View Full Version : Hello, help please :)

Darth Turbogeek
Mar 31st, 2015, 02:26:41 AM
Hi :)

As I have no idea who is here or what is the timeline or..... welll anything, I'd like to request someone drop in on "I forgot how to cat" in a couple of posts time

I kinda thought I could walk the character back to the nearest village, but I had a think and given the guy has no idea where anything is - and there is a nasty head injury to deal with - I cant realistically write that. So I'd like to set up a few other things, then get "found" / saved / whatever you want to do and taken to town.

Now because I really dont know who or what in the current SW timeline, this can be an alternate so whomever wants to drop in can be pretty much anything they want. The only things I have worked out anyway is this guy is a Jedi Librarian who lost his identity 20 years ago in a horrific speeder crash and that anything before that crash is permantly unknown. I'm also playing around with the idea he / she also carried a virus that did a lot of DNA damage

ANyway, anyone interested?

Mar 31st, 2015, 09:04:47 AM
What planet is he on?

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 31st, 2015, 10:17:53 AM
^^thats me btw

Forgot to address the biggest concern - timeline! We're currently in 10ABY. The galactic Civil War has cooled into a Cold War situation with a clearly defined border between the new Alliance of Free Planets and the Empire. The Jedi have settled in Alliance space on the planet of Ossus, they've been there about a year (settled in mid 9ABY)

Cirrsseeto Quez
Mar 31st, 2015, 01:15:59 PM
I'd be interested in joining

Darth Turbogeek
Apr 1st, 2015, 04:44:12 AM
I'd be interested in joining

Oh, are the Cizerack about? :evil:

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Apr 1st, 2015, 10:02:54 AM
We neverrr left, darrljing.:cat

Darth Turbogeek
Apr 3rd, 2015, 06:16:04 AM
We neverrr left, darrljing.:cat

Check yo PM's in a about 20 minutes

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 3rd, 2015, 11:27:42 AM
Just to clarify, are you wanting this Jedi to have been a Jedi of the old Jedi Order? I'm a little confused.

Darth Turbogeek
Apr 4th, 2015, 06:00:01 AM
Just to clarify, are you wanting this Jedi to have been a Jedi of the old Jedi Order? I'm a little confused.

Padawan of the Old Order if the time line fits.

Apr 4th, 2015, 08:09:06 AM
Well, we're ten years after A New Hope, which means it's been 29 years since Revenge of the Sith. Keep that in mind when you're considering your character's age. We have a number of characters who were padawans at the time of the Purge - Loklorien s'Ilancy, Zem Vymes, Rev Solomon, and Lilaena De'Ville, to name a few. All of them had to go into hiding until just a few years ago, when the Jedi began to gather in secret under the protection of the Rebel Alliance. Only in the past year, with the signing of a treaty that forced the Empire to recognize the Alliance as a sovereign state, have the Jedi been able to start building a new, permanent Order on Ossus.

Various characters were also trained by Jedi in hiding during that period in exile. Abarai Loki had a master obsessed with survival and preserving the ways of the old Order in defiance of the Empire. Kale was taught by his mother, another padawan survivor of the Purge, until her capture. These characters never experienced being part of a community of Jedi until they began to gather again under the Alliance's wing.

If your character's a librarian, there are three possibilities that occur to me off the top of my head (and there may be more):

(1) He could have worked at a Jedi library prior the Purge, in which case you need to add 29 years to his age from whenever he worked there.
(2) He was trained in secret by an exiled knight who was maintaining a library of Jedi knowledge - possibly in a section of a "secular" library.
(3) And this is compatible with (1) or (2) - prior to his memory loss, he's been on Ossus working with the Jedi and Alliance crews on excavating and organizing the Great Jedi Library (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Great_Jedi_Library). It's still an archaeological site and not a functional library yet, though according to the map of the colony (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6-XSqps7s0CQnJqY004OEo5cWc/edit), there is a smaller library attached to the Council Chambers, which likely includes relics that have been reclaimed from the Great Library.

I hope some of this helps! Also, hi, and welcome back! :)

Darth Turbogeek
Apr 13th, 2015, 04:54:40 AM

Working out my next set of posts. I think with what Lil has posted, I have an idea and I'll need to make a burner account :D