View Full Version : Years From Now?
Vansen Tyree
Jan 25th, 2014, 12:42:55 PM
With Original Sin II, and with various bits of foreshadowing here and there popping up, y'all seem to be having fun with the possibilities of knowing your future (or not). My memory of it is pretty flaky though (I wasn't directly involved), and I know some people weren't even around at all to know what the blazes is going on.
I think it'd be really helpful if someone(s) could help put together a little bit of a summary of what was going on, and who was what... to help you oldies remember what was going on, and to give us hip youngsters the chance to be involved too. :mischief
All I (vaguely) remember is Vega VanDerScorpius, and Sanis Prent being some kind of douchebag Senator... :uhoh
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 25th, 2014, 01:49:53 PM
IIRC.. the galaxy had reached a cold war state, sort of like the one we are in now.
Salem Ave had tricked Navaria Tarkin into killing her sister, and in doing so usurped the Imperial throne. Dasquian Belargic had been made Chancellor of the Republic. Both factions were relatively prosperous but becoming increasingly focused on discretely arming themselves in anticipation of an actual war breaking out again.
The thread started with Dasquian about to address the Senate on Dac, when word arrived from the Core that riots had broken out on Coruscant. Executor Van-Derveld, along with scientists of the Empire, developed something known as the Morbus Project. It was originally supposed to be a chemical weapon for the Empire to keep in reserve, but Vega used it for mass genocide. Everyone goes mental and starts trying to kill each other. It's a bit Reapers from Firefly / 28 Days Later-y.
It starts spreading from the Core outwards, and the Jedi - on Vortex - have to decide whether they will intervene, support the Republic, etc. Some of them were actually on Coruscant at the time of the outbreak, so there is the question of whether or not they should bring some kind of sample to Vortex with them, to try and develop a cure.
Salem basically orders the Hapan fleet to firebomb Coruscant from orbit, in the hopes that this will contain the infection.
Err.. what else.
Someone help me out?
Cirrsseeto Quez
Jan 25th, 2014, 01:55:43 PM
Cirr was skippering a starkiller missile ship and had a tense encounter with Milivikal who was convinced the course of action to take in the early stages of the outbreak was to fire on every major planet in the core.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 25th, 2014, 02:33:29 PM
To be honest, I've always looked at the Years from Now thread as a possible future outcome. It's one that Jenny and I pull from with OS2 yes, but it's certainly not definitive. Certainly don't think that that is the endgame we are going for since it was more of a creative musing than anything else :)
Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 25th, 2014, 02:36:17 PM
At the time, it was what I imagined the endgame for most of my characters was like... but that has definitely evolved over time. Especially since we've already hit the cold war set-up, about 20ish years before the 'Years From Now'-verse was supposed to come into being.
Cirrsseeto Quez
Jan 25th, 2014, 02:40:53 PM
I've been playing all of my characters with the expectation that they'd be effectively where they were at the time of that thread.
The only real difference is that I see no way in which s'Il is married to Sanis.
Xanthos Asael
Jan 25th, 2014, 03:30:09 PM
It's certainly only a possible future, but it's a possible future that is missing a big chunk of characters, is kinda what I was getting at. You all have the choice whether to aspire towards that endgame or not, whereas those of us who weren't in the thread... you're all aspiring (or not aspiring) towards a future that we're not in, as it were? Makes it a little hard for us to join in, because we don't necessarily know who is what, and where the gaps are, etc. :uhoh
Interesting that the Jedi were on Vortex (still) and the Senate was on Dac. When we came to decisions about the Treaty, putting the Jedi on Ossus and the Senate on Bothawui... was that a deliberate effort by us (by characters in the know?) to try and divert Bryna's future? Is it a random plot discontinuity because shenanigans? Or hypothetically did the Jedi move for reasons unknown?
(given where Vortex is, way inside Imperial territory from our current-day perspective, it seems like the Imperial/Republic border might be quite dramatically different? I might be able to make a map for that. :mischief)
Cirrsseeto Quez
Jan 25th, 2014, 03:44:03 PM
I think its safe to maybe assume the future is divergent, but with a lot of similar elements?
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 25th, 2014, 03:47:56 PM
We're not aspiring to write to any 'endgame'. We just imagined a possible outcome and played with it.
Whether it happens or not for some folks, great. Nothing is lost or gained, since we wrote that thread to appease our own instant gratifications of the time.
Vansen Tyree
Jan 25th, 2014, 04:28:18 PM
Why does it matter whether it's endgame or not?
Possible future, definite future, crazy-ass opium trip... it's interesting. Sure, the prospect of posting about a possible future of my characters is cool in and of itself, but the prospect of possible future versions that get to interact with Emperor Ave, with Sanis the douchey Senator, and all that junk? The prospect of passing Bryana Belargic in a corridor and being recognised for something that you haven't done yet? To know if Vansen played a part in creating badass Captain Cirr?
Some new version, some made up by me version... wouldn't have those versions of those characters... and those versions are kind of the point, regardless of whether or not they'll ever come true. :|
Cirrsseeto Quez
Jan 25th, 2014, 04:41:51 PM
No I feel you on it, man. Not all my characters were written in so I'd also like to weigh things out and try and imagine where they'd be.
Emelie Shadowstar
Jan 25th, 2014, 04:45:19 PM
Gotta admit I'd like a rough idea of "key things" without having to read 14ish pages of thread too (I'd like to at some point, of course! But for the sake of a few bullet points it seems overwhelming at the moment)... if for no other reason than I wasn't here when it all happened and since we do have a character running around from this supposed future it'd be neato to have an idea of at least things that would be important to know if you wanted to do a thread in that supposed future (or thereabouts).
I mean yeah of course anyone could come up with stuff if they wanted to make a potential future thread scenario but... :colbert Well, why build a whole new house when there's a perfectly good (if slightly rickety) one in existence?
....sorry wanted to chime in since I've been all "OooOoOoOoOooh Future thread" for a while now and have been kinda intimidated to do anything since there was something out there already and figured since we're all "HOLYCRAPACTIVE" now would be a good time to ask questions/get a basic gist of what was in the possible future thing...
:ohno so yeah...
Now I'm gonna go hide and go back to my relative quietness...
Cirrsseeto Quez
Jan 25th, 2014, 04:51:35 PM
I'm reading old threads now anyways so I'd be glad to browse the major points of the thread for y'all and anyone else who wants to be able to place themselves. No biggie.
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 25th, 2014, 04:56:45 PM
I mentioned this to Jace, but I'm happy to do a summary of what my characters had become in that thread if it would be helpful? I have vague ideas for characters who weren't in that thread, if we're sticking with that future (e.g. Sanya, Jamo) that I can elaborate on too.
Also if anyone ever wants to write with Bryna you know I'm always game for that. Just tell me who you were to her and let's do threads. That's all I've wanted ever since I came up with the idea of firing her back in time ^_^;
Cleo Némain
Jan 25th, 2014, 04:57:53 PM
Y'mean since I put 'er back inna times. :colbert
:uhoh I mean... uhhh...n're mind.
Bryna Belargic
Jan 25th, 2014, 04:59:40 PM
Y'mean since I put 'er back inna times. :colbert
:uhoh I mean... uhhh...n're mind.
Vansen Tyree
Jan 25th, 2014, 05:32:31 PM
When it sinks up right, this is like a tiny Newton's cradle of hugs. :|
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 25th, 2014, 06:07:25 PM
LD had Salem's love child, who she hid from him successfully for years before breaking her cover to save Serena and a bunch of potential Jedi kids from zombies. Rage zombies! On Chandrila's main city that was going to be slagged from orbit to save the planet!
It's a good read, you should read the thread. I don't anticipate much of that ever actually happening in real time. Mostly because we won't be RPing that long.
edit: oh, and arya had Vega's twins, one of which he stole from her. Mac was with Teagan s'Ilancy. He ended up coming back in time like Bryna then disappearing.
editedit: incidentally, Aurelias and LD laid the ground work for an Imperial rage virus in this thread Sestooine Rage ( so the seeds for Years From Now are in the mix. ;) LD gave the details to Salem.
Zereth Lancer
Jan 25th, 2014, 06:14:05 PM
A Jedi intervention would be a great roleplay to read/write. Even if the council decides not to intervene I could see a rogue detachment of Jedi disobeying orders to fight the infection. There are plenty of characters who are not the type to sit idly by and watch the galaxy burn.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 25th, 2014, 06:37:07 PM Here's the thread in question. I can't believe it was written six/seven years ago. D:
Jan 25th, 2014, 11:31:08 PM
Well.. just for starters on my end, Morgan and Rhianna aren't together anymore, and Adraudia is not the Queen Mother... o_O
Taataani Meorrrei
Jan 26th, 2014, 12:58:15 AM
Here's a little recap of each mentioned character's situation from the thread. Mind you I'm browsing this, so if there's anything anyone wants to add, I can edit:
Bryna Belargic - Jedi Padawan of Navaria Tarkin, daughter of Aaron and Grace Belargic
Grace Belargic - (née Van Derveld) Director of Alliance Intelligence, wife of Aaron Belargic, mother of Bryna Belargic
Dasquian Belargic - Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance, husband of Grace Belargic, father of Bryna Belargic
Miranda Tarkin - Former Empress of the Galactic Empire. Killed on Korriban by Navaria Tarkin
Navaria Tarkin - Jedi Master and Council Member, Master of Bryna Belargic
Mac Ravenwing - Son of Arya Ravenwing and Vega Van Derveld, paramour of Teagan s'Ilancy, and freighter pilot
Morgan Evanar - Jedi Master and Council Member, husband to Rhianna Evanar
Rhianna Evanar - Jedi Master and Council Member, wife to Morgan Evanar
Sanis Prent - Former General and pro-disarmament Senator of the Galactic Alliance, husband of Jedi Master Loklorien s'Ilancy-Prent, father of Ledo Prent
Loklorien s'Ilancy-Prent - Jedi Master and Council Member, wife of Sanis Prent, mother of Ledo Prent and Teagan s'Ilancy, close friend of Arya Ravenwing
Kyle Krogen - Jedi Master and Council Member, Alliance Commander, lost a hand to the Inquisitorius
Serena Laran - Jedi Master and Council Member, stationed on Chandrila
Teagan s'Ilancy - Daughter of Loklorien s'Ilancy-Prent and Dan Thrule, paramour of Max Ravenwing, free spirit.
Rev Solomon - Jedi Master and Council Member
Daria Nytherciria - Jedi Master and Council Member
Karl Valten - Lord of the Imperial Inquisitorius, cyborg
Clea Darkrunner - Mother of Sharra Darkrunner, infected by the Morbus virus
Sharra Darkrunner - Pop music star, force adept, daughter of Clea Darkrunner
Vega Van Derveld - Imperial Executor, father of Mac Ravenwing, architect of the Morbus virus
Barton Henning - Jedi Master and Council Member, stationed on Coruscant, infected by the Morbus Virus
Adia Issoris - Alliance Intelligence Agent, Jedi Knight, stationed on Coruscant
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta - Captain of the Galactic Alliance Navy Liberty-class missile cruiser Dauntless
Kale Zarinov - Jedi Knight, stationed on Coruscant
Kal Cimmerian - Aurelias Kazaar's alias, Mandalorian mercenary, on Brentaal IV
A'na - Dark Jedi, alias of Lilaena De'Ville to hide from Salem Ave, stationed on Chandrila
Milivikal K'vik - Captain of the Siren's Song, warlord of a pirate fleet, 'possessed' by the Will of the Force
Quinn - Mandalorian mercenary leader, dispatched to Coruscant to eliminate victims of the Morbus virus
Berek Dralken - Resident of the Coruscant lower levels
Salem Ave - Emperor of the Galactic Empire, Sith Master, husband of Razielle Ave, father of Beatrix Ave
Razielle Ave - Wife of Salem Ave, Sith Lordess, mother of Beatrix Ave
Michael Brand - General, Supreme Commander of the Galactic Alliance Armed Forces
Adraudia Bassilie - Queen Mother of Hapes and Onderon, vassal of the Galactic Empire, wife of Victer Dejan, mother of Ryssa, Kiana, and Natasha
Darth Lucid - Former Sith Cult leader, fighting on Coruscant, infected by the Morbus virus
Daanarri Meorrrei - Lifelong friend of Teagan s'Ilancy
Wyl Staedtler - Jedi Knight, master of Ever Talbot
Ever Talbot - Jedi Padawan, learner of Wyl Staedtler
Victer Dejan - Husband to Queen Mother Bassilie, father of Ryssa, Kiana, and Natasha
Arya Ravenwing - Mother of Mac Ravenwing, close friend of Loklorien s'Ilancy-Prent
Estelle Russard - Director of BlackOps
Sorsha Kasajian - Co-architect of the Morbus virus
Trix Idalix - Admiral of the Galactic Empire
Beatrix Ave - daughter of Salem and Razielle Ave
Hopefully thats all the major players and the key factors concerning them. Please let me know if I need to amend this further.
Whew, this took a really long time to make!
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 26th, 2014, 03:50:37 AM
I'm going to make a future thread where the Pride has conquered the universe.
Vittore Montegue
Jan 26th, 2014, 03:53:10 AM
Thanks Charley - this helps a buttload! :D
I am working on reading through the thread myself as well, but medical problems mean I can't absorb more than 2-3 posts at once, and that's pretty tiring/draining. The 14 bajillion posts of Years From Now will thus take me a while to get through... apologies in advance if I end up asking stupid-obvious questions that I've just not made it to the answers of yet. :uhoh
Speaking of stupid-obvious questions (of "food for thought" if you're feeling generous) -
It seems like the Jedi Order is allied with the Galactic Alliance. However, there are Jedi Knights and Masters "stationed" on Coruscant and Chandrila, which I presume (perhaps wrongly?) are part of the Galactic Empire. Are those Jedi stationed there in secret, or is the Jedi Order on amicable terms with both governments?
Though they may not even have been invented at the time the thread was written... is it reasonable to presume that, because the Alliance has Starkiller missiles, the Cizerack Pride is a member of the Galactic Alliance?
Is Hapes / Onderon the only planet / political group that is Alliance in our timeline? Are there current Alliance Senators who think their planets potentially / have switched sides by YFN?
Were there any references / allusions to the Hutts (or the Chiss) at all in this, or was the focus just on Coruscant and Chandrila rather than the bigger picture? I vaguely remember Charley speculating (years ago) that Sanis might have been Senator for Nar Shaddaa or somewhere "equally classy"?
Since Ask Me Anything threads are in fashion (and extremely useful) at the moment, would people be willing to have a group/communal Years From Now AMA? Something that maybe has a list of characters/things to ask about at the top, and whoever knows the answer gives the answer?
Asking Jenny and Charley questions about Salem and Cirr on AIM is certainly effective, but getting in-character answers that everyone gets to see is way more fun. :mischief
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 26th, 2014, 04:29:54 AM
Coruscant had been reclaimed by the Alliance and was considered their capital. Chandrila I'm not sure about.
The Pride had sold the starkiller missile tech to both sides, I think.
Also, Dasquian (not Aaron) is the chancellor; Aryas two boys, Mac and Qayin, are Vega's sons; A'na *is* Lilaena going under a different name to hide from the Emperor :)
Captain Untouchable
Jan 26th, 2014, 04:53:47 AM
Damn you and your confusing face swappings. :shakefist ;)
So... Coruscant is the capital of the Galactic Alliance, but the Senate was on Dac? Is that because Coruscant is only recently reclaimed and the Senate hasn't been migrated yet? Also, where is Salem's new capital?
typoed "shakefist" as "shakefish". I think we need an emote for that. :uhoh
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 26th, 2014, 04:57:55 AM
I may be misremembering about the capital tbh.. :uhoh
I don't know if the imperial capital was mentioned? Salem was living on Bogden though.
Yeah apologies coruscant was still in imperial control and the Jedi there were technically not sanctioned to be on the planet!
Captain Untouchable
Jan 26th, 2014, 05:52:56 AM
Aha, thanks!
I may or may not be turning this info into a map. It's an addiction. :uhoh
Taataani Meorrrei
Jan 26th, 2014, 10:46:45 AM
It seems like the Jedi Order is allied with the Galactic Alliance. However, there are Jedi Knights and Masters "stationed" on Coruscant and Chandrila, which I presume (perhaps wrongly?) are part of the Galactic Empire. Are those Jedi stationed there in secret, or is the Jedi Order on amicable terms with both governments?
Though they may not even have been invented at the time the thread was written... is it reasonable to presume that, because the Alliance has Starkiller missiles, the Cizerack Pride is a member of the Galactic Alliance?
Is Hapes / Onderon the only planet / political group that is Alliance in our timeline? Are there current Alliance Senators who think their planets potentially / have switched sides by YFN?
Were there any references / allusions to the Hutts (or the Chiss) at all in this, or was the focus just on Coruscant and Chandrila rather than the bigger picture? I vaguely remember Charley speculating (years ago) that Sanis might have been Senator for Nar Shaddaa or somewhere "equally classy"?
Since Ask Me Anything threads are in fashion (and extremely useful) at the moment, would people be willing to have a group/communal Years From Now AMA? Something that maybe has a list of characters/things to ask about at the top, and whoever knows the answer gives the answer?
Asking Jenny and Charley questions about Salem and Cirr on AIM is certainly effective, but getting in-character answers that everyone gets to see is way more fun. :mischief
To help clarify as best I can:
1. Jedi stationed on Coruscant & Chandrila, etc are done so clandestinely IIRC
2. The origins of the starkiller program aren't really discussed in the thread, but it's reasonably safe to assume that the Cizerack helped develop them in that timeline too. No mention is made of the Cizerack position, but I'm okay with the notion that they have aligned with the Galactic Alliance in that timeline.
3. I'm not sure I understand the question asked here.
4. No mention of the Hutts made, and I'm not certain which planet Sanis was Senator of. Nar Shaddaa would be such a crappy district hahaha.
I don't know about an AMA, but using what we've got in the YFN thread we could totally have something where people are writing up stubs on their apocryphal futures. I know in my head there are some of my characters who are dead by now (Anbira, Byl, Zem) and others whose fortunes I can guess, such as Taataani being drummed out of politics in scandal.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 26th, 2014, 12:21:57 PM
Serena wasn't stationed on Chandrila, she was just there picking up some kids.
Captain Untouchable
Jan 26th, 2014, 12:48:00 PM
3. I'm not sure I understand the question asked here.
In 10 ABY, Hapes and Onderon are affiliated with the Alliance of Free Planets. In Years From Now, they are affiliated with the Galactic Empire. Are there any more races who are members of the Alliance of Free Planets now (10 ABY) who are not Galactic Alliance (ie. are Galactic Empire, independent, etc) as of Years From Now?
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 26th, 2014, 12:52:50 PM
I don't know? We didn't really map out who was tied to what faction overall. A relatively small number of planets were mentioned and a lot of stuff was just kind of, made up on the fly, with the exception of whats in the one planning thread somewhere in this forum.
I think Hapes-Onderon is more 'affiliated with Salem' than anything else ;)
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 26th, 2014, 12:57:02 PM
The thread was just an extrapolation from where we were in RP seven years ago. Things have changed since then. Like, Arya isn't having babies.
Taataani Meorrrei
Jan 26th, 2014, 12:57:57 PM
Yeah that's something that hasn't been nailed down so I think you have the freedom to declare them however you would like. Brave new world!
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 26th, 2014, 01:03:23 PM
are we continuing the thread?
Jan 26th, 2014, 01:04:25 PM
No, do a sequel. Years From Years From Now. :)
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 26th, 2014, 01:11:01 PM
No, do a sequel. Years From Years From Now. :)
Or, if it was marketed by Marvel comics... All-New Years From Now NOW!
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 26th, 2014, 01:12:28 PM
I was going to say Zombie Years From Now, but we sort of did that already. Years From Now Civil War?
Zereth Lancer
Jan 26th, 2014, 01:52:44 PM
Is that the one where we clash over the Force User Registration Act?
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 26th, 2014, 02:07:24 PM
I think it's the one where Navaria Tarkin got exposed to some weird space radiation, ended up with a new costume and name, briefly turned evil and then sacrificed herself for the good of all the Galaxy?
Captain Untouchable
Jan 26th, 2014, 09:43:00 PM
Something rattling around in my head today as I mused over things: if Bryna is worried about her future coming to pass, and nothing has happened yet to make her suspect that it's been averted... why isn't the location of the Alliance capital (Bothawui, rather than Dac as she remembers) raising flags?
Something we've talked about Jenny - Torrsk and Salem are on the same page over some issues, like Jedi and such. Also, the Bothans are one of the races who had an alliance / vassal relationship with the Empire rather than being enslaved. I think the EU even has them splinter off and either go it solo or join another faction. What if when Salem took over the Empire, the Bothans followed along... and now we have Grand Moff Oruo'rel or something? :ohno
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 27th, 2014, 12:48:02 AM
More likely, I just didn't thin about that difference and it *should* be confusing her :lol:
Uncle Atton
Jan 28th, 2014, 04:54:46 PM
Is there any chance of getting a Years From Now tag?
Or are you guys still not convinced there'll be demand for one? :uhoh
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 28th, 2014, 05:10:18 PM
I don't know why we would need one, unless there's something I missed.
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 28th, 2014, 05:11:30 PM
I'd be reluctant to create a tag for something that just has one thread so far.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 28th, 2014, 05:12:13 PM
One, seven year old thread at that.
Uncle Atton
Jan 28th, 2014, 05:19:53 PM
I don't know why we would need one, unless there's something I missed.
I guess you missed the part where some of us want to do more threads in the Years From Now era? The entire point of this thread? :uhoh
Figured it'd be a no, but didn't see any harm in asking. :)
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 28th, 2014, 05:50:16 PM
Actually, yeah, I guess I did miss that part. :)
The future I see taking place now is different than the future I envisioned seven years ago when my characters were in different places in their life. Some similarities, but not a lot. As long as no one is trying to say "this future thread is The Future" as opposed to just a possible future then have fun with it.
Uncle Atton
Jan 28th, 2014, 07:09:29 PM
Trying to tell a "definite" future would probably be unwise regardless, just because knowing us we'll have changed our minds about a dozen times before we get there. :mischief
The "it might not actually happen" aspect is a big part of the fun as far as I'm concerned. In fact, Sarah and I are planning to exploit that - throw in some intentionally fake futures alongside the real ones. That's why the idea of having the Bothans / Torrsk Oruo'rel side with Salem in the future appeals to me: it's not that I necessarily see that as something that will happen; but the fact that doing something like that isn't beyond the realms of possibility for Torrsk tells you quite a lot about him (and Bothans in general) that would be much harder to convey normally. It's the old "how do you show that someone is willing to commit murder without watching them actually commit murder" sort of thing?
One more weapon for the story-telling arsenal and all that jazz. ^_^
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