View Full Version : Revolution on Taanab plan thread (all interested parties)

Lady Frygt
Mar 10th, 2015, 01:20:20 AM
Original Post: The revived Sith Order is doing crossover stories with other factions on the SW boards. Currently we're in the initial phases of a story with the Imperial Knights. Which is a problem because Taanab is in Imperial Space, which means it's time to court friends in the Alliance. I just don't know who I need to be speaking to for story proposals. So who's the boss? Or at least the organizer?

UPDATE: given the replies in this thread already, I'm proposing that the story arc Revolution on Taanab begin at some point around the beginning of summer 2015. In Post 12 I outline a potential storyline subject to the approval of the various factions involved. I wrote the outline without any input from the other involved groups so everything is subject to change, but settled story elements will be summarized here.

Given the lengthy outline, I expect this story arc could be potentially long running.

I'd love to involve as many parties as possible. In the outline I mention the possible inclusion of the Imperial Knights and the Jedi and also the Hapes Consortium. The story is pretty much dependent on participation from both Empire and Alliance.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 10th, 2015, 09:36:31 AM
When you got to edit, hit the 'Go Advanced' button. That'll take you to where you can edit the title :)

As for the Alliance, there's no real main boss; some of the RPer's who played characters in lead offices are a bit absent at the moment. I think that until we have someone to fill that gap, we'll just go about things in a group scrum sort of thing. I do have a few Alliance characters that can be available though, so I'd be more than willing to get in on this with you.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 10th, 2015, 11:21:02 AM
To edit a title you can just double click next to it in the thread list. :)

I don't have any Alliance members though, sorry. *shows myself out*

Lady Frygt
Mar 10th, 2015, 12:18:22 PM
Seriously? There's no like President of the Alliance? ....I should run for office then.

My situation is this: The Sith Order on Taanab is picking a fight with the Imperial Knights, I must have been consulting an old map as I was under the impression Taanab was in Alliance space, however it is in Imperial space according to latest maps, though just barely. Since the revolution on Taanab, the Planet has been raking in money from taxes on the Perlemian way. The Perlemian is mostly in Alliance sectors dragging goods in from the outer rim worlds to the Core. Since moving into a more mercantile economy, the Value of Taanab has drastically gone up. This is good for the Empire because Taanab pays taxes to Coruscant, but with a teeny tiny border change, Taanab money could fall into Alliance coffers. Or at the very least, wouldn't the Alliance be interested in funding a revolution on Taanab to at the very least keep all their profits and avoid putting them into Coruscant's Death Star Budget.

From the perspectives of the Empire and the Alli9ance, it's all the better if Taanab belonged top no one. Like a mean little Switzerland saddled between Empires. And might a revolution story be a little bit fun for both Alliance and Imperial characters?

Hell, we could even drag the Jedi and Imperial Knights into it and turn Taanab into a complete warzone. Anyone interested?

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 10th, 2015, 12:34:23 PM
Well there IS a Chief of state and a senate and all that good stuff. The CoS is an NPC at the moment though. :)

edit: also I think that's a great idea, for what it's worth. :D

Eluna Thals
Mar 10th, 2015, 01:02:05 PM
So basically you're looking for an Alliance element that would be interested in fomenting revolution on an imperial world.

Sounds like my field of things

Mar 10th, 2015, 01:42:31 PM
Revolution on an Imperial world with a Sith Academy on it. Can't wait to see what happens when the Jedi find out.


Serena Laran
Mar 10th, 2015, 01:48:20 PM
Revolution on an Imperial world with a Sith Academy on it. Can't wait to see what happens when the Jedi find out.



Lady Frygt
Mar 10th, 2015, 01:48:57 PM
Pretty much. At the Moment we're dealing with the Imperial Knights. but almost immediately after that I want to go into the Revolution on Taanab storyline. I'm not sure who I need to talk to in the Empire, but I do already have a line in with Vince from when we planned out our Sith/Imp Knights story. But I'm getting the feeling that the Revolution on Taanab might be a bit broader than any crossover story that I've done before. So careful planning is necessary.

Since there's already a planning thread right here, let's just re-orient this thread to be the Revolution on Taanab planning thread. I'll have a proposed outline either tonight or tomorrow.

Lady Frygt
Mar 10th, 2015, 01:56:32 PM
In the meantime, could any leaders of the various SW groups on Fans post whether or not they'd be interested in participating.

Sith Order: Obvious yes
Alliance: I hope so because we need someonew to sells us blasters and stuff like that.
Imperials: I hope so because otherwise we have no story.
Jedi: No word yet, but it could certainly be interesting to get them in the mix.
Imperial Knights: Not sure yet, but given the events of the Hara Kiri rescure operation, I think it would be logical.
The Hapes Consaortium: very close to Taanab, surely they would have an interest in determining the victor.
Lilaena's Unaffiliated Darksiders: not sure but maybe it could be interesting.

Am I missing anyone?

Serena Laran
Mar 10th, 2015, 02:10:52 PM
I think any Jedi who wants to can certainly be involved. Perhaps I could take that rascally Akasha and run into Lilaena somehow ;)

Lady Frygt
Mar 10th, 2015, 03:09:38 PM
Ok, here's the best outline I can think of for the general story I'm writing from the TSO's perspective because I don't want to force a bunch of groups or characters into doing something that doesn't make sense

1) Lady Frygt has been conspiring for Revolution for years now, She has had the government of Taanab in her pocket for quite some time.
2) The government is under the leadership of Dakler Prown, an agent of Lady Frygt and is quite happy to be collecting the increased profits from the Perlemian Trade Route and are considering redirecting the Daragon Trail into also passing through Taanab to increase profits.
2a) I suggest that Coruscant repeatedly block this motion in the Senate. Giving the Taanab Senate the impetus to discuss either defection to the Alliance or full Independence.
3) Meanwhile Lady Frygt is anticipating a war and has been building an army of elites. Ezra Na'chtion is fully capable of doing this with his experience in Biology and Sith Alchemy. Either the monsters are grown on Taanab in secret facilities or if we want to get really crazy, on Korriban as I assume it's mostly abandoned.

Rising Action:
4) Given the Political situation, the Alliance decides to back a Revolution on Taanab witrh intent of an Independent System that serves as a nexus for the Perlemian and Daragon Trade Routes But is fully aware that Taanab could likely be moved into the Alliance sphere of Influence So the Alliance backs the Rebels.
5) The Empire is fully aware that a rebellion on a border world is trouble for Imperial territorial Integrity and enacts a plan to put the rebellion down.
5a) If the Imperial Knights desire more action, they can be ordered to investigate the Force Academy on Taanab for anything suspicious that might have influenced the Taanab government (We can do some fun spy drama stories here)
6) The Empire receives a big military defeat in the equatorial region of Tanaab and the Senate begins to commit more resources to quelling the revolt.
6a) By now Lady Frygt may or may not have agents with the Imperial Senate that intend to goad the Empire into committing to a Bloodbath because, you know, the Sith just love seeing things devolve into carnage.
7) The Alliance refuses to commit soldiers to Taanab because that would violate the terms of whatever truce the Alliance has with the Empire. But they're pouring money into funding the rebels and are quite happy with the profits they're seeing from weapons sales.
7a) Perhaps the Alliance suspects the Sith and the Jedi might be asked to investigate (assuming they want to participate).
8) The war gets worse for the Empire as Taanab tactics and strategy are making it difficult to locate actual guerrillas and not just the citizens who the Empire is trying to win the hearts and minds of. Increasingly brutal actions by the Empire tend to alienate the regular civilians of Taanab, public opinion on Taanab is shifting towards sympathy for the rebels.
9) Things take a turn for the worse as the Sith organize a terror plot against the civilian population on Coruscant, further infuriating the Senate and bringing down harsher military action on Taanab.
10) The Empire's renewed vigor brings early success on Taanab, Most major cities lie firmly under Imperial control. The Alliance questions continued funding for the rebellion as the death toll soars and it seems the rebel are losing or maybe have lost.

11) In a Single night, the rebels reappear in greater numbers, led by people claiming to be the Sith, and the renewed rebellion explodes against the Empire that believed it had already won.
12 Terror attacks continue on Imperial Core Worlds. Not only has the Empire lost thew hearts and minds of the Taanab but they're on the verge of losing the hearts and minds of the Imperial subjects in the Core.
13) Finally the Empress (is it still Tarkin?) steps in and dissolves the Senate that got the Empire into this mess in the first place. Elections are held, the Empress is more popular than ever. Perhaps the Empress should she desire could use this opportunity to consolidate more power? Why have an idiot Senate at all?
14) The Taanab, Empire and Alliance meet on Nal Hutta where the uninvolved Hutts negotiate a peace treaty (because they'd never miss a chance to get their fingers in things if it can make them look good and they're only major power not involved in the conflict)

15)Under the terms of the Peace of Nal Hutta, Taanab is to remain a free world and to remain unwaveringly neutral in any conflict between Empire or Alliance. After the uprising detailed in number 11 The Sith seemingly disappear but both sides have a feeling that there's evil afoot.
16) Unknown to the Sith Order, the Empire and Alliance send delegates into the Corporate Sector to discuss the blatent fact that the Sith obviously fabricated a conflict and perhaps come to some joint resolution to not tolerate any more Sith activity within each respective Empire, hopefully both governments can contain the Sith on Taanab.
17) Obviously, the Empire isn't going to take this lying down and instead of the ending in 16, they reach out to the Sith Order and arranmge for the Sith to instigate revolution on an Alliance world. Assuming the Revolution on Taanab story is as fun as it seems like it should be and we want a sequel.


Eluna Thals
Mar 10th, 2015, 08:17:41 PM
My only problem here is that the Alliance has zero illusions about the sort of trouble in dealing with Sith. Their government nearly toppled (as did the Jedi order) the last time they had to fight the Sith in the Dan crisis, and there's further (yet unseen) Sith crises yet to unfold in their ranks. The Sith represent an existential threat to them, and possibly even more dangerous than the Empire because at least the Imperials are checked by mutually-assured Starkillers. I don't see what they really gain by taking action here if the result is an entrenched Sith presence so close to the border. If they were to get involved in proxy campaigns, they'd have to be dealing with a cleaner partner than the Sith. That's not to say a bunch of angels. Phoenix Cell has used drug cartels and terrorists to advance their agenda in Imperial territory before, but that's night and day compared to the Sith and the sort of dangerous game that entails. If they thought they were dealing with another element on Tanaab, they might very well play the game, but I really think once they got a notion that the Sith were steering the insurgency, the Alliance would sell the movement out in an instant and very likely coordinate with Imperial efforts to remove the Sith from Tanaab.

Lady Frygt
Mar 10th, 2015, 11:14:45 PM
Well, bear in mind the Alliance would not be dealing with the Sith at all. Asd far as official positions go, there are no real Sith on Taanab at all. There is a Force sensitive headmaster and her Academy, but they're not involved in the government of Taanab. Should Revolution be discussed, it would be discussed as a matter for the Senate of Taanab to decide, without the presence of any Force Sensitives at all.

Of course we all know OOC that the Sith are all over the Taanab government, but the characters in the story aren't exactly aware of this. I mean, from the perspective of an Alliance or Imperial Senator, Thew Sith Order were destroyed in the attack that wiped out their Corellia and Korriban bases, since then, nearly every person affiliated with the old Sith Order is accounted for. Most of the higher ranked Sith died in the attack, the few apprentices that escaped are mostly in the employ of various governments or imprisoned Lady Frygt doesn't even share a name with any of her parents and her birth was not recorded as she was an accident baby of a spice addict on Corellia. It's highly unlikely that her affiliation with the Sith Order is known or even able to be known at all. Sure Ezra Na'chtion is in the employ of the Academy, but of course he would be employed by a Force Academy as he may be the last Sith Alchemist in the Galaxy.

The Academy on Taanab is and will always be a school for the promotion of all Force philosophies, regardless of a personal preferences. We seek to promote knowledge about the Force to the entire Galaxy. Don't believe me? Come take a class, even if you're not Force Sensitive, for free. The Taanab Academy is a school we are hardly some cadre of villains and the insinuation is insulting. We have been nothing but transparent in our operations and activities and if you suspect something we invite your best Knight, or Jedi to investigate our premises and staff freely.

So if anything were to transpire in the government of Taanab, I see no reason to suspect the Taanab Academy had anything to do with it.

Eluna Thals
Mar 11th, 2015, 01:41:22 PM
Okay that makes more sense. The Alliance would likely deal with someone they felt didn't endanger their interests and could be controlled. Now at some point if Sith involvement in that sort of thing is detected, all bets may well be off. But initially I could see them playing the game when explained like that.

Zereth Lancer
Mar 11th, 2015, 01:56:55 PM
I would imagine that when and if the Sith Order gets discovered by either the Empire or the Alliance/Jedi, and if a connection between the groups was made, that the Sith Order could attract the aid of the Eleutheria group to protect their "Force freedom" from the child soldiering Jedi and the force hunting Empire. Not saying that would give them too much firepower, but Eleutheria does boast a few strong darksiders plus a small Mandalorian army. This interaction could create an interesting plot later on in the story arc.

Eluna Thals
Mar 11th, 2015, 02:30:00 PM
Would Eleutheria do that? I mean some of them are pretty aware of the kind of game the sith play with adepts who don't quite cut muster.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 11th, 2015, 02:52:05 PM
We'll for sure do something. Lilaena isn't exactly enthralled with the idea of Sith, which is why she struck out on her own.

Zereth Lancer
Mar 11th, 2015, 03:33:25 PM
I'm not sure if the sentiment is shared, but I've felt that Eleutheria is would step in to stop one faction from eradicating the others. Kind of like a neutral [s]religious[/i] force police. I don't think they would SIDE with The Sith Order, but perhaps place themselves in between them and the Jedi to deter a confrontation. Eleutheria's core principle is Choice, instead of being pulled in by the Jedi or Sith (or Empire). There's definitely a lack of choice for anyone involved in a Sith vs Jedi battle and would only see to the deaths of the very people Eleutheria would want to liberate. They may not strike out against anyone, but they could certainly show up and shake their heads and try to influence a change of direction, and while their there why not try to recruit from both sides i'mjustsaying.

In short, they wouldn't support the Sith Order but rather condemn the conflict.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 11th, 2015, 03:37:31 PM
Yeah that makes sense to me and is a good angle. :)

Lady Frygt
Mar 11th, 2015, 10:27:22 PM
So, any thoughts on the story outline?

Tiberius Anar
Mar 18th, 2015, 02:40:40 AM
I'm sure there are plenty of thoughts but people aren't able to get back with them as quickly as in "the good old days".

I'm certainly trying to form a response to outline how I would be able to contribute and where on behalf of the Empire. Bear with please.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 18th, 2015, 09:48:18 AM
How many different threads do you think the story will be contained in? I can see one where the Jedi are on Ossus talking about the possible threat and sending someone/s to Tanaab, where they'd then jump into the existing revolution thread or...? But that wouldn't happen until the Revolution was started I think, and the Alliance already backing the rebels against the Empire.

My group is of the mind set of 'eff all y'all' (thanks Brian for that :lol), so if anything they're a wild card. I don't know where they'd fall on this yet.

Lady Frygt
Mar 18th, 2015, 09:34:40 PM
How many threads?

Gosh, I'm not totally sure. As it is, in it's current form the story looks like it could go boardwide. And if I could have it my way, then it will go boardwide. The SW forums are stagnant, we really ought to be having boardwide event stories at least seasonally, maybe monthly. If there's something to participate in regularly, our existing SW characters will be more inclined to post and write more often.

I propose it happen like this: Threads relative to the story be titled "Revolution on Taanab: (whatever subtitle you want)" We use the Homeworlds forums to contain most of the story events relative to the story in the thread. If the Jedi on Ossus are discussing whether to get involved then their thread should be in the Ossus forum and it might say "Revolution on Taanab: Choosing sides" and there all the important Jedi ought to have their discussion and review of intelligence of the situation on Taanab. Alliance and Empire will do similar in their own subforums. That way, all threads relative to the story-arc are easy to find and do a search for.

So really, I think the potential fopr number of threads is great. But I strongly recommend we use outlines bewcause obviously if this story is going to make sense, I couldn't have my character on Taanab and Bothawui at the same time. Though , let's say Lady Frygt has to make a deal with some politicians on Bothawui after the opening of hostilities on Taanab, then this is possible, but each new thread under the "Revolution on Taanab" title ought to have a preface stating when that particular story takes place after the opening battle on Taanab and after event X on Bothawui. If a thread timeline is necessary, I'd be happy to collect threads and create a little updating post that puts things in chronological order.

Rev Solomon
Mar 18th, 2015, 09:57:18 PM
So, an idea occurred to me that could give your revolution teeth that everyone in the galaxy would have to respect. What if the Sith Order got its hands on a Starkiller weapon?

It would absolutely put an end to your pretenses of being a peaceful religious academy, but then I figured you were planning on tossing away the facade at some point anyway. Taanab would become a rogue state, commanding a level of galactic attention that far outweighs its actual political or military clout, as long as you can keep the Alliance and the Empire guessing on whether you're just crazy enough to push the button. You might boast that you have a delivery system capable of reaching any system in a two-sector radius. That could be a complete lie. Who's going to test you? Even the threat of setting it off on Taanab and immolating a civilian population is probably enough to keep the galactic superpowers from landing their troops. Meanwhile, you've got the platform to operate openly as a new Sith Order and even declare your intentions to rebuild the Sith Empire.

Lady Frygt
Mar 19th, 2015, 10:53:26 AM
Yeah, I've thought about that a little bit and it seems to me that building a Starkiller would be a little bit outside of Taanab's technological capabilities at this point in time. Taanab is in the early stages of industrialization. They're having a hard enough time to establish their droidworks, so something as complicated as a Starkiller is out of the question. And then there's the problem of having the tecxh to build a delivery system. Taanab is nowhere near advanced enough to build a starship. And at this juncture, they're not desperate enough to build a breifcase-bomb type Starkiller and just suicide a ship into a star. But let's see how the war goes, TSO isn't afraid to go that route if necessary, but I think it's somewhat out of their reach.

The Taanab government's plan and hope is to maneuver themselves under the Alliance Starkiller Umbrella. Think like after ww2 West Germany, S. Korea and Japan had to allow themselves to be protected by the USA's nukes, likewise the Warsaw Pact under USSR nukes. Taanab hopes to create a situation more like that than a North Korea or Iran situation. Eventually if the Alliance agitates TSO, they might seek out a StarKiller or some similar weapon. Ideally, something that can be used defensively, which Starkillers aren't useful for.

The most important thing here is that we create a storyline that multiple parties can participate in, cause I don't know if you noticed, but it gets boring 'round here. If the leaders of each faction could sit down and plan a group story for a cross-faction event every season then our characters would have something to do besides beat up NPC or fill out our backstories some more. Yes, obtaining a Starkiller is the quickest way to get Taanab out of the Empire, but it's too quick and kind of boring. With the story I wantto set up, we've got just about everyone getting involved. Finally the Jedi and Sith will do battle, we can kill endless Stormtroopers, drama and excitement. By turning Taanab into a warzone, everyone benefits. Even the boring smuggler characters are getting involved, Lady Frygt is meeting with them left and right to gets blasters and such ointo Taanab. My point is that with a common event, all characters have a purpose. Normally, I would have no interest in any smuggler characters on Fans and a big bad Sithy wouldn't really interact with one unless they happened to pass through a thread. But with the Revolution imminent, Lady Frygt has to deal with all sorts of lowlifes, scum and scoundrels. We've all spent time and energy creating and developing our unique characters, but we need events to draw these characters in together.

But as it is, Taanab's goal is to declare independence and exit the Empire and then make loads of credits off the Perlemian Way. If that means a short alliance with the Alliance, then great. Taanab's population wants independence, TSO needs a safe planet. Interests meet. A nice long drawn out war will bring in the factions for a fun summertime group Roleplay where characters whop otherwise would never meet will cross paths.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 19th, 2015, 12:45:37 PM
I think the idea was that they would steal a Starkiller, not make one. The plans for making a Starkiller would be an extremely closely guarded secret.

edit: but of course it was just an idea. If you don't want to start the story arc until the summer that's a long wait for planning it now imo.

Lady Frygt
Mar 19th, 2015, 08:55:48 PM
A closely guarded secret? Like the spy-ridden Manhatten Project? Yeah stealing one would be easier but what good is 1 StarKiller? You use it once and then your leverage is over, if Taanab seeks out Starkillers, then they're going to aim to steal one, reverse engineer it and start producing them.

Tiberius Anar
Mar 20th, 2015, 07:27:48 AM
Yeah, I've thought about that a little bit and it seems to me that building a Starkiller would be a little bit outside of Taanab's technological capabilities at this point in time. Taanab is in the early stages of industrialization.

This confuses me. I was under the impression that Taanab was a sort of breadbasket world with agricultural combines profiting by exporting foodstuffs along a nearby major trade route. A Taanab like that would be of value to the Empire and would therefore be worth holding on to making the story arc (in which the Empire plays a major role because it goes to great lengths to retain control) being suggested a viable one. A Taanab that is pre-industrial would be of much less value and the Empire would care much less about its possible loss and would take more limited action to retain it.

The nature of Taanab needs to be settled before we can decide how to proceed.

Lady Frygt
Mar 20th, 2015, 12:23:57 PM
Good point. The impetus for revolution on Taanab was that the planet was industrializing and trying to break free economically from the core so they could keep their Parlemian Way money. But If Coruscant doesn't care that Taanab wants to defect because it's not producing a bunch of Roba Steaks anymore, then yeah, I'm ok with that.

What my characters are trying to accomplish it to get away from the former Inquisition and avoid reprisals for a foolish rescue mission they pulled off to release a former TSO apprentice. For Frygt, it's starting to become obvious that working within Empire space is a threat to her and all she's worked for. She's scared and the whole Sith thing is giving into the fear, so she thinks a war will save her, but at what cost?

So what I suggest is that Coruscant notice Taanab is industrializing and may become an economic problem as it used to be a bread-basket type Planet sending grain and meat into the Core worlds. Perhaps Coruscant believes it can Force Taanab into returning to an agrarian society. During WW@ Stalin habitually de-industrialized Eastern Germany and moved their factories into the USSR, might the Empire be able to do this?

So let's summarize, Faction motives:

Empire: The Empire's food supply is threatened by Taanab's industrialization. The want to make Taanab revert to an agrarian economy, if not by negotiation then by force. Taanab is a border planet, so it threatens the precarious peace with the Alliance. And the Moffs definitely don't want the alliance to think they can scoop up Imperial planets by fomenting revolutions whenever they feel like it.

Taanab: The Taanab people are enjoying the fruits of Industrialized society. Children no longer toil on farms and attend public schools, the small middle class and even smaller rich class have exploded in numbers. Taanab culture is thriving as writers and artists fill up the cities. They're doing far better than they were in past years as farmers, the future is optimistic. But the Imperial government is displeased with developments on Taanab and wants to revert Taanab back to agriculture. Naturally, this idea is unpopular amongst the Taanab. The Consul (I've been using a Roman Republic model for the Taanab government) of Taanaab, Dakler Prown has been reassuring the population that Taanab's "right to economic development" will be ensured, by force if necessary. Of course, the consul knows that blasters and military grade weapons have been pouring into Taanab for quite some time now. But the important thing is that the population of Taanab is willing and able to fight for their economic development.

Then as we approach the climax in the story, we add some Jedi and Sith into the mix and eventually return to a slightly modified version of the status quo. But the important thing is that we've had an event where most, if not all, factions have an opportunity to participate and write about their characters in a dynamic situation.

Mar 20th, 2015, 04:02:25 PM
I think what's confusing me is your use of the term 'Industrialize' vs Agrarian. You can still be an Industrialized society (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Revolution#Agriculture)and farm. It just means your civilization has made it to the point where it's using factories and new manufacturing processes. Taanab should already be an Industrialized civilization, a pretty advanced one if you go by the Wookiepedia:

"Near the equator, the fields and factory farms were formed into a hexagonal tessellation. Much of its climate was optimized for bumper yields by weather-controlling satellites (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Satellite) and orbital mirrors.[1] (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Taanab#cite_note-TEA-0) The fauna was imported, with some becoming feral. The untamed former herd members had their numbers checked by by droid (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Droid) sharpshooters (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sniper).[1] (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Taanab#cite_note-TEA-0)The administrative capital was Pandath (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Pandath). Tanaab was sponsored by agricultural conglomerates like Arcon Multinode (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Arcon_Multinode), Tagge Restaurant Association (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Tagge_Restaurant_Association), and Core Foodstuffs (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Core_Foodstuffs). The Banthal Company (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Banthal_Company) transported cargo to poorer worlds."

It even has large, galaxy spanning, agricultural business conglomerates supporting it. So if you wanted to go in that direction it would be really feasible. I'm guessing thats why Tanaab could be such a valuable asset. If you look at this link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industry#Classification) Tanaab would fall under the primary sector of Industry.

That said, its your choice in how you handled the planet.

Tiberius Anar
Mar 21st, 2015, 03:20:25 PM
Well put. If this is the Taanab we are going to be working with (and I hope it is), I can see the Empire taking an interest before, during, and after any revolution.

Lady Frygt
Mar 22nd, 2015, 11:20:39 AM
I was always under the impression that Taanab was almost entirely agrarian, sure with the diffusion of industry in the galaxy, they don't live like 16th century Europeans, but even then, the rich people are in the Core. The people on Taanab want to live like they're on a Core Planet, not a mid-rim nobody. So under new leadership, Taanab is realizing what their potential can be by dominating the Perlemian Way and utilizing profit from that to induce full industrialization. Or at least enough to be mostly independent from the Empire or Alliance.

They're starting to feel the oppression of the Empire (inevitable) and they're not feeling too confident about the Alliance. Their first choice is independence, trading with either Empire or Alliance as necessary, but belonging to neither.

So can we agree that Taanab is mostly Agrarian and Taanab is looking to change this, which agitates the Empire and The Empire plans to force Taanab back to it's agrarian status?

Eluna Thals
Mar 24th, 2015, 11:03:43 PM
Here's a thread you might want to draw your attention towards (http://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?55834-The-Blue-Chip)

I kinda just started this for the heck of it in terms of advancing Phoenix Cell activities, but the thought occurred to me that we could use this to springboard into an early Tanaab mission. That sound good? Have any kind of early contested thing you'd like to write?

Tiberius Anar
Mar 25th, 2015, 02:26:24 AM
Like Tear, I find your use of 'agrarian' confusing.

Taanab would be (could only be) a breadbasket world for its part of the galaxy only if its farming was run by companies applying industrial processes. This would mean a world as Tear has described.

Such a world would be focussed very heavily upon keeping food production up, re-investing profits to improve output yet further to further increase the return to investors. But, under Sith influence, this could be changed. Your puppet government and business leaders could be tempted/coerced into investing in retooling some of the processing facilities to produce...other things...and to divert investment to the importing of goods that don't serve food production but serve...other purposes. In this way you'd stealthily move to a position in which, by working through the elites, you'd have some of the means to successfully break with the Empire.

As this happens the Empire would notice something amiss. Reduced output, missed quotas, odd shipment patterns. An investigation would begin, things would be uncovered and there would be the inevitable attempt to assert control leading to...interesting times. This would be the moment to turn your puppet elite's attempt to break with the Empire into a popular movement, gaining sympathy and support from the Alliance.

Lady Frygt
Mar 25th, 2015, 08:42:42 AM
^Yeah, that sounds good to me.

Taanab elite are trying to shift production from food production to something that will make them richer, droids maybe. I'm starting think it might be interesting to let Taanab evolve into a revival of the Trade Federation later on down the line (but that's an entirely separate idea/thread). I have a very bad idea of how to write politics on these boards, do we want to let the Empire politicians write the basics of the how and why?

Tiberius Anar
Apr 4th, 2015, 11:34:21 AM
Well the Empire doesn't have the resources to put Coruscant-appointed officials in every position of authority on every world of the Galaxy. The pre-Empire governments, suitably tweaked, will still be operating on most worlds. With the placing of Coruscant appointed officials in a few key positions most worlds can be left to be run by local elites who, knowing they are in power because of Imperial forbearance (the Empire would never admit to being unable to takeover completely), are reasonably loyal.

I would suggest that Taanab would be deemed valuable enough to get some Imperial attention but not much. It is neither militarily essential nor, by all accounts, a hotbed of rebellious activity so direct rule (under which everything would be taken over) is not necessary.

Let us suppose then that the local government (which I gather is heavily influenced by corporate types) has been allowed to continue operating. The significant changes since the Declaration of the New Order would be as follows.

1. A governor appointed by Coruscant and answering to the Sector Moff placed in a supervisory role, perhaps with authority to appoint and dismiss members of the local government. Think a malevolent Canadian lieutenant governor.

2. A small cadre of officials put in place to handle security, defence and (for want of a better phrase) foreign relations. These answer to the governor.

3. Presence of a small garrison/defence force commanded by an officer answering to the governor.

4. Presence of some customs and other enforcement/inspection officers carrying out work for various agencies. In particular I would expect there to be inspectors assessing quality and production values to ensure exports to the rest of the Galaxy come up to standard.

This would leave your local elites with a career path of sort but some of the more interesting paths would be closed off or require transferring to work directly for the Empire. There would be obvious restrictions (the governorship, which is top of the local political tree, is not going to be open to locals) and points of friction (you might get to head a ministry of the planetary government and take credit for things but you'll have the governor and/or others interfering). And the obvious problem that any attempt to diversify production or pursue new commercial interests will be stymied by Imperial officials who want Taanab to continue producing top notch fodder for citizens on other planets will be a perennial headache for the more enterprising.

Imagine, in these circumstances, what happens if someone spends several years pointing out to leading members of society every interference and all the missed opportunities and then says, "There is a way you know to have it all but you'll need to do as I say for a but..."