Serena Laran
Feb 15th, 2014, 10:59:49 AM
We've done a little RPing in a year and we have gathered a few NPC scientists or Jedi, as well as some location descriptions. As far as a building, it's probably prefab or a reinforced high tech tent (the medical pavillion is one of those). If you've invented an NPC or seen one used, post it here so we can have a reference list.
Arlan Solborne - Botanist and professional pain in the arse [here (], [here (] and [here (] {picture (}
He has a hydroponics garden and lab [weather proofed, high-tech tent], spends time teaching padawans about plants when not discovering new uses for the native plant life of Ossus
Lieutenant Farsi - man in charge from the Alliance Corps of Engineers, Tevit's nemesis. He is Shistavanen (
Medical Pavillion [here (]
<strike>The medical facilities on Ossus were better than they had had in the Wheel convoy, if only because everything and everyone was in one place, instead of scattered throughout several different ships. They didn't have proper walls yet, but a large pavilion that had been sprayed with an insulating plastic. It was strong enough to lean against, kept out the bugs and wind, but it wasn't precisely sterile or permanent. A prefab medical building is under construction, but for now the pavilion would do. Inside there were sterile operating rooms created with inflatable plastic rooms and various venting systems, clumped in the middle of the tent like glowing cubes. Blessedly they were, at the moment, unoccupied. Examination rooms were separated from each other by curtains, strung on criss-crossing wires set at about seven feet off the ground. And the ground, of course, had been sealed off completely with a quick drying and self-leveling compound. It was thick but clear, leaving the illusion that one was floating above native grasses and the occasional wildflower.</strike> With the completion and opening of the new Medical
Building/Hospit this will have been taken down or repurposed
Two prefab buildings, two stories tall, with dorm rooms. Older padawans/Jedi have their own rooms, younglings and young padawans are housed two to a room. The doors are swooshy. The second dorm building mostly houses the construction crew members, stacked in four to a room. Refreshers are shared.
Miwù Shanmà
Located about four kilometers from the Jedi Camp up some hardscrabble mountain foothills. It is the settlement founded by Tell Cho to consolidate the Gossam diaspora. In similar state of construction to the Jedi camp, but with more excavation into mountainsides for accommodation. Mentioned here ( and here (
Anbira's hermitage
It consists of two acres of farmed plot that's nestled by a ridge to one side and by a small stream to the other side. On the far side from the Jedi Camp there are a stand of trees. One of which is older and sets apart from the other trees. This is where Anbira has set his equipment chest, and where he sleeps. Mentioned here ( and here (
Zem's tent
fairly large tent divided into two rooms. One holds a table for receiving guests and discussing matters of the camp. The other is a smaller partition that serves as a sleeping and eating quarters. Mentioned here (
Cizeri quarter
A plot of land adjacent to the Jedi camp in which a Cizerack C-9979 landing barge ( and other shuttlecraft have deployed from the galleon Haifa'Iro'Iro and set up a cordon. There is a lot of vehicle traffic and construction here, as numerous prefabricated quarters and other buildings are being constructed. Five hundred Cizeri Jaanni'saari are stationed within the cordon to act as a labor force to aid in construction and humanitarian projects. Mentioned here (
Arlan Solborne - Botanist and professional pain in the arse [here (], [here (] and [here (] {picture (}
He has a hydroponics garden and lab [weather proofed, high-tech tent], spends time teaching padawans about plants when not discovering new uses for the native plant life of Ossus
Lieutenant Farsi - man in charge from the Alliance Corps of Engineers, Tevit's nemesis. He is Shistavanen (
Medical Pavillion [here (]
<strike>The medical facilities on Ossus were better than they had had in the Wheel convoy, if only because everything and everyone was in one place, instead of scattered throughout several different ships. They didn't have proper walls yet, but a large pavilion that had been sprayed with an insulating plastic. It was strong enough to lean against, kept out the bugs and wind, but it wasn't precisely sterile or permanent. A prefab medical building is under construction, but for now the pavilion would do. Inside there were sterile operating rooms created with inflatable plastic rooms and various venting systems, clumped in the middle of the tent like glowing cubes. Blessedly they were, at the moment, unoccupied. Examination rooms were separated from each other by curtains, strung on criss-crossing wires set at about seven feet off the ground. And the ground, of course, had been sealed off completely with a quick drying and self-leveling compound. It was thick but clear, leaving the illusion that one was floating above native grasses and the occasional wildflower.</strike> With the completion and opening of the new Medical
Building/Hospit this will have been taken down or repurposed
Two prefab buildings, two stories tall, with dorm rooms. Older padawans/Jedi have their own rooms, younglings and young padawans are housed two to a room. The doors are swooshy. The second dorm building mostly houses the construction crew members, stacked in four to a room. Refreshers are shared.
Miwù Shanmà
Located about four kilometers from the Jedi Camp up some hardscrabble mountain foothills. It is the settlement founded by Tell Cho to consolidate the Gossam diaspora. In similar state of construction to the Jedi camp, but with more excavation into mountainsides for accommodation. Mentioned here ( and here (
Anbira's hermitage
It consists of two acres of farmed plot that's nestled by a ridge to one side and by a small stream to the other side. On the far side from the Jedi Camp there are a stand of trees. One of which is older and sets apart from the other trees. This is where Anbira has set his equipment chest, and where he sleeps. Mentioned here ( and here (
Zem's tent
fairly large tent divided into two rooms. One holds a table for receiving guests and discussing matters of the camp. The other is a smaller partition that serves as a sleeping and eating quarters. Mentioned here (
Cizeri quarter
A plot of land adjacent to the Jedi camp in which a Cizerack C-9979 landing barge ( and other shuttlecraft have deployed from the galleon Haifa'Iro'Iro and set up a cordon. There is a lot of vehicle traffic and construction here, as numerous prefabricated quarters and other buildings are being constructed. Five hundred Cizeri Jaanni'saari are stationed within the cordon to act as a labor force to aid in construction and humanitarian projects. Mentioned here (