View Full Version : Forget your Troubles (OPEN)
Michael Cline
Mar 27th, 2015, 08:22:58 PM
Crystal Reef, Dac
He leaned over the railing of his hotel room and took in the air blowing off the nearly endless ocean that made up the planet, savoring it's invitingly salty air. Coruscant had never had sights like this, certainly the nearly star-like twinkle of all the lights of the various levels at night had their own appeal and charm. But this.... he let his eyes wander over the horizon, blue skies and light breeze blowing the clouds softly painting an almost holo-image worthy portrait. He stretched once and turned, grabbing his suit jacket with a pleasant whistle as he left his hotel room.
He didn't get a lot of time off from the field he was now in, but Prent had given him a little to do with as he'd pleased and he'd always wanted to stay at a resort like this. It'd been so far outside of the possibility of his life growing up, and then later when he found himself on the streets that it just felt good to enjoy himself somewhere that catered to the wealthy and powerful. He headed down to the hotel's cafe, considering his next stop - maybe some sight seeing, there was an island tour he'd heard excellent things about.
"Table for one, sweetheart." He grinned lecherously at the hostess as he approached, who simply frowned back - she was cute, probably got propositioned all day by scandalous types enjoying their time away from commitments. She glanced over her schedule.
"We're booked up, sweetheart. Maybe tomorrow."
His smile faltered, turning sour as his mood followed. "Look again." He insisted, tapping her appointment book with his finger to get her attention. He wasn't going to be denied, not anymore. Her gaze fell to where his finger was, and he narrowed his eyes. He'd been practicing, but it was difficult - this had never been be specialty when Sudoku had been training him, but he swiped his finger across the book as he focused on her will, pushing his own overtop. "You have a seat that just opened up."
"We have a seat that just opened up." Her tone fell flat as she repeated.
"You're very sorry for the inconvenience, and you'd like to offer me a complimentary meal for my trouble, wouldn't you?"
"We're very sorry for the inconvenience, and of course your meal is on the house, sir." She blinked a few times as he slid his hand away from the book and she grabbed a menu. "Um, yes... sorry. Right this way." She motioned for him to follow, heading toward a table that was just opening up. Someone would lose their reservation, but Cline hardly cared about that.
Mar 29th, 2015, 06:32:34 PM
It was a very nice table, set on the edge of the raised VIP section overlooking the rest of the dining room. Beneath the transparisteel floor was a deepwater aquarium populated with schools of luminous fish, including a few five-meter lampfish who, despite being well fed, darted out their long, glowing tongues now and again, causing the smaller creatures to scatter. The flummoxed maitre d' seated Michael and promised that his waiter would be by shortly.
Moments later, a Quarren emerged from the kitchen carrying a tray with a pitcher of water and a basket of bread slices and dipping oil. But he was intercepted by a young man smartly dressed in a white shirt and black vest, but otherwise unremarkable in his appearance. He was so unremarkable that the Quarren didn't even offer a remark when the stranger relieved him of his tray. The cephalopod merely blinked and headed back into the kitchen.
"Good evening, sir, and welcome to the Hydra. My name is Andre, and I'll be your server this evening." Kale swung the tray onto the table and slid into the opposite chair. Then he propped one foot on his knee and dunked a slice of bread in the bowl of oil. "So, I hope they didn't give you any trouble on the way in."
Michael Cline
Mar 29th, 2015, 08:11:04 PM
He'd started looking over the menu, mostly a selection of seafood, which didn't surprise him at all - though he had to admit he wasn't terribly familiar with his options in that regard. His server arrived a moment later, and Michael had just prepared to ask for suggestions when the man promptly sat himself across from the guest, and helped himself to the food.
Was this the custom at a resort of this quality? Cline really didn't have a frame of reference for a place like this, usually when he found himself surrounded by this level of affluence he was on the clock with other members of Ms. Sasseeri's organization. It was likely best to keep it loose until he was certain of the situation.
"Nothing that I couldn't handle." He retorted, taking a piece of bread himself, and began tearing it apart, kneading one piece between his fingers as he thought. "So, Andre, what would you recommend?"
Mar 29th, 2015, 08:57:51 PM
Kale cupped a hand under his chunk of bread so he didn't drip any oil on his clothes. There was nothing worse than lamta oil on a white shirt.
"People are raving about the crusted opee sea killer, but personally I'd go for the stuffed snapfish. Oh, what the frell, let's get both. Not like either of us is payin', right?"
Michael Cline
Mar 29th, 2015, 09:22:31 PM
Definitely not his waiter, then. Cline leaned in, interest starting to eat a hole in his gut.
"Okay, I'm more curious than I am irritated - be thankful for that." He gave a low warning, "Who exactly are you, Andre?"
Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 29th, 2015, 10:57:37 PM
"jI beg jyourr parrdon?"
The human hostess turned a pink shade as she tried to compose herself.
"A thousand pardons Senator, I don't know what happened. Yes of course we have your reservation here, but..."
She turned back into the establishment, looking at the table that had been reserved for Senator Meorrrei that was now clearly occupied. The hostess looked horrified.
"I think there's been a terrible miscommunication, Madam."
Taataani Meorrrei watched the young woman squirm on a hook, carrying a look on her face that didn't carry much mercy.
"Sso jI have gatherred. What'ss jyourr name agajin?"
This time the human blanched, barely restrained terror on her face. Her words came in a whisper.
"Tania. Tania Mecure."
Senator Meorrrei smiled.
"Tanjia." She tried the name on for herself. "Do jyou ljike jyourr job?"
Tania's head barely nodded as she whispered "Yes ma'am."
"And jyou want to keep jyourr job, ne?"
"Y-yes ma'am."
Senator Meorrrei nodded reassuringly.
"Of courrsse jyou do. That jiss whjy jyou arre gojing to jinforrm the parrtjy at mjy table that therre hass been a mjisstake."
Tania seemed breathless. She looked around for anyone who could help.
"I'd like to ma'am. I don't want to cause any trouble though."
At that, Taataani's smile disappeared like it had never existed.
"Therre arre two kjindss of trrouble, Tanjia Mecurre. Therre jiss the trrouble sseated at mjy table, and therre jis me. Offendjing the forrmerr won't rressult jin jyourr next job jinvolvjing sserrvjing Gamorrreanss."
Taataani raised an eyebrow.
"Choosse carrefulljy."
Mar 30th, 2015, 06:26:35 AM
"Me? I'm the guy who got here first."
Kale wiped his fingers on the cloth napkin on the table before him, was folded assiduously into the shape of an Alderaanian swan.
"I'm just trying to do a job, and you, frankly, are in my way. Oh, thanks!"
A Twi'lek waitress had been passing by carrying a tray with two cocktails, and Kale had stood and swiped one like a hawkbat. The waitress turned and stared in mounting shock and indignation, flushing an even deeper shade of purple, until Kale waved a finger and said, "Hey, you look stressed. You really should have the other one."
The Twi'lek's face blanked for a moment, then dissolved into relief. "Really? Oh, gods, thank you, you're a lifesaver!"
As she scurried off to enjoy her highball, Kale flopped back into his seat and took a sip of his own. "So I saw your little trick up front. Effective, but lacks finesse. Rob 'em, and get 'em to thank you? Now, that's art."
Michael Cline
Mar 31st, 2015, 09:53:05 PM
Cline felt a sick feeling grow in his stomach as a mirror was held up to himself. This 'Andre' assuming the name was real reminded Mike of everything he'd put away when he'd taken Ms. Sasseeri's offer of employment. His frown deepened, and he suddenly felt put off eating.
"Not all of us are so overt with the use of certain gifts." he groused low at the shameful display that occurred between the man and the Twi'lek waitress. He was just about to excuse himself from the table and find someplace else to spend the afternoon when the Hostess returned, and a new feeling hit Cline much more than the disgust he felt at the other Force sensitive's company. Anger.
"We're, terribly sorry, sir... er.... sirs. There's been a misunderstanding, and we'll need to reseat you, possibly reschedule with..." Cline held up a hand to cut her off, eyes narrowing hatefully. "This is our table." He growled low in his throat, finger sliding through the air, despite his earlier complaint of Kale's usage of the Force. "This is your table..." she repeatedly drolly, before blinking and looking back at the front of the restaurant. "But... I... I'm sorry we really need this table." A twinge of surprise entered Cline's expression beside the rage. That was interesting. Whomever was waiting for this table was frightening this hostess enough that every ounce of her mental focus was on completing this task - enough so that he couldn't push his will overtop her own quite as easily as before.
He waved the finger again. "Find another seat for whomever is waiting for this table." He pushed a bit harder, as an expression of realization dawned in her eyes, "Ah! Yes we'll find another seat for them, of course! Thank you!" She turned to return to the party, believing she'd just found an acceptable compromise in her mind. Cline smirked at Andre sarcastically, "She thanked me."
Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 31st, 2015, 10:36:54 PM
Tania returned from her attempt to convince the hijackers of their folly. From the distant and confused look on her face, Taataani knew the result already.
"Madam...Senator! Senator."
The human stammered, glancing back a few times as she did so.
"I spoke to the party at the table and...we were able to find another seat for you."
Tania nodded reassuringly, gesturing towards a far-off section of the restaurant for emphasis. She was sure there was a table that had turned up. Taataani didn't move, curiously studying her face. Now that was an odd turn of phrase.
The Cizerack Senator pursed her lips slightly and flicked an ear.
"No, thank jyou. jI'll have mjy sseat. The one bjy the aquarrjium. Ljike jI ssajid."
Tania blanched as the Senator began to walk past her. In her attempt to politely guide Taataani elsewhere, she brushed a hand to the Senator's arm. Taataani paused, eyes fixed on the point where her personal space had been violated, tracing back up to the face of the woman who'd signed her professional death warrant.
"I'm sorry! Sorry! So sorry!" Tania gasped, backing away from the transgression as if she might catch fire otherwise. The Senator watched her retreat, and resumed walking unimpeded to her reserved table. Tania Mecure's name fell into her terrible vault, sealed under lock and key. Her days of honest work in civilized space were numbered.
Closing the distance to the table like she owned it (because she did), Senator Meorrrei was nothing but a polite smile as she noted the two unknown male faces at her table.
"Ja irra korra'nai, gentlemen. Arre jyou losst?"
Apr 1st, 2015, 06:36:10 PM
Kale had developed a sense for danger that had served him well on the streets of Coruscant when he was still living hand-to-mouth as a pickpocket. It wasn't always precise, but it was enough to steer him away from well-dressed schlubs who looked like easy marks but were really plainclothes cops, or mob enforcers, or Rebel insurgents. Which was why even though Taataani had put on a saccharine smile that could have disarmed a rabid wookiee, Kale could feel the hot breath of doom itself steaming down his neck. He hoped to Force that Michael had the sense to recognize the coming drenstorm before it drowned them both.
Without hesitation, he hopped up from his seat as if he'd never been sitting there at all and clasped his hands together as if entreating a deity. All except two fingers, which waggled through the air as he gestured.
"Madame, I cannot express to you how deeply, devotedly, and devastatingly sincere this apology I'm making to you right now is. Rest assured that the entire staff is humiliated, and completely at your mercy. It is my humblest and fondest desire that this feeling of power you are experiencing will take the edge off your hostility and allow us to find a mutually agreeable compromise."
He pulled his own seat back from the table and motioned Taataani toward it with a gallant flourish. "Now, ma'am, what can we do for you?"
Michael Cline
Apr 1st, 2015, 07:00:05 PM
Cline considered his options when the woman approached. A Cizerak, and that was trouble. They were... tricky to deal with as he'd learned from experience. Passionate, strong-willed and confident. Andre had jumped up immediately to try and smooth things over between them and the woman, and... wait, them? Cline glowered a bit at the 2-bit street urchin and considered the situation. He had nothing to do with this man, wanted nothing to do with him.
Still his options seemed limited, so he opted for some measure of the truth. "Ma'am I must apologize, this employee has been accosting me since I was sat at this table. He seems to insist that I share a meal with him, something about Sea Killer and Snapfish." He didn't speak it, but let the accusation - subtle as it was - hang in the air that this 'Andre' was the one responsible for both her troubles and his.
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 1st, 2015, 08:05:48 PM
Taataani's eyes moved from André to the unknown quantity and back again, her smile moving from polite to near impish.
"Well then, jit musst be qujite the deljicacjy jif the help can't help themsselvess, né?"
Senator Meorrrei took the offered seat, setting aside the used portion of bread and oil. She noted that Cline still had the impudence to remain in his chair. She waited to see if he'd think the better of it. Taataani hoped not. His transgression had merely annoyed her at first. Now, she'd cozied to his folly. Slipping a pair of spectacles past the ringlets of her strawberry blonde hair, the Senator pored over the small seasonal menu on the holoflimsy before her.
"jI thjink thejy arre not forr me, howeverr. jI would prreferr a ljive menu. Nothjing sstjimulatess the appetjite ljike sstrruggle."
She passed the flimsi to André, still presenting a casually glib front in the face of his lie.
"But bjy all meanss, mjy guesst would enjojy jyourr rrecommendatjion."
She turned back to Cline, eyeing him up and down.
"Wouldn't jyou?"
Apr 1st, 2015, 08:54:52 PM
Kale thanked whatever lucky stars were shining on him this evening for the feline instinct to toy with one's prey before going for the kill. In trying to spring the trap on Kale, Michael had rolled right into it himself, and had given Kale a very enticing way out in the process.
"Of course, madame. Please order whatever you want, on the house, for you and your guest. Tell you what, why don't I bring you a fresh basket of bread while I go rustle up the live menu for you?"
Michael Cline
Apr 1st, 2015, 09:02:33 PM
He wanted to kick himself. He'd screwed up completely and he'd realized it right after the Cizerak woman had sat down. Maybe he hadn't spent enough time with Ms. Sasseeri in quite a while to remember his manners, but he'd remained seated while she stood there. He felt embarrassed frankly, dealing with Andre had clearly left him non-plussed enough to make such an error. It was too late to try and accommodate the change now, standing would make him look weaker, he'd have to maintain the unconcerned attitude he'd presented.
He watched the man, and narrowed his eyes. Oh of course, he'd 'be right back'? If Cline was going to have to deal with this situation, he wasn't going to do it alone. "Oh don't be silly, you had insisted on eating with me, had you not? Don't tell me you don't wish to dine in the company of a beautiful woman as well." He flourished his hand toward Taataani in reference to her. If he was going to burn, he was dragging Andre straight into the flame with him.
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 1st, 2015, 10:32:04 PM
Taataani's eyes brightened at the notion as she leaned forward slightly to place her chin on her hand.
"A ssplendjid notjion! Pleasse, jyess..."
The Senator gestured to a spare seat that would leave her flanked by both lovely creatures.
" ssjit. Frrankljy, jI thjink jit'ss the perrssonable touch that putss jyourr esstabljisshment bejyond the pale of all otherrss on Dac. Have..."
Taataani flippantly gestured to a few of the other help.
" of them attend to thjingss, and do enjojy jyourrsself, Andrré."
Apr 2nd, 2015, 05:32:07 PM
He could walk away. Oh, she'd probably raise holy hell and probably demand the heads of the entire floor staff, but it wasn't like he had a job here to lose. Kale could head upstairs and reel Rai'raa out of whatever executive suite she'd charmed her way into, and they could pull Karma out of the slip and go start over in another resort on a different continent. It wasn't about cowardice, it was about balancing risk and reward, and some fat cats had just a little too much claw.
"Well, I--"
He took a step back only to feel a steely hand close on his shoulder. Tania stood there with a look of manic desperation on her face, the kind you didn't want around firearms or sharp objects. "That sounds like an excellent idea, Madame Senator," she said. "I'll see to it myself."
"Yeah, but--"
She marched him forward and pushed him down into the seat with an unceremonious thwumpf. Frell, who was mind-tricking who again?
Kale glanced from the cat to his fellow canary. If he were a telepath, Michael's ears would be bleeding by now. "So. You two come here often?"
Michael Cline
Apr 2nd, 2015, 05:37:26 PM
The hostess was getting the largest tip he could muster for putting the brakes on the escaping man. Senator. That explained the entire situation, and put him in more dire straights than... hmm. Maybe not as bad as anticipated, thinking on it. Could be potentially beneficial to know a high ranking politician. Cline's smile widened at both of them, yes. Turn a negative into a positive.
"I'm on vacation actually, and have never had the pleasure of making the Senator's company before. I must say it is truly an honor." He bowed from his seated position. "I wish I had realized I'd be dining with so powerful an individual, I would have dressed far more appropriately." He had gone out in something close to business casual, a suit jacket, certainly, but not his usual black necktie, and hadn't worn one of his tailored suits.
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 2nd, 2015, 10:55:09 PM
Ah, Tania Mecure, how the desperate stay their execution. Taataani did nothing but smile inscrutably at the human woman as she grasped for redemption to keep the Senator's menagerie whole.
"Tanjia, a bottle of Cato Nejimojidjian Prrjivat Ssecourr, would jyou?"
The '84 was an absurd 900 credits, and she plied it as a party favor. Tania, for her part, seemed relieved that Senator Meorrrei wasn't howling for the management to strip her of her job and throw her in the sea, and she worked overtime in her prostration, clasping her hands together and nodding deeply repeatedly.
"Absolutely Senator! Of course, I would love to! Thank you!"
Hurrying along to fetch the obscenely singular ambrosia, Miss Mecure once again left the table as it ought to be. At last, Taataani could consider Kale's question, and perhaps savor the double entendre beneath it.
"Enough to have mjy name on thjiss table."
A clawed fingertip clink clinked an etching in the lucite, noting an honorific for exceptional benefactors.
"jYou musst be new, sso of courrsse jI forrgjive the unfamjiljiarrjitjy. jI am Taataani Fai'sheeaa Igaarraai Meorrrei. Barronesss Executorr of jIncom-Koenssajy-Meorrrei. Ssenatorr of Keppaa Brens."
Her attention divided towards Cline and his own bout of prostration, Taataani appraised his attire. It wasn't a particularly expensive suit, and judging from the fall it hadn't been tailored to fit. He wasn't shabby but it also wasn't enough to garner a second glance.
"Mm. Well, jI won't hold jyourr chojice agajinsst jyou..."
There were benefits from abstaining from your best threads. Carefree disposal at the foot of a bed being foremost. Taataani made a pass at feeling the material of Cline's shirt. The fact her action loosed a button was just a happy accident.
"And what'ss jyourr name?"
Michael Cline
Apr 2nd, 2015, 11:34:36 PM
He considered that, while it may be good to have a friendly position with a senator, was it also wise for them to have your name? Especially in the line of work Cline was in. If things went south it could end him. No, better to play things a bit closer to the chest.
"Jason." He offered, smiling as the button on his shirt opened, Ahhhh Cizerak women. There was something truly special about them. "Jason Neville." He reached for her hand, and raised it softly to his lips in greeting after offering his 'name'.
Apr 3rd, 2015, 11:13:40 PM
Holy frell. Kale was by no means an avid consumer of interstellar military manufacturing firms, but with a title like that, Senator was probably only her second-greatest seat of influence. This was many levels removed from the executive weekenders he was used to grifting, even a clear step up from the Black Sun vigo he and Rai'raa had swindled on Bespin. And while his instincts were still ricocheting around his skull in desperate alarm, the allure of opportunity was a clarion call he simply couldn't ignore.
And if things went south, well, he'd slithered his way out of tighter spots than this before. Hadn't he?
He cleared his throat slightly and tried not to roll his eyes at the posturing from Jason over there. "I am new, actually. Just started here earlier this week. Someone like you should've come up in employee orientation."
Kale realized suddenly he hadn't the foggiest idea what she'd just ordered actually was. Something old and ostentatious and priced to impress, no doubt. He'd have gone for a cold Corellian ale right about then.
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 4th, 2015, 12:05:31 AM
Taataani's smile dimmed slightly at Jason's bombastic display of manners. Not because of that, no she rather liked the attempt by the human to leap above his station. Mainly to the point that she didn't, as humans said, know Jason Neville from Adam. At least André ostensibly wore his profession on a sleeve. Was that all for Jason Neville? Eyecandy?
An eyebrow quirked as he withdrew. Maybe uncomplicated was the flavor of the day.
Tania was surprisingly prompt with their prize from the cellar. She must have lit a fire under Hydra's sommelier to get the rarefied bottle on it's way without a hitch. In tow with a similarly-dressed Muun, Tania began the ritual of wine presentation. This wasn't some sangria book club or a power lunch. When you paid 900 credits a bottle, you expected your money's worth. The Muun sommelier presented the bottle to Taataani for inspection, label facing her. Adjusting her reading glasses, she browsed the label, which was showing slight signs of age and fading. A thoughtful nod and she gestured slightly to each of her male companions. The label was likewise presented to them. In particular, the Senator watched André examine it. She wondered if he'd gleaned enough in a week to understand what he was looking at.
With round one of the ritual completed, Taataani again nodded. The foil leaf was sheared, and the bulb cork was plied off carefully. The cork was offered to the Senator, but she declined with a wave of her hand. She preferred a more unadulterated demonstration of aromatics. Understanding, the sommelier carefully measured off a scant amount into her crystal stemware. Senator Meorrrei held up the glass, a scant mouthful of straw-colored clear liquid drawing light to it. Holding the rim of her glass beneath her nose, she carefully agitated the glass with a slight rolling of her wrist. She paused, agitated again, paused again, then tilted the glass to her lips. She didn't immediately swallow, instead seemingly rolling the wine on her tongue a moment, until she finally dispensed with it. Satisfied, she nodded again, and the sommelier filled her glass properly, then attended to the other glasses.
"Tanjia, jI thjink two dozen ojyssterrss and a cavjiarr fljight wjill do."
The embattled staffer nodded, beginning to turn toward the kitchen.
The human paused, trying not to wring her hands.
"Yes, Senator?"
"jI'd ljike the buntjingss ass well. Ljive. And a chaljice of Courregnac."
Tania's eyes widened at the choice. Not exactly a best seller.
"Anything you want, of course."
Taataani nodded. Of course. A moment later, she remembered a last minute detail, snapping her fingers.
"jI nearrljy forrgot. The Ssea Kjillerr and Ssnapfjissh forr mjy guesstss."
Michael Cline
Apr 4th, 2015, 11:12:50 PM
'Jason' watched the procedure with interest, reminded so much of his own Ms. Sasseeri. The same sort of 'station' one could call it. Oh he had certainly cleaned up much better than he once had, but he was still the cargo captain's son from Coruscant and it fascinated him to see the airs that the upper crust took in the simplest of actions. He watched the senator from the corner of his eye as he did. He did have to wonder if there was catnip in his cologne - how did he seem to attract a certain type so often?
More so he was left to wonder if he was experiencing an odd sort of bigotry and being so decidedly reminded of Ms. Sasseeri by this woman. Certainly they were similar, species - proclivities - the sort of lifestyle they maintained, but there was something else, something less obvious that he couldn't put his finger on.
"Senator, you are truly too kind." He smiled widely at her, raising his glass in a toast. "To unexpected company, and pleasant acquaintance." He offered
He set his glass down and regarded 'Andre' a week with the hotel, or so he claimed. Scum recognized scum, and he was starting to see something distressingly familiar in Andre. "What brought you to this line of work, Andre?" He was buying time while he decided exactly who 'Jason Neville' was for when the questions would inevitably turned on him.
Apr 5th, 2015, 07:22:33 PM
"Oh, I've been in this business for years," Kale replied. "I've had jobs on Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa... even worked the Cumulus casino on Bespin a while back. That's really the job that got me here."
He knew he was painting himself as a plebeian social climber for the patrician at the table, but he didn't care. It was close enough to the truth that it was an easy role for him to play. He chiefly wanted Mr. Neville to know what kind of thief he was frelling with. Not many people robbed Black Sun and lived to see another sunrise. Let alone bearded Sasseeri Reeouurra in her own den.
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 5th, 2015, 08:00:44 PM
Taataani's wine glass paused just short of her lips.
Sasseeri's little pleasure franchise wasn't at all lost on the Senator, and Taataani finally resumed her sip thoughtfully. Perhaps it was just that. One notch on a resume. But given this character's curious and unprofessional behavior here, she was beginning to get an inkling that perhaps it wasn't total coincidence.
"jIssn't that the rressorrt that'ss owned bjy...what'ss herr name, what'ss herr name..."
Michael Cline
Apr 5th, 2015, 08:09:59 PM
His eyes narrowed, expression dimming despite the smile at Andre's words. Well, this was a very interesting development indeed. He considered the situation, the senator searching for Ms. Sasseeri's name as his focus remained locked on the 'waiter'.
"Reeouurra I believe." He finished for the senator, avoiding his usual familiarity of 'Ms. Sasseeri' - no reason to announce just how closely his ties to the Black Sun were - his eyes were still fiercely locked with Andre's, pinning him in place, his smile plastered on as it had been turned up wider, almost predatory now. "It's a small universe, Andre, I've done some work from Bespin myself. Maybe we know similar social circles."
Apr 5th, 2015, 08:28:58 PM
"Maybe," Kale replied, as if the notion didn't much interest him. "I really haven't stayed in touch with anyone back there. Politics are murder. Oh, no offense, Madame Senator."
Inwardly, the needle on Kale's oh-shit-o-meter had risen a few notches. He hadn't counted on this creep having any connection to Black Sun, but given the sleaze oozing off of him like nuclear fallout it shouldn't have come as a surprise. Of course, Kale had already fleeced one vigo, and slipped the nets of two senior goons in the Vertical City. They said luck came in threes. This could be his last hurrah, and then he could swear off jousting with interstellar crime organizations for good.
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 5th, 2015, 08:47:53 PM
"Ah, that'ss rrjight."
Blue eyes moved to Jason. It wasn't privy knowledge to know Sasseeri Reeouurra was the shot-caller at Cumulus and a dozen other galactic resorts. She'd done quite well for herself in that sordid, double-dealing fashion of hers. André let fly his metaphor, and the Senator offered only a cryptic smile of approval for it. An interesting choice of words nonetheless. Exactly how political did he get?
Before further introspection could settle in, Tania returned to deliver the cold dishes. The oysters were arrayed artfully and in plentiful form, and the caviar flight was vividly diverse, roe portioned in a broad range of shades and sizes of pearls. The Senator helped herself to an oyster, the flick of a clawed finger under the fleshy remnant on the half shell just enough to sever any remaining affiliation the oyster had to it's shell. Taataani tilted the shell to her lips and enjoyed.
"jIt ssoundss asss jif Besspjin hass become morre than the ssleepjy backwaterr jit ussed to be, then. What djid jyou do on Besspjin, Jasson?"
Michael Cline
Apr 5th, 2015, 09:07:50 PM
Cline eyed the various dishes, Ms. Sasseeri had enjoyed spreads like this, but it really didn't fit his palate. He picked up a small bit of flatbread that had been presented with the arrangement, and spooned a little of the blackened beads onto the end of it, nibbling it as he considered. He was playing a dangerous game with the senator, and couldn't continue to be so flippantly casual in his answers without the tension rising more than it already had began to, with his tit-a-tat with Andre.
"I'm an executive with a shipping and receiving company." He said swallowing a bite, "We do business on Bespin, including with the Cumulus." It seemed a believable enough lie, and could easily explain any allusions of his connection to certain parties if they were to become too evident. "Though to be fair," He chuckled lowly, "I sometimes think I should just change my title to 'firefighter' as often as I have to take care of..." his vision refocused on Andre in warning, "problems we encounter." he turned his attention back to the senator with a bright smile to lighten the comment, "Misplaced shipments, custom problems I'm sure you are familiar with the difficulties of moving goods between systems these days."
Apr 6th, 2015, 11:48:24 AM
Kale filled the time by rocking his wine glass, letting its bouquet ventilate or whatever the frell you were supposed to do with unimaginably expensive wine. It was all so much curdled grape juice to him, but he sipped it and pretended to appreciate the dry sour oaky nutty cherry sugar fruitiness of it all. It gave him something to do while Jason engaged in his tedious posturing. Yadda yadda, I'm a scary mob enforcer who makes problems disappear. Well, the last time Kale had disappeared from Black Sun's problem list, he'd taken a luxury yacht and ten thousand in unmarked credits.
Andre looked suitably bored while two corporate executives talked shop, then leaned forward to start on the oysters. They weren't half bad.
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 6th, 2015, 11:06:25 PM
An that outfit? Taataani's eyes sparkled as she ran a finger along a swath of orange caviar, scooping just enough to draw to her mouth as she gave the accompanying blinis a pass. Oh Jason, you've erred. Whatever sort of person who might wear a suit in less than a black tie occasion, someone with clout would certainly make sure it was tailored.
The Senator licked her lips.
"Asss a matterr of fact, jI am qujite famjiljiarr wjith that ssorrt of thjing. What companjy do jyou worrk forr? jI have a daughterr that handless cjivjiljian marrket exporrtss thrrough Grreaterr Javjin and sshe'ss ljikeljy handed jyou accountss."
Before she set the hook, Taataani glanced over to steal a view of André's face as he appreciated the wine.
"What do jyou thjink? Honesstljy, jI jusst orrderred jit on account of the prrjice tag. What'ss a ssommeljierr gojing to tell me that prrjice won't, né?"
Which was of course a lie. Taataani knew full well what she was doing here. And she was starting to get a good idea what they were up to as well.
Michael Cline
Apr 6th, 2015, 11:20:30 PM
"Cline and Son." he said simply, taking a pull from his flute of wine. "Originally off Coruscant - small company, but had built a bit of a name for themselves in a few markets. We, myself and the shareholders, purchased them from 'Son' as it were. Unfortunate business with the family, multiple homicide. Most likely gang related, he had no stomach to continue. Poor boy, something like that can ruin a person."
He took another bite of the cavier, rather finding it agreeable to him, which was frankly a surprise. "It took a while before we were able to begin operating again, unfortunate red tape. We're just getting the operation to a full head of steam now - but if she handles accounts, I'd be grateful for a kind word to make things easier." He chuckled, playing the role of the enterprising businessman as best he could manage. The company had, in fact, been reestablished though nothing had been shipped - in fact it didn't exist as anything more than paperwork but it had seemed wrong to simply allow it to die with his father.
Perhaps the lie was working, perhaps it wasn't, but he was certainly starting to enjoy the game that was being played at the table. He finished his drink and sat the glass down with a wry smile.
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