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Alazne Gni Los
Jun 18th, 2015, 02:10:04 PM
"Where the hell is she?" Alazne Gni mutter outloud. There were few people, Alazne Gni suspected, tht would openly disobey Lady Frygt's instructions, and as Alazne Gni understood it, Razadi Syfas instructions were to rendezvous at Pandath where Alazne Gni would join her and together they would depart for Valc VII in Empire territory. On Valc VII they would together retrieve the imprisoned Sith Hara Kiri. It was all carefully timed. The Assault team led by Lady Frygt and Ezra Na'chtion would distract the Imperial Knights stationed there while Alazne Gni and Razadi Syfas would extract Hara Kiri, it had to be exact, If Alazne Gni and Razadi found themselves against an Imperial Knight, not only would mission fail, but they would likely die as well. It was more trust than anyone had every put in Alazne Gni Los. In was impossible for her to fail this mission. Lady Frygt had rescued her from the underbelly of Coruscant where she never knew where the next meal would come from and the rain would drench her while she slept. She owed Lady Frygt her best, she would complete the mission or die trying.

But how could she if the person she was partnered with never turned up?


Alazne Gni Los was wounded, somehow Luna Prown had managed to sneak a short slash in at her chest. Now, beneath her breasts was a sizzling gash from the other Apprentice's lightsaber. It hurt more than she ever thought pain could hurt. Every instinct in her body said to lie down and hope the pain went away.

"What are you going to do about that, Apprentice?" Lady Frygt said from her throne-like chair.

"I- I- don't know. I never expected- didn't plan for..." Alazne protested.

"Well you better come up with a new plan because Luna, here, doesn't seem to have much by way of restraint." Her master said and punctuated her words with thinly veiled amusement.

Things will always go wrong, apprentice. Your strength needs to be not in having a plan, but creating a new plan when the first one falls apart. Adaptability is the trait of those who survive. These were Lady Frygt's words to her when Alazne was but a classroom student. She needed a new plan if she ever hoped to get her wound treated. The obvious answer was to continue fighting until the sparring session ended, but she had no idea as to when it would end or if Lady Frygt intended for her pupils to fight until they exhausted themselves and collapsed on the floor.

I need to end this fight now. She thought as she looked up from her position on her knees in front of Luna Prown, her rival in apprenticeship with Lady Frygt.

I must defeat my enemy, the person who controls everything here. She looked at Luna momentarily, then craned her neck to see Lady Frygt.

Is it Luna?

"Enough of this, Apprentice Alazne Gni, defend yourself." Lady Frygt said and closed her open hand, indicating that the fight to continue.

Damn you. she thought as she raised her right leg to brace herself for Luna's predictable hacking attack.

As the lightsabers sizzled and sparked mere inches from her face, she looked deeply into Luna's eyes and pried into her mind. She'd poked around Luna's thoughts and memories many times before, the girl was a troglodyte, but she was the daughter of the First Consul of Taanab, Frygt for some reason, needed to keep the politician in good favor, so Luna saw herself as basically untouchable.

Useless information I already know. she thought as she stood up and forced Luna's lightsaber into her face. Alazne Gni towered over Luna in height, the advantage was hers physically, but she was injured, so she hunched as to not to irritate the wound.

Luna saw her opening and kicked with full force into the wound across Alazne Gni's torso. Finally they broke as Alazne stepped back and fell to her knees. She looked at her wound, the cauterization had split and blood was flowing freely out. She faced Lady Frygt now, who sat, unmoved by Alazne Gni's pain.

Words started to form on her lips as tears of pain streamed from her eyes. "I- I-"

Finally, with all the force of her being, her mind exploded in a massive wave of thought. I HATE YOU!

This expression wasn't directed towards Luna as Alazne Gni had expected, but rather towards her master, Lady Frygt. In the fury that filled her mind, she formulated a new plan faster than she had ever thought before in her life.

The enemy was not Luna. The enemy was Lady Frygt, the monster who had set her up to fail the spar. There was no end to the spar, Luna and Alazne Gni were going to swing lethal qweapons at each other until one died or they both fainted from exhaustion. The only way Alazne Gni could end the fight and get her wound treated was to strike where Frygt was weak: Her need to keep Luna alive and stay in the Consul's good favor. If Alazne Gni could wound Luna, fatally or not, Lady Frygt would end the spar.

In her still free flowing hatred for her Master, She caught a glance of her master who sat in shock and firmly gripping her lightsaber hilt in anticipation that Alazne Gni might attack her master instead of her opponent. But Alazne Gni already knew that the best way to force her real enemy into quitting was to attack Luna instead.

Luna kept up with her myriad hacks and slashes for a moment, but as she defended against the impossibly quick Alazne Gni, her guard began to fall to exhaustion. Finally, Alazne Gni saw her opening, Luna attempted tp parry above her head, leaving her torso open. A torso wound would slow Luna, but not knock her out of the fight and Alazne Gni couldn't risk that her opponent would find the same power that she had. Alazne Gni needed a wound that would knock Luna out completely, The throat would kill the other Apprentice, but somewhere through the storm of hatred and anger, Alazne Gni did not want to end the other girl's life, at least not because Luna was Lady Frygt's pawn. In mid slash, she changed direction with swift precision and severed Luna's left arm at the elbow.

Luna dropped her lightsaber, it's hot blade stuck in the dura steel floor, leaving the hilt standing up where Alazne Gni, still heaving with rage, retrived the weapon and approached her rival Apprentice.

She spat with disgust and hatred at the apprentice as she spoke, "I could kill you, you little idiot."

"Stop!" commanded lady frygt from behind her, "Your master does not wish this."

Knowing full well that Lady Frygt could hear her thoughts, Alazne Gni thought, To hell with my master's wishes, she should share the same fate as this apprentice!


When the plan goes wrong, devise a new one, Adaptability is how the strong survive. Alazne Gni nodded as sat in the docking bay, waiting for Razadi Syfas to begin her end of the mission. But Razadi Syfas was absent, perhaps not even coming at all. If Alazne Gni was to succeed at her mission, she'd need a new plan.

With renewed motivation, she strode quickly towards a table of smugglers playing Sabacc.

"I want a ship." She said while staring at the table evenly and judging the captains.

"It's 500 creds for passage within the Empire, 700 if you want to cross into Alliance territory and 100 more for every additional border crossed, sweet cheeks."

She pursed her lips in frustration before speaking, "I can fly myself, just give me a ship."

A Wookie at the table stood up and barked at her. a haggard man started to translate, "He says-"

"I know what he says!" She retorted.

"Well he's right," the same man said. "You want our ships, you're gonna pay for it."

She called her lightsaber to her hand and in a single motion she cut the wookie's head diagonally and completely bisected the man. The wookie stood for a moment, the severed half of its skull dangled at its side, the matted fur was making it dangle instead of hitting the ground. It was beyond her as to why the wookie could still stand. She kicked it onto the Sabacc table where it upended it and spilled all the credits and chips on the floor.

She breasthed heavily through her teeth and curled her face into a grotesque sneer, "Understand this, you worms. I am Darth Vrede, the plague of this wasteland galaxy, sparing your lives will be my only payment."

Without hesitation, the one farther from herwith the wookie grey matter on his lap, handed out his authorization datapad.

Stiull full of fury anbd drunk with power, she used the Force to pull the man's wrist apart and completely off his arm, as the Datapad with hand still attached floated to her, she grabbed it and kicked with all her might the remaining uninjured captain. She watched as his head snapped back and he tumbled backwards out of the chair, she couldn't help but laugh at these idiots who dared to oppose a Sith Apprentice.

As shew boarded her new ship, she thought to herself. Darth Vrede? Where did that even come from? The words had just come out of her mouth without even thinking. Darth Vrede... yeah, I can work with that.

Alazne Gni Los
Jun 19th, 2015, 03:37:00 PM
From within the stolen ship she toyed with the lightsaber hilt while trying to decide her next move. She knew almost nothing about this Hara Kiri woman,

What happens if I can't find her or if she's in a place different from where I think she is? She activate the blade to the lightsaber and stared into its white red core. What am I supposed to do?


"You know what you're supposed to do, apprentice." Lady Frygt said as she inched closer to Alazne Gni. The apprentice was on the lip of the highest tower at the school.

"I'm supposed to jump?" She asked with uncertainty and catching a glance of the fall.

"You know it. Do you know what your problem is, apprentice?" The way Lady Frygt said apprentice was like it was an insult, but how could Alazne Gni help being an apprentice? Even the highest Master had to be an apprentice at some point. But Lady Frygt held her low rank over her head constantly. Compared to a Sith Master like, Lady Frygt, she was nothing and the Lady wanted to be sure Alazne Gni knew it.

"I don't know what my problem is, my Lady, I'm a complete idiot." Alazne Gni replied, while using her telekinesis to guide the wind around her and avoid accidentally falling.

With swiftness, Lady Frygt strode at her and grabbed the apprentice by the jaw, causing her body to wavered on the lip of the tower.

"Are you patronizing me, apprentice?" Lady Frygt asked.

"No my Lady. Tell me."

The master Sith snorted a laugh and replied, "You have a terrible misunderstanding of fear. Fear makes you fight, makes you move and at least do something besides quiver like a child. Inaction is death. You're TK abilities are remarkably high considering how strong your TP abilities are, most Force Sensitives are strong in one area and weak in the others, you're incredible in psychics but at least average in every other field. So put it together, how would you survive a fall like this?

She wants me to use TK to slow my descent, but I've got a better idea.

If Lady Frygt was right about anything, it was that Alazne Gni's psychic abilities were off the charts. She reached out with her mind and found her mistress's mind, it was like a ball of wire in a house of mirrors and she was looking for a single thread. Most of it was defensive measures against anyone with psychic ability, but once she was in, it was a matter of time.

"Hmm?" Lady Frygt mumbled as Alazne Gni rearranged her memories so that she thought she was at a lunch with Ezra and someone Alazne Gni didn't recognize from Frygt's past.

"You were saying, My Lady?" Alazne Gni asked innocently.

"I was just..." She replied as she took in the environment of the tower's roof. It didn't take the Sith Master long to undo Alazne Gni's work, "Cute." She said and spat in the apprentice's face. "If it were anyone else, it might have worked, but I'm very well prepared for psychic attacks. So..."

Lady Frygt had reversed the situation, instead of Alazne Gni being in her mistress's mind, Lady Frygt was now in hers. Alazne Gni said without thinking as Lady Frygt spoke through her, "it's time to learn to fly."

With her hand still firmly gripping Alazne Gni's jaw, Lady Frygt pushed the apprentice until her footing disappeared and she fell through the air.


Its just like falling, you have to learn to fly or you will end.

Alazne Gni stood up and hunted around the cabin for some sort of weapon to give to Hara Kiri, to assist in the escape. The plan would go almost exactly as intended, Alazne Gni would go into the facility and retrieve Hara Kiri without Razadi Syfas. If any guards dared to get in her way, she'd cut them down with her lightsaber

If they dared, who would dare get in my way? she thought as she retrieved a second lightsaber from a hastily packed sack she brought along.

Hara Kirilai
Oct 26th, 2015, 10:28:26 PM
She sat in her cell, grimaced and held out her hand to the Wookie standing dutifully next to her chair. The Wookie handed her a napkin covered with writing. They had no access to datapads or even proper paper, so her morning memorandums were always scrawled on a napkin from the cafeteria. She scanned through it and then wrote on a new napkin her orders and handed them to the Wookie.

Things were good for Hara Kirilai, or at least as good as they could be. she sat on top of the black market in the Valc prison system and everything she wanted, she got. But her wants were small, razor blades, specialty poisons and rope were easy to smuggle in for herself and her private needs. Those curious items were only in demand from her, the other prisoners always wanted the things from their abandoned lives, drugs usually, but as she anticipated the smaller datapads with giant memories were becoming increasingly popular. As one of her lieutenants had told her, "If you got a datapad and holo connection, it was a lot easier to forget you were in prison." The datapads were easy, she had them smuggled in just like everything else, but the holo connection was tricky and difficult. Valc VII, of course had a holo connection of its owns for the resident guards and Imperial Officers, the trick was accessing it. Hara knewthat holo access would be a huge money maker, so she forced a technology inclined prisoner to build her a device that could connect to the holo without any of the higher authorities knowing. The guards knew, of course, they were all in her pocket. A guard on Valc VII could easily make triple his wage as a guard by cooperating with Hara's black market. A datapad on the outside ran roughly 20 credits, but a prisoner would pay 800 credits to her through their outside connections to get one on Valc VII. Most of that profit went to paying off the guards to comply with her business. If the guards were happy, everyone was happy. She kept a tight lid on things, in the blocks that were her territory, there were never any riots, disciplinary issues were rare as well. If the guards were happy, she was happy. And rich too. Or at least on the outside she was, the Wookie, Nosajascht was nearly a mathematical genius and ran her private off-world crime empire, he did the math for her every 6 months or so and each time she was richer than last time.

Not bad for an amateur whore. she thought. Upon transfer to Valc from the Inquisition's other smaller prisons and interrogation centers, she started to make her name by sleeping with the power holders in her block, once she understood the fundamentals of what gave them power, she made her moves. Every small time and major player in the block was killing each other until finally she was at the top within a month. All because she knew who to sleep with to get what she wanted. The Darkside, of course, gave her much of this advantage, most prisoners were Force Sensitives, so they guarded their thoughts with skill and training. But no one, Jedi, gray or Sith seemed to be able to maintain psychic shields when the animal instinct to mate took over. It was almost too easy.

She turned to the Wookie, "Nosa, no visitors until I wake up, I think I want a nap." In truth she needed time to wallow in the Darkside, which she did in her sleep. The Wookie grunted to signal understanding and her head bowed as she drifted off into a Force induced sleep.

Within her mind, the world changed from her cell to a battlefield on Joaka. An artillery shell screamed over her head, she hunched instinctively. Steps ahead of her the white braids of a Sith Master blew in the wind, He held his Red lightsaber firmly. Mud sprayed them as a shell exploded 20 feet away. The enemy was ill equipped, their weapons were weak and faulty. But it was still a war zone. The Sith ahead of her slowed his pace and ran alongside her, "Scared yet?" he asked and smiled.

"No." she replied defiantly.

"You're resisting." He said and turned his head to study her.

In return she studied him, his skin was pale white as if bleached and the red cross over his eyes and down his nose glared in contrast. what the hell are you trying to teach me? she wondered.

"Soldiers ahead. He said and nodded forward. A blaster bolt fried the air between them, inches from the side of her head. He continued as if he hadn't noticed it, "Be afraid."


"Fear is power."

"Only when others fear you"

"That would be true if we weren't Sith. Fear is our best ally. A little fear and the chain reaction occurs and then we can swim through the darkside."

She nodded her head slightly, "The Darkside is our life." And she let go.

It didn't occur to her how much she had been pushing the fear away until she let it in. Another bolt snapped the air by her arm. It was close enough that she felt the burn on her skin. I'm going to die out here. And sure enough, just as the Master said, she found anger burning inside, Why in the galaxy would you bring an untrained Apprentice into a war zone?

She snapped from her thoughts and focused on the approaching soldiers taking aim at her. There was no thought involved, she was face down in the dirt as the bolts flied over her body. She turned her face up from the dirt and saw her master. His blade was a blur, the soldiers were dead. Did he make them shoot me so he could kill them[?] While her power was primitive at best, ashe could still detect feelings easily. And apparently her master wanted her to know his intentions, as he wasn't guarding himself when he could easily have been doing so. [i]Bastard

In her dream, the memory skipped ahead. They were on a different planet now. This was Felucia. Master Vuntana had brought her there for an unknown reason at the time. He was cruelly insulting her.

"Unfortunately for you, my attempts to get you killed have been unsuccessful."

"What?" She was confused, why would he want to kill her?

"I've been trying to ensure your death, because... you're completely inept.

"I! I'm! You said I had potential!"

"I was mistaken I read your pathetic desperation to be anything more than a helpless worm to be the making of greatness."

"I don't understand."

"You're an idiot, so much of one that you can't see it yourself so you're arrogant. In the Sith Order, things run top down, but you think you know better than your masters."

"Are you talking about the Joaka mission? Because your plan was terrible. We were about to waste dozens of soldiers and countless equipment on that assault. Had it not been for my disobedience, our offensive would have failed and we would never have been paid. You are the fool!"

"Don't pretend you don't see it in yourself. you're unintelligent, lacking confidence and a drain on those around you. You know it's true. I know what you do with all those razors and all that rope at night. You know you ought to kill yourself, but you're spineless."

"That is none of your business! I- I- can't help it!"

"You want to die and since you're useless to me, I need to see to it that you meet your end."

She had no response. Her self-harm had never made sense to her, perhaps she did want to die. What if deep inside, she already knew it was true. "So... what now? Are you going to kill me? Or should I do it myself?"

"Finally, you see the truth. I will not kill you, you're hardly a worthy kill. You won't do it yourself. You need to be led further into what you're only starting to realize now."

"And how-"

"You've been sold. Senex are meeting me here to take posession of you and pay me."

Her mind revolted at this. She had devoted her entire teenage life, trying to get to Korriban to master her skills in the Darkside, despite somertimes disobeying him, she trusted her master. And know he was justr selling her away like a cheap droid. "You... monster."

He appeared only amused with the accusation.

"You were supposed to train me! And you're going to just discard me?"

"You have no value. I don't want you, nobody at the Order does, believe me, I triued pushing you off on anyone who would take you."

The fight was swift and electric, Hara fought for her life and amplified her energy with the Darkside so that Jorshal Vuntana would also fight for his. She would not be sold away into slavery. She would kill her master first. Eventually she realized her error, Master Vuntana was a Sith Master, he'd won plenty of hard battles, she stood no chance. At least not in theory, but they way her former master was sweating and slowing, she was over-powering him through energy and connection to the Darkside. If sjhe pressed thew attack, he would eventually wear out. Finally, approaching exhaustion, she found an opening and sliced through his throat. He dropped his weapon and clutched at the wound.

She had won, it wasn't a deathblow to her former master, at least not yet. But inside it felt good. Each muted gasp for air gave her satisfaction. She said, "Just as you intended to leave me to die, I leave you." And she headed for the ship.

Awakening, still in her cell she pondered the dark dream of her training. A smile crapt across her l8ips as she realized the mneaning of the day she left her master to die on a foreign planet. Jorshal Vuntana was indead a Sith Master and great teacher. He had never intended to sell her away, that was never the point, he had intended to put pure fear in her core being so that she would let go of her careful reservations. He saw through her cocky facade and found the reserved girl inside her and broke that person away. And I left him to die on that planet

"Mistress!" A shjort Sallust male called as he burst into her cell, the wookie howled and tried to chase him out.

"Let him through, Nosa." she said as the Sallusat was nearly out of the cell.

"Mistress! there are riots in Blocks ten through six They're coming our way!"

Riots? Not in her prison. At least not since she took charge. Then a power in the Darkside touched her and she understood. He had come for her now. After years since her capture during the Sturkov disaster when she had been tortured by inquisitors, and finally for years more being kept in the prison, just when things had finally turned out in her favor, he came for his revenge.

Alazne Gni Los
Oct 27th, 2015, 11:58:45 AM
As the ship descended through the thin atmosphere of Valc VII, Alazne Gni sat in the pilots chair turning her lightsaber hilt over and over in her hand. She reviewed the plan in her mind. Lady Frygt and Ezra were already distracting the prison authorities and possibly an Imperial Knight. Her intended landing spot was almost sure to be unoccupied. She'd walk in and walk out with Hara Kiri, then she'd go home, back to Taanab. It was easy.

Finally her ship set down on top of a tower, she donned her breathing mask and exited. The wind, for it's thinness was sharp and it blew her robes, she assumed it was nerves, but she held her lightsaber in her hand, ready for any surprises.

Or, that bitch Lady Frygt, set me up again. there is no distraction and behind this door are countless stormtroopers.

She force pushed the door in and charged in, lightsaber ignited and ready. Nothing. she would set me up, though. Not today it seems.

The complex was fairly intuitive, she was entering Block 3 within a minute. Locks were useless against a lightsaber.

"3A... 3G... where the hell is 3N?" She wondered outloud.

"Hey lady! a woman called out, "I know who you're looking for, I'll take you if you just let me out of here!"

Her lightsaber hummed as she turned to face the red haired woman, "I will find her easily enough."

"No you won't cause Hara Kiri is in a Force dampening cell."

Alazne Gni cut the lock of the cell and the woman kicked the door outwards. She extended her hand, "Nadja Sturm."

"Darth Vrede."

"Darth?" I didn't think there were any of you left since that business with Sturkov. "Come on, the dampening cells are underground. Hara likes them and turned one into her headquarters."


"She practically owns the prison now and I'm sure she's none too happy you and your people showed up and caused a riot in her peaceful little criminal empire."

Criminal Empire? This Hara could be more trouble than she's worth. But a successful mission earned her advancement in the Order, if she wanted to expand and hone her power, she needed the resources that Frygt had, advancement was the way to get them.

"Are you Sith?" Alazne Gni asked.

"No, Order of the Light, it's like the Jedi but more monastic and secluded. But don't be alarmed, Right now I'm a prisoner here, Dark and Light sides don't mean squat to me anymore."

"Hara was a Sith once, we're here to rescue her."

"Hmm, never thought the Sith to be the loyal type."

"Generally, they're not. But Hara has information and resources that we need."


Alazne Gni realized her error, "I misspoke, we."

Nadja didn't seem too interested she continued to lead Alazne Gni to a long corridor, the walls were transparasteel against the dirt where hundreds of Ysalamiri were crawling about a habitat beyond the clear walls. Plain grey walls segmented the corridor into cells, an occupant would see either grey wall or ysalamiri habitat, their ability to use the force would be almost completely gone.

The door to the nearest cell flung open as a Sallust, Wookie and Alazne Gni's target ran out.

Hara Kirilai
Oct 29th, 2015, 12:45:23 PM
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, who is this platinum hottie?" Hara stopped in her tracks. She recognized the redhead, Nadja Sturm a former monk and a reliable lieutenant of hers. but the one with the silver hair and the lightsaber, totally new to her. And given the fact she was carrying a lightsaber, it was unlikely she was ever a prisoner there. "Who are you?" she asked and narrowed her eyes while getting closer to the woman.

"Alazne Gni Los. I'm here to rescue you."

Interesting, "I don't need rescue."

"You're a prisoner of the Empire. Surely you're not happy here."

"Happy? Since when did anyone care about happiness? Are you a Jedi?"

"No, I represent the Sith Order. Lady Frygt is my Master."

"Frygt? ...doesn't ring a bell. I ran with the Sith for a few years. I was told that the invasion on Corellia and Korriban all but ended the order."

"You were told correctly, but there has been a rebirth."

"Does Jorshal Vuntana lead this rebirth?"

"No, he is presumed dead."

The Wookie barked. Hara replied, "Calm yourself, Nosa. I have everything under control."

"Walk with me Sith, I have more important business to attend to."

As they exited isolation cells, Hara felt her Force abilities creep into full power. She tried to peer into the Sith's mind but found it extremely well barricaded. "You are talented." She said to the Sith and then felt the woman respond to her mental inquiry with a irresistible inquiry of her own. The woman had, in an instant, totally evaluated Hara's Force abilities and her history in the prison.

"As are you, albeit untrained. Where are we going?"

"There appears to be a riot in my prison, I simply can not allow such a thing to happen."

"My ship is waiting at the tower, we could leave now, none of this is your concern or responsibility now."

"No. I can not leave my people in disarray, assuming I leave at all."

"Why would you choose to stay in this place?"

"Here I have power, here I give thew orders, if I go with you I'll start taking orders. Tell me, which is more appealing?"

"You seek power for it's own sake, power is only good if you do something with it."

"The Sith speaks of good?"

"Things have changed since your day with the order. The Sith no longer have a will to power for power's sake. We seek to fix this broken galaxy."

Hara laughed, "And who leads this idiot's crusade?"

"My master, Lady Frygt, does. She is accompanied by Master Ezra Na'tchion."

"Ezra... the science nerd? I'm surprised he ever amounted to anything at all. During the invasion on Corellia, he hid and shook like a leaf while the monsters tore us to shreds."

"Master Na'tchion, is a great and powerful Sith Lord. His creations are the cause of your liberation."

"I told you, I need no liberation."

The woman said nothing but Hara could sense her unspoken answer. She might not have a choice, this Alazne Gni intended to use force if necessary.

As they approached the end of the block, the door collapsed inward. rioters poured through and started smashing the locking devices on the cells of the other prisoner's cells.

Hara sensed with her mind, these rioters were charged with suggestion of the Force. The Sith by her side was not alone. Hara used the Force to hop from mind to mindf until she arrived at the source of the riotous influence two blocks away.

"No." she said outloud. The leader's Darkside signature was almost identical to her former Master's. Who ever this Lady Frygt was, she had deep affection for the father she had never met. If this new Sith Order knew what Hara did, this mission would turn from rescue to assassination. She glanced at Alazne.

Alazne smiled slyly. She already knew everything. Hara was exposed. "If you think this prison could protect you from what Frygt will do if she finds out..."

"I know."

"Hide in plain sight."

"Probably my best option. If you go back empty handed, you'll give me up to save your own skin."

"Without a doubt, this is true." Alazne Gni smiled again. "Shall we depart?"

"Yes, in a moment." Hara focused the Force in herself and let it pour out into the crowd of rioters. The effect was immediate. Without the influence of the Sith to induce rioting, the prisoner's came to their senses. Again, through the force she placed the idea in their mind that Nosa was now their master and would replace her as master of the prison world.

"Let's go." Hara said with a nod. And they departed for the tower where Alazne Gni's ship awaited.

Alazne Gni Los
Nov 29th, 2015, 06:34:56 AM
There was no reason for the anger she felt at the moment. It seemed like there was a reason, but she knew there really wasn't. Somehow, she had talked herself into believing that she was set up to fail, just so her master could swim through her humiliation. Lady Frygt was an awful human being, Alazne Gni hated her, but she was extremely useful. Frygt knew the Darkside inside and out, with that kind of power, Alazne Gni could change the galaxy. But Frygt also had this awful tendency to enjoy the suffering of others. Alazne Gni was her apprentice, when she failed, Frygt laughed and grew strong from her apprentice's stumbling baby steps.

But not today. No. Alazne Gni had accomplished her mission. Though she knew she was set up to fail. Firstly, the woman that Alazne Gni had been partnered with never shown up. She stole a ship to cover for that. Hara Kiri was reluctant to leave, She convinced her. The prison was a riot zone, but she forced her will on the situation and conquered. Now all there was left was to leave, on the face of it, it seemed easy, but she was prepared for complications.

As they stepped off the lift, the bone white armor of the Empire's finest glared at them and aimed their weapons. Alazne glanced at Hara Kiri, "Hara!" She guided a lightsaber to the womans hand with a light toss and the two women went to work on the Stormtroopers.

Alazne Gni was fast with a lightsaber, but Hara was a hurricane. Though they fought the same enemy, Alazne Gni let her offense rely on the Force, In her mind she took notes on Hara and plotted how she would kill her, should it ever be necessary.

As the last blaster clunked to the floor, the two women met eyes and in that instant, Alazne Gni knew that Hara had a plan to kill her too.

"You're fast." Alazne said as she caught the hilt that Hara returned to her.

"Pent up rage, mostly." Hara said and seemed to dismember Alazne Gni with her eyes.

"You shield your thoughts as well as an angry animal."

"You're fat and look delicious."

"I'd fry your brain and leave you thinking you were a 3 year old girl before you even got close."

"You can do that with a slit throat?"

"I hate you already."

"Yeah, let's fly out of this dump."

Within the ship, Hara carved a room out for herself and they generally ignored each other until they hit hyperspace.