View Full Version : Im a Psychotherapist and Here to Halp

Kanarik Tajiin
May 4th, 2014, 07:52:37 PM
I finished finals today so I'm going to have a lot of free time on my hands, and I'm looking for some nice consistent RPing because my fleeting antics with Aaron and Tyberius Saye take either way too long to get going or have way too much time in between battles, and I don't expect the whole Lucian Dexter stuff to last for more than few long threads before I turn him into a politician of some sort. Essentially what I'm looking for is a type of situation where its about the antics of various peeples on a particular ARR ship getting into all types of shit and generally screwing around and having fun. I've kind of come up with two new rp characters during my spare time during finals classes. One of the two is Kanarik Tajiin (don't judge my names my brain is fried like kentucky chicken) who is a creepy-ass psychotherapist along for the ride to evaluate the psychiatric health of the crew of the ship. The other is Griffon Ji'Oriell, a former TIE pilot serving for the ARR after Endor, along as a copilot/navigator and part-time mechanic. Dunno if any of yall are up to it but I think it would be a lot of fun. :dance:dance:dance

Rev Solomon
May 4th, 2014, 10:32:17 PM
Just to be clear: ARR = Alliance to Restore the Republic? Now that it's a permanent government, we're calling it the Alliance of Free Planets. :)

There is an Alliance ship that's been involved in several adventures already - the frigate Novgorod, commanded by Captain Cirrseeto Quez. It's a fairly small ship, though, so I don't know whether it works for what you have in mind. You're more than welcome to add another ship to the fleet.

The idea of an unbalanced psychotherapist sounds like loads of fun, especially with some of the messed up stuff our characters have been up to! The first thing I thought of was a thread we had a while back where the passengers crew of the Novgorod had to report to then-medical officer Vek Vek for their regular physicals. The result was a series of hilarious medical-themed vignettes starring a doctor with really bad bedside manner. It would be easy enough to do something like that Kanarik before he gets his assignment - maybe start him on Dac or some other Alliance world, even Ossus, and let him evaluate people stationed there. You'd have a larger pool of characters to draw from than just the crew on one ship.

Captain Untouchable
May 5th, 2014, 12:05:06 AM
The Novgorod would probably be an excellent place for Tajiin, actually.

In the short term, the Novgorod has been involved (pre-Starkiller) in the Vanguards story arc, where the crew tangled with the Ssi-Ruuk. That involved exposing the crew to industrialised genocide; they suffered extensive casualties; and among other things the Captain lost a leg. Some members of the crew are going to drift away, and some are going to be left pretty shaken up: if there's any time when a psychotherapist would be needed, it would be then.

In the long term, (post-Starkiller era) the Novgorod is going to be in a very different situation. There are a couple of prerequisite threads I think we'd like to get out of the way first, but the ultimate intention is for the Novgorod to be an "experiment" in interspecies cooperation. The Alliance of Free Planets has Hapans, Cizerack, and a bunch of other new races, many of whom have their own militaries that aren't really integrating properly with the rest of the Alliance. The Novgorod already has a Cizerack Captain, will have a Hapan first officer, and will hopefully have as many alien races and alien cultures as we can possibly cram in there, to "prove" that it can work. Having a psychotherapist there to observe and to help smooth over tensions where those cultures clash would be a fantastic idea, and if it's a psychotherapist who has already "proven himself" to the crew and made himself a familiar face during Vanguards, he'd be much more welcome than someone Command forced on them later.

As far as Griffon goes, we were originally planning to pull a Tom Paris and have my character (the second officer) fly the ship until he's needed to go and do away team type stuff, but I'd be more than happy to make space, share responsibility, or just stand around on the bridge looking cool if being the pilot of a Marauder Corvette floats your boat for Griffon. :)

Also, shoot me a PM about Aaron Nomarr. There's some Alliance stuff in the works that might not necessarily involve fleeting per se, but it'll hopefully give you some opportunities to take part in some stories as that character that you wouldn't otherwise have.

Kanarik Tajiin
May 5th, 2014, 07:33:11 AM
Damn I have missed a lot. So I guess its AFP now? As to the Novgorod, in my post-finals traumatic state yesterday I thought it was called Hyperion and was wondering why the hell I wasn't getting any search results. I think Rev's plan sounds solid, and it would be a great way to start off this character and his many hijinks. I think a psychotherapist trying to evaluate Jedi on Ossus would be hilarious, and I've never actually Rp'd with any Jedi characters before. I'm going to need someone to fill me in on Star Wars drinks because my knowledge of intergalactic booze is severely lacking. As for the Novgorod, I wasn't paying attention to most of Vanguards, but I think if his stint on Ossus was a sort of thread in the past to set things up, I could have him on the Novgorod soon after. Griffon I can have as a regular officer on the Novgorod. His knowledge of Imperial customs and systems might come in handy. HOWEVER if we take into consideration that he served in Palpatine's Empire, the concept of non-human species is unnerving and weird to him.

May 5th, 2014, 09:14:10 AM
Dude, the fact that you are making a idiosyncratic psychotherapist who'll ask Jedi questions and an Alliance deck officer who's unnerved and weirded out by alien species makes you my hero right now. Those ideas are seriously great and I really want to see how they get on.

Kanarik Tajiin
May 5th, 2014, 10:42:35 AM
Funny, because the whole thing kicked off with an idea about a hypochondriac psychotherapist who has thanataphobia (illogical fear of death). Hopefully I have jedi that are willing to be harassed I mean evaluated by Kanarik. The sooner this gets started the better.

Rev Solomon
May 5th, 2014, 03:05:17 PM
I'm going to need someone to fill me in on Star Wars drinks because my knowledge of intergalactic booze is severely lacking..

You ask, we deliver. (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Alcoholic_beverages) :)

I'd be willing to submit either of my Jedi characters as candidates for your couch. Rev Solomon is a Purge survivor who found God and became a preacher before rejoining the Jedi, and he recently had a near-death experience following a duel with a close friend who had fallen to the Dark Side, then participated in retrieving her from the Dark Side. He's actually pretty much reconciled with all that, but he does have a hangup about replacing his severed arm and fingers with cybernetics (right arm gone from just above the elbow, index and finger gone from the left hand) because of what he knows about Darth Vader.

My other character, Akasha Khan, is a Dark Jedi apprentice who joined the Jedi as a spy and, on top of that, has recently agreed to spy on her Dark Jedi Master (Lilaena De'Ville) on behalf of Darth Callidus (Salem Ave), so she's under a bit of stress lately. She's also a bit of a manipulative sociopath, but that has a lot to do with the fact that she's a feline. If Kanarik probes into her medical history, he'll learn that a year ago she was bitten by an orbalisk, a really nasty parasite that burrows in like a tick and tries to paralyze you so it can cover you with its offspring. It was successfully removed, but the ordeal nearly killed her.

Halajiin Rabeak
May 5th, 2014, 03:40:38 PM
Wow, the idea of Hal with a psychotherapist is a comedy goldmine which simply MUST be delved into.

Halajiin Rabeak was a Jedi of the old order, who never really fit in, back then. He's a Nehantite (think walking talking 5'10" yellow mongoose), and about 107 years ago, he got caught while undercover, and frozen in carbonite for transport. The ship he was on was shot up pretty good, and he wound up frozen, and floating through space until Cirr and the crew of the Novgorod found him and thawed him out. Now he's got to deal with culture shock of the Empire nearly wiping out the Jedi, a new Order where he doesn't feel he belongs, and his now-famous split-personality internal dialogue. He doesn't have two personalities so much as his higher reasoning and his base natures talk to each other like two separate entities, often getting profoundly off-track and arguing with each other while he's making a decision. In reality, all happens in a fraction of a second, but he really is a combination of two distinct personalities, much as most Nehantites are, though his is to an extreme.

He is also still young, only 130 (23 if you take out the 107 years in carbonite), and he loves to have fun, goof off, and get laid. Female, male, doesn't really matter to him, as long as it's attractive. He's far from a model Jedi, often disobeying orders, or being a loudmouth about what he thinks they should be doing, and even took charge of a highly-dangerous unauthorized off-world mission to recover lightsaber crystals from Ilum, mostly because he wanted to get the Jedi armed agin, and blow up and shoot a lot of stuff in the process. His brain operate on 80's action movie frequencies, most of the time, and I'm SURE that the Jedi would be absolutely all willing to send him to a shrink, because they think he's nuts.

Kanarik Tajiin
May 5th, 2014, 04:35:47 PM
I'm going to need someone to fill me in on Star Wars drinks because my knowledge of intergalactic booze is severely lacking..

You ask, we deliver. (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Alcoholic_beverages) :)

I seem to have wandered into some very interesting wikis. 157 alcoholic beverages. Its a good thing I'm done with my courses because I have more studying to do. I should probably warn you guys that Kanarik has been kicked out of 4 different institutions for "unnecessary intimidation" and "less-than-exemplary behavior" as well as "General Creepiness (Patient 417)" and "Harassment and General Suggestive Behavior (Patient 4)".I will welcome all Jedi patients to be <strike>harassed and creeped out </strike>evaluated by me, hopefully to m<strike>entally disturb them and cause severe trauma </strike>help them with their psychiatric problems. I think this will be a very interesting experience for all of us. I'm not going to give everything away yet but I can tell you I have some rodent-related hijinks planned for Halajiin involving a bright-orange hazmat suit. :mischief

Taataani Meorrrei
May 5th, 2014, 05:07:26 PM
Taataani has no need of such examinations. She is in the peak of condition.

Kanarik Tajiin
May 5th, 2014, 05:14:29 PM
Taataani has no need of such examinations. She is in the peak of condition.
<strike>Well then it’s my job to make sure that never happens again </strike>Unfortunately this is required by the AFP whether you like it or not. Plus I might have some frozen rodents (for purely scientific reasons of course) in my fridge in case you want any. If even that doesn't appeal to you I can assure you I do have some booze. Also, I will have you know that if you refuse to be examined I will find you and I will evaluate you.

Taataani Meorrrei
May 5th, 2014, 08:32:22 PM
Oh he's certainly welcome to try.

I made a passing reference in one of my old threads about one of Taataani's daughters basically imploring her to see a psychiatrist. That experiment didn't go well. She thinks it's all poppycock.

Aaron Nomarr
May 5th, 2014, 08:46:27 PM
Well that makes 4 destined for the couch so far. That should be enough for now (I think). I'll start the thread if thats fine with you guys, probably tomorrow. It will start with Kanarik on his way to Ossus and then setting up shop. :)

Kanarik Tajiin
May 6th, 2014, 05:26:53 PM

Made the first post just to set things up. More stuff will follow on the next post, so that's why its kind of a short first post.

Halajiin Rabeak
May 7th, 2014, 09:20:01 AM
I am so very much looking forward to this. =) Just let us know when you're ready for one of us.

Aaron Nomarr
May 7th, 2014, 09:43:15 AM
Ya'll can jump in any time; this is open to all Jedi. Just Halajiin is first and Akasha second. Let me throw some more rats at profiles to determine the order. :)

Halajiin Rabeak
May 7th, 2014, 10:09:50 AM
Ah, okay. When you said more was to follow on the next post, I took it as that you were intending to do another post before it was actually "open" to one of us. In that case, Hal will be by shortly.

Kanarik Tajiin
May 7th, 2014, 10:13:23 AM
Ah yeah. What happened was I accidentally lopped off half my post, but then I edited the original instead of adding a second.