View Full Version : Humanitarian Aid (Senate)

Jan 26th, 2014, 09:03:09 PM
Kallachiturra picked up his datapad, murmuring to his aides who were also gathering last minute items for their trip to the senate chambers. Today's session was slated for discussion on the continued allocation of humanitarian aid to planets still suffering from the after affects of the extensive Civil War. The Wookiee senator made sure his translation droid was hanging from it's cord around his neck. The shiny green module had all the brains of a protocol droid with none of the whining. Well, not as much, anyway.

The walk from the Kashyyyk offices was not long, the trio of Wookiees dominating the halls as they made their way to the chamber. Kallachiturra wasn't one to stop and chit chat, and his fellow senators knew it, so they were largely left alone as they walked.

"Don't forget to make the case for the thousands of Wookiee slaves still trapped on the other side of the border," chirped Green Dex from his position on Kalla's chest. The senator put his big hand over the module's vox, muffling any further 'reminders' from the little droid.

Niev Minetii
Jan 26th, 2014, 09:59:22 PM
Senator Minetii paused before entering his repulsor dais in the senate house. One of his aides rushed to his side with the latest figures he'd requested to present before the hearing. It was ammunition vital to the case for the Humanitarian Aid Act. Sullust had been absolutely ravaged by surprise assault in the final year of open conflict, and the wound was still relatively fresh for all to see. Niev had made it his priority upon swearing in to present a draft bill to the Senate to free up the treasury to make whole the planets worst affected by the war.

"Thank you Ubal. I'm ready now."

The Sullustan senator closed his bulging black eyes, sighing a bit as he turned back to his dais. Entering his station, he pressed a key on his console to alert the Senate Speaker that he demanded the floor. His request wouldn't be unanticipated, as he'd worked with a bloc of like-minded Senators in ensuring this bill was one of the first ones argued in the Inaugural Senate of the Alliance of Free Planets. On queue, a voice from on high boomed.

"The chair recognizes the Senator from Sullust."

Senator Minetii's dais detached from its anchor, floating high into the Alliance Senate House into view of the Speaker's dais. The enormous building was constructed with the aesthetic of the seat of government of the Republic of old, with the intention of harkening back to that time of better virtues. He held his right hand aloft as illumination from the building's lofted roof was cast on his position.

"Senators. Comrades. Friends. We are here at an auspicious event. The rebirth of galactic democracy. A return of power from the fists of tyrants into the outstretched hands of those crave freedom. This is what we fought for. This is what man of our friends and family died for. I ask that we remember this sacrifice in all that we do from this day hereafter."

Niev paused a moment, nodding to his colleague Kallachiturra from the Wookiee's dais further down below.

"Although our war is not over, and although many more cry out from the core and beyond for liberation, we find ourselves at a moment of respite. This war has been costly to billions. While we share in sacrifice as citizens of this great Alliance, I entreat upon each and every one of you to consider the bill I aim to present, so that we might do right by those in most dire need of assistance."

The Sullustan senator inserted a dataslip into a reader at his dais, which transmitted its contents to every other terminal in the senate house.

"I present the Humanitarian Aid Act.

To preserve the union of free worlds, and to ensure the expedient recovery of war-ravaged systems, this bill stipulates key provisions:

A tax shall be levied upon inaugural signatories of the Alliance charter in the amount of seven percent of their gross national products, to be held in escrow for the dispensation of aid to planets and star systems deemed to be 'afflicted regions'.

A tax shall be levied upon existing signatories of the Alliance charter in the amount of two percent of their gross national products, to be held in escrow for the dispensation of aid to planets and star systems deemed to be 'afflicted regions.'

'Afflicted Regions' shall be designated as star systems or planets that have suffered either (a) casualties in excess of two million sentient beings, or (b) a loss of infrastructure in excess of thirty percent of pre-war levels.

The taxation and dispensation of aid funds shall be subject to review in five years, with the option of extension or revocation to be applied at that time.


The Sullustan blinked, and nodded.

"I implore you to consider this bill fully, and to bring it to a favorable vote. Thank you."

A mild swell of applause from the Senators in favor of the bill could be heard, which was quickly quashed by the Speaker.

"We will now hear arguments for or against the bill presented. Senators shall be recognized in turn."

Jan 28th, 2014, 06:37:11 PM
It took the aid of two specially designed droids just to seat the spherical Senator Rondoo into his environmental suit. Technology had developed from the ancient crystal based chambers of the past to something far more aesthetically pleasing. A round chamber was built out of nearly indestructible glass and seated into a repulsor unit. Now not only could the buoyant Senator bob up and down inside the suit, which was filled with cyanogen imported from his homeworld, but the suit would also bob up and down. The whole thing looked like it belonged underwater.

Because of the incredible toxicity of the gas itself, Rondoo had a specially outfitted office and living quarters, complete with airlocks between rooms that would scan and cleanse those within to make sure no gas was present. Likewise water was not allowed inside his chambers, as cyanogen grew in toxicity within a moisture environment. It was likely for that reason that neither of the officers next to his were occupied.

Now properly outfitted he left the droids behind. A trip through the airlock scrubbed the outside of his environmental suit until he was deemed fit to interact with the outside world. As requested, his aid was waiting for him. The small human woman acted as his conduit, as speaking telepathically to the entire Senate floor would be quite taxing, if even possible. The pair looked like at odds together. The human taking long strides to keep up with the hovering Celegian. Rondoo attempted to exchange pleasantries with his aide, but the female was not the talkative type; or more likely she did not enjoy the intrusive voice in her head.

Taking their seat within the massive senate chamber, Rondoo powered down his repulsor to that the thrum would not distract or deafen those in the chamber. The environmental suit settled down on the floor of the dais. Inside the glass his bulbous body and tentacle appendages floated in the gas mixture, his own telekinetic powers allowing him to lift himself from the floor of the glass construct, just as they did while riding the waves of their toxic oceans of Celegia.

After opening ceremonies were concluded, the senator from Sullust proposed a Humanitarian Aid bill, and right away Rondoo noticed the word human in the very name of the thing. With a word his aid reached out and pressed the button on the dais console that requested the floor. A light and bell chimed, notifying approval of the request. The dais detached from the dock and floated on it's own repulsor up into the open space of the chamber.

"The chair recognizes Senator from Celegia."

~My dearest delegates of the Senate. Senator Minetii's proposal is a great one, and one I would implore you all to accept. The circumstances for aid have been established, but I am sure several planets and star systems would qualify for aid under this act. How is the order or disposition of this aid decided? Should one planet or star system receive aid over another?~

His words echoed in the mind of his aide, who stood and spoke into the microphone at the front of the dais for the rest of the chamber to hear; trying her best to match Rondoo's inflections and delivery. The act was truly acceptable was it was, but Rondoo would hate to see favoritism determine who was aided. The galaxy would always be a human dominated space and it only human worlds, or shipyard planets like Sullust or Dac received aid then other planets would suffer in ruin.

Alli Tiawarrh
Jan 30th, 2014, 03:46:42 PM
Alli sat quietly in the Bothan's box, off to the side with one lone aide. She could address the Senate if need be, but as a representative of a small star system within the larger Bothan group, her intrusion would be seen as unwelcome by her... superiors.

Another Senator stood up and was recognized, a Human though her brain suddenly blanked and she couldn't recall what planet they represented. "The rules for receiving aid are laid out quite clearly in the bill, as you've just heard. Each planet or system that qualifies will receive aid as specified."

Her lips twisted in a little smile. The bill, which Senator Minetii had given a succinct summary of, was a one hundred page monster that she'd tried reading through before her eyes glazed over. Running a search on the text had been a little more fruitful, looking for trigger words that would indicate hidden clauses or special compensations that had nothing at all to do with aiding suffering star systems. She hadn't discovered any, but that didn't mean there wasn't anything in the bill that would end up causing alarm.

Arkanon Astore
Feb 15th, 2014, 10:38:02 AM
There was a murmur throughout the Senate. Some voices agreeing with the proposed bill, while others considered it with a more critical eye.

“The chair recognises the Senator from Thule.”

The next dais to drift into view, commanded by a tall, pale figure. With pure white hair and eyes, Arkanon Astore dressed head to toe in silver and grey. He would have seemed to be human, were it not for the claws at the tips of his fingers. The Arkanian regarded the departing dais, of the Near-Human who had spoken before him, down the length of his nose.

Behind him sat two figures in Ubese armour, another pale Arkanian (this time female) and a pair of comparatively dull looking human males.

“Has the Senator from Sullust considered or calculated how many worlds would satisfy the criteria of his bill?”

Niev Minetii
Feb 16th, 2014, 12:45:02 PM
Minetii moved to speak, but paused when a member of his retinue tapped him at the shoulder. They spoke privately, away from his mic for a moment, before the Senator returned to address his colleague from Thule.

"The Alliance Census commission has provided a preliminary report on the affected worlds. Please see Appendix 7D. This list is, of course, subject to change as more information is reported to the commission."

The Sullustan queued up his own copy of the report, slipping on spectacles over his jowled face.

"At present, the commission's estimate lists 1,721 candidate worlds eligible for Humanitarian Aid receipts."

Minetii felt more needed to be added, as he could already understand the concern regarding what they were requesting.

"A sizeable portion of these recipient worlds, I would remind this assembly, are new signatories to the charter. This is not some cheap bid of enrichment or sense of obligation handed down by veterans of the cause. We have all suffered in this war. We are all united in our cause."

Feb 16th, 2014, 05:45:12 PM
Kalla watched the proceedings carefully from the Kashyyyk booth. They would benefit from the bill passing, the Wookiee homeplanet had suffered under the Empire, but there was no need to add to the voices in the chamber at the moment. Really, when it came time to vote the outcome was probably not in doubt. A fraction of money from each signatory was not much to ask.

Really, when it came time for new business, that was when it would get interesting. He leaned forward, a furry hand scratching his chin.

Salem Ave
Feb 23rd, 2014, 03:54:54 AM
Salem glanced over the list of worlds set to benefit from the Humanitarian Aid Act. It was an.. interesting choice of name for the bill, he thought with a small smile, particularly a bill proposed by a non-human. Swiping a clawed fingertip down the screen of his data-pad, he scrolled past the dozens and dozens of planets that had given so many lives and resources to the war effort. Onderon was not among them, but that was no surprise.

Setting the data-card down, Senator Ave looked to his left, to where he knew the Hapan delegation were seated in conspicuous silence. Nestled within the Transitory Mists, the Consortium had been shielded from the Galactic Civil War and remained one of the most wealthy territories per capita in the Galaxy. The fact that they remained silent could not possibly indicate that they approved of the bill, but that Senator Sarpin was taking the time to craft a finely worded objection.

Jaanseerra Arretaura
Feb 23rd, 2014, 04:55:54 AM
Senator Arretaura gave the bill only a cursory glance. She knew the contents well enough; she'd heard the little Sullustan senator talk on them all eloquently and at length. She had neglected to discuss the details with the woman at her side, however.

She gestured to Taataani Meorrrei with a flutter of her fingertips and leaned her head in just enough to whisper.

“Go ahead, dearrr. Ssspeak jyourrr mjind.”

Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 1st, 2014, 11:12:58 AM
Senator Meorrrei glanced at the cluster's senior Senator, giving an inscrutable nod. Of course, their position on this matter was in accord, and they'd been in communication with the Pride Mother regarding Cizerack policy to any bill of this nature coming to a vote. Taataani maneuvered the Cizerack dais into position to petition for the floor.

"The Chair recognizes the Senator from Keppaa Brens."

"Gentlemen and Ladjiess of the Ssenate, jI quesstjion the tjimjing of thjiss bjill."

Taataani looked about at the throng, and at the current gathering of dais in the vicinity of the Speaker.

"We have onljy jusst sstarrted to brrjing togetherr a new natjion. To extrract heavjy trrjibute frrom thosse who make the decjissjion to rralljy to the causse wjill have a chjilljing effect on anjy planetarrjy leaderr who hass notjionss jin the futurre of jojinjing the Alljiance. How hjigh a prrjice musst ourr ssjissterrs and brrotherrss pajy forr frreedom?"

Senator Meorrrei continued, her patrician lilt carrying well as she spoke.

"What sshall we tell thosse we can jyet sstjill ssave? Wjill the Tjionesse rralljy to uss, knowjing thejy wjill bankrrupt thejirr chjildrren to do sso? What of the worrldss lookjing to uss asss potentjial ljiberratorrss at the frrjingess of Hutt Sspace? Opprresssjion bjy the kajjidjicss mjight verrjy well look cheaperr and morre attrractjive."

Taataani shook her head.

"We cannot allow thjiss bjill to passs. The ssufferrjing manjy of ourr worrldss have sseen at the handss of the Empjirre jis deepljy rregrrettable, but jI urrge thjiss Ssenate not to put a prrjice on frreedom."

Alexi Hesith
Nov 16th, 2014, 03:03:13 PM
Further around the Senate Chamber was the pod for the delegation from Lantillies. There, Alexi Hesith sat listening carefully as the debate ebbed back and forth but he did not speak.

He was waiting for the right moment to intervene. Timing was important if he was to get what he sought, which was a compromise.

Alexi Hesith always sought a compromise. Compromise was the only way to get anything done.

After the Bill had first been introduced (as a much slimmer draft) it had been referred to committee. There it has been amended and re-mended and it had grown in size. But it had not sunk nor slowed down under the weight of those amendments as might have been expected. Instead, after only three weeks, it had sailed back into the Chamber in pretty good shape.

Alexi had thought that original Bill was good. He regarded the amended Bill to be even better for the committee process had turned a good idea into a sound plan.

But there was, to Alexi’s mind, and in the considered opinion of his staff, one great flaw yet to be addressed.

Addressing it would require a compromise and Alexi saw that the Cizerack Senator’s speech had given him an opening to get one. She had succeeded in agitating the Chamber. She had managed to stir up those keen to expand the Alliance, those who would benefit from the Bill, and those who would not. he was new to the Senate (who wasn't?) Alexi Hesith was not new to exploiting an agitated group.

Acknowledged by the Chair, Hesith caused his pod to drift out into the Chamber’s wide open space.

“Madam Speaker, the Senator from Keppaa Brens from suggests that this Bill puts a price on freedom." Alexi's soft brogue carried easily around the Chamber, "But freedom always comes at a price. We pay it in blood or credits but we always pay the price and it is always worth paying."

A ripple of approval ran around the Chamber.

"Lantillies has paid comparatively little in blood for our freedom. Our world has not been ravaged as other worlds have been ravaged. I am assured that my world will not qualify for payments under the provisions of this Bill, yet I still support it. Lantillies will pay in credits as we did not pay in blood."

A smattering of applause. Hesith raised a hand.

"Please, do not mistake this for generosity. We do not support the Bill, Madam Speaker, because it is the right thing to do (though it is) but because it is the rational thing to do.

“Right now there are worlds that have been devastated by the war. The people of those worlds cannot earn to support themselves. While this is so, they must be supported by welfare payments. As long as this is so, they cannot achieve the prosperity that ought to follow freedom and neither can the rest of us.

"So, rather than pay for people to suffer in idle freedom, let us pay for them to be industriously free so that they can prosper. As they prosper, so will the whole Alliance. I urge all those present: pay the price for a prosperous freedom for us all. Pass this Bill.”

This time there were sustained applause from some quarters. Some, no doubt expected Alexi to move for a vote.

"But, Madam Speaker, the Senator from Keppaa Brens is right to warn that this could deter new members of this Alliance. And we should also be wary of committing ourselves to an indefinite financial burden. We should limit the duration of this Bill's effects in order to address these concerns.

"So, Madam Speaker, I offer an amendment that I commend to this House."

Alexi touched a key on his pod's control panel. In an instant the text of his amendment was before every senator and observer with sight of a screen.

"I move that we amend this Bill to insert a sunset clause. If, in five years' time, the Senate does not vote to renew the provisions of the enacted Bill, it will automatically lapse with the balance of funds held at that time either refunded or reallocated according to the determination of the Senate."

Alexi waited to see whether the amendment, which subtly altered the provisions for review of the Bill, would garner the necessary second to be put to the vote.

Taataani Meorrrei
Nov 16th, 2014, 07:35:11 PM
The Lantillian Senator's compromise amendment did little to thaw Taataani's chill to the notion, and she remained where she stood, eyes glancing about and ears pivoting slightly to triangulate the sounds of hundreds of debating Senators as each world considered the matter of proceeding to vote. The bill already included a five year sunset, and all Senator Hesith seemed to be offering would be a promise of recompense or purposing of funds remaining in escrow should the Senate kill it on a five year review. The possibility of money remaining on the table at all was dubious. Were the funds to be doled by a central authority on a results-driven schedule? Were they simply to be portioned to candidate worlds to be dealt with by planetary municipalities? Either way, the concept of anyone leaving the dole unallocated seemed to be someone's deluded fantasy. The money's not yours, and you spend everything you get for the promise of more of it, right? Senator Arretaura muttered a similar pessimistic affirmation to her own thoughts in Cizeri, and Taataani waited to see if anyone else would back Hesith, or offer a fresh voice to push him for a real concession.

Tell Cho
Nov 16th, 2014, 08:19:34 PM
"That is not a true compromise, Senator," a gravelled, warbling voice echoed throughout the chamber. As a pod left its moorings and rose to flank Senator Hesith's, the Speaker could be heard wryly acknowledging 'Cho, Senator from Ossus'. "Though the Senator from Keppaa Brens spoke in hyperbolic exaggeration, there was a point. Many worlds will lose their resources to aid a few worlds. Think of the populaces of the planets which are keen on joining our Alliance.

"They will be taxed upon entering. What will keep this body from levying more taxes upon them, especially with the level of destruction on many worlds? Instead of a tax, federally laid, perhaps a good compromise may be an administration of needed goods to those worlds in need of it. My own people enjoy an abundance of skilled architects and engineers, and we would be happy to lend such aid to those in need for such concessions as can be made when the afflicted regions' economies and prosperity have stabilized, while our income is paltry, and a tax of even two percent will have an effect on our own growth and prosperity."

Cho paused, and looked about the room, estimating the response to his speech.

"Let us not choose to make one our first acts be taxation, but an act of mediation. All of us here can hear the propositions of aid to these afflicted regions, and offer incentives for such aid, on top of concessions and promises made by the aided worlds to repay or make closer relations with those giving them such aid. We should not ask some peoples, who are poor but may not fall into this appellation of 'afflicted', to pay more than what they can bear, even to aid another, richly deserving world and people."

Alexi Hesith
Nov 17th, 2014, 03:18:50 AM
Alexi appealed to the Speaker for a moment to speak again and was granted it.

"Before we consider the point raised by the Senator, I would ask our fellow Senators to think about the full implications of the current review provision.

"The Bill as formulated promises review in five years, with consideration given to the options of renewal or repeal. But what happens if we are deadlocked on the question? Is it not the case that, in such circumstances, the law would remain in force by default?

"A simple procedural delay could, then, lead to a temporary measure becoming a permanent levy upon the wealth of the Alliance members and a permanent extra charge upon admission as a member. This is not something we would wish to happen by accident."

Alexi looked about him.

"The amendment I offer alters this arrangement to ensure that such an accident cannot happen. The law, if amended as I propose, will automatically lapse in five years' time if we cannot reach a consensus for a deliberate and reasoned renewal."

Nov 17th, 2014, 02:57:24 PM
Kalla rumbled, and was recognized by the Speaker. He stood, reaching his towering height and addressing the assemblage. Green Dax would normally interpet for him, but in the Senate chamber each Senator heard the speeches in the language of their choice. Basic was what was used normally, but it was quite impossible for Wookiees to speak it, even if they could understand it perfectly. Around the chamber Senators put ear buds in to hear the translation as Kalla spoke.

"With respect, I would address the concerns of the Cizerack." He nodded toward the group of females. "You speak of exacting a high toll on freedom, that this proposal will extract too much from the planets of the Alliance to support only a few. Seven percent is too much to ask, perhaps. Is five percent more palatable? Three?" He stared out at the chamber. "How high a price have you paid to join the Alliance? Did you sign a data pad after the Treaty was brokered? Or did you pay in blood, your own and that of your brothers and sisters? Kashyyyk has paid a mighty price, and we offer what support we can...but the fact is that our economy is crippled.

"Our people have been decimated, the strongest and brightest pressed into slavery and most still enslaved by the Empire. We fought side by side with you. We stand for Alderaan, for every planet slagged from orbit, for each planet facing the devastation brought from this Rebellion. A crippled planet cannot contribute - but a helping hand now can restore us, or at least start us rebuilding. Then we can in turn help others. If you will not assist us, then you may as well vote us out of the Alliance because you are turning your back to us."

Alexi Hesith
Nov 18th, 2014, 02:40:55 AM
The Speaker had not yet ruled the motion to amend to have failed for want of a second.

Alexi could not decide whether this was deliberate or simply out of surprise at the forcefulness of the Wookiee's intervention. In either case, Alexi knew he was not going to get anywhere with this and he was not going to let her tell him so.

"Madam Speaker,' he said with a shrug, "It would seem that my misgivings are not shared by others present. I withdraw my motion to amend the Bill."

The Speaker gestured to the Clerk, a silent instruction to record this setback.

Oh well.

Alexi gestured towards Kallachiturra and Tell Cho in turn, "Does anyone wish to offer a definite answer to the question put by the Senators from Kashyyyk and from Ossuss? Does anyone wish to offer a different figure or an alternative form of payment?

"If so, let us debate their solution. If not, let someone call for a vote on the Bill as it is."

Thada Adel
Nov 29th, 2014, 12:14:39 PM
A thick, clawed fingertip tapped an orange chin as it's owner mused the proceedings. Dark, shiny eyes better suited for the depths of oceans watched the faces of each Senator as they rose and fell with their swashbuckling politics. For each proposal there was a foil; like a game of Dejarik the senators played their Savrips and Striders. The bill was just in her eyes. Indeed there were planets ravaged by war that needed aid. Some had been so damaged that their entire infrastructure needed to be rebuilt from the ground up. Thada agreed with Senator Rondoo that not every planet could be helped simultaneously and that the bill held no distinction in how aid would be rolled out, whether an attempted all at once or perhaps focusing of supplies.

However, the senators were preoccupied with who would be giving the resources, not who received. Perhaps that was the greater question, but not one that weighed on her mind. Thada knew that of all the planets in the Alliance that Dac would be among those who would give the most. There was not a question. They had abundant resources and were safely hidden away from the front lines. Their resources previously fueled the Alliance's war machine, with their massive shipyards across several planets. In peace time they were not building so many starcraft and could spare, although Thada would rather see those resources put toward fixing the damaged relations between the twin species of Dac.

"We have much to give, Senator Tukphen, but also so very much to lose. The Quarren will not like toiling in the dark to feed other planets." She whispered to her Mon Calamari companion. "I fear it will cause irreparable damage to race relations. However, I can see this working as a benefit if we avoid just shipping off our resources and send our people to apply them directly. Too long have the Quarren hidden themselves away. It is time for them to see the galaxy and expand their horizons. Dac cannot survive another generation of bigoted fools grumbling in the darkness."

People like my father.

"This bill is necessary, but the Kashyyyk Senator is right. We cannot tax those with nothing to give. Perhaps we move to elect a committee to review all systems in the Alliance to see which could withstand the economical strain of the aid bill. Otherwise this may cause more harm that good." Thada would never move for any actions without the agreement of her companion. Separation had driven a wedge between their people and now they decided together or not at all. As in all things she considered the ramifications on relations between their species lest another civil war spark in the seas. Even now, at a new height of social acceptance, the Quarren were always just a tragedy away from trying to take the planet again.

Tell Cho
Nov 30th, 2014, 02:00:06 PM
"But an alternative form of payment has already been established," Cho called. "When I spoke of the many Gossam architects and engineers. Other planets may have the raw resources, some may have money to spare. Throwing money at this problem will not fix it; in fact, in many places it may give rise to flourishing black markets, a rise in crime across the Alliance, and resentment, which left to fester, could poison this body and its laws for centuries. The Bill as it stands gives too much power to this body. It is easy for the Alliance to mandate that each planet give of itself. It is not the Alliance's resources, and so the Alliance may not feel the strain of having to put its own projects on hold to bolster those peoples who suffered the most to bring it to fruition.

"I call for the amending of the Bill, to remove any form of taxation, and to include the commission of a committee where each proposal of aid from one party to another may be reviewed and given approval. Whatever amounts of goods and/or services have been judged by each party to be sufficient for each would not fall within the purview of the committee to change, but the whole proposal may be denied until the committee feels that the amounts and types of aid fit the needs of the afflicted and are within the means of the giver."

Alexi Hesith
Dec 8th, 2014, 07:35:31 AM
Alexi grimaced. Amendments to tweak the operation of the Bill were one thing but the fundamental revision Tell Cho was calling for was quite another. He rose

"Point of Order, Madam Speaker. At this stage would it not be highly inappropriate to so radically amend the Bill? Much effort has been made to bring it forward for consideration in a timely manner and considerable scrutiny has been given to its provisions. To rework it now would be to impose a considerable and harmful delay in its implementation. Can the Senator not offer a more restrained amendment? Perhaps to permit payment in kind by the provision of labour and material of equal value where a contributing world lacks the necessary liquid capital?"

Alexi did not like payment in kind on principle. The free circulation of capital was vitally important to the revitalisation of the economy. He was pretty sure Tell Cho's precious architects would have been got a handsome fee for the work they did and that the Gossam authorities would have levied a tidy tax on it in the end. But he was even more averse to the sort of centralised planning that was the alternative. He would accept payment in kind over that pretty much every time.