View Full Version : 10.404 - Space Wizard and the Temple of Pomojema

Jannik Morlandt
Oct 8th, 2015, 02:01:44 AM
Mimban, enroute to the Temple of Pomojema
10.404 ABY

[Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1sGhmcZ7Pg)]

Damp was how he remembered the jungle planet thick with a constant, obscuring mist and rife with little else; inhabited nonetheless by a small number of native species, most notably the massive, omnivorous worms (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Wandrella) that had unfettered reign over the surface of Mimban, and the brutish, pseudo-xenophobic cave-dwellers (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Coway), there was always reason to employ caution and awareness. It was this jungled, swampy terrain that a man and a girl traversed, and while it would have made some sense to attempt a landing closer to their destination, the journey was always where there was the most to be gained. In addition, that the man carried in his pack something that should be in the possession of this world put considerable sway to the decision - he felt, perhaps, that nature would not take kindly to him no matter his intentions, if he came swooping in like some guilty thief.

"Where we're headed," he said at a start to his travelling companion, stepping over a long-since felled tree, "is the only place this crystal is of any truly significant use, outside of being split into shards and used as focusing crystals."

He shifted the pack on his back, which took the place of the satchel he often carried, so lovingly dubbed his 'bag of tricks'; it was something he picked up on from an old, old master of his. Nothing from that satchel made it into this pack - items such as a sabacc deck, a personal holoprojector, and a telekinetic training sphere (https://38.media.tumblr.com/a42855ec6bc5a1d5a830d89d440b2bdf/tumblr_nkwfhprisb1rpco88o1_500.gif), for example, had no contributory purpose on this trip. Their wits and their keen senses were the most useful tools here, as well as his lightsaber, should it come to that.

"The Kaiburr crystal is unparalleled in its ability to magnify a force-user's power, but it only works here, and only in the temple where it's intended to be," he said in explanation, a grim, thin line shaping his lips, "but it isn't choosy about what kinds of users it hosts. It's safer for the jewel to be kept in the hands of those who wouldn't camp out on this world and abuse the power it grants."

As he had done, once, so very long ago. A low sigh escaped him at that unwelcome thought, and he pushed on.

"Which is why we have it, Kira, and why we'll be leaving with it still in our possession when we're done here."