View Full Version : The Maw

Amés Falcon Liszt
Sep 15th, 2015, 05:21:25 PM
Because of the way the Alliance-Imperial border is drawn, Kessel and The Maw are one of the various locations that is now cut off from / mostly inaccessible to the Empire.

I have a few story elements kicking around in the Maw at the moment, and and I have an idea in mind for a thread that will draw a line under them so that I can start mixing those ideas in with the new storylines / Imperial Knights / etc type stuff... but I know I might not be the only one who has (or had) schemes happening within The Maw, and I don't want to step on any toes.

Does anyone have anything ongoing that I should be careful to avoid messing up? Does anyone want to put our heads together and see if we can come up with something cool that serves everyone's storylines?

I shall assume that silence is lack of interest, so speak now or forever hold your peace. :p

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 15th, 2015, 05:27:17 PM
(Moved to SW RPing discussion)

Amés Falcon Liszt
Sep 15th, 2015, 05:41:20 PM
(Moved to SW RPing discussion)

...crap. Where the blazes did I accidentally put it?! :uhoh

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 15th, 2015, 05:53:12 PM
General RP Discussion :P

Amés Falcon Liszt
Sep 15th, 2015, 05:56:09 PM
In that case, the Empire thanks you for your swift and efficient resolution of this most unfortunate oversight. :p

Sep 19th, 2015, 04:41:28 AM
Karl Valten, the current Grand Inquisitor has situated himself at the Maw (http://swfansdev.xen.prgmr.com/forum/showthread.php?20547-Faction-Locations-Galactic-Map&p=332547&viewfull=1#post332547). I haven't seen Karl around in a while but he was the last person to lay claim as per your question.

Lúka Jibral
Sep 19th, 2015, 06:58:33 AM
My stuff at the Maw and the Inquisition stuff at the Maw is already part and parcel of the same thing. My stuff there has been going on since more recently than that, with Karl's blessing. :)

Jarvan Trask
Sep 20th, 2015, 01:08:52 AM
The last leadership decision we had was the public destruction of the Imperial Inquisition. The old institution was torn down and the Imperial Knights created in it's place. That's not to say that shadow, cloak and dagger stuff doesn't happen anymore, but I doubt it would be called the Inquisition still. Imperial Intelligence, most likely. So the Inquisition should not exist anymore, or I am horribly misinformed. Not too hard to belief, considering the complete lack of organized leadership within the Empire as a faction. We haven't had any kind of leadership in, well, years. The closest we had was Karl driving the Inquisition side years ago, and now we have Atrapes as a front runner as the leader of the Imperial Knights.

It looks to me that we need to consolidate all our Imperial operations together and see where we really stand. Without leadership we've more or less been pursuing all our own splinter projects independent of each other and the lore we've created. I wasn't aware that there was anything Empire Related even happening outside the Imperial Knights storylines. That just shows how disconnected we are as a faction.

Captain Untouchable
Sep 20th, 2015, 01:39:33 AM
Turn of phrase: I know there's not an Inquisition anymore. That's my reason for wanting to bug out of The Maw in the first place: so I can look at how to integrate those storylines with the Imperial Knights/etc in a more geographically convenient location. I'm just reaching out to see if anyone else wants to bring their stories to a close at the same time, etc - if my Maw stuff is being relocated, others might want to relocate theirs at the same time, etc.

Doesn't look like that's a factor, so I'll just keep on keeping on with what I'm already working on. :)

Jarvan Trask
Sep 20th, 2015, 01:48:51 AM
No worries. I think it's fine to have "Inquisition" stuff going on. I'm not here to stomp on any toes. I really just want to know what everyone is up to because I feel like we have a big disconnect and I'd really like to see the Empire flourish as a faction. I started a topic in the Imperial Group Discussion to see if we can all get on the same page, and so that we don't hijack this thread.

Sorry for the rabbit trail.

Jaden Luka
Sep 20th, 2015, 02:15:51 AM
No worries! We're definitely on the same page as far as that goes, and sparking up some more Imperial activity is something that I know the mods are looking into as well, so it's definitely something on everyone's mind. :)

Sep 21st, 2015, 11:59:45 AM
I think Karl as the Grand Inquisitor didn't like the way the Inquisition had become such a public face in the Galaxy, with Miranda's coup et all. So the Imperial Knights, beyond Vince wanting to create the group, was a way for Karl to take the organization back into the shadows. I could be off base though, but I think that's how one of the conversations went down.

Captain Untouchable
Sep 21st, 2015, 04:23:48 PM
There was definitely an element of that, but unfortunately Karl hasn't been around for a while, so that isn't a storyline that got any traction. As far as what I'm trying to get done in The Maw currently, none of that negates anything about the Inquisition: I'm just pulling out my personal characters and storylines. If Karl comes back and decides the Inquisition is still lurking in The Maw, that's fine: my stuff is a mix of Inquisition, Intel, and ISB, and it just does not make any kind of logical IC sense for those stories to continue at The Maw, now that the nearest Imperial reinforcements are literally half a galaxy away.

If Karl comes back and wants to still be in The Maw, that's his prerogative, and nothing I'm trying to get done negates that.