View Full Version : Mandalorians

Amaros Koine
Feb 15th, 2014, 12:49:18 PM
Back when Tear was setting up his Independents, we had a big plan for a civil war on Mandalore. The short version was that Tear was going to set Amaros up as Mandalore to unite the clans, and then incite an uprising that was going to wrestle them free of Imperial control. That was going to leave us with the situation where we had two people claiming that title: Amaros as the Mandalore of Mandalore, and LDV as the Mandalore of Onderon.

That didn't end up happening unfortunately, (and it seems that LD has just handed off the title to a subordinate) so Mandalore is a little bit in limbo. We still have a fair few Mandalorians around though, so it might be cool to suss something out, particularly since Clone Wars gave us a bunch of new insight into them.

In the Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO, "Mandalorian" and "Bounty Hunter" are almost (but not quite) synonymous. Since the Bounty Hunters' Guild was re-established (in part) by Mandalorians, maybe that's an angle that could work? If we set up some sort of triumvirate between bounty hunters, Mandalorian Pirates, and the planet Mandalore, that could be a cool little faction: more for hunters to do; a second band of pirates for more variety; an alternative wretched hive of scum and villainy to Nar Shaddaa; a new player for the Alliance / Empire / Hutts / Circle / Black Sun to try and form alliances with, etc?

In any case, it'd be nice to have something worked out re: Mandalore's current status, so that we don't have to keep dancing around the issue with our Mandalorian characters. :uhoh

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 15th, 2014, 01:11:33 PM
My Mandalorians you can assume return at some point to the planet Mandalore and are reabsorbed into society. Problem solved.

edit: The only reason mine exist at all is because ten years ago when I conceived of them, there was no EU written about modern Mandalorians except for Boba Fett. There was the ancient history of them being on Dxun and all that so I extrapolated them to being an ancient settlement on the planet for some extra fun, etc etc, and carried that idea on past the reset despite current EU and oh they have their own planet and all this stuff about the clones and all that. Call it stubborness. :p

But they've served their story purpose and I think we can all move on without creating more headaches, re: Mandalore who is they? If your guy is Mandalore of the planet and the rest of the people that hasn't changed. Is there an RP about it?

Amos Iakona
Feb 15th, 2014, 01:59:49 PM
There's no need to obliterate ten years of plot stuff, Holly, and no one is asking you to. The Mandalorians on Dxun are distinct and separate from the Mandalorians on Mandalore... everything added by the EU / Clone Wars has absolutely zero bearing on them whatsoever. Treating them as two separate races / groups / tribes was always the plan for as long as I've been on the boards, and there is zero need to change that.

I'm just wondering if we can take this opportunity to a) straighten out what the situation with Mandalore is, because the story arc was planned but never written (it fell into limbo), and b) maybe create more roleplaying opportunities, not use it as an excuse to toss existing ones in the trash. There are quite a few Mandalorians dotted around, and getting stuff straight can only be a good thing.

Sorry for trying to be helpful. :(

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 15th, 2014, 02:03:23 PM
I will happily step in and fulfill the role of Onderon Mandalore if we s till need one of those :mischief

(not as this character obviously)

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 15th, 2014, 02:14:03 PM
There's no need to obliterate ten years of plot stuff, Holly, and no one is asking you to. The Mandalorians on Dxun are distinct and separate from the Mandalorians on Mandalore... everything added by the EU / Clone Wars has absolutely zero bearing on them whatsoever. Treating them as two separate races / groups / tribes was always the plan for as long as I've been on the boards, and there is zero need to change that.

I'm just wondering if we can take this opportunity to a) straighten out what the situation with Mandalore is, because the story arc was planned but never written (it fell into limbo), and b) maybe create more roleplaying opportunities, not use it as an excuse to toss existing ones in the trash. There are quite a few Mandalorians dotted around, and getting stuff straight can only be a good thing.

Sorry for trying to be helpful. :(

I'm not sure why you're being :( and stuff, but I really do honestly wish to step away from the Mandalorians and being Mandalore for them. Whether they eventually meld back into modern Mandalorian culture or continue to be a little fringe piratey fleet along the border are both valid options. If they remain separate then Bretak would be their Mandalore, or at least their leader until they meet up with others. Honestly plot wise I had decided to do this, which I'm guessing the Abandonment RP is why you posted this in the first place? So... I was just saying there would be just one Mandalore? If Jenny wishes to scoop up the Onderon Mando'ade again she can certainly do that. :)

Or force LD to do it again *grumblgrumble* ;)

edit: my intention is not to do away with ten years of history, all the history is still in place.

Amos Iakona
Feb 15th, 2014, 02:51:44 PM
Personally I think it'd be more interested to have the Onderon Mandalorians and the Mandalore Mandalorians as separate but together?

What might be cool is something similar to King Arthur. Normally you think of Arthur as being the King of Briton, with Briton being a single united country; but he wasn't. Sir Lancelot was actually a King, with a kingdom somewhere in France. King Lot of Lothian (Scotland) had his own kingdom. In fact, the vast majority of the Knights of the Round Table were Kings or Dukes or Chieftains in their own right, from all over the Celtic world. King Arthur was a King of Kings; each kingdom individually agreed that Arthur was the boss. When the Romans invaded Britain, Boadicea was basically the same thing - the chief chieftain of the Celts.

What if we treated Mandalore the same way? I think Jenny has a character in mind to take over the Mandalorians from Dxun in their little exodus fleet. Maybe they show up at Mandalore, and she agrees to let the Mandalore of Mandalore be the one guy who uses that title, but she's still... Warmistress of her fleet, and they're still an isolated political entity rather than bleeding back into society. Maybe in order to get her to agree to that, Mandalore agrees to pass a law that basically makes her Mandalorian Admiral boss lady.

There'd presumably be other factions too. Maybe there are some left over remnants of Death Watch (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Death_Watch). Maybe the Darven / Riko / etc connection is enough that the Bounty Hunters' Guild settles on Mandalore, and Ecks becomes one of the political leaders that Mandalore is trying to appease. To extend the comparison, the Warmistress, Ecks, etc... they're becoming Mandalore's Knights of the Round Table.

I think I'd rather come up with a bespoke / better suited character for this, rather than trying to wedge Amaros in... but yeah, that's sorta what I was thinking when I said triumvirate: only one person gets to use the name Mandalore, but he's only able to lead if certain people agree with his decisions, etc.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 15th, 2014, 03:02:05 PM
If the Guild is going to be a 'thing' with a political leader and that sort of stuff, I would rather not have Ecks be the leader. He basically was just a figurehead sort of guy for Darven anyway, not quite a figurehead but he took the lead when it was needed. He's not a paperwork guy, Darven did that stuff. With Mara gone for years now, I think it makes more sense for the BHG to just be a Thing in the background that makes it so people can RP pursuing bounties with their hunters.

If other hunters want to RP that sort of storyline go for it of course, but I think just having Ecks be semi-active actually hunting will be enough for me. :)

Trance Farani
Feb 15th, 2014, 04:10:17 PM
What if we work on the logic that Darven is still "in charge", but is "indisposed" / off doing other things?

Ecks can still be the out-in-the-field figurehead of the Bounty' Hunters Guild; and Mace Riko, Darven's "brother" (they were clone commandos in the same unit) can be the one who wrangles all the paperwork and the political stuff.

That way it's easy to write Darven back in if Mara ever finds her way back to us, it shields you from having to do anything you don't want to do with Ecks, and it gives us the opportunity to have the Bounty Hunters' Guild be more than just a casual name-drop in threads.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 15th, 2014, 04:11:25 PM
Sounds ok to me. :)

Ona Vychladit
Feb 15th, 2014, 04:42:21 PM
I think Jenny has a character in mind to take over the Mandalorians from Dxun in their little exodus fleet. Maybe they show up at Mandalore, and she agrees to let the Mandalore of Mandalore be the one guy who uses that title, but she's still... Warmistress of her fleet, and they're still an isolated political entity rather than bleeding back into society. Maybe in order to get her to agree to that, Mandalore agrees to pass a law that basically makes her Mandalorian Admiral boss lady.

Warmistress? I like this.

Inyos Aamoran
Feb 15th, 2014, 07:32:51 PM
Okay so, an evening of scheming and research later, there is (sort of) a plan. :ohno

At the time of the Clone Wars, Mandalore was governed by the New Mandalorians (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/New_Mandalorians), who favoured a peaceful and democratic approach to government, rather than the clan-based warrior culture of antiquity; similar in many ways to Naboo. This had been the norm since around 738 BBY, and while the clans did occasionally appoint a "True Mandalore", they never had any political power.

In 20 BBY, the Death Watch (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Death_Watch) and Darth Maul's Shadow Collective (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Collective) staged a successful coup against the New Mandalorians. The planet was liberated and then garrisoned by the Republic to prevent the Separatists from attempting conquest; the New Mandalorian government collapsed and, when the New Order was declared, Mandalore became subject to a military occupation by Imperial forces, who enslaved the populace to help strip-mine the planet for Mandalorian iron (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mandalorian_iron).

Most of the Death Watch fled, many of them settling on Shedu Maad, a world on the edge of the Hapes Cluster. These Mandalorians turned to piracy and in 9 ABY they shot down (http://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?22643-Our-Darkest-Days-Lost-Souls) the Hapan princess and her companions. They escaped with the man who will become the new Mand'alor (Jace), who challenged and defeated the Overlord (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Secret_Mandalore) of the Death Watch remnants, and took his title.

Mand'alor-to-be returned to Mandalore, and joined forces with the Mandalorian Protectors (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mandalorian_Protectors) (basically, the resistance). When the Alliance and the Empire declared the cease fire that preceded the Treaty, he convinced the Mandalorian clans to declare him Mand'alor, so that he could invoke part of the Six Actions (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Resol%27nare) of Mandalorian warrior culture/law and rally together the Mandalorians scattered across the galaxy for an uprising; including members of the Bounty Hunters' Guild at the behest of Darven (Mara). They caused enough of a ruckus that when the Treaty was signed, the Mandalorian Sector was one of the territories the Empire was forced to give up.

Mand'alor used his status to start rebuilding Mandalore. He appointed one of the leaders of the resistance (Charley), who was an advocate for the New Mandalorian / democratic point of view, to be Prime Minister. He formed an alliance with Ona Vychladit (Jenny), the Warmistress of the Mandalorians of Onderon, trading political protection for her help in defending the Mandalorian Sector. As thanks for their assistance, the Bounty Hunters' Guild was invited to use Mandalore as a sanctuary, with Mace Riko (Jace) representing their interests within the government.

That means our government consists of -

Mand'alor - effectively the Moff of the Mandalorian Sector. He is elected/endorsed by the Clans (who are akin to noble houses / families), and is accountable to them; they expect him to uphold and enforce traditional Mandalorian warrior values and laws. If he is King Arthur, the clan chieftains are his Round Table. Members of clans probably have a slightly higher status in the new society; but those extra rights/privileges come with a responsibility as warriors/defenders, and also extra restrictions of law and protocol.

Prime Minister - the appointed head of Mandalore's government. He is there to advocate the more democratic/peaceful values of the New Mandalorians, to uphold the laws of the non-clan segment of the population, and to worry about things like the economy, public health, and rebuilding the infrastructure that the Empire trashed. Citizens won't be expected to take up arms (though they can choose to join the Mandalorian Guard (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mandalorian_Guard)) or live by the Mandalorian code of honour / law / etc, but they will have to work proper jobs, might not get as much stuff free / paid for by the clan, etc.

Warmistress - the leader of the Mandalorians from Onderon. Technically she's just another clan chieftain, but she's a clan chieftain with a buttload of Mandalorians, all of whom are descended from old school Supercommandos. Traditionally, the title of Al'Ori'Ramikade (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Al%27Ori%27Ramikade) (effectively, "commander-in-chief") is held by Mand'alor; but it might be cool if Ona has this title and is a sort of de facto military leader: the General to Mand'alor's King.

The Bounty Hunters' Guild and the Onderon Mandalorians are probably regarded as being really big "clans" legally speaking, but they're probably exempt from the traditional rules/laws/code of the Mandalorians because they have their own possibly similar, possibly different set.

Alec Tallen
Feb 15th, 2014, 09:14:21 PM
Very different from how I've seen Manalorians in the past, but I really like the blend of ideas. Count me in.

Amaros...we need to have words...about things. *nod*

John Glayde
Feb 15th, 2014, 11:42:59 PM
It's usual for the Mandalore to be referred to as "Mandalore the Something", to distinguish them from other Mandalores, so I've been looking at Mandalorian dictionary doodads trying to wrap my head around how the blazes their language works... which is even harder than it sounds. Anyhow, since presumably the Mandalore doesn't get to pick his own nickname, here's my maybe pile for y'all's consideration. :ohno

Mand'alor Cabur - Mandalore the Protector; referencing the Mandalorian Protectors (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mandalorian_Protectors)
Mand'alor Cuyan - Mandalore the Survivor; referencing his time as Oliver Queen on Shedu Maad
Mand'alor Evaar'la - Mandalore the New; Mandalore the Young; new way of doing things, New Mandalorians, etc
Mand'alor Na'mirci - Mandalore the Liberator (na-meer-see); literally the Uncager, ending the occupation
Mand'alor Nasreyc - Mandalore the Resolute (nar-sair-eesh)
Mand'alor Ori'alor - Mandalore the Overlord; referencing the title (Overlord) given to the leader of Death Watch
Mand'alor Par'jila - Mandalore the Triumphant; or Mandalore the Victorious

Also, some related terms/titles for other people that I've stumbled across / pieced together!

Military / Onderon terms:

Verde - a warrior, basic rank
Verd'ike - diminutive form of warrior; a Private, rookie
Ruus'alor - a Sergeant ("foundation leader" or "reliable leader", from ruus, "rock")
Ver'alor - a Lieutenant ("warrior leader" from verde; or "loyal leader" from verburyc)
Al'verde - a commander / CO (lit. "leader of warriors")
Al'cangal - a squadron leader (lit. "leader of starfighters")
Al'mesen - a Commodore or Admiral (lit. "leader of ships")
Akaan'alor - Warlord / Warlady / Warmistress (lit. "war leader")
Al'Ori'Ramikade - Leader of the Ori'ramikade(Supercommandos)

There is also Alor'ad ("leader-man") which means Captain: in terms of a leader of a ship, leader of a warband, etc; not necessarily an actual rank. An alor'ad might be superior to an al'verde, subordinate, equivalent, or the same person.

Police / Mandalorian Guard (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mandalorian_Guard) terms:

Aran - a guard, basic rank
Aran'ike - diminutive form of guard; a rookie
Al'aran - a squad commander, watch commander (lit. "leader of guards")
Aran'alor - the Captain of the Mandalorian Guards (lit. "guard leader")

Government terms:

Alor - essentially "Lord", a title for chieftains, etc (lit. "leader")
Al'alor - the Prime Minister or Chancellor (lit. "leader of leaders")
Aliit'alor - a clan chieftain (lit. "clan/family leader")
Mand'alor - leader of the Mandalorians (lit. "soul leader")
Sol'yc - an alternative name for the "First" Minister (lit. "first")

Someone like Amaros Koine, who is the chief of Clan Koine, might identify himself as Alor Koine (ie. "Lord Koine"), but members of his clan would address him as the Aliit'alor. The Prime Minister might refer to himself as Sol'yc Steve (ie. "First Steve"), or as Alor Steve ("Lord Steve"), but his position/title would be as the Al'alor.

This post was brought to you by the letters A; a C that's pronounced as an S; and copious apostrophes. :uhoh

Rossos Atrapes
Feb 16th, 2014, 12:57:04 AM
This actually strikes me as being quite Celtic/Irish (vis-a-vis the High King). I like it! I dunno if I wanna play one yet, but it's piqued my interest.

Alec Tallen
Feb 16th, 2014, 01:03:08 AM
Ok, so I've done some thinking and had a long chat with the genius that is Jace. He suggested and I agreed with the fact that we'll need to reestablish some sort of police force on Mandalore. So enters the Mandalorian Guard (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mandalorian_Guard), whose numbers would have to be bolstered by droids - likely going strictly with manpower would be too tricky, and droids are a neat and easy solution to that. Think...Almost Human (if any of you watch the show, and you all should because Karl Urban) - humans with droid partners, or something similar.

With that being said, allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Alec Tallen, envoy of Clan Koine on Mandalore and Aran'alor of the Mandalorian Guard (Mando Arane).

This actually strikes me as being quite Celtic/Irish (vis-a-vis the High King). I like it! I dunno if I wanna play one yet, but it's piqued my interest.

You *know* you want to...come on...

John Glayde
Feb 16th, 2014, 01:47:52 AM
More bonus thoughts - another "faction" that could come into play here is MandalMotors (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/MandalMotors). They probably managed to profit off Mandalore being subjugated by the Empire, which might not make them all that popular... presumably they'd either volunteer or be forced to contribute to the rebuilding efforts; perhaps they'd even be forced to nationalise, so that MandalMotors profits become Mandalorian government profits. Also, it would be interesting if in addition to our pacifist Prime Minister, our warmongering Warmistress, and the traditionalist Mand'alor values, we've got some corporate greed in the mix. Maybe we shouldn't destroy that particular bit of the Imperial infrastructure that was used to enslave the planet; we can repurpose it, automate it, and turn a profit -- that sort of thing.

Also, before/during the Clone Wars, MandalMotors produced things like these sexy police speeders (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Buirk%27alor-class_airspeeder), these sexy police bikes that totally look like the one from Star Trek (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Balutar-class_swoop), these cool shuttles (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Aka%27jor-class_shuttle) and these smexy fighter thingies (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kom%27rk-class_fighter/transport), and maybe grey versions of these (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/G1-M4-C_Dunelizard_fighter), which I'm sure the Mandalorian Guards would be very happy to have.

MandalMotors also makes ships like Slave II (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Pursuer-class_enforcement_ship), these things (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Keldabe-class_battleship), and these things (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Crusader-class_corvette), these Red Dwarf looking things (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Meteor-class_Q-Carrier), as well as one (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/M3-A_Scyk_fighter) or two (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/M12-L_Kimogila_heavy_fighter) fighter designs that our Warmistress could make use of.

Effectively, they make enough cool stuff for Mandalore to rearm and re-equip itself without us having to buy anything from anyone. Kind of a new, isolated, self-sufficient Mandalore?

Sadie K'Vesh
Feb 16th, 2014, 01:29:08 PM
Anyhow, since presumably the Mandalore doesn't get to pick his own nickname, here's my maybe pile for y'all's consideration. :ohno

Wait wait... you're letting us pick? >D

Is there one that translates into Mandalore the Scruffy or the Awesome or..... the Untouchable for extra giggles? :mischief

Okay honest though I like these two:

Mand'alor Na'mirci - Mandalore the Liberator (na-meer-see); literally the Uncager, ending the occupation
Mand'alor Nasreyc - Mandalore the Resolute (nar-sair-eesh)

Mandalore the Liberator
Feb 17th, 2014, 12:34:07 PM
By popular confluence of opinion, I am Beskade Goza, Te Na'mirci Mand'alor. Apparently I was getting the words in the wrong order before. :uhoh

And yes, I have an eyepatch... because apparently I have a 'thing' for that?

I'm planning to start a thread later on this evening: I figure some sort of first/ish meeting between Mand'alor and the Warmistress seems like a pretty good place to start.

I'd like to do one with the Prime Minister and Alec Tallen later as well, once Charley's got a name picked out/etc... and a meeting between Mand'alor and some of the senior bounty hunters (Mace Riko? Ecks? Chir'daki? Callomas Sevoc? Anyone else who might be appropriate/interesting) to establish some stuff / explain why Darven is in absentia, etc might be cool as well.

If you want face time with the new boss, let me know. :dance


Here ya go (http://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?55393-The-Warmistress), Warmistress. :dance

Ettagar Veir
Feb 17th, 2014, 11:44:19 PM
I'd like to do one with the Prime Minister and Alec Tallen later as well, once Charley's got a name picked out/etc... and a meeting between Mand'alor and some of the senior bounty hunters (Mace Riko? Ecks? Chir'daki? Callomas Sevoc? Anyone else who might be appropriate/interesting) to establish some stuff / explain why Darven is in absentia, etc might be cool as well.

If you want face time with the new boss, let me know. :dance

Well now, a new Mando boss. If'n this inn't in'erestin', I dunno what is.

(For a second I thought I might have been Mace Riko, but then I remembered I'm Saesee. Whoops!)

Falcris Ordo
Feb 18th, 2014, 12:03:50 AM
I'd like to thank the mando'ade, the true cyar'tomade of the revolution. Remember, ade, we're a culture. we're an idea. And try as they might, the Empire - or anyone else who dares try again - can't kill ideas.

Beviin Goza
Feb 18th, 2014, 10:55:37 PM
If you want face time with the new boss, let me know. :dancePerhaps in one of those threads you might find time for family?

Agen Riko
Feb 20th, 2014, 12:02:44 PM
Time to get back into the game..

If you want face time with the new boss, let me know. :dance

I might take you up on that.

Arya Ravenwing
Mar 13th, 2014, 08:43:35 PM
Is it too awkward for me to say I finally figured out what LD is going to be doing and she'll be returning to her Mandos? It doesn't affect anything planned here except that her group will remain separate for the most part.

Falcris Ordo
Mar 13th, 2014, 09:05:06 PM
I think that would be okay.

Captain Untouchable
Mar 14th, 2014, 01:37:53 AM
Is it too awkward for me to say I finally figured out what LD is going to be doing and she'll be returning to her Mandos? It doesn't affect anything planned here except that her group will remain separate for the most part.

Is that okay with Jenny? It would affect the character she created, and the Warmistress/etc plans discussed in this thread and alluded to here (http://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?55393-The-Warmistress).

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 14th, 2014, 02:25:01 AM
Catch me on AIM so we can figure stuff out :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 14th, 2014, 08:51:54 AM
Catch me on AIM so we can figure stuff out :)

Will do boss :)

edit: i keep trying!

edit edit: it's all sorted, carry on, nothing to see here

One of the ships splits off from the others, filled with a few especially loyal to LD who find her sudden disappearance weird and want to look for her. That leaves the majority of the 1000 with the Warmistress along with the Hammerhead-class ship, and the other 5 or so they acquired along the way, and LD would end up with 50-75ish