View Full Version : Helllloooooo, Nurse!
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 14th, 2015, 06:56:15 PM
It was supposed to be easy. It was supposed to have been a simple leap, catch and swing off of a tree branch, just for fun. How was Hal to know that the tree had termites? How was he supposed to know that the branch was virtually hollow, would snap off in his paws, sending him tumbling to the earth fifteen feet below, not giving him enough time to react before he came crashing down to the hard ground? With a crunch.
It was that crunch that led Halajiin Rabeak, Jedi Knight, limping toward the medical center in Sanctuary One, grass stains up his right side, and left paw clutching his right arm, which hung lifeless.
"Doctor?" the yellow-furred Nehantite called out as he pushed through the doors. "Need some help, here!"
Apr 14th, 2015, 07:08:07 PM
Matea had been busy going over a few duty logs, a Cerean with a hairline fracture, treated - scheduled return appointment for 2 weeks. A Cizerak service member who wished for discretion for a venereal disease, and no report of it with their superiors. She had scheduled a consultation with Jedi Solomon, to touch base with his options for limb replacement, perhaps there would be time to continue speaking on the Living Force. She made a note of it in her personal logs, and turned from her station as a loud sound caught her audio sensors. Medical attention was being requested.
She exited from a back room into the main reception area. This unit apologizes that there is not currently a doctor on hand to attend. I am Matea, Medical Assistant Series 7. How may I be of... She stopped her query as her systems registered the manner in which he held his arm, and she quickly moved across the floor, the padded sound of her footfalls echoing as she approached and gently began examining his arm. Please, follow me and we will attend to this. She began moving toward a back consultation room, expecting him to follow.
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 14th, 2015, 07:52:48 PM
*plink!* You could almost hear the Nehantite's pink eyes blink as the nurse came into view. At first he mistook her for some sort of lustrous alien race, but the moment she spoke, he knew she was a droid.
A droid? A droid who wears clothes? He thought to himself.
A rather hot droid, at that.
Can we focus on your arm, here?
Hal made no delay in following, head remaining still as he limped along, and his eyes were drawn down the nursing droid's shapely figure to a set of hips that swung back and forth with near perfect precision as she walked. So hypnotized was he that he nearly bumped into her once she stopped, having to snap himself out of it. "Fell out of a tree," he said hoping she hadn't noticed him staring. "Think I, uh, dislocated my shoulder. Whacked my hip pretty good, too."
Did you just look at her chest?
What? Can't a guy be curious about mechanical design? You're the one always telling me I should learn to better appreciate technology. I'm appreciating!
Apr 14th, 2015, 08:11:55 PM
She motioned for him to sit at an examination table, and once he had gotten suitably comfortable, raised her datapad to begin taking down his information. A warm smile crossing her face, the servos and joints turning upward in pleasant expression, programmed to be the personable nursing unit that she was.
I will require pertinent data to begin a file for you. Biometric information that may be necessary for your treatment; Allergies, medications you are currently taking, illnesses or conditions that may impact the treatment options we have available for you.
Name? She queried directly, file already beginning both on the pad and in her internal records. A flash through her systems, secondary and primary concurring after a few moments, Unless you are more comfortable entering your own information. She proffered the datapad to him, she could afterall, continue to update her own files.
// ________________ // _________________ //
// Patient has limited movement in right arm after descent from high location. Potential dislocation, x-rays recommended, possible fractures, muscle or nerve damage. Patient also expresses concern on possible hip injuries or sprain. //
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 14th, 2015, 08:22:05 PM
Sitting on the table was easier said than done, and Hal found himself heavily favoring his left side, as it had not had the dubious honor of having smashed to the earth only a short while earlier.
"Only seasonal allergies," he replied. "And I'm on antihistamines for those. Other than that... well, nothing I can think of."
A nagging desire pushed him to pursue scanning the nurse over, up and down with his eyes, as if looking for some secret that may be revealed there. So taken by his examination was he that he nearly missed the pad as it was extended. "Oh. Oh!" he replied, then reached out to take it with his left paw. A few clumsy fumblings later, his smile faded into a sheepish grin. "Actually, uh, not so great at the one-pawed typing. Might be better if you enter it. Name's Halajiin Rabeak. But you can just call me Hal," he said.
Then he leaned him smile going from sheep to wolf as he added, "What's your name?"
Apr 14th, 2015, 08:30:47 PM
She had not considered the effects his condition would have on his typing or sitting, she would note this for future encounters and improve upon the care of her patients. It was unfortunate that this one was being made to be a guinea pig, but necessary as she sussed out exact procedures in the environment she now worked.
She took the pad from him and entered the data.
// Halajiin "Hal" Rabeak // _________________ //
She was about to ask for clarification on his species, as she did not want to offend by assuming him to be a Nehantite, rather than one of the other Kingdoms of Nehantish, when he queried her name. Curious, had she not given it upon their initial meeting?
// Patient has limited movement in right arm after descent from high location. Potential dislocation, x-rays recommended, possible fractures, muscle or nerve damage. Patient also expresses concern on possible hip injuries or sprain.
Potential audial difficulties. Investigate. //
This unit is Matea. Medical Assistant Series 7, Serial E-4. I believe I provided you with my name and designation when you entered the facility.
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 14th, 2015, 08:36:19 PM
"Huh?" Hal responded, face blank for a moment. Immediately it all came rushing back to him. "Oh! Oh, yes, you did. Sorry, I was a bit preoccupied with, well..." he nodded toward his right shoulder.
"Matea, huh? That's a very pretty name. It suits you," he found his smile, again, almost forgetting how much pain he was in. "You, uh, worked here long? Haven't seen you around, before. Pretty sure I'd remember a face like yours."
Apr 14th, 2015, 08:58:37 PM
Her oculars blinked rapidly growing confusion in her processes and subroutines as she queried for a medical condition appropriate for the situation that was occurring. Your arm. She motioned at it, trying to steer the topic back on track. We should really continue.
What kingdom do you hail from, Hal? She used the 'nickname' he had offered earlier, a personal rapport key to quality patient conditions she had found. Her secondary systems cycled through, she had been asked a question, it would be improper to not respond, even if it were not conducive to her current objectives.
I have worked at this facility for several weeks, after being purchased on behalf of the medical staff by Miss Suriyesh Rajinaathra. A twitch ran through her circuitry from her secondary systems as he levied a question about her appearance, a bit of electrical stimulation, that while minor exceeded her standard parameters. She noted it in the logs for further review when Suriyesh had an opportunity to go over them once more. This unit has a custom facial structure. She smiled a bit brighter as a demonstration, It allows for a wider array of expression. Thank you for noticing.
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 14th, 2015, 09:04:54 PM
"Hard not to notice a face as lovely as yours," Hal replied. "But, yeah, the arm."
As much as he wanted to sit and make small talk, the shooting lances of pain through his arm were enough to bring him back to why he was there in the first place. "Guessing it's dislocated. What do we do first? Do you want me to take my shirt off?"
Okay, that sounded dirty, and you know it.
Oh, come on! I'm pretty sure I have to take it off in order for her to do anything to it. You want me fixed up or not?
Apr 14th, 2015, 09:11:53 PM
The rapid ocular movement returned, another twinge of the same sensation twisting through her system. This was highly irregular. She felt the servos in her facial system respond to the electrical impulse turning upward into a deeper smile, motors heating in response to the motion and warming her cheeks.
// File suspended temporarily, patient requires immediate attention before pertinent data can be provided //
She sat the pad down and took a seat across from Hal crossing her legs, her uniform shifting slightly in response. That would likely be a good first step, Hal. Please, remove your shirt so I may examine you.
The rogue impulse ran across her facial circuitry again, though she prevented it from furthering the servos and motors she noted a several degree rise across her external frame in the localized area of the incident.
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 14th, 2015, 09:18:13 PM
With his right arm in considerable pain when he attempted to move it, and for the most part unresponsive, Hal struggled to worm his left arm out of his tee shirt, and gently, ever so gently, he slid it off over his head and down that arm. Beneath there was just more yellow fur over a trim, yet tidily muscular torso. Hal set his shirt aside, unable to help sucking his stomach in just a bit, even though he really didn't need to.
"Oh, sorry, you asked what kindom, huh?" the question came back to him. "Nehantish. Grew up in the suburbs of the capitol city, actually." Reaching up with his left paw, he smoothed out the fur on his shoulders and chest. "This better for you, Matea?"
Apr 14th, 2015, 09:26:36 PM
She would note that he was Nehantish upon re-opening his file. She leaned forward from the seat and deftly touched the shoulder area, careful not to put undue pressure or potentially damaging physical impact upon the area as she traced the muscles and bone - the tips of her fingers warmed in response to his skin and fur, heating to an optimal temperature for comfort. The should was most certainly out of socket, a full dislocation. She had to be certain that there was no potential breaks or fractures before resetting the arm.
I would like to take an X-Ray. She said softly, to be certain there is not more damage than we can ascertain through touch. She considered that she was handling his injury in that moment and locked her oculars, icy and blue with his eyes, I am not hurting you, am I Hal?
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 14th, 2015, 09:36:14 PM
A warm touch? Hal had not been expecting that, and a soft murr escape his throat before he realized he had made the sound. And then she found a tender spot.
"Ee-yee-ee-ee!" his voice vibrated with a painful restraint, his body stiffening in an attempt to block out the unpleasant sensation.
"X-ray sounds good," he nodded quickly, then found himself looking straight into her oculars, almost getting lost in that sea of pale blue. Injury forgotten, his face softened and he asked, "Has anyone ever told you you've got the loveliest eyes?"
Apr 14th, 2015, 09:48:08 PM
Her fingers twitched without directing them to as the electrical impulse shot through her at the comment. Her oculars widened, breaking the momentary lock that her vision and his had shared, as she pulled away lest the brief spasm strike another nerve or tender locale.
This unit apologizes. I am not certain at the cause for that movement.
She turned away, what had appeared to be a moment between them lost as she readied the machinery necessary for the x-ray, a large screen on wheels that would display an x-ray image of what was placed behind it's form, she bent to unlock the mechanism that pinned it's wheels in place so it did not freely roll around the room. It will be but a moment.
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 15th, 2015, 07:50:53 AM
If Hal didn't know better, he could swear he had surprised Matea with his compliment. But, you can't surprise a droid, can you? They run on programming, with scripts written for just about every response, right?
His line of questioning ended there as he turned his head to watch Matea bend over, and he began to wonder just what kind of droid she was meant to be with a booty like that. "Take your time," Hal replied, actually hoping that she would.
You are weird. I just don't get you, sometimes.
Don't have to get, just have to accept. Now shush; Daddy is watching a good show.
Apr 15th, 2015, 08:16:19 AM
A spike of programming ran through her from the secondary systems, she was beginning to understand the function of each unique coding routine that she encountered, but there was still the initial definition when she experienced a new piece of programming from those strange systems. She flagged the subroutines this particular code had accessed to begin piecing it together. Facial temperature, proximity sensors, discomfort subroutines? The patient was uncomfortable certainly, but it didn't flag towards his discomfort, odd. She shifted, falling into a less appealing stance in reaction to the rogue system's coding.
She stood a few moments later, though, and wheeled the cart in front of the Nehenatite, positioning it just in front of his chest over the shoulder and turning it on, her oculars darted back and forth over the readings and holo-images that were projected before she rolled it to his side, again jotting information and finally behind his shoulder, a bright smile crossing her face as she wheeled it away and turned it off a few moments later.
You are quite fortunate, Hal. The dislocation is clean, you do not appear to have any fractures or breaks, and there is minimal damage to your muscular structure.
She rested a hand on his shoulder gently, careful not to injure him further. I would like to set your shoulder, Hal. I can offer a localized anesthetic if you would like it, as this will hurt.
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 15th, 2015, 09:56:11 AM
The fantastic view slowly shifted down to pleasant, and Hal's heart began to sink. Had she noticed him staring? How could she, she had been looking the other way, hadn't she? No matter if she had or hadn't, Hal wasn't given a chance to think about it further as he straightened his back, sucking in his stomach again as the X-ray panel was moved before him.
"Thank goodness," he said when told there wad no significant damage. Then, out of sheer stupidity driven by macho bravado, the Nehantite shook his head. "Nah, I can handle it. A pretty girl like you couldn't hurt me," he replied.
A new pit of fear opened in his stomach. She could hurt him. She possessed strength likely far greater than a grown man. And she was about to re-set his shoulder. She was absolutely going to hurt him.
Idiot. This is all on you, and you deserve every moment of it.
Apr 15th, 2015, 10:37:05 AM
Again that strange surge of jolting energy, her fingers twitched as the electricity ran through servos not designed for the load, she put one hand over the offending limb to hide the momentary lapse. Diagnostic reports buzzed in her systems, warnings of the strain her attempt to physically override and cease the reaction was causing upon the sensitive servos and motors in her needfully delicate fingers. She waited until a few of the warnings abated before continuing.
Yes, well, certainly I will do my best to make this as quick, and relatively painless as possible.
She braced one hand behind his shoulder and the other on his arm, leaning in close to his face, oculars once more locking with his pink eyes.
Please, brace yourself Hal. She said softly, face close to his own, and while his vision was locked with her own, and his body distracted in that moment she pulled and shifted, a loud pop echoing as she set his shoulder back in place with expert precision.
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 15th, 2015, 11:09:55 AM
I can take it. I'm strong. Shouldn't be too bad.
"AAAAAAAAGH!" Hal's eyes slammed shut while his jaws flew wide open, expelling a cry of sheer, sharp agony until - rather surprisingly - it passed, dropping down to a mild ache.
One eye slowly opened, then the other as his face softened, and he felt over his shoulder, now even with its twin, and gently began to roll his arm around in the socket. "That... that's a lot better," he admitted without even thinking.
Apr 15th, 2015, 11:14:14 AM
She put a hand on his rolling arm to stop it.
We do not want to risk the injury repeating itself, this joint will be more susceptible to popping out of it's socket for a while. It is recommended that you allow me to set it in a splint and give it at least a week's rest, though I understand this may not be ideal, and I cannot force you to agree to such a treatment.
She smiled pleasantly and gave him a reassuring pat on the arm.
You handled that quite well. Now, you also mentioned potential injury to your hip?
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 15th, 2015, 11:23:48 AM
A week in a splint, but... but... Hal's base natures whimpered as he looked down at his right arm.
Looks like Leftina is gonna be busy, ha!
Sorry, Rightbecca, but I think he's right. I'm gonna have to see Leftina for a while.
Good grief, you're terrible.
"Splint, yeah, good idea," Hal found himself saying, again without thinking. Once again, the world caught back up to him, and this time it was Hal's turn to feel his face warming unnexpectedly, blushing beneath his fur, the insides of his ears going slightly pinker than usual. "Heh, yeah, I, uh, kinda hit that when I hit the ground, too. Guessing we need an X-ray for that, too, so... you probably want me to take my pants off, don't you?"
Apr 15th, 2015, 11:29:24 AM
She seemed to pause, as if warring was occurring between primary and secondary systems. Functionally the clearest image would come without the constraints of clothing, but again that same random coding accessing her discomfort subroutines. But medically it was expedient, and for once, despite it all it seemed her secondary systems would relent, and she gave a small, short nod.
If you do not mind, Hal. I can provide you with a dressing gown if you would be more comfortable.
The electrical surge built a bit, fingers fidgeting as one hand ran across the palm of the other to try and stop the motions, warning sensors once more alerting her that such an action was contrary her design parameters.
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 15th, 2015, 11:57:59 AM
As shrugging would deliver a sharp jolt of pain in his right shoulder, Hal simply smiled and shook his head. "Nah, don't really need one. Not ashamed of being seen in my fur. Just a sec."
Easing down off the exam table, Hal used his left paw to fumble at first with the button on his fly, then popped it free and loosed the zipper before then reaching back to unfastened his tail fly. With but a quick wriggle of his hips, the Nehantite's trousers slid down to the floor and he stepped out of them, leaving himself without a stitch of clothes.
"Better?" He asked, possessing no apparent shame, and bearing a smile.
Apr 15th, 2015, 12:06:51 PM
The secondary systems were oddly quiet for once, she would be thankful if such a reaction were an appropriate one for a droid. She smiled, keeping her oculars above his waist for the patient's benefit, while he did not seem to have a level of shame that would be anticipated in a situation such as this one, it was still polite to maintain proper decorum.
Thank you, Hal.
She wheeled the cart back over, and positioned it, once more going through the process of turning it on, jotting down some notes and then moving it only to do so again, finally she pulled it away with a small frown.
It does not appear you have suffered any fractures or obvious muscle injury, but there are a few irregularities I would like to double check.
She was about to reach out and touch the area he had indicated to continue the diagnosis when she stopped, raising her hands slightly. Do you mind if I continue the examination?
She was going to be physically touching an area that not all sentient individuals would be comfortable being touched at, by a medical professional or otherwise.
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 15th, 2015, 12:24:34 PM
As best he could, Hal tried to look down at the X-ray screen, itself, but he found himself on the wrong end of a good vantage point. Then came the word.
"Irregularities?" he spoke, brow wilting, mouth slightly agape with worry. Inside, his heart found an empty elevator shaft and threw itself in a flying leap down to the bottom. Immediately his mouth felt dry, all manner of horrible thoughts flooding his mind. Cancer? Parasites? Some sort of obstruction? Boneitis? Heart rate rising, he nodded slowly.
"Y...yeah... please," he replied, his confidence gone. Though really, Hal began to wonder if he might be better off not knowing.
Apr 15th, 2015, 12:27:34 PM
Her finely crafted fingertips slowly kneaded into his hip fur, feeling at the joint and bone, warmth spreading through the tips as she manipulated the area to check the muscle and bone there, pressing a bit deeper against it to feel something, she rolled her hand across it slowly, pulling away from the touch for a moment to make a note of it in her pad, then sat it back down and continued.
Does this hurt?
She asked, massaging one area of his hip softly, and watching for a reaction as she did.
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 15th, 2015, 03:36:17 PM
Countless alarm bells died down in Hal's head as Matea's hand went to his hip, instead of... other places. Holding his right arm until a splint and sling could be fitted, the mongoose stood with most of his wight upon his left leg, and only emitted minor grunts of complaint as Matea's fingers pressed against bruised flesh over bone. Still, nothing felt out of the ordinary, other than a delicate hand sifting its fingers into his fur, feeling and stroking his bare hip gently at first, then more firmly, his grunts turning into a low murr, until suddenly a different sort of alarm bell sounded its warning.
Oh, no. No no no, not now.
I... can't help it. She's so close, and... touching me.
No. I'm not going to allow this! Here, have about a million dull, boring and unappealing images!
It's... not helping. Hal's base natures whimpered, knowing his body was going to do what it was going to do, regardless of his mental faculties. And, unless Matea could somehow block out half of her vision when so close to his bare hip, she was going to notice a change staring to take place in the Nehantite's anatomy.
A sigh of relief came when her hand moved away, but it was short-lived. Just as soon as it was gone, that warm, perfect hand was back, this time finding just the right spot.
"Yie!" Hal yipped, finding a pain he had never felt before, there. Sadly, it had no negative effect on his other problem. "What is that? That's new, that spot."
Apr 15th, 2015, 04:26:39 PM
The response from the Nehantite filled her with satisfaction, not at his pain, but at a proper diagnosis of the situation. She had been so focused on the task at hand she had not noticed the other, growing, problem. With a rewarded smile she looked away from the spot to speak to Hal again, and then a beat passed between them, and another.
Her primary systems assured her, it was a natural physical response to sensation. Hal was simply more sensitive than had been anticipated, and there was no reason to take action, or even draw attention to what was occurring.
Her secondary systems seemed to only be able to send small bits of coding, laced through with electrical stimuli that sent a dozen systems into a state of disarray. The fingers on her left had twitched again, and she pushed the limb out of Hal's view, toward her back, attempting to override the subroutines that had entered a frenzied state of overtaxation.
Yes. I believe I know the cause. She said quickly, standing and taking several steps away from the Nehantite. Of the irregularity, and of the pain you just felt. She attempted not to look, oculars staying above his waist, but she was having to force them not to wander.
Your injury from the fall is minor, some bruising and swelling but will heal. You do seem to have developed a bone spur at your joint, however. I can prescribe pain medication, but unless it progresses seriously it should be a minor ache and it is not likely you will need further treatment.
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 15th, 2015, 04:39:10 PM
Hal blushed deeply, a sheepish smile on his face when her eyes met his, though that didn't stop his body from following its natural course of action. He tried his best to ignore it, but it was too late: once started, his body was going to follow through to completion.
"Bone spur?" he asked, trying very hard to remain professional while looking quite the opposite of it. "And, if it does need further treatment?" Hal found himself looking down toward his hip, then immediately back up. Putting a paw over his crotch would do nothing buy lampshade the unspoken issue there. Instead, he changed the subject, his curiosity having been aroused -
You just had to use that word, didn't you? I stayed quiet at lampshaded, but, really? Aroused? Come on! Kids read this stuff!
- his curiosity having been piqued earlier.
"Your left hand, there. Are you experiencing difficulty with it? It keeps, shaking," he said. "Can I see?" Hal extended his left paw, trying to keep it high and away from his loin, rather like his -
Okay, that's enough. I'm stopping the post here. You need a time out, mister.
Apr 15th, 2015, 04:57:42 PM
The number of data packets too and from the discomfort subroutines rose, the secondary systems all but on fire now, electrical signals warming her cheeks further, oculars widening first, then dilating at his notice of her reaction, and then as he offered to take her hand. The fingers continued to spasm in the approximation of a nervous twitch.
I do not believe such is proper. I am very sorry for my condition. This is not conducive to a positive medical experience.
This has not been a positive medical experience.
The echo of an internal register of the sentiment caught her further off guard. And she found herself steadying her frame against the desk she had sat the data pad on earlier. She turned, oculars refusing to even look in his direction now, and picked the pad up, forcing her hand to cease it's activity, system wide warnings threatening her for the strain she was putting on the servos, she dismissed them.
I am alright, Miss Suriyesh will be performing a diagnostic on me after my return to the shop this afternoon. Most likely a minor setting malfunction.
That was not truthful. Her primary systems insisted on a correction to the statement, further coding from the secondary system and the primary system was rerouted to ignore the subroutine.
If the bone spur does require treatment, there are several sonic options available to break the growth off without further complication or surgery. It should be a minor procedure, with minimal invasion.
She fumbled with the pad, fine motor controls in her right hand suffering for a moment.
Perhaps you would be most comfortable in re-dressing. I believe I have seen everything I need to.
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 15th, 2015, 05:07:11 PM
"Y-yeah, let me do that," Hal volunteered quickly.
This has not been a positive medical experience. I hope you're happy with yourself.
What part about "not my fault" do you just not get? Some things I simply can't help. And, no, as a matter of fact, I'm not happy with myself. That was really emabrassing.
With haste, Hal stepped back into his trousers, though he struggled to get them zipped again. Wasting no time, he found his shirt, and put it back on, trying to adjust himself to appear normal as best he could.
"I'm dressed," he announced. It was clear he wasn't proud of what happened, and, holding his arm, he stepped over a bit closer, but still remained a few steps away. "And... for what it's worth, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to... you know. It's just, well, you're very pretty, and you were touching me sorta close and... in any case I'm sorry," he began to trip on his own words until at last he cleared his throat. "Thanks for seeing me. Think we could, uh... set that splint, now? Or sling or whatever?"
Apr 15th, 2015, 05:17:15 PM
Further talk of her appearance, her primary systems had all but given up making sense of the situation. She didn't even respond verbally, no words seeming appropriate, she nodded, and retrieved what was needed from a drawer, careful in the manner in which she bent to acquire them.
<strike>// Halajiin "Hal" Rabeak // _________________ //
// Patient has limited movement in right arm after descent from high location. Potential dislocation, x-rays recommended, possible fractures, muscle or nerve damage. Patient also expresses concern on possible hip injuries or sprain.
Potential audial difficulties. Investigate. //
She deleted the file. This was not a medical event she wanted in her records, the information on the data pad would be filled in, eventually, for the hospital's records, but she would prefer not to recall this experience into future usage.
She held his shoulder in place and applied the splint, carefully wrapping it and bandaging it firmly to keep the shoulder in one position so it could heal. She went to the cabinet afterward, the silence between them starting to grow awkward and she filled a small bottle with a handful of little white pills, holding them toward him.
These should alleviate any lingering pain in your shoulder or hip. Please come see us again next week so we may remove the splint and ascertain the condition of your shoulder.
It was curt, professional and brief. Her left hand hung at her side, right hand proffering the pill bottle.
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 15th, 2015, 05:25:07 PM
It had been an honest accident, Hal told himself. He shouldn't have felt that way about a... a droid, right? There was no possibility, there, so why had he...? The situation turned over and over in Hal's mind as he let her mechanically prepare and sling his arm, unable to look her in the eyes. His heart rate was lower, ears drooping, and even his tail was still. She thought he was a heel, or some kind of pervert, he just knew it, and as he took the pill bottle in his left paw, he just nodded, not saying a word, then turned to head to the door.
In the doorframe, though, he stopped, head hanging, before at last he looked up and back to her, none of that cocksure cavalier sparkle left in his eyes. "Matea, I'm... I really am sorry. You're very nice, and... are you doing anything later, this evening? That new hangout spot opened. You like bowling? I'd go easy on you. Promise to play left-pawed."
He tried to force a grin, but it was weak. Still, it was there.
Apr 15th, 2015, 05:39:11 PM
Surely Hal thought she was malfunctioning, or flawed. She was certain of it. Perhaps she was, still it was not conducive to the medical experience to leave off on a sour note and was about to offer apologies for the situation when Hal offered them first. Her oculars widened in surprise by his reaction, then wider as he asked her to a social arrangement.
Her primary systems failed to see the importance of the question, while the data coming through from her secondary system was almost overwhelming.
It didn't have a chance to finish before, oculars locked on Hal, subsystems trying to find an appropriate response, there was a loud electrical pop from her left hand, and a sharp smell of burning circuitry. Her face distorted in reaction, immediate and none of it coming through her primary systems.
Ow. A word of physical distress and pain. Her body registered the damage, the left hand's fingers now hanging loose and motionless at her side, servos and motors unresponsive to all inquiry. There was not a reason for a droid to say 'Ow' but her secondary systems had acted before the response could be flagged, monitored examed. It was almost natural.
I, that is to say, this unit -
She grew quiet, neither system responsive in how to approach the situation at hand.
requires maintenance. I am sorry, Hal. Another time?
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 15th, 2015, 05:45:09 PM
The pop caused Hal to jolt upright, pink eyes going wide. "Ow?" he questioned, never having heard a droid register pain, before. And painful it indeed looked. Pulling a worried face, he nodded. "Uh, yeah, another time, then..." Swallowing he began to step out of the room, but paused. "I hope you'll be okay. I'm sure Suri can get you right as rain in no time. You, uh, you take care."
Not knowing what more to say, Hal ducked out of the exam room, and hurried out of the hospital.
Woah, dude, we're going to have an awesome story to tell, after this. We can be all, "Hey, remember that one time you got a hardon so amazing it made a droid's hand explode?"
Damn it! Shut up! We're going back to our tent, and I will deal with you there!
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