View Full Version : What was I doing again?

Vittore Montegue
Oct 18th, 2014, 01:01:15 PM
You guys know bits and pieces of what's been going on with me - since the start of the year I've been in a state of flux, jumping through all kinds of hoops just to make sure I have a roof over my head, without a huge amount of success. I'm still playing the waiting game, still living out of a suitcase with all my proper stuff in storage, and I've unfortunately wound up more or less stranded in the middle of nowhere (not being able to drive and all that)... which all translates to be being bored out of my skull.

Are there any things that I'm supposed to have done, that I'm being waited on for, that I chatted about with people at New Years or in Germany and just haven't done yet? :uhoh

I'm not on AIM much, because the computer I'm on at the moment is so old that I keep having to shovel coal into it to keep it running, and it's only able to run IM and a browser at the same time if the planets are aligned in a certain configuration... but if people need to get a hold of me, throw me a message on Facebook, or a PM, or something, and I will sacrifice some lambs and virgins to the cyber gods, and get myself on for schemes and chats and such. :)

Meiers Brecklin
Oct 19th, 2014, 07:59:27 PM
We could always continue this (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?55360-The-Next-Generation) thread if you'd like :)

Vansen Tyree
Oct 20th, 2014, 03:51:53 PM
I think I can probably muster a little grump. ;)

Is there any All That Remains stuff you need me for, or have you and Charley got that under control? My brain is full of cracks unfortunately, and all of that stuff seems to have leaked out through them. :uhoh

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 20th, 2014, 11:27:53 PM
I think you're up in Stealing from Poseidon, if you're still wanting to do that thread :)

I'll be updating the ATR plans and stuff in my OOC thread soon as I have some time to get my own brain in order.