. And... give Mrs. Maillanaarro space.
He let his eyes pass to the Madame for a moment only, at this reveal of her own past.
Kes eased himself to fully sit upon the plush carpet. Or rug? It didn't matter. It was comfortable enough, and Jovan's Commander was glad for the chance to simply... sit.
His gaze returned to Tish, who's eyes were still on the Madame's. Now though, the hard edge was dulling. She took many long breaths, digesting what the Madame had divulged to her. Was it even true? Or was it some sort of litany meant to placate? She gave a sniff, then eventually reached out to the handkerchief that Mrs. Maillanaarro had left her. She brought it to her lap, the fingers of both hands twisting into the smooth fabric.
Eventually, Tish looked down at her hands. She let her eyes close, then open once more.
"What did you do," she finally whispered.
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 16th, 2015, 10:39:12 PM
"jI ssurrvjived."
Kalleeiha looked away for a moment, a heavy blink in her eyes, before returning her attention back to Tish. She paused, took a deep breath, and nodded to keep her surfacing memories from usurping her.
"Becausse jin the end, that'ss what we have to do. We onljy get one sshot at ljife. One chance. And that'ss a chance betterr sserrved bjy ljivjing. jIt took me a whjile to let the hate go, but jI knew that jI wass onljy hurrtjing mjysself. And jyou know, jyou'll have enough hurrt on jyourr sshoulderrs wjithout jit."
The Madame looked at Tish's fragile state, seeing her dancing on the knife's edge. She offered the smallest smile, a faint assurance of her experience. Not a consolation, but a means of shared support.
"jI want to tell jyou that jit wjill all be okajy, Rrou Nelljiss, and that jyou'll grrow out of the pajin. But jyou won't. jYou'll carrrjy that hurrt wjith jyou forr the rresst of jyourr ljife. jIt majy djimjinjissh, and jyou'll have good dajyss, but jit wjill alwajyss be therre."
Kes Akiena
Oct 17th, 2015, 12:45:37 AM
For a small amount of time, Tish said nothing. She only stared at Mrs. Maillanaarrro. And then she broke the gaze, looking down at her swollen middle before closing her eyes tightly.
Kes held himself back, fighting against the initial urge to lean forward and try to comfort her. Instead, his gaze went to the Madame. Bridges needed to be rebuilt, and if the joining of the Pride and the Alliance was to survive, it would survive on the actions of the people. His unspoken request was more than obvious.
She needs comfort that I can't give.
Only the Madame - with her simple act of being present - could help.
Earlier in the day, she had told him that her business was the community. And whether she'd expected this outcome or not, he was bringing the community to her in perhaps a different way than she'd thought. But it was necessary. It was far beyond essential; it was the linchpin upon which the survival of this partnership would survive.
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 17th, 2015, 04:00:20 PM
Kalleeiha eased a hand to Tish's knee, closing the distance for touch to say what words might not.
"jYou'rre gojing to be a motherr. jYou'll have a jojy ssoon that otherrss don't experrjience, and a chjild who hass a motherr to look up to. Cherrjissh what jyou have. Cherrjissh jyourr hussband'ss memorrjy. Let hjim take awajy the hurrt when jyou ssee hjiss face, and tell jyourr cub all about the man he wass, sso he ljivess jin thejirr hearrt too."
Kes Akiena
Oct 18th, 2015, 10:14:30 PM
Tish looked at the hand on her knee, and it was easy to see her wrestling with her feelings. Her features seemed caught in a struggle, as though she wanted to shrug away the comforting hand, yet take it and grab a hold as though it was a lifeline. In the end, she couldn't decide, and simply brought the handkerchief up to wipe another tear away.
"How am I supposed to do this alone... "
Kes bowed his head at the honest desperation she spoke with. His eyes closed.
"Jacob's pension will be enough to live on, even with a little one- "
"No, you idiot," with more force than she perhaps meant to inject into her words, Tish cut him off. "What am I supposed to say when asked why my baby's father doesn't come home at the end of the day like the others."
Again he fell silent. He'd never been one for comforting the grief-stricken, and in this moment, his inabilities shone like a bright star in a sea of blackness. He could offer condolences, but to say the right things? The things that needed to be said? He was a fish out of water, and utterly helpless. More times than not he'd made situations worse, and eventually the redhead simply did his level best to avoid being in such circumstances.
Now though... he sighed, eyes opening to stare down at the carpet. His voice was quiet, as if he'd been beaten against a wall and made to answer the impossible. Which, to him, was exactly the case.
"I... don't know."
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 18th, 2015, 10:36:52 PM
Kalleeiha didn't have cubs. She'd had plans, certainly. But after tragedy begat tragedy, she'd never taken another mate. Never found it in her to try and put back what had been taken. It would be different, but never the same. Tish's concerns as a mother were burdens she hadn't faced. It was just another facet at how hard this was going to be on the woman, and how little Madame Maillanaarro could do to salve it.
"jYou have tjime to conssjiderr that, Rrou Nelljiss. Tjime forr the chjild to grrow and hearr jyourr vojice. jYourr vojice jiss all thejy wjill have to tell jyourr cub who thejirr fatherr wass..."
She shook her head in solemnity.
"...not how he djied. Don't let that awful moment defjine hjim, forr the babjy orr forr jyou. Whateverr desspjicable perrsson djid thjiss, thejy can neverr take that awajy frrom jyou. Don't everr let anjyone."
Kes Akiena
Oct 18th, 2015, 10:50:49 PM
Kes dearly hoped that Tish would listen. Mrs. Maillanaarro's words were much better at helping to soothe than his helpless verbal flailing. And in truthfulness, the Commander wanted to simply skulk away. He wanted to be alone with a glass of Chandrilan scotch, in his quarters with the lights off, looking out the expansive window to the stars. The cold, cold stars.
But for now he could not. His duty was to Tish, and to bring her to a place that was quiet, personal, and healing.
So far, the Madame had provided just that.
For her part, Tish listened. Almost eagerly, even. She nodded solemnly at the Madame's words, giving a sniff as she considered the advice given.
"I think... "
Her lidded gaze went to Kes, then back to Mrs. Maillanaarro.
"I'm thirsty... "
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 18th, 2015, 11:07:14 PM
Careful to not introduce an unknown quantity into these delicate times, the Madame didn't call on her men to bring something for the widow Nellis. Instead, she looked to Kes with a soft expression.
"Commanderr, can jyou go to the back and assk Far'jaanderr forr ssome si'enda tai?"
Kes Akiena
Oct 18th, 2015, 11:25:02 PM
Glad for something to do, Kes nodded silently as he moved to stand. His body creaked in protest, but other then a light exhalation, he gave no indication. A final look to Tish, and he started for the doorway that the Madame's men had gone. Passing through, the redhead blinked in slight confusion, looking about for Far'jaanderr.
He found him a small way further back, tending to whatever it was the Madame's men tended to. It wasn't anything that Kes found a desire to understand. His voice was quiet though, after an initial cough to gain the Cizerack's attention.
"I'm supposed to bring si'enda tai... "
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 19th, 2015, 12:05:51 AM
Far'jaanderr was affable and discrete, keeping his voice down to not disturb the occupants in the main chamber. He nodded, placing a hand on the Commander's shoulder.
"jI underrsstand. jI'll get jit forr jyou."
The Meera'in paused, noting the obvious signs of slow-burning stress and emotional exhaustion on Akiena's face.
"Can jI offerr ssomethjing to jyou asss well?"
* * *
With Kes vacating his seat at Tish's side, Kalleeiha took the initiative to rise from her own seat, and take the place adjacent to the widow. Again, she placed a hand on the woman's knee, patting gently. For moments, she said nothing, but at last, she looked to the human.
"jI know jI offerr jyou ljittle, Rrou Nelljiss, but what jI have jiss jyourrss. Even asss ljittle asss a hug. Ssometjimess that helpss."
Kes Akiena
Oct 19th, 2015, 12:20:02 AM
"No, no thanks."
Kes gave a shake of his head, a hand going up to wave off the question. He paused in thought though, as something occurred to him.
"You... wouldn't happen to have any Chandrilan scotch, would you... ?"
* * *
Tish let her eyes rise to meet the Madame's, and she felt her resolve crumbling once more. Delicate features twisted in internal pain, as fresh tears welled up to overtake her vision. Tisha Nellis felt her heart breaking all over again, and she slightly leaned in to Mrs. Maillanaarro.
"It hurts so bad," was all she could quietly sob.
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 25th, 2015, 11:37:36 AM
Far'jaanderr turned to the bar, looking through their selection. Mostly it was situated for domestic clients, but he managed to find a neglected bottle toward the back. He examined the label, noting that it said scotch, but the origin was all wrong.
"We have sscotch frrom Kuat, Commanderr. jIss thjiss acceptable?"
He still had the widow Nellis's drink to tend to, so the Meera'in simply placed a bottle and a glass on the counter for Akiena to dispense in the manner of his choosing as he began to prepare a heated concoction from a kettle on a hot plate.
* * *
"Come, come..."
Kalleeiha invited Tish into embrace, draping an arm over her shoulder to bring her in close.
"jIt'ss okajy to crrjy. jIt'ss okajy."
The Madame patted a soft hand on her back, taking in all of Tish's grief so it wouldn't build within.
Kes Akiena
Oct 25th, 2015, 08:44:56 PM
"I don't know where to go... I don't know what to do... "
Tish spoke through her sobs as she was pulled into the Madame's embrace. Oddly enough, it was comforting, and she felt a strange sort of safety in it.
"If I stay here... "
It didn't need to be said, the conflict in her words. If she stayed on Jovan, was it a form of torture, or was it something that would honor her late husband?
* * *
Kes had nodded at the offering. Kuat was just as good, and as Far'jaanderr set the glass and bottle in front of him, the redhead instinctively leaned up again the bar, idly examining the label as he removed the stopper. He poured a level of amber liquid into the glass. The stopper was replaced as the bottle set back down, and Kes stared at what he'd allowed himself.
A moment of silent contemplation, and he plucked the glass up, bringing it to his lips for a sip.
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 25th, 2015, 09:18:20 PM
Kalleeiha's hands ran up to the back of Tish's hair, resting there as if to cradle her. She closed her eyes, and nodded at the human's words.
"jYou won't fjind the ansswerrss to that todajy. Majybe not even tomorrow. Don't hassten jyourr hearrt to ljissten and avojid hearrjing what jyou sshould. jI know jit'ss pajinful to thjink about sstajyjing, but the Commanderr carress about jyou a grreat deal. jI can ssee that plajinljy."
Kes Akiena
Oct 28th, 2015, 12:27:58 AM
Tish said nothing as she cried silently, her eyes shut tight even as the tears fell down her cheeks. Finally, her voice returned.
"He and Jacob are... " she paused as reality once more reared its' ugly head.
"... were. They... they were old friends."
Presently she pulled away.
"They fought together against the Empire. I didn't meet either of them until Endor. Kes introduced us."
Her hand came up then, a thumb and forefinger pressing into the inner corners of her eyes even as she gave a small laugh.
"I hated Jacob when I first met him."
* * *
He was halfway through his first small portion, choosing to nurse it slowly, and Kes watched Far'jaanderr as the Cizerack continued to brew tea. Eventually, he spoke up, voicing a question to fill the quiet void.
"Have you been with Mrs. Maillanaarro for very long?"
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 28th, 2015, 10:59:29 AM
Kalleeiha smiled beyond Tish's sight as she recalled her first time meeting her husband. It was always funny to her how that happened. There was always a reaction. Sometimes it was a certain spark of love. Sometimes, that special someone irritated the hell out of you, and you didn't know how badly you'd been smitten until it was too late.
"jYou djid?" The Madam's embracing hand eased from the back of her head back down to her shoulder, still a comforting presence. "What changed?"
The more Tish told the story, the more her husband never truly died. This was healing.
* * *
Adding a shot of frothy, steamed cream to the cup, Far'jaanderr went about his task with professional resolve.
"Forr about two jyearrss. jI wass wjith Madame on the homeworrld. jIt'ss honesst worrk, and sshe trreatss me ljike a sson."
Kes Akiena
Oct 29th, 2015, 11:57:25 AM
Kes watched Far'jaanderr for a moment, then set his attentions back to his drink. He took off another thing level.
"Well at least there's that," he idly mused.
More than aware that his words were spoken to fill some notion of empty space than anything else, he went one.
"Must be nice to get out and about. See the galaxy and all."
* * *
Tish seemed to pause as she thought on the question.
"I... don't know. We were arguing about something. A busted comm conduit or something. Nothing really important. It was just convenient to find anything to squabble over. I guess in at the time it was important, but not for the reasons that we expected."
A deep, shaky breath, and Tish sighed as she closed her eyes at the memory.
"I shoved him, and he just... he just came back with a kiss."
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 29th, 2015, 10:58:39 PM
"jIt jiss."
Far'jaanderr brandished a small hermetically-sealed tin, opening it with a hiss as he carefully scooped a quarter spoon full of a pungent brown spice, which was stirred into the steaming concoction.
"And jI make a fajirr wage, whjich jI can ssend home to mjy famjiljy on Syragor. The Madame jiss verrjy kjind."
With the last bit done, the Meera'in retrieved a saucer from the cupboard, placing the teacup on it's base as he slid the drink service to the human.
"Perrhapss jyou wjill allow herr to be kjind to jyou jin turrn?"
* * *
"Kosa," Madame Maillanaarro chortled at the telling, a smile on her face. "the cheek of hjim! Ah, what'ss the ssajyjing? Who darress wjinss?"
It was a lovely anecdote that served to shine a light on the man Nellis was, not the act of violence that became of him. The Madame hoped to coax more of the telling from the widow Nellis in her own time.
"jI love a man wjith fjirre. Let the Hjigh Motherr have all the demurre oness."
Kes Akiena
Oct 30th, 2015, 12:20:57 AM
Tish gave a small smile.
"He was devious, but not in a bad way."
Her features settled on a spot on the far wall as her features fell; not in complete sadness, but more a sorrowful recollection. A deeper acceptance of the cruel hand life had given to her. She let out a long breath, and leaning back into the sofa's cushions, her head fell and her eyes closed.
She was quiet for a short time, simply breathing in and out, letting her hands rest on her swollen midsection. Not so much out of a sense of protection now, it was more a soft-edged feeling.
"He was just right," she finally finished.
* * *
Kes raised a single eyebrow at that.
"It's... "
He looked from the tea to his own glass.
"It's not my way."
Though an abrupt halt, it was the best way that the Commander knew to deflect the prodding question. He afforded more of an explanation as he went on.
"But, if she can help to heal the wounds from the attack, then that is more valuable to me than anything she might think that I need."
Far'jaanderr provided a tray for the tea, and Kes' own glass. There was a moment of hesitation as the redhead moved the bottle itself onto the tray, but it passed in a bare moment.
"I'll not drink it all," he half-laughed while offering a reassuring smile to the Cizerack.
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 31st, 2015, 12:09:11 PM
"Funnjy how that jiss, ne?"
Still maintaining her embrace, though now with a more passive posture, Kalleeiha leaned back slightly on the couch.
"We all have notjionss of who we'll end up wjith, don't we? Ssomeone wjith perrfect lookss and talent who wjill do everrjythjing we want becausse we all ssharre the same jinterresstss. And then love makess foolss out of uss, and we fjind ourrsselvess wjith ssomeone wjith qujirrkss. And thejy'rre sstrrange and even jirrjitatjing and we wonderr whjy we can't sstop thjinkjing about them."
She paused for a bit of silence, patting Tish gently on her shoulder.
"Jusst rrjight. jI can't thjink of a morre beautjiful wajy to desscrrjibe that feeljing."
At that moment, Kes returned from behind the curtain, bringing a tray with Tish's drink, and apparently a tipple for himself. The Madame slowly began to withdraw her arm from around the woman, and prepared to defer her seat to Kes.
Kes Akiena
Oct 31st, 2015, 01:20:11 PM
A quick shake of his head was sent to the Madame as - at the moment - both of his hands were occupied.
Rather than allowing Mrs. Maillanaarro to rise, Kes took the chair that she herself had been previously occupying. The tray was gently set upon an ornately carved side table, and the redhead took up the cup of si'enda tai and leaned forward, holding it out to Tish. She leaned forward as well, taking the offering with a silent nod of thanks. There was a look of uncertainty on her features though, and Kes did his best to assuage any creeping fears that she might've had.
"It's good. I've had it before."
Still that look, and he shrugged in helplessness while settling back into his 'stolen' chair. His own small glass of scotch was momentarily ignored until Tish took of her own drink.
She looked to the Madame then, and back to Kes before finally lifting the cup to her lips and taking a cautious first sip. She swallowed, eyes suddenly widening just a bit as they turned to the Madame.
"It's good," came the whisper of appreciation.
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Oct 31st, 2015, 01:27:39 PM
"Mjy fatherr would make jit forr me. jIt passsess a rrajinjy dajy, and helpss when jyou'rre not feeljing well."
No matter the reason. The Madame allowed a moment to pass as Tish took solace in her si'enda tai, a look across to Kes with an appreciative smile at his discrete helpfulness.
Kes Akiena
Oct 31st, 2015, 01:56:39 PM
Ever the gentleman, Kes made a helpless face as he plucked the glass of scotch up and held it out to the Madame if she so desired to partake. They'd have to share, as he'd not thought to bring a second glass out with him.
But, in light of the unspoken request for help in soothing the wounds of a woman that he could not help on his own, he figured that such a jointly undertaken endeavor was as good of a crash course as any in the act of sharing.
And, in his own way, it was the smallest, rather more subtle of indications that he truly appreciated the Madame's help. And though he was not exactly keen on whatever Mrs. Maillanaarro might've had in mind the moment she walked into his office, his gesture was one of thanks.
Kalleeiha Maillanaarro
Nov 1st, 2015, 10:09:30 PM
Sometimes, even givers appreciated a moment to receive. Or maybe it wasn't so simple. Sometimes, what people wanted most was to be able to offer something in return, and the Madame knew how to accomodate. Kalleeiha's dimpled grin creased in appreciation at even a communal drink between the Commander and herself. It was a strange, alien sort of drink, but wasn't that the beauty of their experience? All of this had been strange and alien to Kes and to Tish, but they'd come nonetheless. Madame Maillanaarro finished her small sip, daubed her lower lip with a kerchief, and returned the snifter back to the Commander.
Returning her attentions back to the widow who was learning how to heal and how to live, the Madame remained patient and attentive. If it took a day, a week, or a year, Tisha Nellis would never feel like she was imposing. That was her way.
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