View Full Version : Character themes and motifs!

Akasha Khan
Apr 19th, 2014, 10:41:33 PM
Vince has been bitten by the composition bug, and it's gotten me back into the composing mood as well. I hope to write some more of these in the near future - just little character ditties that could be expanded into larger themes, or incorporated as leitmotifs as a part of a larger story-driven piece of music.

This one came to me just as I was about to head to bed, so rather than lose it forever I decided to stay up for another half hour or so and get it written down. I'd like to expand it a bit, maybe to a minute or a minute and a half.... I could also see morphing it into something much darker for the moment when Akasha finally betrays the Jedi. D:

Akasha's Schemes - Work In Progress (https://soundcloud.com/stormfire/akashas-schemes-wip)

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 20th, 2014, 05:13:12 AM
I like it. Bit of a fairytale quality to it, reminds me of Russel Shaw's scores to the Fable video game series.

Apr 30th, 2014, 10:20:09 PM
So, these aren't TheHolo.Net related, but I wanted to share some more finished pieces as well!

Drakenfall (https://soundcloud.com/stormfire/drakenfall) - This is a brief theme for a fantasy RP I wrote with a friend of mine who used to write here (and will again in the near future, I hope!) I was trying to evoke a wild country full of desolate, snow-covered mountains, with just a bit of an Asian flavor.

And then, a piece I'm really excited about:

N'duk the Hunter (https://soundcloud.com/stormfire/nduk-the-hunter) - Several years ago I promised Mitch I'd write a cinematic theme for N'duk, the star of his serial fantasy adventure stories. It's taken me a long time to actually develop something I was happy with, and I'm thrilled to finally have it finished! I'd still like to do a bit more mastering on this piece, since there's a whole lot going on. It's my most elaborate composition to date. It was a real challenge keeping the energy up throughout the entire piece.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 1st, 2014, 05:53:50 PM
Oh man, they're SO GOOD. I'm in awe.