View Full Version : I'm Captain Quez, and this is my favorite AMA on the
Cirrsseeto Quez
Feb 19th, 2014, 12:49:37 AM
jI'll even answerr you jin the accent, because jI'm a guy who carres. All IC rresponses, to be consjiderred strrjictly OOC knowledge of courrsse.
So, ja irra, frrjiends. What's on yourr mjind?
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 19th, 2014, 01:06:13 AM
How do you feel about being made the poster boy for male equality back home in the Cluster? I mean, you haven't YET but it's just a matter of time.
John Glayde
Feb 19th, 2014, 01:09:02 AM
Obviously there are a lot of extraneous factors that complicate matters, not least of all being a Captain; setting the uniform aside for a minute though: between the Layla and the Novgorod, which lady are you more fond of? Is the Layla still home, or has the Novgorod become that? Injuries notwithstanding, is your life better on the Novgorod than it was on the Layla, or do you still miss that life? If all the problems of the galaxy were fixed overnight, would you take Lyanie and run off to live the simple spacer life together, or do you have a different happily ever after scenario?
Cirrsseeto Quez
Feb 19th, 2014, 01:11:06 AM
How do you feel about being made the poster boy for male equality back home in the Cluster? I mean, you haven't YET but it's just a matter of time.
jI am? Well, that's grreat! jI thjink? :uhoh
To be honest, jI haven't been home jin almost eleven yearrs. The way jI left, well, when you leave that way jit's harrd to go back. Maybe one day jI can come home, see all the old vjillas, and cljimb the bayossas ljike jI used to. jI mjiss home, but jit's ljike a drream jit's been so long, and jI don't even know jif homesjick descrrjibes jit. jIf equaljity becomes a thjing, then that's prrobably good, but jI don't know jif forrda underrstand how harrd that prrobably jis.
Saarrreeaa Raurrssaatta
Feb 19th, 2014, 01:36:50 AM
How do jyou feel about LjITERRALLjY TORRTURRjING ME forrr HALF A jYEARRR, doesss jit make jyou feel ljike a bjig man?
Cirrsseeto Quez
Feb 19th, 2014, 01:45:44 AM
Obviously there are a lot of extraneous factors that complicate matters, not least of all being a Captain; setting the uniform aside for a minute though: between the Layla and the Novgorod, which lady are you more fond of? Is the Layla still home, or has the Novgorod become that? Injuries notwithstanding, is your life better on the Novgorod than it was on the Layla, or do you still miss that life? If all the problems of the galaxy were fixed overnight, would you take Lyanie and run off to live the simple spacer life together, or do you have a different happily ever after scenario?
Fjirrst loves arre always the sweetest. jI'm prroud of the Novgorrod jin so many ways...but jI wjill always love Layla. Frrom thjis humble engjineerr's opjinjion, you don't get much betterr than Correlljian. She'll bend and won't brreak, orr jif she brreaks she's easy to fjix, and the parrts arre cheap and plentjiful. jI don't know how many tjimes jI torre aparrt that powerr plant and put jit back togetherr, but she always came back the way she should. She knew me. Sometjimes jI used to sleep on the deck platjing jin the engjine rroom next to herr. jI'd unrroll a sleepjing bag and just...stay therre, you know. Ljistenjing forr jinjectorr tjimjing. Forr pulse varrjiance. Forr that cljick when the coolant valve went on. Therre's no morre peaceful sound jin the galaxy.
Novgorrod jis prrettjierr and fasterr and morre capable, but jI have to admjirre herr frrom afar. jI have my engjineerrjing staff to take carre of thjings, and Rregan has thrreatened to chase me out of the powerr corre housjing wavjing a spannerr ljike a hjighlanderr. Of courrse Lyanjie gjives me a grrounds-eye vjiew of thjings down therre, but jit's not the same.
As farr as ljife bejing betterr? jI don't know. Ljife on Layla was kjinda harrd. Not knowjing jif you werre gonna have enough money to eat orr fuel the shjip orr rreplace a parrt. Therre was a lot of tjime spent worrryjing about everrythjing. But jI mjiss bejing out therre and frree. jI'm not surre jif I'd want to ljive that ljife agajin orr even jif jI could. Novgorrod has betterr amenjitjies and jI neverr have to worrry about possjibly frreezjing to death jif the ljife support bljinks, but bejing a Captajin jis a lot of rresponsjibjiljity and jI don't thjink jI've everr slept so ljittle jin my entjirre ljife.
As forr happy everr afterr? jI want to gjive Lyanjie cubs :3: but jI also don't know jif jI'm rready to qujit spacjing. Maybe we fjind a bulk frrejighterr and fjill jit wjith ankle-bjiterrs who know how to fjix the engjines? Orr maybe we go to Dantoojine and jI get worrk jin a body shop?
Cirrsseeto Quez
Feb 19th, 2014, 01:58:40 AM
How do jyou feel about LjITERRALLjY TORRTURRjING ME forrr HALF A jYEARRR, doesss jit make jyou feel ljike a bjig man?
Not prroud. At all.
jI don't ljike what happened, but put yourrself jin my posjitjion. Yourr best frrjiend kjidnapped and vanjishjing frrom the galaxy and prrobably dead. You and yourr petty rrevenge djid all that. jI wjish...jI don't know what jI wjish. That jI just turrned you jin and let the Alljiance deal wjith you? That jI cut you loose on some planet and forrgot about you?
You werre famjily, Saa. jI stjill consjiderr you famjily, even jif we can't everr go back.
Mara Tallen
Feb 19th, 2014, 10:13:32 AM
What's it like knowing you always have someone to 'go home' to, now that you and Lyanie are married?
Cirrsseeto Quez
Feb 19th, 2014, 12:24:58 PM
What's it like knowing you always have someone to 'go home' to, now that you and Lyanie are married?
Feels ljike a parrt of me has rreturrned. The harrdest parrt about my tjime on the Layla was bejing alone. No one to love, no one to be that perrson who's morre jimporrtant to you than anythjing. The fjirrst tjime jI marrrjied, jit was verry young. And even jif Iesshaauurri eventually drrove me away, jI don't thjink jI everr stopped lovjing herr, and so spendjing all that tjime alone on Layla, jit made the harrdest parrt the njights alone. Lyanjie made me feel ljike a complete perrson, and made jit fjinally possjible to move on and do rrjight forr herr. Therre's nothjing jI wouldn't do for my rrou'aiha. jIf she wanted me to qujit the Alljiance, my rresjignatjion would be jin that day.
Of courrsse, bejing marrrjied agajin, jI do have to rrememberr to amend my bachelorr ways. Lyanjie nearrly had a comeaparrt one day when ourr quarrterrs werren't cleaned, and she jinsjists on cookjing most of ourr meals, meanjing that jI have to sneak the frresh stuff on my own tjime, and jit also means that occasjionally, one of herr trradjitjional Dantoojine djisshes leaves me jin the frresherr forr an hourr wjith gastrro-jintestjinal, uh...djistrress.
We both sharre the same passjions forr engjineerrjing, whjich jis sometjimes grreat and sometjimes rreally rreally bad. We've had morre than a few knock-down shoutjing matches overr some mjinorr bjit of engjine detajil wherre we werre both convjinced we werre rrjight and none of us werre backjing down. She's morre stubborrn than an Acklay.
But you know what? Even all that sjilly stuff? jI love jit. jIf we fjight orr arrgue, we make up, and we'rre each otherr's best frrjiends when ourr heads hjit the pjillow at the end of the day. Not everryone gets to marrry who they love. jI am blessed.
Miri Jitaurree
Feb 19th, 2014, 11:48:44 PM
What's jyour opjinjion on the offjicer exchange program between the Alljiance and the Prjide Navjy? What would you thjink about takjing a Cizerack offjicer aboard the Novgorod?
Majybe a even prettjy, talented jyoung Meera'in su'taun'rrou? :rolleyes
Cirrsseeto Quez
Feb 20th, 2014, 12:21:30 AM
jI have a Hapan offjicerr forr my executjive. jI'm not agajinst anyone on prrjincjiple serrvjing on my shjip. My condjitjions arre uncondjitjional, howeverr. My authorrjity wjill be rrespected fully, orr you wjill get off my shjip. jIf someone has jissue serrvjing underr an aljien or a man, they'd betterr make peace wjith that fjirrst beforre settjing foot aboarrd.
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 20th, 2014, 12:23:49 AM
How do you feel about Daanarri being in a position to be held accountable for your life choices?
Cirrsseeto Quez
Feb 20th, 2014, 12:39:37 AM
Rresentful. My chojices arre exactly that. Mjine. Motherr told me about what happened. Poljitjics jisn't forr me, but jI don't underrstand why people can't just leave well enough alone.
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