View Full Version : Pirates?

Rurrick Grov
Jan 17th, 2014, 02:09:41 AM
Since the Empire and the Alliance aren't shooting at each other for the moment, it falls to third parties to antagonise their navies into action.

I've spoken to a few people about this already; one of our plans is for a group of pirates led by yours truly to wander the space lanes causing problems for as many people as possible. We'll probably hang out around the Greater Javin / Eriadu / Sullust / Sluis Van part of the map because there's lots of juicy planets and space lanes around there, but if there's stuff that can be shot at and stolen from, odds are we'll find an excuse to be there.

General Grov has a couple of people in his crew already... are there any other pirates or wannabe pirates interested in a life of wealth, warfare, and wenches? :D

* * *

The crew!

Erebus (Prison Ship (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lictor-class_Dungeon_Ship))

General Rurrick Grov, Captain
Lieutenant Lesai Ennix, First Mate
Quartermaster, Navigator
B.A. Barbacca, Engineer
Mayael Rakkamar, Mechanic
Serrena Alcine, Pirate/Thug
Ledo Prent, Pirate/Thug
Anthro Moorheart, Mostly Harmless

??? (Gunship (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Crusader-Class_Corvette))

Captain Remy Lafleche, Captain

Tartarus (Corvette (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Charger_c70_retrofit))

Captain Vishus Thorn, Captain

B.A. Barbacca
Jan 17th, 2014, 02:10:48 AM
rrrrrrRRRRaaaaAAAwwwwrrrr! Rrrruuuh-rruuuh!

Serrena Alcine
Jan 17th, 2014, 02:32:46 AM
General. *nods*

Remy Lafleche
Jan 17th, 2014, 02:49:39 AM
Wenches? :D

Lesai Ennix
Jan 17th, 2014, 07:26:09 AM
More crew?

Seriously Grov, this better not mean a pay cut to help keep these extra vape-heads alive and fed and gettin' a cut of our profits. :mad

Rurrick Grov
Jan 17th, 2014, 08:22:30 AM
More pirates means more plunder, Lesai. For all the circuitry crammed into that skull of yours, you seem to struggle remarkably with even basic economics.


For those who are new, I am General Rurrick Grov, late of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. I have commanded hordes of men, fleets of warships, and entire armies of incompetent but obedient mechanoids in countless battles: but now I must make do with what dregs of the galaxy I can muster together. The Empire thought to imprison me, and placed me on one of their inescapable prison ships (http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130619034204/starwars/images/4/41/ImperialDungeonShip1.jpg): but I escaped, I commandeered, I equipped my ship for war, and now here we are.

All I ask and expect from you is obedience. If I do not receive it, I will do nothing... but I cannot say the same of Miss Ennix here. She is rather fond of using any excuse to inflict physical harm, and I'm afraid her bark and her bite are equally severe.

Jan 17th, 2014, 08:59:07 AM
The girl who speaks to electrons spends her life in a den of wolves. Lessons are learned and lessons are lost; what is basic is not basic when the words are only grunts and growls. Your speaking cuts, and hers cuts back, but inside the little girl cries at the rescuer who traded her cage of steel for a cage of life. Don't growl at the wolf who barks at the moon if you have never let her see the sky.

End of line. :(

Antho Moorheart
Jan 17th, 2014, 11:03:56 AM
She is rather fond of using any excuse to inflict physical harm, and I'm afraid her bark and her bite are equally severe.

Honestly, I'd prefer to be part of a crew where there is a distinct possibility someone will bite me, so this sounds like it'll suit just fine.


Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 17th, 2014, 01:28:18 PM
LD is leading a band of pirates :) if someone wants to join in, let me know :)

Jan 18th, 2014, 05:27:22 PM
Must I dispatch ships to swat your merry band?

T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Jan 18th, 2014, 07:12:42 PM
Perrmjisssjion to purrssue, Admjirral? We of courrsse know how besst to deal wjith pjirratess. :)

Camile Saccard
Jan 18th, 2014, 07:15:55 PM
Her Majesty's Royal Navy is well equipped and ready to deal with scoundrels of this ilk.

Rurrick Grov
Jan 18th, 2014, 08:42:36 PM
Well equipped? How does the Hapan Fleet plan to pose a threat to us when they are too timid to stray beyond their own borders?

And I worry very little of Cizerack: your ships might be formidable, but a fistful of feathers and a few balls of yarn are more than enough to debilitate your boarding crews.


Jan 18th, 2014, 09:33:20 PM
As per article 2158 of the New Alliance Charter, all illicit privateer action in Alliance territory is deemed now illegal and thereby will be dealt with swift and serious repercussions. Any and all privateering operations against any person, organization or governmental body will face trial and be charged as the degree of the defendants crime deems. To aid the forces now poised against this threat I hereby order any and all vessels of the Alliance and any of their allies to engage to stop privateering actions as they see fit. I will also be dispatching a pursuit line to assist the Hapens and Cizerack in tracking down and eliminating the pirate threat. Our internal stability is threatened by these buccaneers and at this fragile time in our history we must remain vigilant in policing our boarders. We shall see these crminals brought before justice or die in the attempt to escape that justice.

Lesai Ennix
Jan 18th, 2014, 10:15:55 PM
All I read there was a lot of "As per some banthashit Alliance article blahblahblahblahblah thus quoted by King Calamari"

So I'm just gonna go and say...

Come at me, bro. :smokin

T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Jan 19th, 2014, 05:06:20 PM
It might be good to do a thread where we have an Alliance officer installed as XO aboard T'yeellaa's galleon as a temporary posting. Maybe a goodwill program before the Trade Navy is formally integrated into the Alliance navy as a whole. We could do that in the context of a little pirate hunting to boot.

Dorna Forlon
Jan 19th, 2014, 10:37:53 PM
One Alliance Liaison officer reporting in.

Jan 19th, 2014, 10:54:10 PM
I think we've arranged an exchange already, but we might have a reciprocation that we could do instead, with a Cizerack officer on an Alliance ship if you'd like.

Dorna Forlon
Jan 20th, 2014, 12:54:52 AM
No thats cool She has a few things to do. she will show up in all this pirate stuff.

Vansen Tyree
Jan 20th, 2014, 04:32:20 AM
The pirates are most likely to be active in three areas:

Alliance-Imperial border that runs parallel Corellian Run; from between Bothawui and Doldur and back towards the Core. It's prime real estate for smugglers; Doldur is the location of the Falleen homeworld; and Grov has a personal beef with Vansen Tyree, whose Fourth Fleet is headquartered in the Bothan Sector... lets just say there's a reason they both have eye patches.
Alliance territory rimward of Sullust / Sluis Van / Clak'dor, which includes Mustafar / etc. This area is very industrial, full of juicy mining worlds and factory worlds, so the convoys in the area are bound to be full of interesting things to steal.
Imperial territory in and around the Greater Javin (Bespin), including the spacelanes between Greater Javin and Eriadu; between Greater Javin and Terminus (on the rim); and between Greater Javin and the Core, which leads direct to places like Thyferra. The main anti-piracy presence here is Admiral Wygraant, who Moff Rübezahl has appointed as his anti-piracy guy.

Admiral Tyree has got liaison ships/commanders from Hapes and the Cizerack; they'll be working alongside the Novgorod, as well as Soto Terius and Dou'lesa Grov (General Grov's niece, I think?), and any Rogues / other pilots that are kicking around. A lot of their missions are going to be anti-piracy and anti-smuggling I would imagine.

Dorna Forlon is more than welcome to get mixed up with that group and their activities. She might be the Commander along the border itself that Vansen's joint mission team is backing up, or she might command one of the components of Task Force 42 alongside Captain Terius and Captain Grov; depends on her rank, what you want her to do, etc.

Alternatively, Anne Phoenix is the only character in the Sixth Fleet / south-west region at the moment. There's no Admiral for the fleet there, just Phoenix's task force. Forlon could easily be a task force commander there, or the Admiral: though, given the number of non-human homeworlds in those parts, it might be nice to find an alien Admiral for the Sixth Fleet, perhaps from Sullust or Sluis Van?

Rurrick Grov
Jan 20th, 2014, 04:46:07 AM
As far as pirates go, it would be useful to know what each of you all are good at.

The Quartermaster is going to fly the ship kinda like one of the Hybrids from Battlestar Galactica: he's of a race that can calculate hyperspace coordinates in his brain, so he's a walking talking nav computer (Quartermaster is an old nautical term for the dude who looks after maps/etc... the master of the quarter deck, if you will). Lesai Ennix is the First Mate, which effectively makes her the crew's drill sergeant. It would also be nice to have a Boatswain (the mechanic in charge of making sure the ship doesn't fall apart) and a Ship's Surgeon. To keep things Pirates of the Caribbeany, odds are no one outside of that will have a specific job/role.

Everyone will need to chip in with repairs and maintenance, unless they're a technophobe or a clutz. Everyone will have the chance to chip in using one of the dozens of quad lasers we have to shoot down enemy fighters, unless they're a rubbish shot. People who know how to pilot will get to fly boarding shuttles. Hopefully you all know how to shoot/fight, so you'll all be boarding ships that we capture, but if you don't that would be useful to know. Also, if you have any special skills / experience / etc - for example, Lesai Ennix is a cyborg - that's useful to know!

I'm working on the assumption that we're one (big) ship at the moment, without fighters or escorts. However, if Remy Lafleche wants to go all Captain Hook and have a ship of his own (or anyone else for that matter)... I'm sure we can come to an arrangement.

I am a General after all... the bigger my pirate army, the better. ;)

Vishus Thorn
Jan 20th, 2014, 10:40:04 AM
My pirate dud has the Tartarus (http://i1098.photobucket.com/albums/g367/Stevendlangley/Tartarus.jpg) already but not sure ill use him much. IDk we will see. how big is the hanger on that brick you call a ship?

Jan 20th, 2014, 11:00:26 AM
I figure that other organized crime won't like the pirate fleet showing up and taking everything out from under them and could lead to some hostilities with the likes of Black Sun, with them perhaps preying on each other's smuggle runs or interfering with raids. There could also be attempts at diplomacy and far too much room for collaboration and backstabbing.

William Jeffers
Jan 20th, 2014, 11:05:11 AM
Figure I will sound in for the Imperial anti-piracy efforts. I am the Hammer which will pound this pirate scum to dust. But I am just as happy to pay you to stay on the Alliance side of the boarder. Imperial Privateering anyone?

Jan 20th, 2014, 11:33:33 AM
That's a rather interesting idea actually. I imagine both factions might have a vested interest in not trying too hard to completely eradicate pirates, considering that they have that possibility of making good proxy agents.

Captain Untouchable
Jan 20th, 2014, 12:04:46 PM
The Alliance has a history of using privateers, so it certainly fits their MO.

The complicating factor is that Rurrick Grov is an ex-Separatist General, and is to all intents and purposes a war criminal. Even if either government can stomach the thought of employing him, e has no love for either the Empire or the Alliance... the idea of being paid to side with one faction or the other deprives him of the satisfaction of screwing with them both. He'd probably work for Black Sun or the Hutts sooner than he'd work for Alliance or Empire. :uhoh

Antho Moorheart
Jan 20th, 2014, 12:25:53 PM
As far as pirates go, it would be useful to know what each of you all are good at.

Does the ship have a bar?

Mayael Rakkamar
Jan 20th, 2014, 12:28:19 PM
"Four arms better than one, yes?"

Mayael is an outcast Codru-Ji, she has a keen interest in technology and could fill a minor repair/engineering role within the pirate fleet, if they will have her. Four hands make her very adept at any physical task. Codru-Ji is not the most technologically advance planet so Mayael isn't the most knowledgeable on current technology, but she does love to tinker, take things apart, and learn just what makes them thrum.

Rurrick Grov
Jan 20th, 2014, 12:49:29 PM
As far as pirates go, it would be useful to know what each of you all are good at.

Does the ship have a bar?

We are aboard a misappropriated prison ship, Mister Moorheart. Would you perhaps like to reconsider your utterly idiotic question? :|

"Four arms better than one, yes?"

Mayael is an outcast Codru-Ji, she has a keen interest in technology and could fill a minor repair/engineering role within the pirate fleet, if they will have her. Four hands make her very adept at any physical task. Codru-Ji is not the most technologically advance planet so Mayael isn't the most knowledgeable on current technology, but she does love to tinker, take things apart, and learn just what makes them thrum.

Perhaps you could assist with salvage and inventory? Weapons and hardware are not easy to come by legitimately for people in our circumstances: but no doubt we will find ourselves with more than a few wrecks to plunder for resources we can either make use of or sell.

Mayael Rakkamar
Jan 20th, 2014, 12:58:41 PM
Perhaps you could assist with salvage and inventory? Weapons and hardware are not easy to come by legitimately for people in our circumstances: but no doubt we will find ourselves with more than a few wrecks to plunder for resources we can either make use of or sell.

"I am how you say, your man?"

Rurrick Grov
Jan 20th, 2014, 01:01:59 PM
I am unfamiliar with your species, but I am fairly certain that my man is something you are not. ;)

Of course, it would not be the first time I was mistaken about such things, if I am. Mister Moorheart in particular threw me off: I'm unsure if it was the pink, the hair, or the whining that did it.

Rurrick Grov
Jan 22nd, 2014, 06:29:59 AM
Apparently, my ability to notice things is terrible. :uhoh

My pirate dud has the Tartarus (http://i1098.photobucket.com/albums/g367/Stevendlangley/Tartarus.jpg) already but not sure ill use him much. IDk we will see. how big is the hanger on that brick you call a ship?

Small corvettes like that could potentially be a pretty cool addition: something quick to chase down smaller/faster ships for when being a giant menacing brick isn't enough. I imagine it'd probably be easier to board ships from something like the Tartarus too: means we wouldn't have to drag stuff onboard so often, we can just take what we want and leave 'em adrift! >D

I don't know what the landing bay situation for a Lictor-class (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lictor-class_Dungeon_Ship) is, but the thing is 700+ meters long: even if the Tartarus just lands on a flat bit and grabs on with magnets or clamps or somesuch, it shouldn't be too tough to bring it with us.

Azrin Shadowstar
Jan 29th, 2014, 02:00:10 PM
If I understand right, some of the characters people have expressed an interest with have been roleplayed on Fans before... they have a backstory, as it were.

Rurrick was a Separatist hold-out after the Clone Wars, sailing about in a Munificent (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Munificent-class_star_frigate) until about 12 BBY (so, for about seven years). He was remanded to a penal colony until a few months after the Battle of Yavin, at which point he and other prisoners were to be moved to a more secure location to make it harder for the Rebellion to break them out and recruit them. He and some of his pirate crew staged a breakout, hijacked the ship, and have been engaged in piracy in the Outer Rim since then (for about the last 9-10 years).

Is there anyone who could be / wants to be part of his crew that entire time?
Is there anyone who has ideas for how they might have joined his crew in the meantime?
Is there anyone who needs / wants to be recruited "now" in order to fit with / explain things?

I would like to kick things off over the next couple of days... just want to make sure I know who my crew is first. :)


Wow, not who I expected to be logged in as. :uhoh

Mayael Rakkamar
Jan 29th, 2014, 02:11:14 PM
Mayael would not have been a prisoner turned crewmember, but she very likely is already a member of his crew. Mayael of a Codru-Ji outcast, exiled from her homeworld after a botched kidnapping of a rival families young. Her family decided the best course of action was to send her offworld and claim she was dead, and thus she was exiled. Since then she has operated on various crews, mostly scavenger rigs (illegal and legal), and would at some point, probably within the last few years, ended up on Grov's crew after a previous job contact ran out; where she runs the onboard chop shop that salvages and repairs whatever broken items the crew brings her. She could also operate as part of a boarding party. Perhaps not the strongest fighter in Grov's crew, but she makes up for it with a keen eye for technology; able to identify if salvage is worth taking or beyond repair. She has a skewed sense of right and wrong and just saw Grov's crew as another salvage job. Hopefully this one will not dry up like the others.

Ledo G. Prent
Jan 29th, 2014, 04:18:30 PM
Considering that I have him surviving Vanguards, I suppose Ledo would be down for some piratey goodness as well.

Lesai Ennix
Jan 29th, 2014, 06:46:24 PM
Fuck yeah! :cheers

Antho Moorheart
Feb 1st, 2014, 08:10:11 AM
Regarding joining the crew... it's likely that Antho is a recent addition, on account of the fact that he was with another crew until relatively recently.

He seems like the type of idiot who would have gotten himself captured by Rurrick and co, only to demonstrate just enough usefulness to get himself hired rather than killed.

Serrena Alcine
Feb 1st, 2014, 09:33:25 AM
I'll be a relatively recent addition as well. I'm your girl for boarding parties as fighting is pretty much what I do best. I can also help with small weapons (blasters, rifles, etc) maintenance and modifications.

Antho Moorheart
Feb 1st, 2014, 09:57:48 AM
Boarding parties? :mischief

Rurrick Grov
Feb 1st, 2014, 10:42:41 AM
Just to clarify - what does "relatively recent" translate to in terms of Antho and Serrena (and Ledo)?

Is this because you want to start with them already knowing the crew / having found their place, is it because you specifically don't want to do a recruitment thread, is it because you'd rather just jump in at the deep end do piratey stuff from the get-go, etc?

I'm planning on starting us off with an "a gang of pirates walks into a bar" sort of situation, so being brand spanking new is definitely an option. The only difference it makes to me is whether or not I mention pirates with demonic red eyes, screwed up faces, and candyfloss hair as part of Rurrick's entourage when he walks in. ;)

Serrena Alcine
Feb 1st, 2014, 10:48:16 AM
Boarding parties? :mischief

*wicked grin*

Just to clarify - what does "relatively recent" translate to in terms of Antho and Serrena (and Ledo)?

Is this because you want to start with them already knowing the crew / having found their place, is it because you specifically don't want to do a recruitment thread, is it because you'd rather just jump in at the deep end do piratey stuff from the get-go, etc?

I'm planning on starting us off with an "a gang of pirates walks into a bar" sort of situation, so being brand spanking new is definitely an option. The only difference it makes to me is whether or not I mention pirates with demonic red eyes, screwed up faces, and candyfloss hair as part of Rurrick's entourage when he walks in. ;)Ooo! You said the magic word! :eee

I want to be brand spanking new. *nod* Hell. I'll be dancing on the bar when you get there.

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 1st, 2014, 11:33:29 AM
Candyfloss hair won't be dancing, but if it's alright with you Dee I'm going to say that he and Serrena are already acquainted?

(making him brand spanking new too!)

Feb 1st, 2014, 11:51:59 AM
^ Considering Serr knows Dominick (Antho's cousin) through uhh rather... interesting... means... :lol

Antho Moorheart
Feb 1st, 2014, 11:54:12 AM
Dom was part of a 'boarding party' wasn't he? ;)

Lesai Ennix
Feb 1st, 2014, 12:00:54 PM
Zeltrons... :|


Feb 1st, 2014, 12:03:27 PM
Can't beat 'em.

What am I saying. Sure you can. You can snap 'em like twigs :D

Serrena Alcine
Feb 1st, 2014, 05:10:32 PM
Candyfloss hair won't be dancing, but if it's alright with you Dee I'm going to say that he and Serrena are already acquainted?

(making him brand spanking new too!)That would be marvelous! I'm delighted :eee

^ Considering Serr knows Dominick (Antho's cousin) through uhh rather... interesting... means... :lolLong time no see, honey...where have you been keeping your sweet self?

Dom was part of a 'boarding party' wasn't he? ;)There was indeed boarding involved...*twirls a holo disc in her fingers with a grin*

Anne Phoenix
Feb 4th, 2014, 10:45:57 AM
The idea of pirates in the Atravis Sector raises a few interesting questions. During and after the Liberation campaign many pirates were granted free retrofits for their ships in exchange for alliance commissions for privateering duties in the Imperial core worlds. Those that didn't accept the offers were hunted down and exterminated, leaving the Atravis Sector relatively bare of pirates in the immediate liberation aftermath. Any pirates in the sector would either have to come from neighboring systems or perhaps returning from raids on the Core Systems.

Amaros Koine
Feb 4th, 2014, 12:20:22 PM
I imagine that sector geography in the Alliance is pretty fluid / irrelevant in the aftermath of the Treaty. Sectors were a big deal when you had to worry about Imperial Moffs and Sector Fleets patrolling them (or not patrolling them, in the case of liberated sectors). Under the Alliance however, our Fleets defend larger geographical areas that contain dozens of Sectors each; and our political representation is largely on a planet-by-planet basis, rather than having Senators for specific sectors. Sectors are... "space neighbourhoods" for the Alliance, rather than any sort of administrative subdivision.

We may have routed the pirate bases and groups that were in Atravis at the time, but that just means you've cleared a space for the gangs from the surrounding neighbourhoods to move in. We might even see a bit of a turf war with pirate groups going up against each other; I imagine the industrial supplies going in and out of Mustafar are pretty lucrative plunder.

Feb 4th, 2014, 04:27:44 PM
I would imagine the groups who were commissioned by the Rebels are a bit pissed now that they have been left out in the cold and labeled criminals by the same people who paied them to do just what they are doing now. I think some would come back for some payback.

Vittore Montegue
Feb 4th, 2014, 04:46:59 PM
I suppose that depends on whether or not the "privateers" have been integrated into the Alliance Navy or not. We've got an influx of ex-Imperials being retrained for Alliance duty... why not pirates too? Could make for some potentially interesting fleeter / pilot characters; I know Dee is considering this avenue for one of her people.

Feb 4th, 2014, 05:40:45 PM
Indeed I am! Thank you kindly for remembering :)

Vishus Thorn
Feb 7th, 2014, 12:03:12 AM
anyone thought about good Pirate ports. We need a good New Providence, Tortuga or Barataria Bay type place or places. Someplace we can recruit cannon fodder, get the latest gossip, dual to the death, or even get out ships resupplied and repaired.

When I got Thorn going before we were starting off on Courkrus, in the Khuiumin system. So that would be where he would be coming from.

Ledo G. Prent
Feb 7th, 2014, 01:06:06 AM
Florrum is a pirate hotbed, but it's firmly in alliance territory so it may or may not be pacified.

Ryloth would also probably be a pretty good spot to look.

One good possibility too is that a nest of pirates gets their mitts on Rothana. It's on the far side of Hutt space from Alliance territory and would net a whole lot of potential hardware for someone who were to set up shop there.

Atton Kira
Feb 7th, 2014, 05:46:14 AM
I'm not sure that the Alliance would "let" pirates keep Rothana. The nearest Admiral is Vansen Tyree, and he's exactly the sort of guy to swoop in and slug them in the face for shenanigans like that. Alliance space might not extend far enough for them to plant a flag on Rothana just yet, but having ships there to "secure trade opportunities with Rothana Heavy Engineering" seems likely.

I think the pirate worlds we frequent will depend on where we end up hanging out -

Alliance, North
Courkrus is a great place to hang out if we want to be raiding the supply routes for places like Sullust, Sluis Van, etc: there's lots of mining, lots of industry, and lots of SoroSuub Corporation shizzle going on there; but also a heck of a lot of different pirate bands basing themselves out of Courkrus, so there'd be quite a lot of competition. Ryloth is less a pirate port and more a "we don't give a rats ass if you're shady" kind of place, a bit like Persephone in Firefly.

Alliance, South
Florrum or Korphir are good places to stage out of if we're interested in the northeast of the map: the abandoned Corporate Sector, the Carshoulis Cluster, and the Tion Cluster are all juicy targets; and there's the Gordian Reach, which has dozens of agriworlds, mining worlds, and industry worlds, and that means lots and lots of cargo convoys. There's also Junction: not a shadowport per se, but it's in neutral space between the Alliance and the Empire, so you're bound to have all sorts of goods and commodities flooding in, from traders and smugglers trying to dodge around the Alliance-Imperial border rather than ploughing straight across it.

Empire, South
Terminus is a pretty good place if you're looking for ethnic diversity and weirdness: it's at the end of two major hyperspace routes; on the edge of the galaxy, Wild Space, and the Alliance-Imperial border; and it's a busy crowded place that's great for finding stuff and losing yourself in crowds. Head a bit closer in and you've got shadowports like Darlyn Boda (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darlyn_Boda) and Ison (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ison) in the Greater Javin (the new Corporate Sector)... and there's even Isis (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Isis), a Rebel safe world with coordinates so secret that the Empire thinks it's just a rumour.

The Middle Bit
Zeltros is about as close as non-Imperial territory gets to the Core; it's a planet ruled by the criminal underworld, and it's in a region that neither the Alliance or Empire can legally enforce with all that much effect. Manaan is where kolto comes from: not as good as bacta, but it's cheaper by virtue of the fact it's not taxed up the ying-yang by the Empire; and thus is a pretty lucrative commodity to steal from freighters. The Merson Pirates hang out at Merson (surprisingly), which might be a good base of operations in that area.

Something I've been pondering the last few days - what if we built a "pirate faction" rather than just a "pirate crew"?

I'm thinking Pirates of the Caribbean style stuff here. Being a Separatist General type guy, maybe Rurrick Grov has been going around threatening, bribing, manipulating, and otherwise convincing various pirate groups to ally together: groups like Hapan Pirates, Merson Pirates, Mugaari Pirates, the Khuiumin Survivors, Riistar's Raiders, the Blackstar Pirates, and so on. The groups would still be their own private little war bands, keeping their spoils and such, but if one of the pirate bands based out of Courkrus takes a hit, the "Pirate King" can convince the other bands to team up and strike back.

That adds a bit more variety to the kind of pirate action we can do: not just small scale ship raids, but also targeting Imperial raids or Alliance bases, and that sort of thing. It might open up political avenues, with Black Sun trying to strike a deal so that our "pirate syndicate" will agree to leave Black Sun smugglers alone. Certain trading parties might get roughed up for "protection money": pay the pirate syndicate, and you won't get attacked. Planets that used to be Rebel (or at least anti-Empire) that aren't in Alliance space might offer the pirates money / resources / support / equipment in exchange for liberation, protection, etc. We might even get the occasional "pirate fleet" thing happening, to help keep our Alliance and Imperial fleeter friends occupied.

We'd still focus on Rurrick's ship and Rurrick's crew, the way that Pirates of the Caribbean focused on Jack Sparrow and the Black Pearl... but it gives us an excuse to make use of all the cool pirate bases we want, and it means that if a story needs more ships / etc than we have, we can just have some convenient NPC ally friends there to help us out.

That's my half-baked thought, any how. :uhoh

Mmmm... Ben & Jerry's Half-Baked..... *drool*

Park Kraken
Feb 7th, 2014, 06:19:51 AM
That sounds really interesting, but what to call it? The Pirates Guild? League of Extraordinarily Dangerous Pirates? Twelve Sectors of Eight Pirates?

Zereth Lancer
Feb 7th, 2014, 08:55:19 AM
The Pirate Faction idea is really cool. It should give the Empire and Republic pause to just run in and start wiping them out with their superior numbers if doing so would spark the arrival of the Pirate Armada. Less "by the books" types might just take the pirates' cargo for personal gain. This could lead to fun interactions with corrupt Imps and Alliance who turn a blind eye in exchange for goods. Bribing Alliance with Corellian Ale, or other high tariffed or impossible to get on your side of the border goods, etc.

Also, when not pirating, I assume they could always scavenge wrecks left over from space battles between the Rebels and Empire. Illegally, of course but they should be able to scavenge up needed parts and equipment to keep the Prison Barge running and it's crew fed/armed.

Vansen Tyree
Feb 7th, 2014, 10:41:38 AM
There's also the option of the Alliance and the Empire trying to influence the pirates into not attacking them and attacking the other instead; "here, have this brandy, oh btw could you go attack Cloud City? kthnxbai" sorta stuff.

As far as a name... Pirate Syndicate, or The Syndicate or something, maybe? From wikipedia:

A syndicate is a self-organizing group of individuals, companies, corporations or entities formed to transact some specific business, or to promote a common interest. In most cases formed groups aim to scale up their profits. Although there are many legal syndicates formed around the world, the English usage of the term "syndicate" tends to be more often applied to the ones involved in illegal activities. In the case of criminal activity, the syndicate is there to promote, and engage in, organized crime.

A self-organizing group of entities formed to promote common interest, scale up their profits, and engage in organized crime kinda sounds like us. :uhoh

Vishus Thorn
Feb 7th, 2014, 11:27:20 AM
Most of us might not want nor have the social skills to play nice with other pirates. Having to wind in rouge pirates and enforce pirate law might make for good times.

T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Feb 8th, 2014, 12:04:36 AM
Would a common threat help?

With the formation of the Alliance, the Pride might take a more assertive role in anti-piracy operations beyond the stomping grounds of the home cluster. Maybe a blockade of a pirate haven or a nastier response might get some of the pirates to think creatively about their survival?

William Jeffers
Feb 8th, 2014, 12:53:25 AM
We can push the pirates across the boarder into alliance space. The Empire still has a massive fleet at its disposal. It would be much more difficult on our side of the border than the Alliance's to work in large groups. We will be looking for our lost prison ship for sure.

Rurrick Grov
Feb 8th, 2014, 07:58:39 PM
Would a common threat help?

With the formation of the Alliance, the Pride might take a more assertive role in anti-piracy operations beyond the stomping grounds of the home cluster. Maybe a blockade of a pirate haven or a nastier response might get some of the pirates to think creatively about their survival?

That's certainly something that would help, though that might be better as a turbo, rather than the plot's ignition.

The area looked after by the Second Fleet - which includes Dac, the Carshoulis Cluster, and the Gordian Reach - is probably the most juicy part of the Alliance to play with (though the south rim near Sullust and Mustafar is a close second) because of the sheer number of supply shipments that are likely to be coming in and out. If Rurrick is able to make a little headway uniting the pirate bands in that area, they might make themselves enough of a nuisance for the Cizerack to take charge of the Second Fleet's anti-piracy efforts. It's something that could work well in the wake of Ossus too, since that'll mark the first major instance of the Cizerack Fleet getting out and about.

Captain Untouchable
Feb 8th, 2014, 11:05:07 PM
Feel free to jump in (http://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?55361-It-Is-It-Is-A-Glorious-Thing).

There's no action planned for this thread: just a meet and greet to get people introduced, established, and acquainted. Go nuts... but try and keep it peanuts nuts rather than walnuts nuts - we don't wanna wind up tripping over each other and not getting anywhere. :uhoh

Saarrreeaa Raurrssaatta
Feb 19th, 2014, 03:08:26 AM
Where do our pirates stand when it comes to big pleasure liners like, say, The Morning Star, a casino ship full of rich people?

Park Kraken
Feb 19th, 2014, 08:58:31 AM
There's still room for a pirate gang to get involved in my capture thread. Whomever does would stand by to gain from the destruction of several unified pirate groups by absorbing their remnants.

Mandalore the Liberator
Feb 19th, 2014, 06:30:23 PM
I don't know that this is necessarily the sort of thing that General Grov would be involved in. He'd certainly benefit from being able to absorb those pirate groups, and would happily sweep up the survivors in the aftermath... but secret dealings with the Imperials is a bit too clandestine for his tastes.

Plus, if he lets the Alliance be the ones who attack the pirates, he misses out on all of the glory of battle, and where's the fun in that?

T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Feb 19th, 2014, 08:14:28 PM
jI am eagerr to make the good Generral'ss acquajintance...

Perrhapss jI'll have hjiss ssecond ejye asss a keepssake.

Anne Phoenix
Feb 19th, 2014, 09:41:12 PM
He wouldn't need to be involved in anything but the aftermath part. He could perhaps receive an invitation, decline it, hear about the aftermath, then come swooping in looking for leftovers. Or such a thing could occur in another thread entirely.

Sassy Du'Wook
Feb 20th, 2014, 07:49:14 AM
I would like to join Grov's Pirate Gang if at all possible. Although I mainly specialize in Faith Healing, I can carry out a number of assigned tasks while performing a healing ritual, including scouting, incapacitation, and thievery. :mischief

Serrena Alcine
Feb 20th, 2014, 08:31:50 AM
Apologies that I have yet to make an appropriate entrance to the gathering thread...I shall do so this evening, with a decidedly miniscule amount of clothing involved. *nod*