View Full Version : Escorting the Mother
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Apr 8th, 2015, 01:19:59 PM
Kiattaarra Feessaarro, Kei'samaarraa'ssee'jaakreea, Mother of the Cizerack Pride, Blessed by Saanjarra Herself, was asleep. On board the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre, her flagship, the vibrations from the hyperdrive were a comforting sensation that had been too difficult for her to resist in her current state.
When the ship reverted to realspace, she opened her eyes. It took a moment for her to recognize her surroundings, the bulkheads adorned with scroll work and filigree, her bed wreathed in sheer gold curtains. Had she not heard the hum of the ship, she might have thought she was in one of the rooms in her palace on Carshoulis Prime. Kia pushed herself into a sitting position, dangling her legs off the side of the bed, her bare feet touching the temperature regulated floor. Or deck, as she supposed the proper term was.
As soon as she moved korrtir appeared as if by magic; Urro kneeling in front of her while Ar'rao respectfully joined her on the bed, his warm hands working on her lower back to relieve the stress in the muscles. Kia absently ran her hand through Urro's thick red hair, long and beautiful enough to be the envy of many females, as he placed her slippers on her feet. He looked up, a question in his eyes, and she ran her hand over his silken ear from the base to the tip. He smiled, and Kia let her hands fall to her lap.
A rrou'korrta, De'yana,entered the room, her eyes downcast respectfully. "We have ssstopped forrr jump calculatjionss, Kei'samaarraa'ssee'jaakreea. The Emjissssarrrjy thought jyou would ljike to vjiew the nearrrbjy nebula, whjile we arrre herrre."
Kia nodded. "jI would." The korrtir quickly arranged her hair and made her presentable, her swelling abdomen accentuated by the dress she wore. She ran her hand over her stomach, feeling the cub as it shifted. At six months along the fetus could easily be felt from the outside when it kicked. Ar'rao ran a makeup brush over her cheeks, a maternal glow now apparent to anyone who looked at her, and any residual fatigue carefully hidden.
Her only refusal were the shoes, stubbornly keeping her slippers on. They would be hidden by the long skirt of her dress, anyway. A pair of korrtir joined her in the passage, as well as the rrou'korrta, and the four of them made their way to the nearby observation deck.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Apr 8th, 2015, 02:11:20 PM
It had been a long time since there had been such sunny days for the Pride. The Emissary to the Kei'samaarraa'ssee'jaakreea had seen a long span in service to two queens, and from the ashes of the Clone Wars, his people had marched in determined ways back into the sun. No more so than today. The union with the Alliance of Free Planets had enriched the Pride with power, cemented by weapons that would ensure no lesser threat would ever cross them. Further, the High Mother's heir now grew within her, ensuring the continuation of the millennium-long Feessaarro line.
And as the High Mother's star dreadnought prowled to observation distance of the Gordian Jewel nebula, Keerrourri Feessaarro awaited his queen. Resplendent in high collar and military jacket, he was every bit a jewel in her crown as she deserved. The doors parted to the observation deck, and he turned to see Kiattaarra, escorted by her entourage of korrtir and a rrou'korrta aid. He afforded her, as always, a regal bow of greeting.
"jYourr Grrace."
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Apr 8th, 2015, 02:31:59 PM
Kia inclined her head toward Keerrourri. "Emjissssarrjy." She waved off the kortirr and rrou'korrta, and joined her emissary as her attendants made themselves scarce. "jIt jiss beautjiful," she said, indicating the nebula. "Thank jyou forrr rrrecommendjing the sstop."
She walked up to the transparisteel windows, drinking in the multi colored cloud. With no reference points it was hard to tell how large it was - enormously big, she decided, after seeing the Saantarra drift into view. Kia pointed at the ship. "Sssjince we arrre alrreadjy sstopped, how feassjible jiss jit forr me to vjisjit the Saantarra?" She waved him into silence as he opened his mouth. "jI know, jI am the Prrrjide Motherrr, jI can do whateverrr jI pleasse, but jI do not wjissh to put uss behjind sschedule."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Apr 8th, 2015, 03:06:33 PM
Thoughtfully, Keerrourri glanced to the viewport where the darling of the Cizeri fleet hung in silhouette against the brilliance of the nebula beyond.
"jI thjink a sshorrt tourr of Saantaurra would be no harrdsshjip to jyourr sschedule, jyourr grrace."
In truth, he had given the Gordian tour ample room for change and deviation. Primarily to account for his queen's advanced condition, but also for matters of her fancy such as this. She was the head of state, and it was only natural to want to glimpse the apex of the power at her disposal.
"Sshall jI arrange jit?"
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Apr 8th, 2015, 03:23:33 PM
"jYess," she said, absently rubbing her hand over her belly. "And fjind me sssome sssaltfjissh. And marrrow sssorrbet...wjith ssome of thossse berrrjiess jI ljike on jit." Keer snapped his fingers and De'yana quickly exited the room to make a call down to the kitchens.
Kia turned toward Keer, and took his hand, placing it on her stomach. "Sshe jiss sstrrong todajy." The cub kicked firmly against his palm.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Apr 8th, 2015, 03:42:29 PM
A nod of Keerrourri's head carried out his queen's orders, and Admiral Kainaakothrree made quick work of hailing the Saantaaurra.
"Ljike herr motherr."
He nodded with assurance. It was as much a compliment as a compelling statement. This was Kiattaarra's time to show the strength she'd been born with, coupled with the strength of character she'd developed in her ascent to power. May your child be a strong, feminine child.
Admiral Kainaakothrree approached, averting her eyes from the queen.
"The channel jiss open, Emjisssarrjy."
On the dais of the bridge, the holographic image of Mdharra Ceergorrra coalesced from nothingness. She, in turn, would see only Keerrourri, as decorum demanded.
"Captajin Ceerrgorra."
Mdharra Ceergorra
Apr 8th, 2015, 05:04:35 PM
Captain Ceergorra stood in her ready room, decked in the new uniform jacket she had ordered specially for this mission, festooned with another loop of gold braid to commemorate a further tour completed as master of the battle-galleon Saantaurra. Her chiseled face was severe and unreadable, as ever.
"Ser'Arr'fai. jI am at jyour serrrvice."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Apr 8th, 2015, 05:13:06 PM
The Ser'Arr'fai's ears perked slightly at the Captain's prompt reply to her summoning.
"What jiss the sstatuss of Saantaurra?"
There was, after all, a method to these things. While it was within the power of His Grace who he served to stamp a foot and demand, the espirit de corps of Her Majesty's Huntress Navy was the lace around the durasteel glaive.
Mdharra Ceergorra
Apr 8th, 2015, 09:34:01 PM
"Saantaurra jis operratjing at peak effjicjiency, Emjisssarrrjy."
It was all that needed to be said. Now more than six months into Saantaurra's post-refit tour, Mdharra had the utmost confidence in the capabilities of her ship and crew. Even her rather unorthodox k'ohta'rrou.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Apr 8th, 2015, 09:47:07 PM
The Emissary offered a cryptic smile. The Captain's statement would seem innocuous to a lay person, but anyone with naval service knew that to say those words meant a broad declaration that you were ready for anything. And if you were not, your professional reputation was in jeopardy.
"Then prreparre to rrecjieve Herr Majesstjy'ss Rrojyal entourrage forr jinsspectjion, Captajin."
Mdharra Ceergorra
Apr 9th, 2015, 10:10:02 PM
Mdharra inclined her head in respect. "jIt jis mjy honorrr and dutjy to obejy."
Without another word, the holographic image of the Pride Mother's Emissary dissolved, and as soon as Mdharra once again stood alone in her ready room, her cerulean blue eyes narrowed, and she hissed sharply between her teeth. The fact that she had fully anticipated a visit from the Pride Mother did not temper her displeasure now that it was an imminent reality. Mdharra Ceergorra, as loyal a daughter of the Pride as had ever stepped from shore to ship in Her Majesty's service, nevertheless saw no profit in hosting royals aboard a working ship of the line. Oh, the crew would swell with pride, and would attack their duties with a gusto heretofore unimagined until every deckplate gleamed and every relay was tuned to melodious perfection, and then they would boast to their families of this day, when the Pride Mother had walked down a corridor while they stood for inspection on the very same deck, or perhaps several decks away, and the few she deigned to look at, or Saanjara forbid, speak to, if they managed not to void their bowels in sheer terror and adulation, would enjoy all their spirits paid for by beaming shipmates for weeks, just for the pleasure of hearing once more of her radiant beauty, divine wit, and celestial bearing.
And therein lay the problem. A Huntress Captain was a jealous goddess, and a ship of the line did not easily suffer two masters. But Mdharra's duty was clear, and she would fulfill it with the same diligence she expected of her entire crew.
She reached down to the edge of her desk to activate the comm. "Ceergorra to Ms. Cjyerrr and Ms. Harraull. Rrrreporrt to mjy rrrready rrroom at once."
Jorrun Cyer
Apr 11th, 2015, 09:35:33 PM
He'd never gotten dressed so fast in his life. Luckily as Su'taun'rrou Jitaurree had made plain, Loreeto was something of an old hand at tending to an officer's needs.
Now dappered down in full dress uniform, K'ohta'rrou Cyer took a long uncomfortable walk with his adjutant as they headed to meet with Captain Ceergorra, the rest of the command staff, and a whole host of other attendees to oversee possibly the most important assignment of the year.
All at a moment's notice. No pressure.
Cyer was cool and poise on the outside, but even he was starting to question if he had everything down correctly. Meeting the High Mother of the Cizerack Pride was an intimidating prospect for a Cizerack. For a human male, it was doubly complicated.
At least his collar was properly starched and his boots were shined.
Miri Jitaurree
Apr 11th, 2015, 10:48:59 PM
Through the press of foot traffic that ran a little faster than usual under the present circumstances, Midshipwoman Miri Jitaurree strained to match pace with her K'ohta'rrou's militant strides under the constraints of her own dress uniform, which she hadn't had a chance to launder but had scrubbed every millimeter of gold piping and buffed every button and stud to a neurotic degree, only to realize she hadn't yet polished her boots, and by the time she'd added a few more candlepower to their shine, there was no hope of meeting Commander Cyer in his quarters, which meant she'd have to brief him on the way.
"jIt rrrealljy dependss on how she chooses to rrrecejive jyou, rrou'a, jif she chooses to do ssso at all," Miri explained. "jIf she grrreets jyou bjy rrrrrank, jyour status jis at leasst that of a male soldjierrr. Whjich means jyou onljy ssspeak when ssspoken to, and never morrre than a shorrrt sentence. jIf she uses jyour name and rrrrank, she consjiderrrs jyou an offjicerrr and may actualljy be jinterested jin jyourrr opjinjion, but, ssstjill, keep jit brjief. jIf she uses onljy jyour name, she thjinks of you as a consorrrt. jIn whjich casssse jit's 'jyes, Kei'samaarraa'ssee'jaakreea; no, Kei'samaarraa'ssee'jaakreea,' and holjy Saanja prrrray she doesn't assk jyou to attend herrr... Prrrobabljy besst of all jif she jignorrres jyou altogether, jI mean, not that jI don't beljieve jin jyou, rrou'a, just, well, therrre's rrrrealljy no precedent forrr thjiss, everr, and some women fjind a man jin unjiforrrm verrry arr'rrou'hai--"
Miri stopped there with burning ears, fearing she may have just been a little too thorough in her explanation.
Jorrun Cyer
Apr 12th, 2015, 01:52:15 AM
Jorrun paused mid-stride, breaking their tandem pace as Miri took a step further before realizing he'd actually halted. The Commander's mouth suddenly felt a bit dry.
"That sentiment is...shared between our species to some degree, Su'taun'rrou.
The human averted his eyes slightly as they widened with incredulity.
"Just never with the possibility of causing an interstellar incident to my knowledge."
If Captain Sudaw could see him now. That would be an awkward moment. The Commander hid his nerves with a cough into a fist, mindful not to actually sully his white gloves.
"Alright Jitaurree. Let's face the music."
The unlikely pair headed into the cargo bay to join the assemblage as they awaited the Kei'samaarraa'ssee'jaakreea, Her Highness Kiattaarra Feessaarro.
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Apr 12th, 2015, 10:43:29 PM
She had had just enough time to eat her saltfish and sorbet snack, reclining carefully on a chaise, before the Saantaurra was ready to receive her. He was a fine looking ship, and Kia looked out the viewport of her shuttle at him, the nebula a breathtaking backdrop.
As as the Pride Mother she was well within her rights to bring a full escort of kortirr and rrou'korrta, but she knew that Huntress Captain Ceergorra did not deserve to have that inflicted upon her. The large and cushioned shuttle was therefore practically empty, holding only herself, Keerrrourri, two kortirr and one rrou'korrta. The minimum required for respectability. As they landed in a hangar bay, the shuttle jostled, and Kia laid a hand protectively over her stomach.
Mdharra Ceergorra
Apr 13th, 2015, 11:12:40 AM
Preparations for the Pride Mother's arrival had begun long before Emissary Feessaarro's transmission. The greatest attention had been paid to those locations she was most likely to appear: the hangar deck, the bridge complex, the Saanja control center, the forward observation decks, all of them studiously scrubbed and cleared of mechanical flotsam so that a mere half-hour's swabbing could make them gleam, routes meticulously planned and guarded by Jaanni'saari marines so that ship's business could proceed without interrupting the royal entourage - Mdharra had even made arrangements to vacate the captain's suite and squeeze into an officer's cabin should the Pride Mother require a residence on board for some insane reason. But now that the crown shuttle had arrived, bearing with it both the present and the future of Cizeri society, the hot-blooded frenzy of preparation had ceased, leaving behind a quiet tremor of anticipation, as if the whole crew were holding its breath as one.
As the bright-liveried shuttle coasted into its slip at the center of the cavernous hangar bay, it completed a grand diorama of military pomp and ceremony, as if a sun had flamed into brilliance with its planets and moons already spinning in place. The floor was arrayed in a patchwork of marines and crew arranged in formations of sixty and a hundred twenty in different shades of crimson and rust trimmed in gold and silver, split down the middle by an honor guard of two hundred Jaanni'saari elites in uniforms of pure white with their rifles polished to a platinum sheen, with the aisle between them adorned with scarlet carpets. Overhead, resting in their crane lifts, was an entire wing of Taithaa-fei interceptors, each buffed and brilliant, with pilots and flight crews lined up on the catwalks between them. From the ceiling hung banners emblazoned with the grasping claw of the Cizerack Cluster, and with the royal crest of the Feessaarro house, lest anyone should forget what all the fuss was about.
Captain Mdharra Ceergorra stood with Commander Jorrun Cyer, Quartermistress Sorrarri Harraull, Wing Commander Bretaani Karressou, and Janni'saari commandant Major Kaajeelah Arrtaurro, along with a selection of adjutants to the senior staff, between the twin columns of white-clad elites, prepared to receive the royal entourage as it disembarked. The captain stood motionless, except for the erratic twitching of her tail-tuft and a slight curling of her ears at the sound of the fanfare played by the color guard band and choir at the far end of the hangar. At such a distance, the sound was overtaken by its reverberations off the vaulted ceiling and ribbed walls, which she supposed lent it an ethereal, cathedral-like quality, but she had no ear for music, and to her it was so much unpleasant, lugubrious noise.
Miri Jitaurree
Apr 13th, 2015, 11:20:54 AM
Miri stood behind her K'ohta'rrou, now unable to offer any more words of wisdom, cultural context, or encouragement - which was just as well, because the entire display was so overwhelming she was practically a wreck herself. She had never considered herself a royalist - a loyal daughter of the Pride, of course, with perhaps some liberal leanings toward multiculturalism bubbling in her heart of hearts - but between the awesome display of force arrayed around her, the august, angelic lines of the crimson-and-gold shuttle before her, and the glorious strains of music all around, she felt dangerously close to tears from the sheer weight of beauty and patriotic pride.
Saanjira's sake, she felt foolish, but... the Pride Mother herself! Her white-tufted tail beat a tattoo against her calves, and against the calves of the ensign standing next to her, until the older woman hissed a reprimand.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Apr 13th, 2015, 11:37:22 PM
The crew of Saantaurra must have goggled in unison at the lavish pomp afforded to the arrival of their royal guests. To the occupants of the royal shuttle, however, this was a relatively austere affair. There were no young kortirr to run ahead and drop rose petals. There were no standard bearers. No parade of relics. Despite the pageantry and finery on display within the hangar bay, this was as trimmed down as the Feessaarro dynasty dared skirt matters.
The gangplank lowered, and only when it settled feather-soft against deck did Keerrourri Feessaarro lead the Sor'Rrou'Fai down the velvet way. With his arm offered to his mistress, the Emissary of the Pride Mother was statuesque grace incarnate. Even in his mid-life years seemed to find him in a realm of untouchable beauty. Anything less would not be fit to be seen adorning Her Majesty's arm, escorting her and her heir through the finest starship in the fleet.
The Pride Mother and the First Consort walked ahead, and the servants followed. At the trailing end of velvet stood the waiting array of executive officers of the Saantaurra. Keerrourri paused at proper distance, and orated to the gathered throng what their eyes already knew.
"jI prressent beforre jyou Herr Grrace, the Kei'samaarraa'ssee'jaakreea, jyourr Hjigh Motherr Kiattaarra Feessaarro, everr long majy sshe rrule."
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Apr 15th, 2015, 12:14:26 PM
Resplendent in gold thread and crimson velvets, an emerald necklace heavy around her neck, Kiattarra stood as straight as she could, her pregnancy proudly displayed to her subjects. Subjects who were, by and large, older than she was. The title bore weight, but the slightest misstep could destroy her authority in an instant. She suddenly wished she had brought twenty kortirr and seven rrou'korrta, as was the custom. Perhaps her conscientious actions would be perceived as weakness.
Keer introduced her to the Huntress Captain as the last strains of their national anthem faded away. Kia looked the darker skinned female in the eye, awaiting her response.
Mdharra Ceergorra
Apr 18th, 2015, 09:22:50 AM
It was not the vast procession any of them had expected, and the band conductor adroitly signaled the final coda one verse and one chorus early, lest the music drown out the Emissary's proclamation of the Pride Mother's arrival. Mdharra's ears ticked forward again, grateful for the auditory release. As was proper, she did not look the Pride Mother in the eye, but bowed low at the waist with her fist closed over her heart. Her assembled command staff did the same.
"Ha'rrou Kei'samaarraa'ssee'jaakreea. We jyour lojyal chjildrrren arrre honorrred bjy jyour prrresence. Long majy jyou rule."
"Ya ve!" the assembled throng thundered as one, sending Mdharra's ears twitching again. Slowly she straightened her spine, but still she did not meet the Mother's eyes.
"jI am Huntrrrress Captajin Mdharra Ceergorra, mjistress of jyour majestjy's Battle Galleon Saantaurra. Thjis shjip and hjis crrrew serrrve at jyour pleasurrre."
Jorrun Cyer
Apr 18th, 2015, 03:57:07 PM
"Ya ve!"
The weight of the moment lay heavy on Jorrun's shoulders, and he strangely found it compelling to bend knee in this moment even without decorum bidding it to be done. He knelt at Captain Ceergorra's right hand, finding a comfortable spot of pristine deck upon which to affix his respectful eyes. Taut-lipped, K'ohta'rrou Cyer could hear Miri Jitaurree's words drumming in his ears in time with the thumping of his blood. This was an honor no other human had been privy to experience, and he was grateful for it's singular gravitas, but not so foolish as to forget the real risk inherent.
As Jorrun rose to his feet, his eyes rose relatively as well, finding a glittering button on the Sor'Arr'Fai's regal jacket to affix his attention to. The air around him seemed to warm, and the Commander suddenly cursed the layers of finery he was arrayed in.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Apr 19th, 2015, 10:06:24 PM
The Sor'Arr'Fai fixed his eyes upon Captain Ceergorra, attentively searching for anything amiss that would draw his mistress' attention. To the Naala'in's credit, she held herself to as much lofty accounting as it appeared she held Saantaurra. Her eyes kept respectful space from the Kei'samaarraa'ssee'jaakreea's visage, waiting to be bidden to look upon her Queen. As an extension of the Captain's will and the crew's fealty to the sun throne, all followed her respectful example.
Keerrourri's ears raised in a slight outward manifestation of his approval. His velvety baritone voice responded to Captain Ceergorra's pledge. Every word was chosen carefully; spoken carefully. His voice was an extension of Her Grace.
"The Kei'samaarraa'ssee'jaakreea jiss pleassed to be rrecejived bjy jyourr fjine and rressplendent crrew. Herr Grrace wjisshess to wjitnesss perrssonalljy that whjich makess jyourr sshjip sso ssjingularr and fjine among hjiss brrotherrss of the ljine."
Cerulean eyes moved in passing to the object of curiosity standing to Captain Ceergorra's right. They did not remain fixed on Commander Cyer for long, returning to the authority of the galleon.
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Apr 20th, 2015, 08:23:33 PM
Kiattarra looked down the line of essembled officers, moving her eyes only. If there was a single dull uniform button anywhere in the bunch she couldn't see it. Her gaze lingered on the human male, Commander Cyer, as he stood and carefully did not meet anyone's eyes. During the pause in between greetings the cub in her belly decided to kick as strongly as she could, catching Kia by surprise. She flinched, and put both her hands on her stomach, trying desperately not to giggle at the sheer ridiculousness of it.
Mdharra Ceergorra
Apr 21st, 2015, 05:59:32 PM
Mdharra nodded her head deeply. "As herrr grrrace wishess."
The captain rose to her feet, the command staff following a moment afterward, upon which Mdharra sent a meaningful glance to Major Arrtaurro. The Major responded with less than a nod, just a subtle inclination of her ears - message received. The Pride Mother was not the only one who occasionally needed to communicate without spoken words.
As the command staff turned to escort the Pride Mother and her attendants from the hangar bay, Major Arrtaurro barked out marching orders - a guttural, booming cadence even more primal than the Cizeri language itself, each syllable causing a unified and immediate response among the assembled Jaanni'saari elites, most of whom raised their weapons in fealty to the Pride Mother, but two columns attached themselves to the entourage as she passed, behind, before, and beside the royal party, swelling the procession considerably. Whatever the Pride Mother's reason for traveling so lightly, the crew were expecting a grand parade, and so they would get one, rather than see the Great Mother of the Cizerack Pride walk the corridors with a smaller honor guard than a flag member of the admiralty.
Their course took them up one of the four great personnel lifts that formed a column up Saantaurra's center mast from the hangar deck to his conning tower, large enough for a hundred standing or for a squadron of armor. Mdharra had imagined the Pride Mother and her entourage would occupy one by themselves. Now the whole company rode together, obliging her to fill the silence.
"The Saanja weapons sjysstem jis a marrvel of engjineerrrjing that sspans thrrree quarrrterss of Saantaurra's length, Kei'samaarraa'ssee'jaakreea. jIf jit pleases jyou, we can tourrr the entjirre rroute from Majin Engjineerrjing to Forrwarrd Bombarrdment, orr we can prroceed djirectljy to Fjire Contrrol and, frrrom therrre, to the forrward observatjion deck forr rrefrrreshmentss and a ljive-fjire demonstratjion."
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Apr 25th, 2015, 10:03:46 PM
The addition of the honor guard by Captain Ceergorra was not unnecessary, and certainly reflected well on the captain, but Kia chafed under the idea of such a giant entourage following her throughout the ship. She smiled, and looked around the lift at the sea of red uniforms and carefully averted eyes. They were all listening, intently, if the tilt of the ears around her were any indication.
"A full tourrr would be excellent," she said. Kia knew that her voice was pitched lower and huskier than what most people expected, but to her credit the Huntress Captain twitched not a hair. "jI have been followjing the rrreporrrtss of the Saantaurra forrr qujite ssome tjime, and am lookjing forrrwarrd to sseejing what makess hjim tjick."
Jorrun Cyer
Apr 25th, 2015, 11:14:54 PM
With his place still conspicuously at his Captain's right hand, K'ohta'rrou Cyer was privy to both everything and nothing. Eyes still respectful, he remained statuesque as the throng ascended to the top of Saantaurra's conning tower. The gold doors glided apart, revealing the stern section of the command deck. A short walk around the lift shaft, and they would have clear view of the command dais and the observation deck, affording a spectacular view of the best crew in the fleet, hard at work against a background of glittering nebula.
This was the wrong time to get an itch. Just over his right eyebrow. Jorrun's jawline tensed slightly. He'd sooner cut off his hand than attend to that nuissance.
Mdharra Ceergorra
May 17th, 2015, 12:41:46 AM
On some level Mdharra had been hoping that Her Grace would opt for the expedited tour, followed shortly by the live-fire demonstration and refreshments on the forward bombardment deck. Not only would it mean that the royal entourage would be off her ship all the sooner and no longer drawing her crew from their ordinary duties, but it would mean that the Pride Mother had only really been interested in a display of pomp and power after all, and was content to leave the niceties of naval operations to those trained and qualified to oversee them. However, as she guided the procession from the bridge back down to the engine deck, where a specialized reaction chamber spooled off hypematter fuel and purified it into weapons-grade material, then along the transfer conduits to the accretion rings, where the purified hypermatter was pooled into reservoirs that fed each torpedo tube individually, she was surprised to find the young Pride Mother not only attentive but pressing for greater detail.
"jIndeed, a contajinment breach at anjy pojint of the condujit would be djisastrrrous," Mdharra replied - the Pride Mother had just asked about the precautions necessary for transporting such exotic material halfway the length of a capital ship. "Therrre arre multjiple redundancjiess at all levelss of the hjypermatterr flow to prrrevent sssuch a brreach. Everrrjy sssectjion of the transssferr ducts can be magnetjicalljy jissolated, even wjith majin powerrr offljine, and the rrreservojirs can be jindjivjidualljy jettjisoned should thejy become crjitjicalljy unsstable. Howeverrr the fjirst ljine of defensse jis to shunt all hjypermatterrr jin the tubess djirectljy jinto rrreactorr exhuasst, where jit can be sssafeljy burrrned off wjith the drrrjive plasma. We conduct drjillss of brrreach prrrotocols at leasst once a week."
They were walking along one of the service corridors that ran parallel to the portside transfer duct now, on walkways too narrow for more than two to walk abreast. On the other side of the safety rail to their right was a tunnel nearly four meters in diameter, threaded down its center with an unremarkable-looking pipe a little more than one meter thick. The hypermatter duct itself lay at the center of the pipe, with a bore of millimeters, constricted under immense magnetic forces.
The duct ran steadily upwards from the the engine deck to the Saantaurra's dorsal centerspine, where the torpedo hardpoints lay. That meant the entire company had been climbing a steady ten-percent grade for the past ten minutes, which, between the closeness of the air and the full dress uniform, was enough to put a sparkling of sweat on Mdharra's dark forehead.
"We arrre nearrljy to torrrpedo contrrrrol now, jYourr Grrrace," the captain said, and her eyes flickered down to the Pride Mother's gravid midsection. They had come this far at Her Grace's insistence, but even youthful vigor must give way to the practicalities of biology eventually.
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
May 19th, 2015, 03:12:19 PM
Kia nodded in reply, part of her brain already thinking about the hot (but not too hot) bath that she would soak in once she got back to the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre. The cub moved within her, the feeling not unlike having a live fish in one's belly. "jI would ljike to ssee one of the Saanja torrpedoess. jI underrrsstand that the actual hjyperrmatterr jiss ...jinjected laterrr?" She frowned lightly, trying to remember exactly. "jIt jiss jussst a corrre, then, wjith shjieldjing that wjill enclosse the hjyperrrmatter?"
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