View Full Version : Stopping for Fuel (Liam)

Minnie Starshine
Oct 9th, 2015, 05:10:43 PM
This was the worse part of the job, Minnie thought to herself with a sigh, as she checked her reflection in her compact and applied a fresh coat of hot pink lip gloss. She was sat in the 'pilot's bar', a tiny drinking place for pilots while their ships refuelled at the stop off station in deep space. Her Starspeeder 1000, on a return trip from her latest tourism run, was refuelling. There weren't even any shops here! Sure, if you were a typical fly boy, you might enjoy hanging out with the other pilots, but Minnie was anything but. She was a girly girl through and through. If the conversation wasn't about make-up, perfume, high heels or boys, she wasn't interested.

She certainly stood out as one too, in her little dress and stiletto heels, caked in make-up, and yes, stinking of perfume, as she sipped the only wine they had which made her cringe, her spoiled taste buds not used to such a thing. She wondered how much longer it would be before her ship was refuelled. People kept staring at her like she didn't belong. She couldn't imagine why. And she was bored. She just had to wait. She sighed.

She checked her make-up one final time, and deciding it was okay, put away her compact. By the Force, this was dull...

Liam Quez
Oct 9th, 2015, 06:08:12 PM
I always liked to wander into the ports where the refueling happened. My ship was down a few isles or whatever they were called and it would take some time to get refueled and resupplied. In my hand I had a cup filled to the brim with some sort of sugary carbonated drink. The lid prevented me from spilling and the bright straw just added the best of all effects. I sipped happily as I walked down the way checking out all of the ships that were getting refueled and set up to fly again. One day I'd figure out how to avoid all of this - so that ships were a bit more self sufficient. Though I wouldn't get a chance to see what everyone else was flying so maybe I'd just leave the system alone for now. Continuing to walk down I noticed only male pilots, it was always a bother. There was always so many dudes at these things and never enough girls. Usually the only girl was Ibaris who was usually too busy doing other things. Grumbling about that current situation I continued down the walk path. Stopping I got a refill on my soda and then looked around at who was around - hopefully someone recognizable.

Never mind, target acquired. I wandered over and tripped another guy on the way over to the pretty dolled up girl who just shut her compact mirror thingy away. I ran my hand through my blonde hair and did my best sly grin I could muster and parked myself right next to the girl. "What's a pretty dame like you doing in a space port like this?" Smooth right?

Minnie Starshine
Oct 10th, 2015, 09:48:08 AM
Finally. Some attention. Minnie was bored out of her mind, and the boy, obviously cute and near her age, had obviously taken a liking to her. Or so that's how Minnie's head processed the events. Even the cheesy line, and it was really cheesy, didn't bother her. Probably because despite all of Minnie's claims to the contrary, she wasn't actually that experienced at flirting or being around boys in general so she thrived on the slightest bit of attention.

"Well, they haven't built a mall in this sector yet, so I had to refuel here." Minnie replied, in what might have actually sounded like a witty retort, were it not for the fact that Minnie was being 100% entirely serious. "Ugh, this place is a dump, right?" She whined, looking at her foul wine distastefully. "They don't even serve any good drinks."

Liam Quez
Oct 12th, 2015, 04:18:44 PM
I didn’t hear one word out of the girl’s mouth. I sipped on my soda and just watched her lips move, they were this hot pink and reminded me of these cupcakes you see in the windows of bakeries. Blinking a few times, I could find myself getting lost – mostly in the thought of those cupcakes. Those cupcakes were to die for. My mouth salivated as I thought vividly of the time I was able to get my hands on them, I was a lad, as tall as my father’s knee. Of course I wasn’t allowed to have them, but heck when you’re an adorable child – you fingers have the best discount.

Anyways, back to the girl who was complaining about the lack of malls and good booze? She finished talking and I blew casually the soft strands of blonde hair that decided to fall out of place against my forehead. The girl seemed to be so upset about her situation. All ships needed fuel, but I decided reiterating that very important detail might make her look at me like she was looking at that wine. I looked down at my soda and shrugged. “The soda here isn’t too bad.” I had to think of something quick to say, something that flattered her or something – when a girl has a sour face like that it means she’s about to walk away if you don’t compliment her or something.

Of course, my brain doesn’t like to work this quick, nor does it ever come up with something clever. So the first thing out of my mouth in hopes that it sounded like a compliment enough to get me past this awkward first few sentences was…

“Your lips look like cupcakes.”

What?! They were good cupcakes, I can’t help it!

Minnie Starshine
Oct 12th, 2015, 04:26:55 PM
Minnie paused, blinking a little under heavy false lashes. Cupcakes? Did he just say cupcakes? Ugh, why did she always attract the cute but not so bright ones? And yes, coming from Minnie, that was deeply ironic, but also something she seemed painfully unaware of. She smiled back.
"Nice cupcakes, right?" She replied, teasing for a compliment because, well, what else were you meant to say to that? At least he seemed to like her. Even if he was only drinking soda.

"So, do you always drink soda?" She asked, swirling the wine and relishing in how much more adult she thought it made her look. Even if the fact she was a pilot and drinking alcohol was a very bad thing, but it was Minnie, and she didn't really think things like this through. Besides, she had to do something to pass the time while demonstrating how rich and sophisticated she was, right? "It probably is better than the wine..." She added regretfully.

Liam Quez
Oct 14th, 2015, 04:47:04 PM
Talking to this girl was easy. It was easy to talk to most girls I ran into, even the pretty ones. There was just one girl, that I couldn’t get to talk to me as easily. Usually I’d dismissed to the training room or told to be quiet, or the subject is changed. There was never just a conversation, I did my best to not ruin the conversation when there was one, but Ibaris seemed to find a way to derail my flirtations. The rich looking pretty girl questioned my drink choice as she teased me and my lack of word filter.

“Yes, nice cupcakes. I love cupcakes, they’re my favorite sweet.” I grinned happily about the cupcakes and figured I would make some for Ibby and I later. Looking down at my drink, I shook it a bit. The ice was really all that was left in there. “Eh I prefer it at times, though my favorite drink of all time is chocolate milk. Oh man..” I gestured at a make believe mustache. “It's probably the best drink ever.” I leaned close enough to catch a whiff of the wine - which smelled more like vinegar than anything.

“Mmm yeah, Your wine smells like bantha poo. I’m sure there’s gotta be a place around her that you can get something good to drink.” Getting an idea I turned on the charm once again. “So how about you pick the place and I’ll pick up the tab sweetheart.” That crooked and sly grin spread across my face again.

Minnie Starshine
Oct 18th, 2015, 03:16:13 PM
"Chocolate milk. Um, like, okaaay..." Minnie said carefully, as if the entire concept was bizarre to her. It seemed like such a childish thing to be obsessed with. And not very 'fly boy' at all. This guy was definitely weird for a pilot, she decided. Maybe he wasn't a pilot, but like an engineer or something? Whatever he was, he wasn't wrong about the wine.

"It's just a fuelling station. I like, don't think they have anything..." Minnie whined, but well, looking for somewhere beat sitting there sipping that gross drink. "But hey, we can try. Like, lead the way!" She smiled, getting to her feet and waving a hand to see what they'd find.