View Full Version : A thief, a preacher, and three catladies walk into an AMA thread
Feb 17th, 2014, 04:38:39 PM
I haven't been very active lately, but I'm hoping to change that. I figure getting me to think critically about my Star Wars characters might be a good start. Thus, ask me about:
Rev Solomon
Akasha Khan
Tannis V'larr
Aris V'larr
Mdharra Ceergorra
Miri Jitaurree
And, yes, I do intend to bring back Solomon... whenever I can figure out a way to do so without it seeming like a cheap copout. ^_^;
Feb 17th, 2014, 08:43:42 PM
Describe an average day for both Mdharra and Miri. What are their routines? What do they like to do when they're not on duty?
Palara Iscandar
Feb 17th, 2014, 10:02:25 PM
'Ow did Solomon come to 'is faith?
Mdharra Ceergorra
Feb 17th, 2014, 10:30:35 PM
Describe an average day for both Mdharra and Miri. What are their routines? What do they like to do when they're not on duty?
On a normal tour of duty, Mdharra awakes, puts in thirty minutes of cardio or A'ziir Traai'jaari, and bathes before a private breakfast, during which her adjutant reads her the executive report of the night watch and bulletins from naval command. From that point on, her daily schedule rather resembles that of a head of state or a corporate executive. She attends hypercomm briefings with her sister captains, meets with the senior command staff (consisting of the executive officer, quartermistress, commander air group, marine commandant, and their adjutants), conducts scheduled inspections of every department of the ship on a rotation calendar, reads reports deemed strategically or tactically relevant, reluctantly entertains distinguished guests, and executes various ceremonial functions as the ship's primary representative of the Pride Mother's power.
Barring emergencies, her time spent commanding from the bridge is generally limited to mission-critical circumstances. For every shift, the designated Officer of the Watch oversees the ordinary operation of the bridge.
Mdharra has also allocated significant time to tactical research and simulations, whether privately or in meetings with her command staff or department chiefs. She handpicks scenarios and strategies for testing in full-scale tactical drills. At a moment's notice, the Saanja crew may be ordered to simulate charging and firing a torpedo with limited available power, or the navigation and engineering crews may simulate novel hyperspace maneuvers while under fire. Mdharra spends considerable time analyzing the results of these simulations, whether or not they were successful, as failure often yields more data than success.
She has precious little free time on a day-to-day basis, but her tastes by and large are rustic and simple. She corresponds with her beloved husband on Fey'dann. She plays the ney'haan, a traditional Fey'danni wooden flute, but only privately. She reads military history and philosophy, and not just from Cizerack authors. Even though she enjoys the services of a private galley, she favors simple, rustic meals eaten in the privacy of her quarters or her office when ceremony does not dictate that she dines with her command staff in the officers' mess.
Miri Jitaurree
Feb 17th, 2014, 11:02:44 PM
A midshipwoman in the Pride Navy, particularly one lucky enough to be stationed aboard a Korri battle galleon, essentially fills an apprentice role in her chosen field. It's not at all uncommon for them to rotate through multiple departments to gain a deeper working understanding of how the various cogs of a naval ship fit together.
As the adjutant to the Saantaurra's XO, Miri's daily routine is intimately tied to Commander Cyer's. She attends all his non-classified briefings and staff meetings, conducts research and interdepartmental inquiries on his behalf, streamlines the paperwork that basically requires his rubber stamp, and liaises between his office and the offices of the department chiefs that report to him. Her duties may have her running all over the ship on a day-to-day basis.
She is also required to maintain her academy studies, including coursework in astronavigation, astrophysics, political xenoscience, and naval tactics. Her studies occupy a significant portion of her off-duty hours.
When she truly has free time, Miri frequently indulges her curiosity in forrda cultures on the Holonet, consuming alien music, literature, news items, and art, as well as works of the few Cizerack artists and writers who engage with alien themes and source material.
Rev Solomon
Feb 17th, 2014, 11:57:25 PM
'Ow did Solomon come to 'is faith?
Like a lot of my fellow survivors of the Purge, I lost my master to Command 66 at the end of the Clone Wars. I was on Geonosis at the time. Fought my way out in a mess of rage and despair, then found another survivor who was just as twisted up inside as I was. Together we planned on taking our revenge against the whole Empire, starting with the soulless clones who'd taken our masters away from us. We were planning a strike against the cloning facilities on Kamino when I got myself shot down by an Imperial patrol over Generis. At the time I thought it was a stroke of bad luck. Now I see it as the hand of God.
A group of monks recovered me from the wreckage of my ship and took me back to their monastery to tend my wounds. I awoke to see the faces of two Clone Troopers hovering over me. I tried to escape, but they restrained me - so they could finish treating the burns on my arm and my side. Turned out about half the congregants were clone deserters who'd managed to break their programming and sought refuge in the house of God.
Slowly, patiently, they taught me of faith and forgiveness as my injuries healed. Like a stubborn fool, I resisted it, held on to my hate for all I was worth. But even in that state I could sense the peace that hung over the place, a calm in the Force I hadn't felt since before the Clone Wars began. I saw the face of my tormentors every day, and every day they repaid my hostility with unrelenting kindness. Gradually I learned how to forgive, and how to be forgiven, and that I needed both to become whole again.
Six years later, I was ordained as a Minister of the Faith. I thought then that my Jedi days were far behind me, but clearly the Lord had other ideas.
Carré Inirial
Feb 18th, 2014, 10:18:53 AM
Tannis, do you have any regrets?
Tannis V'larr
Feb 18th, 2014, 04:53:19 PM
Tannis, do you have any regrets?
Regrets are, by definition, emotional preoccupations with missed opportunities of the past. Even among beings who habitually indulge in emotional excess, they are inherently counterproductive. If, however, you mean to ask whether I have considered alternatives to past decisions that may have led to more desirable outcomes in the present, then yes. Constructive introspection is a discipline that all sentients should practice in moderation. While I feel I have always made logical decisions in accordance with the best information available to me, it would be arrogant to presume that my choices have always been optimal. The key is to determine whether I failed due to a lapse in diligence or because of some critical information that was unavailable to me. There is no utility in lamenting that which is beyond my control.
The matter of Aris...
Had I known the Empire would turn such terrifying weaponry against a peaceful planet, I may have anticipated that she and so many others would alter their allegiances. It is even possible that I would have reconsidered my own decision to enter the Civil War on the side of the Empire. However, this information was not available to me at the time I enrolled in the Imperial Naval Academy on Carrida, nor would further investigation have revealed to me the existence of a superweapon developed in secret. It is illogical to regret a decision I made in good faith. I stand by it, as Aris now must stand by hers.
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