View Full Version : Howdy

Oct 1st, 2015, 01:00:25 PM
Howdy all

So, whats really going on with fans?

I have been helping a buddy out on another board but since he is going LOA there and i got poked by the lovable Christine, that hurt by the way. here I am Your Supreme Commander webbed fingers and all. I have been poking my head in about once a week to see if I had messages and such, but mostly doing my music and the other place, which is a mess but I will not go into that.

My main question is.... DO we need the fleet for anything? Imperial or Alliance.

MY big idea is..... Lets start a new Rebel Alliance inside Imperial space. Like a full blown organization pissed that the alliance has left them to the Imperial wolves and are tired as hell and are fighting back.

Mainly I want to throw some starships around again. I was linked to some stuff along these lines already. So anyhoo howdy all and point me at something to shoot Pew Pew!

Vansen Tyree
Oct 1st, 2015, 01:16:39 PM
The problem with any overt fleet activity right now is that it would be in breach of the peace treaty, and it would plunge us back into war... a war that now includes planet-destroying weapons. We have barely scratched the surface as far as cold war story angles go, we've barely finished setting up the Imperial Knights, we're only just getting started on Corellia, etc... it seems a bit premature to bring an end to the cease fire just yet.

We do have a Resistance movement on Corellia that the Alliance is (very very secretly) beginning to help out, but it's a covert CIA style situation, where the Empire can't ever ever know that the Alliance is involved, else they'll start shooting nukes at us. I think any fleet activity right now would probably have to involve a third party (pirates, rogue sectors, the Ssi-Ruuk, something). That's definitely doable, but we'd probably need to put some heads together and work out the specifics of it, so we don't risk tripping anyone else's plans up.

I think I have a handle on most of what's going on (from a military perspective at least), so if you want me to give you a comprehensive rundown just shoot me a PM. :)

Good to see you back, boss!

Oct 1st, 2015, 01:17:26 PM
Sup Resh!

There looks to be stuff going on at Corellia in regards to people feeling miffed they were left by the alliance. Perhaps the fleet could get involved in that? I believe they're doing an underground resistance type of thing. So maybe it wouldn't warrant large fleet activity, but hit and run on supply ships coming and going? Anyway's its not my rodeo so I'll let the others discuss possibilities with you!

I actually have an idea that has a part written specifically for ole' squid head though. Ill message you soon about it.

*Edit Jace was too quick*

Moff Joran Greth
Oct 1st, 2015, 01:24:00 PM
What I am thinking about is something more wide spread than just Corellia. and the Fleet activity I am thinking would be rebel coalition forces against Imperial targets. The military people need something to do. that's why I have not been active and went to another board. I do not write political, cival, jedi or sith, have no desire to. I want to do military writing and with the current situation it limits this type of writing. I love you guys and want to write here but I need something to write, something to shoot at. The cold war severely limits warfare story lines. By creating a Anti-IMperial and even Anti-Alliance group to slowly start taking the battle to the Imperials It opens up small assaults and battles. And well IM trying to get people to come join from another forum but when I tell them there is no war, yeah they lose interest.

Damien Kantrael
Oct 1st, 2015, 01:29:11 PM
This character, Damien, is a former Inquisitor who was not happy with the Peace Treaty and gathered up like minded "Patriots" and started his own rebellion; The Sons of Coruscant. His ideals are that the Empire, the "True Empire", would never back down from war and they should continue to fight until they win even if that means entire planets being destroyed by Starkiller missiles. He blames Empress Tarkin primarily for the failure of the Empire. He now hides his little fleet on the edges of the galaxy, sneaking in to attack weak points within both Imperial and Republic Space while also recruiting more to his cause. Guerrilla hit and run tactics kind of thing. The funny part is he's become the skulking rebellion he hated so much.

Captain Untouchable
Oct 1st, 2015, 01:49:20 PM
The military people need something to do.

While I agree with the sentiment, I don't think screwing over the plot lines that everyone else has been working on is the right answer. There are a lot of military characters, but we are starting to work out new ways of using them to fit into the new status quo we collectively agreed upon as a group. People haven't really had the chance to settle in yet, and throwing that all out the window before the dust has really even settled isn't the best community-minded idea.

I appreciate that you don't enjoy writing the other aspects of the forums, but the rest of us do, and you're effectively asking us to scrap all that we're doing (by plunging the galaxy back into war) for the benefit of what is, at the moment at least, a fairly small minority. This is coming from someone who is part of that minority: like all the other military types I've had to adapt, and we can't just drop everything and revert back again.

Fleet activity can definitely happen, but activity against the Empire is deeply, deeply problematic. If anything, it would make more sense to echo what the Imperial Knights are doing, and set ourselves up with an Imperial Warlord in/around Alliance space: someone who isn't politically part of the Empire, but still fights like an Imperial.

Alexi Hesith
Oct 1st, 2015, 01:51:03 PM
Well two things come to mind.

First, we have a large area of space not in Imperial hands but in which not all worlds in that area are in the Alliance. Some of these are not going to be happy about this, regarding the Alliance as a threat to their safety or ambitions or both. They might reach out, quietly, for help from the Empire. If an unaligned power started getting equipment and training from the Empire as either a defensive measure or to help push for the conquest of another unaligned neighbour could this not escalate into a war? The Empire, if not the Alliance, would be prepared to send in their own ships and beings (on loan) for the right cause.

Second, sometime ago you suggested that Reshmar and hawks within the Alliance might have been working on some sort of supership (using various appropriations made for smaller vessels) and that we might do a story around this coming to light. Such a revelation would, to my mind, be an excellent way of stoking suspicion of the Alliance. What would they need such a ship for if not to conquer other worlds? (Also I wanna do that story because I think it'd be fun but don't let that sway you.)

Alexi Hesith
Oct 1st, 2015, 01:54:29 PM
Also, we have some super fleet types out there but do we have any ground force types? One of the best pre-reset story arcs I participated in worked tremendously well because of so called "groundpounders". A procy war story could do with boots on the ground.

Moff Joran Greth
Oct 1st, 2015, 01:59:41 PM
I am not asking anyone to do anything, I am simply saying a new story line which does not effect anything happening on Corellia or anywhere else. I would never insert anyone into a story that did not work with their character or story, but I do not see how a story line based around a group that has nothing to do with Corellia or the rest of the galaxy would effect anyone's writing or plot lines. I mean is Corellia the only world not happy with the Empire and how the Alliance left them. Limiting others to a one world story line limits our creativity.

Also why should we be forced to adapt when there is no need to. Sure our characters who are part of the cold war story would IC have to deal with how things are, but why can't we start another stroy line about a group inside Imperial space unhappy with it and fighting back? I in no way am trying to screw anyone over. I am just trying to insert myself creatively into the current galaxy in a way I can be a part of the community. Sure Reshmar is not able to do this, but my Imperials could fight this new force.

Moff Joran Greth
Oct 1st, 2015, 02:01:57 PM
Well two things come to mind.

First, we have a large area of space not in Imperial hands but in which not all worlds in that area are in the Alliance. Some of these are not going to be happy about this, regarding the Alliance as a threat to their safety or ambitions or both. They might reach out, quietly, for help from the Empire. If an unaligned power started getting equipment and training from the Empire as either a defensive measure or to help push for the conquest of another unaligned neighbour could this not escalate into a war? The Empire, if not the Alliance, would be prepared to send in their own ships and beings (on loan) for the right cause.

Second, sometime ago you suggested that Reshmar and hawks within the Alliance might have been working on some sort of supership (using various appropriations made for smaller vessels) and that we might do a story around this coming to light. Such a revelation would, to my mind, be an excellent way of stoking suspicion of the Alliance. What would they need such a ship for if not to conquer other worlds? (Also I wanna do that story because I think it'd be fun but don't let that sway you.)

Yes that was the Leviathan. and IM still up for that.

Amos Iakona
Oct 1st, 2015, 02:02:01 PM
There are plans for a proxy war already in place. Charley has started laying the groundwork for a major situation in the Tion Cluster, and I'm waiting for an opportunity to start expanding that a little more: I just have to wait for Corellia and Cloud City to find their feet again. Even then though, a proxy war isn't really a great situation for the kind of thing Reshmar is asking for - while the Empire might be willing to send ships in, the Alliance shouldn't be. If the Alliance are supposed to be the good guys, then they (the poltiicians at least) shouldn't be so eager to jump into action that is in breach of the Treaty - ie. illegal. We're supposed to be better than the Empire, not lowering ourselves to the same tactics.

If it absolutely has to be against the Empire, and an Imperial Warlord in/near Alliance space isn't a good enough proxy... then the only thing I can think of is a Maquis type situation, where Reshmar defects from the Alliance and starts going after Imperial targets on his own initiative. The Alliance would have to disavow any Alliance people who start attacking Imperial targets: that's the only way to stop the Empire from being forced to use it's nukes.

Oct 1st, 2015, 02:09:37 PM
I would not use Reshmar or the Alliance for this stuff, it would be another "Rebel" character. Reshmar is entangled in the Alliance and he would never leave them IC. OOC having the Supreme Commander disappear then reappear as a freedom fighter in imperial space would be AWESOME!

I would lIke to get Reshmar more involved in non-combat stuff. He is the only character I feel is at a point where I would write him that way.

Captain Untouchable
Oct 1st, 2015, 02:26:42 PM
Ah, that's a little different, then!

So basically, what you're after is a small fleet of ships a la the Alliance Fleet of yesteryear: a handful of ships cobbled together from different sources, that are going to fly around and harass the Empire. Basically the exact same thing that we have on Corellia (ie. no actual ties to the Alliance government), but in space. That seems doable: start off with a charismatic leader who scores some victories, attracts some allies, and have it snowball from there.

There needs to be a firewall to protect the Alliance from political backlash though. If the Alliance does covertly try and help this Rebel Fleet, it would have to be via third parties like Zeltros, Mandalore, crime cartels, and so on. If there's any way for it to connect back to the Alliance, that's when stuff starts getting bad.

Oct 1st, 2015, 03:04:27 PM
Yeah that's what I was wanting to do. More starting off small and building up to that old rebel fleet style organization. A group not Tied to one world more of a roving group like The Wheel was. There would be alot of former Alliance worlds in imperial space who could help them without the Alliance itself having anything to do with them initially in any way. In fact My idea is they are pissed at the Alliance and would not be very willing to even take help from them at first.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 2nd, 2015, 11:46:48 AM
There is also always Unknown or Wild Space available for fleet battles that would not violate the Cold War treaty.

or we could fight the Hutts! (Not really?)