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Gradoona Pod-Floewander
Apr 25th, 2015, 12:53:00 AM
"Oh geepers."
It was the largest military uniform they made, so she was told. 7XL. And it barely fit. So barely that Gradoona had taken to keeping the jacket unbuttoned rather than have each tiny black disc strain under the pressure of cleaving fabric. The last thing she needed when reaching for a set of splicing pliers was to lose a popped button down some poor schmoe's hyperdrive motivator or the station's atmospheric scrubbers. Boy howdy that would be a pickle sandwich there.
Gradoona haauumed from her blowhole in a resigned sigh. Her uniform also came with a teeny little hat. Size fits most (humanoids), naturally. She tried balancing the ridiculous thing on her head, but the first puffed exhalation from her blowhole sent it flying. So instead, she clipped her hat to her tool belt. Technically she was still wearing it.
All this fuss over regulation and tippy-top condition was brought to a head by her task schedule for the day. She was tending to a few installation and repair items in none other than Commander Akiena's quarters. While this wasn't her first rodeo in terms of interacting with the chain of command, Gradoona usually operated a few notches below accountability when she was working on tramp freighters and light cruisers. Here? She was the second wrench on a big station. That kind of pressure made a girl mind her p's and q's.
So here she was, mentally preparing for the all-day job at the Captain's quarters. Her heavy tools and install components littered a three-tier repulsor cart adjacent to the doorway. Drawing in a whistling gasp of air into her blowhole, the Herglic pressed the door buzzer.
"Ooh heey dere Commander Akiena. Hiii. It's Second Engineer Gradoona, just poppin' over to make sure the Big Cheese's office is tip top, y'knoo."
Gradoona shifted her weight ponderously on her tree trunk sized legs.
Kes Akiena
Apr 25th, 2015, 04:14:41 PM
He'd spent the first small part of his morning in quiet solitude, his duties not needing his immediate attentions until later, and had thus chosen to embrace the small amount of slow casualness that had been unexpectedly offered. To that end, Kes Akiena busied himself with a few menial reports that he could easily approve or deny from the comfort of his quarters. He sat at the small table set up in a far corner, a bowl of Ithorian spiced oatmeal as his morning indulgence. His eyes scanned the aurebesh on the 'pad he held, and looked up only briefly at the sound of his door chime ringing. The voice that soon followed only made him frown in slight confusion. He'd not been aware of a problem in his quarters, despite the many fires that seemed to so constantly flare into life all around them. It was possible, he supposed, that a problem conduit ran along one of the walls of his still partially-unpacked 'home', and setting the 'pad down, Kes let out a long breath as he rose to stand.
A quick detour to his room yielded a clean shirt, and he pulled it on while making his way to the door. Still tugging the lower edge down, Jovan's commander opened the door to stare at a mountain of a Herglic.
"Engineer Gradoona," he pulled a puzzled face. "I wasn't aware of any problems with my quarters."
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
Apr 25th, 2015, 04:29:33 PM
"Oh, well prahbably not!"
The Herglic drew out her emphasis in a high pitched accent punctuated by a whistle-click, her small eyes glittering affably on either side of her genial beaked mouth.
"But, y'knoo, we did kiiiinda moove a few million tons of durasteel over a baker's dozen light years, sir. ~fweeeee wheedle-clack~. Not exactly kickin' ice floes if you get my drift."
Gradoona shrugged, a motion that seemed to be ponderous on her giant frame.
"But I wouldn't let it cloud your sunny day, sir. Five 'll get ya ten I'm in and out faster than a greased up penguin on a hoverboard."
Kes Akiena
Apr 25th, 2015, 04:45:18 PM
A greased up... ?
Not entirely sure how to process the slang delivered, Kes merely fell into a smile, and with a shrug he stepped back to allow Engineer Gradoona enough room to navigate herself inside.
"Well then, I suppose I would be remiss if I kept you from you work."
He let a glance go over the state of his quarters. Not messy, but it wasn't in any condition of order, that was for certain. Unpacked crates, a few medals placed hurriedly upon the shelves dotting the walls, and a bare minimum of personality. It really wasn't ideal, but his time had been limited, to say the least.
A sideways look was sent to Gradoona, and as if for the first time he took note of her 'uniform'.
"I see they delivered your, er, uniform... "
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
Apr 25th, 2015, 05:10:06 PM
The Herglic sucked in, shuffling sideways into the doorway with a determined upbeat look to her. A little bit of stickage, but with a merciful ~fwaaaaa~ of her blowhole, she exhaled and squeaked on through.
"Ooh? Ooh yah, they suure did."
Gradoona squee'd in a bashful expression at the non-regulation state of her attire, hoping the Commander wasn't a stickler.
"Ya knoow, I really ought to find a Herglic tailor out there. Kinda swingin' it casual until then. A two penguin girl in a one tux world, don'chaknoo. Hoope its nat a bather squeeclack."
He didn't seem like he was getting ready to dress her down or cite her, so Gradoona whooshed a buoyed breath into her blowhole and c-c-click-weee'd.
"Sooo, guess that's enough jabber-jawin', you're not payin' Gradoona to chew the fat and all. Alright so sir...why don't we scooch you a little bit over heeere, okay how's that?"
Gentle as she pleased, the Herglic reached a huge hand down to herd the human over to a corner of the room.
"Now, I'm just gonna take a gander around and see how she's holdin' up, okaay? Okay."
Kes Akiena
Apr 26th, 2015, 01:41:40 PM
He watched in a small bit of fascination at how Engineer Gradoona maneuvered herself, and it was only a half-second later that she was maneuvering him out of the way. He obeyed wordlessly however.
"Anything in particular that you're looking for, then?"
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
Apr 26th, 2015, 02:02:10 PM
"Well, just havin' a lookie lou for a bit, or I guess a listen lou, y'knoo."
Gradoona's beaked mouth parted to reveal a genial rolling tongue within.
"Ooh well y'knoo, some other engineers might bring in scanner equipment to detect anamalies and soo on, but I gotcha scanner right here."
The Herglic tapped her bulbous head with a thick finger as she squee'd.
"Oh she might look like a good penguin sir, but the bad ones always sing off key, and I can hear 'em toot sweet. Now...a moment of silence while I find the harmony. You don't got a weak bladder do ya sir? Haha, I'm just Joshin'. I don't think humans can hear this."
Gradoona closed her oft-open mouth, focusing her attention on one of the walls. Her small eyes focused attentively, and in degrees, she slowly started to glance around the room canting her head. At the high end of Kes's hearing he might just barely make out a broken whistle or a disjointed click, but it was a sound few and far between.
Kes Akiena
Apr 26th, 2015, 02:42:41 PM
There was a suddenly concerned look that he gave to the Herglic, but her laughing assurance dispelled - mostly - his sudden uncertainty. He watched her in silence, blinking as she worked to follow whatever it was she was hearing. Unsure of exactly what he should be doing in the sudden quiet, Kes settled for merely stuffing his hands in his pockets, shifting his weight to one leg.
She seemed so engrossed in her task, that he resisted the urge to ask if everything was functioning as well as could be expected.
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
Apr 26th, 2015, 03:05:48 PM
Midway through her sonic scan, Gradoona blinked, fixated on the far wall which housed the transplast portal that gave a view into space. Her small eyes reflected concern, and she paused to redouble her sonic intensity. With widened eyes, the Herglic fwoooo'ed.
"Ooh. Ooh dear."
Click-clacking her disapproval, the assistant engineer shook her head slightly.
"Well looks like we got about a four penguin praablem here."
Kes Akiena
Apr 26th, 2015, 04:07:19 PM
His brow furrowed as he looked from Engineer Gradoona to the portal, then back again.
"Excuse me... ?"
He watched her shake her head, and the look of concern on his own features only intensified.
"Is something wrong?"
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
Apr 26th, 2015, 04:23:16 PM
Turning back to the commander in toothy grimace, the Herglic kneaded her thick hands together.
"Well sir, I know it all looks like about a zillion tons of durasteel and composite to the lay folk, but ya kiiinda have to think of a sealed atmosphere in space like a great big penguin egg. Ooh suure, the shape is good for handlin' a bit of rough stuff, but if ya get a craack...eee-ccqueee!!"
Gradoona's blowhole puffed in a ponderous low hum.
"Don't reckon you ever got to take a gander at a star cruiser safety PSA, didja?"
Kes Akiena
Apr 26th, 2015, 04:27:28 PM
"I don't know who hasn't," came the flummoxed reply. He was getting the basic gist of what she spoke of though, and his hands came out of his pockets to cross over his chest as he looked up to meet Engineer Gradoona's eyes.
A long, exhaled breath.
"How long will it take to fix."
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
Apr 26th, 2015, 04:56:21 PM
The ponderous interjection morphed into another directed hypersonic glance towards the trouble spot.
"Y'see it's all wavy oover here."
Gradoona gestured at one rather nondescript part of the wall as if the Commander could see the deficiencies her echolocation clearly marked out to her.
"Now, I'd put a few credits on what happened being that there was some sheearing foorce impinging goin' on. This side, all wavy. That side over there's smoother than calf baattom. Now, I knoow where yoour quarters sit, that abuts against a load pylon."
For emphasis, the Herglic took a few steps to a far wall, slapping a hand against utterly solid metal that didn't even hint of anything but behind it.
"Two point six meters, sir! Classic Imperial overbuild! She's a whopper! But, that's only gonna save your bacon if you're aligning for torque alaang the pylon. Someone got sloppy with the tractor variance. Betcha bottom credit that's what done it."
Kes Akiena
Apr 26th, 2015, 05:17:56 PM
A hand came up to run through his hair as he thought. Finally moving, Kes stepped to the side of Engineer Gradoona and carefully reached for the half-eaten bowl of oatmeal. Now cold, of course. His other hand took up the datapad, and he stepped into the adjacent living room. Lowering himself to sit, his breakfast was set on the caf table.
It hadn't escaped his attention that she had neglected to answer his question. Still though, all things considered it wasn't much of anything to fuss over.
He gestured at whatever was so offensive inside the far wall with the datapad.
"Yes well, take your time."
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
Apr 26th, 2015, 05:27:28 PM
"Ooh yah, kiiinda gotta, y'knoo. Otherwise you get to see what it's like for a penguin to get sucked up a straw!"
As if for emphasis on the dangers of explosive decompression, Gradoona took in a deep breath and fweeeeeeee'd it from her blowhole, complete with an "Ooh noooo!!!" and dramatic waving of her hands.
"Fooortunately the bulkhead seal's juuuust around the corner, sir. I doubt we'll have a praablem thoough. Not unless we get in an Imperial attack or you ask one of thoose Cizerack gals to come test your bed springs!"
Kes Akiena
Apr 26th, 2015, 06:10:54 PM
What could he say to that? Normally the one who remained off guard, always the first with a smile, Kes found himself a bit stymied. As it was, his spoon was halfway to his mouth when Engineer Gradoona's last words slipped out. A moment of thought, and the redhead finally decided to just go with the easy attitude that the Herglic possessed. He supposed that in truth, it was much like his own. A little bit.
A shake of his head, and he continued bringing the oatmeal to his mouth. a brief moment of chewing, and he swallowed.
"I doubt that'll be happening any time soon."
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
Apr 26th, 2015, 06:18:54 PM
"Aha ha..."
Gradoona's eyes boggled a little with nervous laughter. Had she said something touchy? It felt touchy. Oh one day she was going to shut up. One day.
"Ooh that gaat awkward, dinnit?"
You're making it worse!
~ee-eeeclack~ Quickly, Gradoona looked around. She was supposed to be doing something. Aha! She pulled her comm free from her belt.
"Lemme just call this in, sir. We'll get a scuttle out here in two shakes of a penguin tail. Praabably overkill, but I don't wanna goo jaastlin' anything and make you lose your breakfast, y'knoo."
Hitting the comm line to the spaceworks maintenance section, Gradoona hmm'd and whistled while she waited for a tech to pick up. Ooh dear, it was a bit of a hold time. The Herglic shuffled her feet, and drummed her fingers along her hip as she tried to act casual and not as awkward as she felt right now.
Kes Akiena
Apr 26th, 2015, 07:09:03 PM
A smirk as he went back to the datapad, skimming over the information provided. The silence was more than a bit obvious; not the kind of silence that sprang from two beings engrossed in their own work, no. This was a decidedly strange silence. Not completely uncomfortable, but certainly not comfortable either.
A few more minutes of quiet reading. A few more minutes of awkward silence. Even his oatmeal seemed unappetizing in the face of company, and with a sigh Kes leaned forward to set the 'pad on the table while picking up his bowl. He moved into the small kitchenette, placing the uneaten oatmeal in the reheater for later. Opening the cooler unit, the redhead pulled out a small carton of juice. One glass was pulled down, then he paused in thought.
"Can I offer you a drink, then?"
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
Apr 26th, 2015, 07:34:31 PM
"Me? Ohh noo, noo...I'm fiiine."
Gradoona deferred with a rolly-tongued smile, determined not to giggle at the offer. Humans and their teeny portions. Maybe that's a whole day's supply of vitamin C if you're tiny guy sized.
"Thaank ya thoo."
Finally a voice came on the other line, tinny and indecipherable from Kes' angle. Gradoona c-click-wee'd in response, then broke out of Herglese and back to basic.
"Korby? Howdy doo, it's Gradoona. Noo it's naat a soocial call. In the big guy's quarters now, donchaknoo."
More tinny conversation. Gradoona waited patiently, fweedle'd, and continued with an animated smile.
"Ya I knoo! Good times, good times. Well shoot, I knoo ya got your daacket full an' all, but can ya squeeeze me in a smidge? On account of the big guy an' all. Ooh suure, rank's got it's privileges boy howdy. Ya...ya...ookay."
Lowering the comm a little, Gradoona gave Kes a conspicuous nod, a wink, and a thumbs up.
"Oookay suure, soo we're at deck foorty twoo aaaand subsection fiifty niiiine. Ya got it? Got it. Ookay, soo ya we're gonna need a scuttle y'knoo. Ookay ten minutes? Ya praamise? Big guy, noo pressure yaknoo? Oookay if it's eleven you oooowe me. Oookay Korby gaatta goo."
Kes Akiena
Apr 26th, 2015, 11:10:08 PM
He poured his juice, giving only a gracious nod as she went back to her comm. He paid partial attention to the conversation and managed a thin smile at the nod, wink, and thumbs up from the Herglic. This morning was becoming stranger and stranger.
The juice carton was returned to the cooler, and he returned to the living area, setting the now half-full glass of juice on the table beside his datapad. He lowered himself to the sofa, and leaning back while bringing the 'pad back into his lap, Kes once more set his attentions to his reading.
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
Apr 27th, 2015, 12:12:58 AM
"Ookay we're in business sir! Got a scuttle called in and they'll set up oover that poortal oover there. Get us some atmo seal soo we can crack in there foor a lil' heavy facelift!"
In the meantime, it was about to get slightly messy in here. Gradoona did a quick scan around the far wall, a deep thinking hauuum biding the time.
"Commander tell ya what. How aboout yoo get whatever personal effects ya got oover there and let's just scooch 'em oover to the inner wall. I don't wanna touch yoour things, and loose a priiiiceless pic of yoour deear aunt Floony, yaknoo?"
Kes Akiena
Apr 27th, 2015, 12:34:19 AM
Looking up from his reading, Kes found himself suddenly very grateful for his procrastination. What few effects were in the area that Engineer Gradoona indicated were mostly still packed away in their lockers. Only a few possessions had made their way out, and even then those small bits could easily enough be packed back. The 'pad was set aside yet again as he looked to her.
"Oh I wouldn't worry about that. Only a few odds and ends in those. Nothing too terribly important."
Still though, he rose to his feet. She was thoughtful enough, and he wasn't about to brush off her kindness.
"Some models, but mostly books and a few holos," he went on, grabbing one of the footlockers by its' handles, hefting it up, and moving it away to the other side of his quarters.
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
Apr 27th, 2015, 12:03:46 PM
"Well it's impoortant enaaugh to keep in yoour quarters, soo I'd raaather naat mess up yoour things, yaknoo?"
Gradoona held a glint of understanding. It seemed like navy people always kept three things in their personal effects without fail. Books on naval history, holos to pass long stretches of boredom, and models of ships they'd either served on, or aspired to serve on. It meant that Kes was an officer first and an administrator second. Little things that were important to know. True to his word, the Commander was pretty compartmentalized, and it didn't take long for him to shift his meager belongings across the room to the wall adjacent to the corridor.
"Ookay then. Now I'm gonna goo ahead and remoove all the suuperficial wall plating fraam heeere. Really get under the skin and see the bones yaknoo?"
The Herglic pulled a force wrench from her work cart, and spent a moment fishing for the proper bolt fitting. She was an old hand at this, and certainly knew what she was looking at on an Imperial system, so it only took a moment of eyeballing before she found a 7.5 medium fitting. Just big enough to hold the superficial stuff together inside the room and not draw the eyes too much. Gradoona got to work immediately on the far wall plate, lining up the force wrench carefully before a quick ZWOOOO barked out, followed by ZWOO-ZWOO. The loose bolt dropped easily into the Herglic's big hand, and she stuffed it into a pocket as she moved to the next.
"Soo Commander, where did ya serve befoore Joovaan, if ya don't miiind me bein' nooosy."
Kes Akiena
Apr 27th, 2015, 11:29:17 PM
Setting the last footlocker down, Kes looked over at the Herglic.
"Was posted on Dac, actually."
His hands made a show of dusting themselves off, despite the lack of dust on them. He reached down to take up his glass.
"I mostly oversaw a small section of research and development." he gave her a wink. "Only a few things were hush-hush; most of it was reconditioning old ships and making sure that they were space-worthy. Before that I served aboard the Jagger, and before that, the Etrigan under General Brecklin."
All things told, it wasn't exactly a glorious career, but it had sustained him, giving him purpose in the Cause. He took a sip.
"What about yourself?"
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
Apr 27th, 2015, 11:45:31 PM
Another bolt came off in a screaming mechanical trill, and Gradoona moved on to one on the other side of the plating to keep the stress off of each bolt for easy removal.
"Well priiior to Joovaan, I did a year on the Merciful, yaknoo, the oold medical frigate. Then before that was a two year spell on the Eagle, boy howdy she was a beaut squeedle-wee-cl-a-aack."
More bolts came off in quick succession, until there was only one remaining to take care of before the wall plate could be removed.
"Aaand lesse, well it's kiiinda blurry past that. There was a bulk fuel hauler, what was it now the Beagle maybe. And ooh, did a few turns haulin' widgets on Gallofree transports which, gotta say, I doo naat recommend if you're a little plus size yaknoo!"
The final bolt was in Gradoona's hand, and the Herglic carefully set aside her force wrench as she ran her fingers along the periphery.
"Ookay there, I'm just gonna drop this oover here soo miiind yoour tootsies."
Kes Akiena
Apr 29th, 2015, 01:07:49 AM
He watched as she popped the outer panel off, moving it out of the way.
"You've seen your share of boats, then." It was spoken with a bit of a laugh.
"Any particular reason you joined the Alliance, then?"
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
Apr 29th, 2015, 01:21:26 AM
"Ooh yaa, well and now donchaknoo I'm oon my first engineering posting without an engine to tinker aan!"
The Herglic's eyes squinted humorously as she squeedle-clacked. With a little heft, she moved the heavy plate to the floor, where it fell with a ponderous thud.
"Ooh now, lookit that carbon scooring. Now thaat's just sloppy! Yaknoo, that's what grinds my gears, sir. Someone gooes through aall the trouble of dooin' the work, and they sweep a botch job under the rug like this skwaa-c-cwee, 'cause they knooow no Imperial Moff's gonna give the ol' girl the white glove treatment."
If there was anything that could approach a frown on Gradoona's face, it was a blank expression. And hers looked particularly blank.
"Ooh, sorry Commander. Kiinda got my dander up there. As for me and the Alliance, well, you know, back home is all oover there and all."
Gradoona haaauumed with a shrug.
"Coulda stayed, suure. Lotta my folks did. But it's naat in my style. Got bit by a rolling stone bug aaages ago."
Kes Akiena
Apr 29th, 2015, 11:28:09 PM
Kes nodded, finishing off the rest of his juice before returning to the kitchenette to place the glass in the sink.
"Seems that many folks get bit by that same bug," he conceded ruefully.
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
Apr 29th, 2015, 11:53:01 PM
"Well a laat of Herglic doo, that's for suure! But that's why we're a decicred a dozen whenever you craass two hyperlanes."
By now, the scuttle was beginning to arrive, and Gradoona pointed out the window with a squee.
"Ooh here we go now. They got the scuttle coming oover the external hull, y'see?"
What appeared in a slow crawl over the window was a broad metal-ribbed frame that slowly began to trundle over the hull plating, before seating with a dull metallic thunk. The view of space beyond began to shimmer as an atmospheric force field engaged, sealing the work section off with an emergency membrane to prevent decompression in the event of a breech.
Kes Akiena
May 1st, 2015, 11:58:31 PM
Watching as the scuttle moved into position, then activated the safety field, Kes started forward, moving through the living area. He reached down to pluck up the datapad before crossing the relatively small square footage of his 'home', heading for his room. The 'pad was set on a wall mounted shelf, and the redhead grabbed his uniform tunic from where it lay at the foot of his bed. Shrugging it on, he returned once more to where Engineer Gradoona was just starting to get into the meat of whatever problem that she'd found.
His fingers worked at the buttons, starting in the middle and moving down.
"I need to be heading out," the last button was slid into its' appropriate hole before he moved back up to begin fastening the middle-to-top ones.
"If there's anything you need, feel free to call and I'll make sure you get what you need."
The last button at the top of his neckline done, he reached a hand back through the doorway to his room and took up the 'pad once more, tucking it beneath an arm.
He gave her a good-natured, if not slightly teasing smile.
"Try not to smash too large of a hole in my quarters."
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 2nd, 2015, 12:19:59 AM
"Haa haa!"
The Herglic gave what may have been too much of a good natured slap to the back to Kes in keeping with his joke.
"Doon'cha worry a hair, sir! I'll have the ool' penthouse snugger than a penguin in a conch shell."
Gradoona slapped on shielded goggles, then sparked a torch cutter with a big, curly-tongued grin on her face.
Kes Akiena
May 2nd, 2015, 12:25:05 AM
Very nearly sent sprawling, Kes felt himself propelled forward a bit, and his feet only just barely managed to stay under him. He couldn't be upset though; the Herglic's demeanor was so damned happy. Instead, he only gave a larger smile before leaving the engineer to her work, and stepping through the doorway, started off toward the nearest lift that would take him to the command hub.
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 2nd, 2015, 12:30:07 AM
An hour and a half passed by without incident. Some time after that, Kes's comm began to chime with Gradoona's frequency.
Kes Akiena
May 2nd, 2015, 01:01:18 AM
Engrossed in a rather lengthy comm conversation with a more than irate Alliance captain over some matter having to do with who got what docking spires, Kes welcomed the interruption despite the frequency.
"I'm sorry Captain, but there is no special dispensation allowed for your ship-"
"You can't be serious! Are you telling me that an Alliance station isn't-"
A stern look was sent to the blue holographic image of Captain Sekress. "Captain, this is not just an Alliance station." A single finger rose as a warning. "You would do very well to remember that. We are a cooperative effort, and if you are not satisfied with that, then I suggest you find somewhere else to restock."
An angry look was all that was returned before the holo-projection of Sekress blinked out of existence.
Glad for the calm once more, Kes reached forward to answer the comm that still chirped at him.
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 2nd, 2015, 01:08:18 AM
"Commander hiii, it's Lieutenant Gradoona sir, howya dooing?"
In the background on the audio line, a periodic loud clang could be heard that was still audible enough to be jarring.
Kes Akiena
May 2nd, 2015, 02:59:44 PM
"I'm well, thank you."
Strangely enough, her voice made him feel a little bit less frustrated, and in that moment Kes leaned back in his seat. While he'd hoped that this call was made to inform him that the work in his quarters was complete, the background sound coming from the other end of the line told him otherwise.
"What can I help you with, Lieutenant?"
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 3rd, 2015, 10:06:19 AM
The other line was a series of squeedles before returning from Herglese
"Sooo yaah, I'm fiiine, moostly, yaknoo. Just a teeeny praablem. I think whoever built this station just mighta been dropped on their noggin' a few times when they were a calf."
Back in Kes' quarters, the Herglic wound up with another big swing from a mallet, trying to dislodge a stubborn bit of fastener from the periphery of the sheared hull plate.
"Real square-peg-round-hole kinda praablem here. Soo, the Imperial build manifests are uuusually pretty cookie cutter, yaknoo. All standardized bits and baabs. Well you would naat believe what I'm lookin' at now."
Kes Akiena
May 3rd, 2015, 12:49:40 PM
Pushing over a few datapads, Kes went about reorganizing his desk, trying to clear the accumulated clutter.
"And what would that be?"
Hopefully a hidden decanter of fine Alderaanian cognac.
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 3rd, 2015, 05:01:24 PM
"Soo yaknoo how the Empire uses a Kuati five star standard measure on all their systems?"
Gradoona wound up another swing, creating a rousing din over the line.
"Well, whatever numbskull put this in apparently used a female connector based aan Corellian metric. Even see the measure stamp right here."
The Herglic haaauuumed loudly, and swung again.
"That's aboout a nine micrometer deviation, yaknoo, as the caliper flies and all. Stumps me how they even uugh got this booger in here. Must've used a force hammer...oor a mass driver...oof!"
Kes Akiena
May 6th, 2015, 12:07:45 AM
She would've done better to simply keep speaking Herglese, as he would've had just the same amount of success in deciphering whatever it was she was talking about. There was really only one thing that concerned him though, and Kes voiced that worry without a second thought.
"So then, how long of a job would you say this is turning into?"
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 6th, 2015, 01:39:21 AM
More comfortable in wading through the minutiae than quoting timetables, Gradoona filled the dead air on the comm with a e-ee-cli-clisquee.
The Herglic engineer put her hands on her hips, now looking at a well and truly warped bracing strut that mated into a T bracket in the decking itself.
"...doon't suppoose you'd have a praablem checking in to a spare room, wouldja?"
Kes Akiena
May 6th, 2015, 01:51:13 AM
It was not exactly the answer he was expecting. Still though, Kes pressed for clarification.
"How long is this going to take, Lieutenant?"
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 6th, 2015, 02:09:52 AM
"Well sir, assuming we can pull the deck plating out and replace the decking support to the inner junction, yaknoo that's naat as easy as bobbin' for penguins, that's a good six hours as the spanner flies."
Gradoona's eyes traced the floor, her mind already thinking ahead to the next move on the chess set.
"Course we gotta be dainty about it. Schemo's got a rat's nest of comm and data main lines down here that would make a Nautolan kink up. Doon't wanna go willy nilly and put half the spire out in the dark. Doon'cha worry a hair though, preeetty sure we can splice around that. The less this looks like a Life Day tree, the better though."
Kes Akiena
May 6th, 2015, 02:16:07 AM
Even without the flowery talk, he knew the writing on the wall. He - in some ways - expected it. Wasn't really the first time he'd had to make alternate sleeping arrangements. Still though... here? On a station that'd been so extensively assured was up to snuff? Even despite the rigors of a hard-space move, he'd been reassured many times over the stability of the station's structure.
In the face of things now though, those assurances were like anooba farts in the wind. Kes frown, his eyes squeezing shut as he mentally tried to arrange his situation.
"I'll find something adequate enough, Lieutenant. I trust your work won't extend too far into the future?"
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 6th, 2015, 02:24:04 AM
"squeeeee well yaknoo the first rule in space is doon't ask about the timetables e-ee-quee!"
Awkward silence followed, and Gradoona gave a polite cough.
"That was a lil' joke, sir."
The Herglic sucked a breath of air through her bottom row of teeth as she sparked a laser cutter.
"As much as I might fancy the corner office and all, this isn't exaaaactly what I had in mind. Believe you me, I'd rather juggle less penguins than more of 'em. But I'll put her together better than when you saw her, you can count on that one! Coruscant wasn't built in a day, but she turned out a real beaut anyway."
Kes Akiena
May 6th, 2015, 02:26:01 AM
Kes made a face, not sure exactly how to take the non-answer that was given to him.
"So then, am I looking at three days to a week, then?"
His option for berth were narrowing already.
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 6th, 2015, 02:29:12 AM
"Oh well that's a little melodramaatic I think."
Still, he was pressing her into a timeframe nonetheless, and no amount of squirming would avoid it.
"I think two days, taaps. We'll have you snug in your own bed again lickety split."
Kes Akiena
May 6th, 2015, 02:33:08 AM
A moment of though, and the redhead finally nodded to absolutely no-one. Perhaps if Gradoona were here it would mean something, but as it was, he was the only one in his office (for once).
Alright. Two days then."
Another thought.
"Will I be able to gather a change of clothes, then?"
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 6th, 2015, 02:36:28 AM
"Ooh suuure!" Gradoona replied emphatically, followed by a fweeee expelled in certain punctuation from her blowhole.
"Commander, I'm just knaackin' out some walls and floors. It's not like there's a radiation spike oor we've sprung a water line leak. Like the Jawas say, su casa, yaknoo?"
Kes Akiena
May 6th, 2015, 02:43:59 AM
A small consolation. Still though, the matter remained that he would not be sleeping in his own quarters for the evening, nor the one after. It was an annoying quandary.
"Understood, Lieutenant."
Walls and floors. And floors??! Kes clamped his eyes shut as he mentally pictured the ruin that would be his quarters. It was worse than when he was given the unenviable room assignment with Corporal Corax. That poor Rodian never could figure his kit out, and it was Kes' unfortunate duty to carry the weight. Even in those early days it had been a hell of a thing.
"I'll be by later this evening, then."
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 6th, 2015, 11:28:12 AM
"Ookay suure. I'll make suure all your things are within easy reach."
Gradoona nodded along as she began cutting into the decking. The spitting crackle of her laser cutter growled over the comm line.
"Anyhoo, I won't keep ya, sir. I'm suure you've got a laat bigger things in your frying pan than this ol' penguin here."
Kes Akiena
May 10th, 2015, 12:48:29 PM
A partial grimace that no one could see was given to the comm, and Kes nodded.
"Thank you."
A push of a button closed the connection, and the redhead leaned back in his seat, one hand going up to rub at the bridge of his nose as his mind raced, trying to find some sort of solution to this minor - yet very inconvenient - problem. His fingers pinched, and finally his arm moved back down to press another sequence of numbers into the touchpad on his desk. It was starting to become a very familiar number, and when the voice on the other line answered, Kes opted for the simplest order he could.
"K'ohta'rrou, I need a word with you."
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
May 10th, 2015, 07:45:51 PM
T'yeellaa's voice replied breathily on the other side of the comm, as if she'd been busy doing something before he'd called.
Kes Akiena
May 10th, 2015, 08:08:35 PM
There was a moment's hesitation, but he pressed onward regardless.
"K'ohta'rrou Meorrrei, are you... "
And all of a sudden, Kes was not sure that he wanted the answer to the question he was about to ask.
"... busy?"
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
May 10th, 2015, 08:33:57 PM
There was a distinct pause. T'yeellaa wiped a sheen of perspiration off her forehead as she decoupled from her midday Jaanni'saari hospitality visit. She'd opted for a little sheet time over chow, and fortunately the particulars were fairly easy to deal with on short notice. The marine, thankfully knew well enough to keep his mouth shut with the comm on. Suddenly aware of who she was talking to, K'ohta'rrou Meorrrei reached for the sheets to cover her naked breasts as she talked, for fear that Kes might somehow hear them.
"No morre than ussual, ssjirr. How can jI help?"
Kes Akiena
May 10th, 2015, 09:34:29 PM
He knew those pauses. He'd been - in the past - the one to give such pauses. Unfortunately now, on the other side of the comm, Kes finally realized just how awkward the other end of the line felt. It was retribution he figured. Vengeance. And it was merciless.
Nevertheless, the redhead cleared his throat.
"Yes well. Good to know"
For the umpteenth time that day he felt a pinch forming in his left temple.
"I've got a bit of request to make, if it's not too much."
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
May 10th, 2015, 09:39:40 PM
A request and not an order, with the further addendum of if it's not too much. K'ohta'rrou Meorrrei sat still on the bed, gesturing for her brief fling to get dressed and make himself scarce. It would've been easier if it was an order. Take care of visiting dignitaries, K'ohta'rrou. Sound battle stations, K'ohta'rrou. See why the gravity isn't working, K'ohta'rrou. A request was a rare breed of thing.
"jI'm ljisstenjing."
Kes Akiena
May 10th, 2015, 09:54:35 PM
And now came... well, now came something. It was certainly not the norm, and he wasn't so sure that she wouldn't answer him with some sort of growling reply considering what he'd just no doubt interrupted.
"I need you to find me temporary quarters for the next two days."
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
May 10th, 2015, 10:12:09 PM
Why was so far down the tip of her tongue that it almost slipped past her lips. T'yeellaa couldn't help but wonder at what might spur on such a request. The answers ranged from radiation leak to an unannounced visit from relatives. What she could tell him was that he was fresh out of luck.
"Ssjirr, between the cjivjiljian ssectorr to ourr enljisstedss and ourr contrractorr bjilletss, we barreljy have enough sspace asss jit sstandss."
Pinching the bridge of her nose, K'ohta'rrou Meorrrei gallantly staved off a headache. Surely there was a way to pass this buck down through a few two thousand other people. The gnawing dread in her middle knew that she wouldn't, howeverr.
"Ssjirr, jyou wouldn't assk thjiss wjithout a verrjy good rreasson, would jyou?"
T'yeellaa's ears began to droop gradually.
Kes Akiena
May 10th, 2015, 10:35:20 PM
"Trust me, I wouldn't."
Leaning back in his seat, Kes looked forlornly at his empty mug of caf.
"It seems that my own quarters are unfit for habitability, and due to that I find myself in a bit of a quandary."
A sigh.
"If there are any sort of bunks you can scrounge up in short order, I'd very much appreciate it."
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
May 10th, 2015, 10:37:11 PM
"jYou can..."
T'yeellaa paused, a hard swallow punctuating things before she continued in a near mumble.
"...ssharre mjy quarrterrss."
Kes Akiena
May 10th, 2015, 10:54:47 PM
And now came his turn to pause. Even in the beginning throws of a dismissal, Kes couldn't even form a verbal response. Instead, he simply shook his head in a motion that none could see.
"The thought is kind, but I'd rather avoid any gossip that may spring from that sort of arrangement."
A final, authoritative shake of his head was given - again to no one in particular - and Kes spoke once more.
"No, thank you, but no. If it means that I spend the next few days bunking in my office, then very well. But, on the off chance that you're able to find me an empty berth, I would most appreciate it."
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
May 10th, 2015, 11:05:40 PM
There was an audible sigh of relief that he'd turned her down, and the K'ohta'rrou hoped not loud enough to notice. Buoyed, T'yeellaa's posture straightened.
"The moment sso much asss a sstrrajy cot turrnss up, jI'll make ssurre jit hass jyourr name on jit, ssjirr."
Kes Akiena
May 10th, 2015, 11:12:25 PM
It was the best he would get, at least at this point in time, and Kes nodded to himself.
"Thank you."
And with that, he reached forward.
"Let me know if you find anything."
With that final word, Kes cut the line. Leaning back in his chair, he let his head fall back, eyes tracking up to stare at the ceiling in an attempt to discern who to blame for this sudden streak of ill fortune.
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 11th, 2015, 11:22:42 PM
Another few hours passed in relative peace, but yet again, the inevitable chiming of Commander Akiena's comm began to sound as he attended to matters on the Command deck.
Kes Akiena
May 12th, 2015, 12:19:28 PM
"I want all of those forms checked, Mister Ek'ette. Make sure that each one is exactly as it should be."
"Yes Sir, Commander."
Standing slightly to the side of the main dais, Kes conversed with his Elomin subordinate in even tones. Ek'ette took the pair of datapads from him,glancing to their screens despite the standby images that they both displayed. He nodded, then gave pause as a thought occurred to him, and he met the Commander's eyes once more.
"Perhaps it would be wise to run them through other channels as well? Stretch a little, and see just how far we can let our eyes wander?"
A shake of his head.
"Normally I'd agree, but not right now. We're still a little too fresh off the line to start with that mess."
Ek'ette gave an understanding nod. "Understood, Sir."
"Besides, I don't think that-"
It was like a soft, insistent prodding, the sound of the comm that now beeped at him, drifting to his ears from his office. And less than a second later, the small comm in his pocket chirped ever-so-happily along in tandem. Waving Ek'ette away to carry on with his tasks, Kes moved a step or two away while fishing his comm from his pocket and answering it.
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 12th, 2015, 10:34:04 PM
"Howdy do, sir. How're things up there aan the command deck? I'm fiiine doown here, just fine. How're you?"
Was she nervous? A little. Gradoona watched the gout from the coolant line belch fog through the quarters. Already, a sheen of frost was starting to accumulated on the walls.
"Sooo, I've had a tiiiiny setback. But dooncha worry, I'm right aan taap of things."
Kes Akiena
May 13th, 2015, 09:44:34 AM
In some vestigial action of looking about the rest of the command dais to make sure that none had heard the voice on the other end (a silly movement, as of course no one had), Kes let his eyes track their way to the door of his office. He stayed where he was however, grimacing.
"What's wrong?" The 'now' was held back, but only just barely.
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 13th, 2015, 10:18:06 AM
"Oooh weeell aside from the Empire skimping aan routine maintenance here and there, we're all penguins and cream down here yaknoo."
The temperature was just fine for the Herglic, even in it's full icy torment. She imagined the smaller human would find it less comfy, however.
"Looks like there's a coolant conduit that runs across this entire deck. Well, I mean, I knew it was there and I could hear it down there yaknoo, but ooh dear I didn't expect there to be corrosion this bad. Anyhoo, I've cut aaff the mainline, juuust waitin' for the reserve to bleed out soo I can dig down in there and put in some new pipe."
Kes Akiena
May 13th, 2015, 11:05:54 AM
There was a moment when he had nothing to say. Standing in silence, Kes Akiena had a sudden, very real worry for the few possessions that he had. It was a silly concern; one of those initial flashes of panic that preceded the much more mundane realities.
It was all he could get out at this point, his mind suddenly flipping over to a much more dire line of thought.
"This won't push back your original timetable, will it?"
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 13th, 2015, 11:27:28 AM
The Herglic engineer ran a thick hand over the veneer of frost formed on the decking, crushing the more well-formed crystals ans she cleared a seam.
"Well I was still gonna have to get through the decking, soo that part hasn't changed. Maaaybe another three hours for the piping, as the penguin swims."
There was a more pressing worry, however, and Gradoona click-whistled in contemplation.
"Aaf cooourse, now I've gotta give a look-see to the rest aaf the coolant piping on the deck, that can be done non-invasive like till we hit another praablem. Shouldn't impact the timetable on your quarters thoough."
Kes Akiena
May 13th, 2015, 11:33:24 AM
An inaudible sigh of relief.
"Sounds good then."
An ensign approached, a flimsi held out for the Commander to take. Accepting it with a nod, his eyes scanned over the contents for a few moments. A quick glance to his chrono, and Kes went on.
"I'll be by in about an hour to gather my things."
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 13th, 2015, 01:40:29 PM
Gradoona blinked at that.
"Ooh. Oookay then. You miiight wanna get a coat though. It's a bit nippy."
The gout of leaked coolant was slowing to a trickle, and the Herglic broke an icicle off that was forming on the ceiling. With a sigh, she again sparked up her cutter to get to work on excising the corroded length of piping from it's nearest junction. Hopefully the next section would be more robust, but there was no telling at present. She had hardly expected this much trouble out of a routine once-over.
Kes Akiena
May 13th, 2015, 11:45:37 PM
Roughly 52 minutes passed from the time he had hung up to the time that he approached the door of his quarters. Distinct sounds of work could be heard from the other side, and with each step bringing him ever closer, Kes could already see in his mind's eye the utter devastation that would be his 'home'. It was a mental image that he forcefully pushed away. Stepping up to the closed door, the redhead steeled himself as best as possible. His eyes closed, he drew in a deep breath, and keying the entry code, stepped inside as the door opened.
Two steps later found his eye bulging, mouth open as if the cold air had knocked the wind from his lungs. His shoulders both hitched up, hands tensing as fingers splayed in some helpless show of paralysis.
The door slid shut behind him.
In complete shock, he turned wide eyes to Gradoona. She'd said something about a jacket, but he'd thought she'd only been joking! His arms moved then to wrap around his chest in a mockery of an attempt to regain some amount of body heat.
"You bled the coolant line in here?!"
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 13th, 2015, 11:58:27 PM
Gradoona killed the arc cutter, hoisting a large section of pitted pipe up against the wall where it rested alongside three others. The herglic drew back her protective goggles, her blowhole puffing a steamy breath up into the air.
"Well, we can't put feathers back aan the penguin, sir. I torqued down the emergency valve at the nearest section junction, but that leaves a good 1500 cubic meters of cold juice under pressure, and it's gaatta goo somewhere, yaknoo."
Beaked mouth open in genial rapprochement, Gradoona traced a stubby finger on the nearest frost-crusted wall to create a smiley face.
"Doon'tcha worry a hair, sir. Line's dry, and we'll be at climate equilibrium in a few hours. Aan the plus side, I did get those pesky bracings re-fitted."
Gradoona clanged her hydrospanner against a newly-welded support bracing that connected the deck beams with the outer hull. It sounded very sturdy.
"Hear that, sir? That's the genuine article!"
Kes Akiena
May 14th, 2015, 12:04:46 AM
He could only blink, staring at her in no small amount of chilly surprise. Presently he ventured further in, giving her a nod.
"Sounds... solid."
Gods but it was freezing! He had the sudden thought that it was colder even than Hoth.
"I'm just," a thumb jerked in the direction of his room as he sidled his way closer to it, "... I'm just gonna get a few changes of clothes. Don't let me interrupt you."
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 14th, 2015, 12:15:49 AM
"Ooh heavens no, I like the company, squeee."
Gradoona's beaky grin widened a little more, revealing her curly tongue as hot breath puffed above.
"Buuut I guess from the way you're shaking like a penguin outta water, you praabably don't find the chill quite as homey as I do."
A thought occurred to the herglic as she squatted into the deck recess to inspect the valve terminus with a pen lamp.
"Ooh now I feel awful about this inconvenience, sir. Doo ya have a place to rest your head for the night? Yaknoo, it's only right that you spell yourself in my quarters if you doon't. I mean, it's all-nighter territory for yours truly, so..."
Kes Akiena
May 14th, 2015, 12:33:03 PM
A quick search through his closet, and Kes pulled out the thick longcoat he had normally no need for. A deep color of indigo, it was nearly black. Major's bars still adorned the shoulders, and each carved, gold button was still polished. He shrugged it on, feeling its' weight settle on his shoulders.
Her words weren't exactly expected, and as he pulled a small duffel from the closet as well, went on before she could repeat herself.
"Thank you for the offer, but I think I'll be alright." A small change of clothes was packed inside, and he moved toward the fresher.
"I've stayed plenty of nights in worse places than an office, trust me."
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 14th, 2015, 11:11:49 PM
His rejection of her offer was met by a somewhat inscrutable fwaaaa from her blowhole.
"Ooh alrighty then. Just tryin' to be neighborly."
A colossal din rang through the quarters as Gradoona beat on the junction terminus of the coolant piping with a wrench. The force was just enough to break the seal on the thread lock, which Gradoona then further loosened with a mighty turn of the wrench on the piping itself. The first quarter turn caused the Herglic to grunt and fweee, but the next few turns were easier by degrees, until the last bit of the offending pipe fell to the deck's undercarriage with a thud.
"Soo hey, while I'm down in the guts and all, would ya like a few creative improvements to your pad? The water hookup is down here. I mean, she dog-legs oover there to the tap and all, but yaknoo we could always pull out the sonics for an honest-to-goodness water bath. Heated, bubble jets, as fancy as you please!"
Kes Akiena
May 14th, 2015, 11:28:30 PM
A small comb, his razor, and toothpaste and toothbrush were the last items to be thrown into his duffel before it was zipped shut.
Stepping from his room, Kes moved through the living area to stand a small ways behind the Herglic, surveying her work with a still-concerned air about him. Her offer was kind, but he had serious doubts that it would be a good idea to approve of such an extensive overhaul to his living arrangements at this time. Again he shook his head.
"It would probably not be a good idea right now, but your offer is kind, and I sincerely thank you, Lieutenant."
His features fell into his familiar smile then, and Kes reached out to give her a reassuring pat to a massive arm and an encouraging wink.
"Don't spend all night in here; I'd rather you get rest yourself and not run the risk of working tired."
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 14th, 2015, 11:54:01 PM
Gradoona masked her disappointment with an ever-affable grin, nodding her head a bit. Too bad, that would've been a fun little side project.
"Oohh I'll be fiiine, sir. Donchaknoo engineers sleep less than battle droids."
The Herglic sized up a fresh length of pipe, eyeing the male threading as she applied a thin membrane of threadlocker to the spiral.
"And you're suuure I can't touch things up a bit for ya? Not even a humidifier? Isn't it dry to yoou?"
Kes Akiena
May 15th, 2015, 12:14:27 AM
"No ma'am, 'fraid it's not too dry in here for me."
Stil he smiled, and stepping away, Kes headed for the door. It opened, and he stepped through, stopping only to poke his head back in.
"Just no more bleeding coolant lines in here, yeah?"
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 15th, 2015, 08:10:39 PM
Of course it's not too dry. Gradoona's mouth finally closed as she haaauuumed, which was about as sarcastic an expression as she could muster that would no-doubt sail over her human superior's head. Humans never seemed to mind their own little air quality settings. And that's why Gradoona got three full baths a day plus moisturizer.
"Well, if it happens a second time, sir, then that'll be on me!"
Kes Akiena
May 15th, 2015, 11:11:54 PM
0200 Hours
He'd fallen asleep at his desk. Leaning back in his seat, Kes' head was angled downward, his eyes closed as a hand barely kept a hold of the datapad he'd been at one point reading. The only reason it hadn't clattered from his grasp was because it was partially resting in his lap. His duffel and overcoat both had been deposited in one of the chairs opposite his desk, and his uniform jacket had also been shed, now draped over the back of his own seat. Outside of his office, the night crew went about their own duties in silence, not exactly sure what to think of the Commander now slumbering in his office. None were in a particular mood to ask him why he wasn't in his own quarters either, and so Kes was left blissfully alone.
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
May 15th, 2015, 11:58:59 PM
K'ohta'rrou Meorrrei had circled around at the end of her shift, heading back to the executive officers habitation section. It hadn't taken much of a stroll to realize that her superior was still temporarily homeless. A tirelessly-working Herglic in his quarters kept going by singing a few off-key song lyrics, and it didn't look like she'd be finished whatever she was doing any time soon. T'yeellaa set off after that, looking at taking a few drastic measures to make sure her superior was in a better state than he no-doubt was. That hunch was confirmed as she watched through his office window as he snoozed uncomfortably at his desk.
Opting to avoid the door chime, T'yeellaa gently rapped at the door frame with the back of her hand.
Kes Akiena
May 16th, 2015, 12:09:15 AM
One of the damnable things about spending a good portion of his life in the service of the Rebellion was the cultivated knack of sleeping lightly. It was a rare occasion that Kes slept so soundly as to be unaware of any little bump in the night, and now was no different. The fingers of his hand tensed, gripping the 'pad as he pulled in a sharp breath, eyes opening and lifting his head up. A long, expelled breath, and the redhead leaned forward to deposit the 'pad on his desk while at the same time trying to fully rouse himself.
Only at the last moment did his mind register the nature of the sound that'd woken him, and resting both elbows on the desktop with his off hand coming up to rub away the sleep from his eyes, he spoke in a slightly more hoarse voice than normal.
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
May 16th, 2015, 02:16:37 AM
T'yeellaa entered with a parcel under one hand, and a steaming cup of spiced beverage in the other. She rested the mug on Kes' desk.
"Si'enda tai, Commanderr. Forr rresstful ssleep."
The beverage had a milky look to it, with grainy flecks barely visible. The K'ohta'rrou then began to unpack the second part of her care package. Two repulsor units with a spool of close-knit mesh between them that formed a hovering hammock.
"Don't assk wherre jI found thjiss. jYourr K'ohta'rrou jiss rruthlesss and rressourrceful."
Kes Akiena
May 16th, 2015, 02:24:44 AM
He looked at the beverage she'd set before him, giving it a thorough once-over before turning green eyes up to meet her own blue.
It was not what he expected, and Kes let out a long, tired breath while ponderously rising from his chair.
"K'ohta'rrou, you didn't have to do this."
Another look to the steaming cup of... si'enda tai. He gingerly reached out, taking it up and passing it beneath his nose.
"Smells good," came his initial verdict. "What's in it?"
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
May 16th, 2015, 02:41:25 AM
Not at all disarmed by Akiena's grateful yammering, T'yeellaa crossed her arms.
"jI am jyourr K'ohta'rrou. jIt'ss mjy job to make ssurre jyou have what jyou need to command effectjiveljy, and jyou need ssleep. Humanss jinssjisst on sso ljittle of jit asss jit sstandss."
He seemed to be pleased by the aroma of the si'enda tai, and T'yeellaa dared not diminish that by the details.
"Jusst drrjink jit, ssjirr. We'll talk about that jin the morrnjing. jYou'rre not the onljy one who needss ssleep."
Kes Akiena
May 16th, 2015, 02:48:33 AM
A final look to the milky contents of the beverage she'd brought, and with a careful sip, Kes let the hot liquid tease his tongue before swallowing. It was good, and he ventured another taste, eyes closing at the sensation of it as it traveled down his throat to soothe his nerves.
"I was sleeping quite well just a short while ago," he teased gently, though it was easy to see that her attentiveness was appreciated quite heartily.
The mug was set back down onto his desk, and Kes moved to stand beside her while looking down at the hammock that she'd somehow managed to find.
"But your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated, T'yeellaa."
A gentle pat was given to her shoulder, and he turned a genuine smile of gratitude to her.
"Thank you."
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
May 16th, 2015, 03:07:18 AM
The K'ohta'rrou found herself smiling in spite of herself, a quick and almost furtive expression. She relented further with a "jYou'rre welcome."
There was something awkward in this moment, and T'yeellaa realized that she needed to extricate herself from it before it became more awkward. Late nights, an offered drink...invitations to things that could not be. She carefully stepped toward the door, watching to make sure he negotiated the hammock rather than incomprehensibly returning to his desk out of some ridiculous stubborn tendency.
"Good njight, ssjirr."
Kes Akiena
May 16th, 2015, 02:09:29 PM
Taking up the mug once more, Kes ventured another sip before lifting it to her in salute.
"Good night."
0400 Hours
It was strangely much more comfortable than its' appearance, and Kes found sleep easy as his body lay partially cocooned, suspended in the air. The hammock had done a much more commendable job of easing tired muscles than his chair had, and though he'd stubbornly tried to continue his reading, it wasn't long before his datapad was lying on his chest as he fell into slumber.
Kes Akiena
May 17th, 2015, 02:52:19 PM
0600 Hours
Two and a half hours of solid sleep had done well to refresh him, and Kes had found it relatively painless to rouse himself back into the world of the living. In many ways he'd felt taken back to years past, and for a split second he half expected to see a crowded billet of Rebel commandos and other soldiers in various states of wakefulness. Of course a moment later he knew that no, he was not catching a small amount of sleep in some rigged up corner of a transport hangar. He was in his office, on Jovan Station. The datapad on his chest was taken up as he negotiated the tricky task of sitting up, bare feet coming over the edge of the hammock to settle on the thin carpeting of the floor.
Leaning forward, he ran a free hand through his hair as his mind went through its' normal waking routines, and slowly leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees, Kes sat for a short time. Another glance to the 'pad's screen, and with a light groan he rose to stand.
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 17th, 2015, 03:54:37 PM
And almost promptly at 0600, the Commander's door chimed. In the window beyond, he could make out a familiar Herglic in an engineer's uniform that looked a degree or two dirtier than last he saw her. She couldn't help but peer in, seeing the unorthodox hammock deployed that he was stirring from. She waved a thick hand in a short, friendly gesture.
Kes Akiena
May 17th, 2015, 04:01:57 PM
Looking up, Kes blinked at the view through his office window, and he gave a weak smile while giving her a gesture to enter. Padding quietly to his desk, he skirted around it while letting the datapad fall to the glossed surface with a light clatter. Lowering his frame to sit, the redhead ran his fingers through a barely manageable head of skewed hair, trying to coax each strand into a somewhat appropriate appearance.
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 17th, 2015, 09:34:47 PM
"Ooh, good to see ya up with the penguins aand all. Ooh and a hammock too, that's clever there, boy howdy!"
Gradoona fweeeed in approval, not noticing the sleep deprived bags under her Commander's eyes.
"Well you're in luck! I'm praaactically wrapped up on your quarters job! Wanna give a look-see?"
Kes Akiena
May 17th, 2015, 10:05:00 PM
"That sounds wonderful."
The relief in his voice was palpable, and in short order a pair of socks were pulled on, followed by his shoes. His uniform jacket was plucked from the back of his chair as he rose to stand, and shrugging it on, he turned a cautious eye to the Lieutenant while tentatively reaching for his longcoat.
"Will I be needing this, then, or is it no longer colder than Hoth in there... ?"
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 17th, 2015, 10:33:14 PM
The Herglic gave an exaggerated shake of her big head, lolling her tongue slightly.
"Not unless you're baathered by twenty degrees standard! You'll be fiiine. I even made a few improvements here and there."
Beckoning the Commander on with a friendly wave, Gradoona thudded out of the office, whistle-clacking along the way.
Kes Akiena
May 17th, 2015, 10:49:33 PM
He followed dutifully, and as they stepped into the lift that would take them from the command hub, Kes once more smoothed his hair back. He desperately wanted a shower, and if his quarters were in a ready enough state, he would definitely try to procure a few minutes to allow himself a chance at cleaning up.
"About how much longer would you say you've got left until you're done?"
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 17th, 2015, 11:00:13 PM
"Ooh well aside from tidying up, I dunnoo. Yaknoo, you might get smitten with an idea oor two after you see the new digs, sir."
They entered the lift, Gradoona dominating most of the space and leaving Kes to the periphery.
"The moore I gaat to tinkerin' about, the moore I got ideas. With enough solder and elbow grease, the world kinda becomes your penguin. Best to keep an oopen mind!"
Kes Akiena
May 17th, 2015, 11:08:54 PM
There was a brief flash of panic that crossed his features, but Kes quickly returned to a look of calm as they were ferried downward. What exactly had she done? What could she have possibly gotten it into her head to do? He'd already declined the notion of a water tub, and a series of humidifiers... what else could there be? He scoured through the terrifying possibilities, and the inevitable attempts to have to explain to his superiors that no, none of whatever had been done was done on his order. And so the lift ride was made in silence. For him, it was a tense silence spent imagining himself being summarily sacked and sent off to captain some garbage hauler. An inglorious end to a career spent in mostly studious service to the cause. He was doomed, and all because of the good intentions of Lieutenant Gradoona.
But, he put on a brave face despite the inner turmoil, and as the lift slowed to a stop, the doors opening, Kes gestured for her to exit first.
Licking his lips, Kes steeled himself as he stepped out after her, letting her lead the way.
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 17th, 2015, 11:27:48 PM
Gradoona stomped along, whistling happily to herself as she finally arrived at the Commander's quarters.
"Ookay soo howaboout ya cloose your eyes, aaand I'll letcha knoo when you can oopen 'em?"
If there was ever a sly or conspiratorial expression a Herglic could make, it wouldn't matter anyways, as Kes likely couldn't tell to begin with. Still, Gradoona's little eyes squinted to each side of her open grin, and she wrang her thick hands together expectantly.
Kes Akiena
May 18th, 2015, 12:04:50 AM
He gave her a worried look then, his concern showing through the cracks of his calm facade. Again his mind's eye tortured him with visions of being sent off. But, with a long, deep breath, the redhead did as he was asked and closed his eyes.
Please let it just be a vase of flowers, or a bucket of fried nuna and mashed tubers...
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 18th, 2015, 12:11:24 AM
Gradoona clacked repeatedly, easing a hand across Kes' shoulder as her other hand keyed open the door with a whoosh. They stepped into quarters that now boasted a wider panorama window pane, warmer and more even lighting, and a datashelf carousel. Most of the changes were functional rather than aesthetic, but nothing overtly clashed or detracted from the original state of things.
Upon inspection, he might notice the lack of a bed or of sonics in the refresher, but that too was part of the plan.
"Ookay, you can oopen up!"
Kes Akiena
May 18th, 2015, 12:00:33 PM
There was a moment that he was fearful of opening his eyes, but Kes pushed the worry away, doing as he was asked.
The wider view of the starfield outside was lovely, and letting his gaze linger for a few moments longer, the redhead eventually allowed his eyes to wander further. The lights seemed to cast everything in a much more level and even way, not to mention they seemed somehow warmer and inviting. It was... nice. And not at all the horror that he was expecting.
"Looks good, Lieutenant," his tone held a touch of tentative approval. "Looks very good."
Stepping away, he moved through the main living area, pausing in the open doorway of his room.
"Um, Lieutenant... " He turned to look at her.
"Where's my bed?"
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 19th, 2015, 12:00:32 AM
She thought he'd never ask. Looking well-satisfied, Gradoona cleared the air with a dramatic haaaauuuum for effect, then tilted her head up slightly and let loose a series of whistles and clicks. The chiming affirmation of the droid brain recessed in a wall panel responded, and the deck where Kes' bed once rested split apart silently, revealing what was before a hidden recess. Up from the open panel, Kes' bed raised silently up on hydraulics.
"Taa daaa!"
Kes Akiena
May 19th, 2015, 11:10:49 AM
Oh dear.
It was certainly not what he expected, and Kes stood in a small amount of shock, unsure exactly of what to say. He blinked, brought a hand up to scratch at an itch on the underside of his jaw, and bit his lip for just a moment.
"Well, I... " he scrambled for anything to say.
"It's... very nice. Really, very nice."
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 20th, 2015, 12:54:25 AM
"Pilfered a DR-46J droid brain from the consignment depot. Yaknoo, they're juuust about obsolete, but they're good foor basic vox commands and minor logic. Soo, a little saalder jaab, run a wire heeeere run a wire theeere, and the pneumatics gaat picked aaff the bones of a Sentinel lander rusting in the chaap shaap. Hefty enough for you and a harem, yaknoo, if the mood grabs ya sir!"
Gradoona considered jumping on the bed to demonstrate, but thought better of it. While the strut would easily take the punishment, the mattress springs were probably another story.
Kes Akiena
May 20th, 2015, 12:48:04 PM
"You're quite resourceful," he answered, his voice just a little bit low as he took in her explanation.
And truth be told she was. Thankfully it still fell beneath the mark that he'd been worried she'd send him over, and Kes quietly let out a breath of relief as his hand fell away to hook a thumb into the belt loop of his trousers.
"So then, you said you're mostly done; what else do you have left to do?"
It was fairly obvious that he did not want to have to spend another night in his office.
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
May 23rd, 2015, 01:37:06 AM
"Ooh well...I made a list."
Feeling modrately chuffed, the Herglic pressed a datapad into Kes' hand.
"I knoo these aren't priority, soo it won't hurt my feelings if you tell me to forget about these. Anything from woodwork aan accent pieces to added recharging panels. Maaaybe an aquarium, I dunnoo."
Gradoona fweeed expectantly, wondering how that bit of possibility might grab him.
"Think it oover, sir. Heck, I could even design an ergonaamic desk. I've been lookin' at a few designs."
Kes Akiena
Aug 9th, 2015, 02:52:13 PM
Giving the 'pad only a cursory look, Kes let out a long breath.
"Well, for now I'd say you've done quite a bit. I'll," another glance was sent to his bed before returning back to her.
"... I'll have a look through these here and let you know. Fair enough?"
Gradoona Pod-Floewander
Aug 9th, 2015, 08:28:29 PM
"You betcha sir! Yaknoo it's naat a praablem at all."
With her tools tidied up and put back on the maintenance cart, she cast a rolly-tongued grin back at her superior.
"Well, I'm suure I've more than overstayed my visit and all, soo I'm gonna goo and tamp down other fires. You have a good'un, sir!"
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