View Full Version : Bounty Hunting in a Cold War?
Feb 1st, 2014, 11:37:05 AM
I suppose this question is to the leaders of the Empire and Alliance - how will bounty hunting work in your territories? Same as usual? Will you be utilizing hunters more to take out members of the oppositional government? We aren't assassins exactly, but it's a fine line between "The Empire has a bounty on the head of Cirrsseeto" and "The Empire has a kill order on his head." Or rather would we function more like Dog the Bounty Hunter and go after criminals who've left the Empire to skip out on prison time.
I think I answered my own question. As I'm not sure there are much more than remnants of the Bounty Hunter group, :uhoh, and I was left as it's defacto leader IC, I guess this is sort of an announcement/question/roll call/vote. I'm going to say in order to keep ourselves out of jail, and so we're not being used to settle disputes between the Alliance and the Empire (though a canny person could still manipulate us via a carefully worded bounty), we will only concern ourselves with legitimate criminals and not political squabbles.
I'm not sure I've worded that correctly but hopefully that got the gist across. *Ecks mashes the keyboard with his thick fingers* I'm not good at this guys.
end transmission., end transmission.
Feb 1st, 2014, 11:39:55 AM
I'm going to put together a sort of IC list of bounties, so if you've got someone who owes you a lot of money or skipped town after murdering a bunch of people, or whatever, let me know.
Feb 1st, 2014, 03:28:44 PM
I think I'm technically still a member of the guild o_O
It's not a conflict of interests if I'm on, uh, retainer to someone else, right?
Callomas Savoc
Feb 1st, 2014, 03:57:49 PM
I don't think I ever had Callomas written into the guild, but he's certainly into that line of work. If you'd like, I'd be glad to take part in bounty hunting exploits.
Zereth Lancer
Feb 1st, 2014, 04:25:33 PM
Should you be looking to recruit new members, I could toss a guy at you.
Vittore Montegue
Feb 1st, 2014, 05:12:20 PM
I don't see why bounty hunters can't do both?
Sure, the Empire can't exactly post up a list of bounties on a big neon flashing sign any more, but if we have a situation where the Bounty Hunters' Guild is legally required/permitted to "maintain the anonymity of it's clients" or something, then I don't see why "private citizens of the Empire" couldn't arrange for a bounty against "members of the Alliance administration who have wronged them personally". Bounty hunters would be daft to try and go after top level Moffs and Senators, but I think we should definitely leave our options open for middle tier people to get offed under suspicious circumstances. It'd be like the CIA hiring an off-the-books mercenary to assassinate someone in the USSR, to avoid it being traced back to them. Can't get much more Cold War than that. :ohno
* * *
As far as the guild itself goes, I still have Mace Riko kicking around, who was kind of... Darven's pet mercenary, I guess is the term? He helped set up the guild in the first place, ran security at the get-togethers, at the base, etc. If you're looking for someone to sit around and answer the space phones, connect bounty A to bounty hunter B, and that sort of thing... I'd be down for him doing that.
Also, Chir'daki and Vittore Montegue are still very much active on the bounty hunting scene.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Feb 1st, 2014, 05:32:26 PM
Right, that's sort of what I meant under manipulating the system to target political/military people.
Vittore Montegue
Feb 1st, 2014, 05:47:05 PM
Well yes, but slightly different to "we're not being used to settle disputes between the Alliance and the Empire", I'm suggesting that we don't necessarily need to be manipulated / oblivious? We just need to be anonymous. The bounty hunters can manipulate the system by being super-smart, rather than being manipulated by the Empire because they're super-dumb. :uhoh
(Well, I'm not super dumb anyway, don't know about the rest of you assholes. ;))
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Feb 1st, 2014, 06:04:49 PM
I'm just concerned about the legal consequences as it seemed to have been RPed that the governments/military can capture bounty hunters and hold them for crimes even if they're operating within the rules of the Guild which are supposed to protect Hunters from that sort of thing.
Vittore Montegue
Feb 1st, 2014, 06:21:05 PM
I wonder if it might be worth either -
a) Trying to establish a situation where, if you've got a "Bounty Hunters Licence", and can prove that you're carrying out a legitimate, legally-posted bounty, you're immune from incarceration? Giving the Bounty Hunters' Guild a kind of third-party legitimacy might open some doors for the Alliance and Empire to use them as everything from assassins to bail bondsmen (bounty hunter Emma Swan? :uhoh), to help prevent criminals from fleeing Imperial prosecution by hopping across the border? I imagine the Alliance and the Empire probably don't have an extradition treaty?
b) Associate the Bounty Hunters' Guild with Black Sun in some way, so the assurance of protection from prosecution comes from the fact that a crime syndicate is prepared to bribe the right sort of people and get them out. That might help breathe a bit more life into Black Sun... and if there's going to be clashes between Black Sun and rival groups on both Cloud City and Corellia, now would be a pretty good time for an injection.
Also, a random bonus option could be to have the Bounty Hunters' Guild affiliate themselves with certain prisons as well. I remember there being a kinda cool scenario in the X-Wing series where the New Republic showed up and sorta "bought" prisoners from Kessel (which is in neither Alliance nor Imperial space right now), and I'm sure I've seen or read situations where bounty hunters have sold a prisoner to whichever prison was willing to pay the most for them. Refusing to sell Dasquian Belargic to an Imperial prison because the Alliance prison system is willing to pay more for him is a pretty bonkers scenario; and I imagine the Alliance especially would much rather pay people like Kessel or Stars' End to incarcerate their long-term prisoners rather than forking out the capital to establish prison planets of their own?
Just an idea, anyhow. :uhoh
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 2nd, 2014, 04:00:39 AM
(bounty hunter Emma Swan? :uhoh)
Look what you did, Jace.
Now I gotta do a thing.
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 2nd, 2014, 01:32:00 PM
See, I always thought that the BHG already had that third party legitimacy, as much as bail bondsmen do in real life anyway. If they break a planetary law (other than kidnapping or murder I guess those are covered) while trying to collect a bounty then they'd be in trouble.
Basically, get our lawyers on the phone and get Saa away from the Alliance, they're being bad. :shakefist
Anyway, I'm all for actually saying yes, this is the case. I dunno about connecting them to Black sun - I'm not actually incredibly interested in resurrecting the Guild as a OOC group that has meetings and stuff (in RPs anyway, we can say it goes on). It would be nice to have a list of Hunters so if we wanted to team up in a thread we'd know who to call. As long as we know BHs are fairly autonomous and above the law for the most part, then there's no need to overly complicate it, IMO.
Kelvin Stark
Feb 2nd, 2014, 01:52:13 PM
Fair enough - just figured it might be a way of looping it in with Sassy, since I know you don't get to do as much with her as you'd like. :)
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 2nd, 2014, 01:55:09 PM
She will certainly have some Hunters on speed dial, and if you're fulfilling a Reeouurra Inc or Black Sun contract you would have that extra level of protection. :)
Feb 2nd, 2014, 08:25:10 PM
My official designation is Special Tactics E-WAR Prototype Six, but many of the organic sentients I have worked with in recent years have taken to calling me Sticks, after I requested they desist in referring to me as "Stevie". That name has what I suppose you would call... personal connotations for me.
My chassis ( is equipped for target acquisition, pursuit, and extermination; I would find it extremely favourable to associate myself with your Guild in some way, if applications from non-organic beings are acceptable to your leadership.
Feb 2nd, 2014, 10:13:08 PM
*grunt* IG-88 did it I don't see why you can't. aren't as crazy as it was are you
Feb 3rd, 2014, 08:04:14 AM
Negatory: my sanity is well within acceptable parameters, as defined by the Galactic Medical Commission.
At least it was, based on my programming status when the commission was disbanded by the Empire eighteen years ago.
Close enough?
Mandalore the Liberator
Feb 19th, 2014, 06:26:40 PM
Just to make sure there's maximum penetration on this (:mischief), just in case you've not been reading the Mandalorians thread -
When this guy became Mand'alor and yelled "Avengers, Assemble!" really loud, all of the Mandalorians in the galaxy had an almost religious cultural obligation to rally to him; not doing so is a doom your immortal soul level sin. This includes Darven, and any members of the Guild who live by the Mandalorian code (Mace Riko, his kids, Callomas Savoc, etc). It's also possible that these hunters brought friends with them: because they wanted the glory, the loot, the excuse to shoot Imperials, etc. Long story short: if you want to write as if your character was involved in the Uprising (which happened in 9 ABY while the Alliance and Imperials were negotiating the treaty), you are more than welcome to do so. :)
As thanks for the help of these bounty hunters, Mandalore wants to give them a sanctuary in Mandalorian Space: somewhere that is outside Alliance, Imperial, and Hutt territory. There are a couple of options - the City of Bone ( (where the Imperial Garrison was) or on the moon Concordia ( (where the Death Watch hung out) would both be pretty cool. To make sure there aren't too many shenanigans, Mace Riko will be a sort of supervisor guy; break any laws, and you'll have him to answer to.
Being Mandalorian isn't about your race: it's about following the six basic rules of Mandalorian society. You have to wear armour; know how to defend yourself; be loyal to / defend your clan/family/guild; rally to the Mandalore if he asks; speak Mandalorian; and educate your children on their heritage. Do this, and you're not only Mandalorian: you get a ticket into the Mandalorian afterlife. This means that anyone of any species can become Mandalorian at any point. If you're a bounty hunter who fancies getting involved in Mandalore a bit more deeply, you might want to consider that as an option, and perhaps find a clan willing to adopt you.
Feb 19th, 2014, 06:43:46 PM
So, someone wants a big, ugly, green "baby"?
Ettagar Veir
Feb 19th, 2014, 08:39:25 PM
I'm absolutely down for Ed (and possibly Fid dependin' on the timeline thingies whathaveyou) having helped during the Mandalorian Uprising. I don't think he'd be too cozy with the Mandalorian Code, though.
Mace Riko
Feb 19th, 2014, 09:15:10 PM
The thing to bear in mind with Mandalorians is the word for brother, sister, and comrade is the exact same. Mando'ade means "sons of Mandalore", in the Narnian sons of Adam / daughters of Eve sense. So, even though when you're adopted by someone you become "their child" in terms of linguistic terminology, and while in some instances / some clans it's very much a family thing... in others it's almost like a knighthood, or a "you're on my crew" sort of thing?
Mandalorians are awesome. It's like if the Winchesters were Klingons. :uhoh
Being adopted by Clan Goza or Clan Ordo - the clans of Mandalore and the Prime Minister respectively - might be a good fit for Ecks, as a sort of political gesture type deal. There's also Clan Savoc, of which Callomas Savoc (a member of the Guild) is the only surviving member: he could potentially adopt members of the Guild as a way of rebuilding his Clan (if that's something Charley wants to do). Or, Ecks probably has enough political weight to effectively say "Yeah, I'm the head of Clan Ecks now"... Mandalore would probably be onboard with ratifying that.
Falcris Ordo
Feb 19th, 2014, 09:29:32 PM
Though my ways are not the ways of Resol'nare, many in my clan still hold to the old way. I will hear your deeds, Ecks.
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