View Full Version : Get Fit Not Fat - 2014

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 2nd, 2014, 04:48:03 PM
It is a new year and I thought we needed a new general FITNESS THREAD. Do you have goals for your body this year? What are they? How are you reaching them?

My goals are to get a 240 lb DL and a 185 lb squat by mid year. I feel slightly insane. Last year I lost 30 lbs, and I'm sitting at a 135lb squat and a 165 lb DL.

Do you even lift, bro? :smug:

Morgan Evanar
Jan 2nd, 2014, 08:14:37 PM
I am marching back towards a 225x5 squat ASAP and back to over 300 deads.

Today was terrible, though. I had no energy in the gym at all.

Jan 3rd, 2014, 06:53:52 AM
Nothing overly complicating things to begin with: 3 days of circuit training at home, interspersed with a couple of swimming sessions. Goal is to improve fitness because I'm a mess. Once I start gauging my limits, I'll start assigning myself targets. I want to do as much as possible outside of the gym, because my local gym is shite and I don't have a car to go somewhere better.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 3rd, 2014, 01:52:21 PM

Here are some options on routines to do, some of these require weights:

sean10mm's Stripped 5x5 (http://newbie-fitness.blogspot.com/2007/01/stripped-5x5.html) - Barbell/dumbbell full body program - popular for strength/fat loss.
Starting Strength (http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ) - Old-school full-body barbell strength training with minimal accessories.
Stumptuous Programs: Full Body (http://www.stumptuous.com/workout-1), Upper/Lower Split (http://www.stumptuous.com/workout-2), Dumbbells Only (http://www.stumptuous.com/workout-6).
Arnold's 1% Challenge (https://www.fitocracy.com/group/14182/?about) - Bodyweight circuits, and dumbbell and barbell options for quick, 15 minute routines to do every day. 1% of your day toward change.

Misc Links:
Fitocracy (http://Fitocracy.com) (exercise tracker level up pointless points social network, I'm totally on it and you should be too!)

Exercise Form
ExRx (http://exrx.net/Exercise.html) - Brief descriptions of all common lifts. Also Strength Standards for guys and gals (http://exrx.net/Testing/WeightLifting/StrengthStandards.html) by bodyweight.
Starting Strength Wiki (http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ:The_Lifts) - Squat, Bench Press, Overhead Press, Power Clean, Deadlift.
Goblet Squats 101 (http://www.t-nation.com/portal_includes/articles/2011/11-668-04.html) - A simple, effective, nearly impossible to mess up squat.
Lat Pulldowns (http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/training/lat-pulldown-technique.html)/Cable Rows (http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/training/cable-row.html) - Two commonly screwed up back exercises. Read these guides so you don't look like a stupid asshole with a shitty back.
Calf Raises (http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/muscle-gain/training-the-calves.html) - How to focus on the muscles, not tendon assistance.
So You Think You Can Bench (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byOk4OE_6uI)/Squat (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkF9QD7oCIA)

Warming Up/Flexibility/Mobility
Warming Up For The Weight Room (http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/muscle-gain/warming-up-for-the-weight-room-part-1.html) - How to prep yourself for weightlifting.
Foam Rolling (http://www.t-nation.com/readArticle.do?id=475832) - How to give yourself a ghetto sports massage at home.
Super Squat Hip Sequence (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBHzXF-mVjY) - A great stretching routine if your hips feel tight.
Joe DeFranco's Agile 8 Lower Body Warmup (http://www.defrancostraining.com/ask_joe/archives/ask_joe_08-10-03.html#question04) - A combination of foam rolling, dynamic stretching, and static stretching for your legs and hips.
Joe DeFranco's Upper Body Warm-Up (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgxr6xAB5ZM) - An upper body Agile 8, basically.
DieselCrew Two Minute Shoulder Warm-Up (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCp-YynBEvE) - A quick routine that will help keep your shoulders happy.
The Third World Squat (http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance/the_thirdworld_squat) - A way to address inflexibility if you have trouble squatting (see also: Goblet Squats 101 above).

Let me explain this more simply. Do you remember Aladdin? He was always running, climbing, and escaping from the guards. Notice his thin build. His rest was poor: He would catch a few hours of sleep on a cot in a broken shack. He also followed a diet plan that consisted of giving his food away to orphans. This significantly hurt his recovery.

On the other hand, Beauty and the Beast villain Gaston followed the 4-dozen-eggs-per-day plan, supplemented by shooting barrels of ale and drinking the contents. He would lift benches covered with people on alternating days and spend his recovery periods scheming with his friends. He enjoyed his life and also experienced much better recovery and gains.

There is no quick-fix. You can't skip recovery and get fit twice as fast. This is a marathon, not a sprint. The only way to get huge fast is to insult a passing witch and hope she curses you with Beast-strength (but there are downsides to this approach, as well). If you just take this as a lifestyle instead of a magic button, you'll find that you are able to workout three or four times per week, for the years that getting fit will take. You will enjoy it that much more, and you will develop lasting improvements to your body. Your mental health will improve, and you will know that you've worked hard for a long-term increase to your quality of life.

Darth Turbogeek
Jan 4th, 2014, 05:14:59 AM
2661HR data from todays triathlon, cycle leg. Ave 170bpm, max.... 217. F****** hot and windy. I just had to back off because I couldnt control my HR well enough to keep the pace up. The run.... ugh. Ugly day for competition

EDIT : Oh ummm..... attached images dont work if you are using the old sw-fans.net URL.

Edit2 : The goal this year is to do an Ironman 70.3. That's....... ugh. I have no idea how the hell I'm going to achieve that

Mu Satach
Jan 5th, 2014, 06:28:16 PM
I've hired a personal trainer as I can't keep myself motivated to work out regularly. The goal is that by the end of January I'm consistent with my work outs and eating plan. Right now both are all over the place.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 5th, 2014, 08:40:45 PM
What are you doing for your eating plan? I use/d My Fitness Pal to track calories. My name there is jainhollie if you want to add me as a friend (and on Fitocracy I'm hollylolly).

Mu Satach
Jan 10th, 2014, 05:16:05 PM
For my diet I'm using an app from a company called Shaklee. I like their products. Since the beginning of Dec. I've been able to keep my calorie intake between 1600 and 1800. I could be wrong, but my pants are starting to feel a little looser.

I had forgotten I had an account on Fitocracy.

Park Kraken
Jan 13th, 2014, 07:56:26 AM
My first goals are to A) Get back on the scales at the local WW Meeting Location (They only have a limit of 600lbs and I think I'm somewhere near the 625lb mark) and B) Get used to drinking water again (I drink so much soda and sweet tea that I actually have a hard time drinking regular tap water. My body won't let me drink more then about a glass a day before I start gagging on the stuff).

Satkia Beltrak
Jan 13th, 2014, 06:16:26 PM
A few days ago I started a stretching routine. Goal is to do it for 21 days as a start (i.e. until the end of the month). Once I reach that goal, I'll see about going for Yoga or Pilates, as it worked well for me a couple years ago.

It's a quiet/slow start, but so far I'm enjoying it!

Mu Satach
Jan 15th, 2014, 11:03:12 AM
Yesterday I went and had a body composition test done. I am currently 60% fat, 40% lean muscle and a weight of 282 lbs. pfft. :p

At least my pants are looser than they were a month ago. I need to wear a belt now.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 15th, 2014, 11:40:18 AM
60% bf, really? What sort of test was it?

Congrats on the looser pants!

Mu Satach
Jan 15th, 2014, 12:38:47 PM
Air Displacement Plethysmography

I've gained a lot of weight over the past few years. When I was at Dragon Con I was about 235 lbs. and was losing weight, but after that I developed a skin allergy and needed to be put on prednisone for about two months. After that I have been dealing with several other problems and on and off different medications since then. Most causing weight gain. I've been yo-yo'ing quite a bit. Then I was on one last year that really increased my weight by about 50 lbs. even with counting calories and exercise. Thankfully I'm not on that one anymore and the weight is starting to slowly come off. I'm hoping that by the end of the year I'll be under 200 or better yet, closer to 180.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 15th, 2014, 12:47:45 PM
That Bod Pod thing looks awesome.

That sucks about the meds and weight gain thing, I'm glad you won't be struggling in vain against your meds anymore.

Mu Satach
Jan 15th, 2014, 01:48:22 PM
Yeah, last year was pretty frustrating. I plan on going back to the bod in 3 months and see what changes have happened. It's interesting to think that under my flab is a sveltey 115 lbs body that I need to find. ;)

Satkia Beltrak
Jan 19th, 2014, 06:11:51 AM
I'm at 10 days of the 21 goal of maintaining my stretching routine. Almost halfway there! :)

Still debating how I'll make it evolve afterwards.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 4th, 2014, 11:35:27 AM
Have some back photos: BABY GOT BACK

http://i.imgur.com/59t0bkw.png http://i.imgur.com/aVqeqd4.png
http://i.imgur.com/FUDT7j7.png...and a slight muffin top thanks a lot workout pants

Darth Turbogeek
Feb 7th, 2014, 04:37:06 AM
^^^ :eee:swoon: ^^^

Proof doing weights make girls hot.

Struggling with sickness lately. Last event I got off hte bike and threw up. * sigh* and I was in such good tune in December......

Darth Turbogeek
Feb 13th, 2014, 04:35:56 AM
I've done something very dumb.

Entered an Ironman 70.3. Holy shit this is a baaaaaaaaad idea

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 13th, 2014, 11:54:37 AM
We'll put that on your tombstone. ;)

Good luck!

Taataani Meorrrei
Feb 14th, 2014, 10:41:57 AM
I've got my first 5k of the season coming up tomorrow and I already know my time is not going to be great. Oh well I'll get the best I can. Next months run I should be in better fighting shape

Darth Turbogeek
Feb 18th, 2014, 07:58:18 AM
I wrote A Thing


Taataani Meorrrei
Feb 18th, 2014, 10:43:34 AM
Finished 5k in 34:34. Meh.

training for next months run now

Darth Turbogeek
Feb 26th, 2014, 02:01:36 AM
So not content to try on one 70.3 in November.... I'm now signed up to do TWO. Ironman 70.3 Penrith end of November, Forster Challenge 70.3 beginning.

Saarrreeaa Raurrssaatta
Feb 26th, 2014, 11:07:41 AM
Two in the same month, that's pretty crazy!

Dae Jinn
Feb 27th, 2014, 01:08:45 AM
So, people on FB already know this, but I joined the gym in October. I've lost about 10 lbs, and I'm almost done my sessions with my trainer. I had a "life changer" appt, where they measured me, weighted me, etc. My body thinks it's 48 years old, hooray...I lose all the weight I want to, my body will still think it's hella old because of genetics, lol. I'm hella fat, and it's my own damn fault, so I need to work hard to get to a better place physically and mentally.

Before the weather turned to shit, I was doing a 30 minute commute 3 times a week to the gym, doing 30 minutes of cardio + some really light strength training. With my trainer, I've been doing 60 minutes of various exercises, three times a week. I love that my body is actually changing (If I suck in super hard, you can SEE MUSCLES SOMEWHERE UNDER THE FAT!) even if I still think I look like a ball with legs, heh. I can almost do a minute plank, I lift between 25-75 lbs on the circuit machines and I can usually do it without being in pain the next day.

My gym goal is to get up to and past a minute with my plank, keep going there three times/week and to start taking yoga classes at least once a week. Also to turn into a prune from the whirlpool whenever I can :3

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 27th, 2014, 01:12:01 PM
You are rocking it Mandi, just keep it up. Exercise is great and good for the mind too because of the endorphins or whatever, I'm not a doctor. :lol Also, sucking in your stomach is called a "stomach vacuum" and it's an exercise too! It strengthens your interior abdominal muscles and is good for pulling in your core/narrowing the waist, as I understand it.

My diet is out of control, in that I'm eating whatever I want and not paying attention to macros whatsoever. My calories seem to be at maintenance because I haven't gained/lost weight, but I am not gaining any strength either. Need to up the protein ASAP.

Mu Satach
Feb 27th, 2014, 08:28:08 PM
Way to go Dae! :)
Keep it up.

So far this week has been good. I went over my calorie goal by 72 yesterday, but other than that I've managed to keep myself under 1800. Also have hit the gym 3 times this week. I kinda had a few weeks of fuk it all, so getting back into it again.

Dae Jinn
Feb 27th, 2014, 08:41:30 PM
Woo, go Mu! :D

I don't really track calories, but I do write down everything that I eat - including gum/cough drops/whatever. Basically anything I put into my mouth (that sounds dirtier than I meant it to, lol). I try to make healthier choices, though. I need to eat more protein, less carbs and more vegetables. D:

Holly, my trainer has basically said that sucking in and holding it counts as exercise, and that I should work on my squat when I sit down or use the washroom, lol. I have to stand all shift at work, so I may as well suck in my gut while I do it.

Did a hot yoga class today, and 20 minutes on the sort of elliptical machine (it lets you increase your stride, so you can walk, jog or run on it. I completely spaced on the name). Yoga was interesting, I tried my best to do all the poses but some of them were just too hard. I sweated my ass off though!

Mu Satach
Mar 1st, 2014, 08:30:41 PM
Well, yesterday and today were a complete wash. Yesterday felt pretty good, but was running late and wanted to get something filling. Big mistake. Did a drive through breakfast sandwich and in one meal blew about 60% of my calories. >_< And because it was a long work day did not get in a workout.

Today was just a lazy Fu'kit'all.

I'll get back to work tomorrow.

Mu Satach
Mar 6th, 2014, 12:37:04 PM
4 days in a row of workouts - I am discovering muscles I didn't know existed.

I need to re-evaluate/adjust my meals now. Having serious hunger urges and twice this week went over my 1800 goal. Tonight, steak for dinner. Lunch will be a butt load of leafy green things with bell peppers and other goodies.

Darth Turbogeek
Mar 6th, 2014, 11:05:36 PM

About as fast as your average small car and cost about the same.

Also has electronic paddleshift gearshift, programmble harshness and also automated shifting. It also self adjusts to reduce chain drag. 7kgs, pretty much the only metal on it are the gears - the rest is carbon fibre with some titanium.

An utter joy to ride!

Morgan Evanar
Mar 8th, 2014, 08:09:16 PM
I keep setting DB bench PRs.

I also need a deep tissue massage.

Darth Turbogeek
Mar 15th, 2014, 06:43:22 AM
More I Wrote A Thing


Mu Satach
Mar 18th, 2014, 11:36:23 AM
I weighed myself this morning and I've lost 7 lbs. since my last weigh in. Total loss of just over 15 lbs. since the beginning of the year.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 18th, 2014, 11:39:56 AM
Great job and happy birthday!

Mu Satach
Mar 18th, 2014, 02:29:31 PM
Thanks. :)

Darth Turbogeek
Mar 19th, 2014, 03:51:11 AM
i weighed myself this morning and i've lost 7 lbs. Since my last weigh in. Total loss of just over 15 lbs. Since the beginning of the year.

hell yea! Virtual high five!

Darth Turbogeek
Apr 4th, 2014, 04:13:23 AM
Tomorrow's fun - 1km swim, 30km bike, 8km run.

Mu Satach
Apr 6th, 2014, 02:21:48 PM
Just got my bike out of the shop yesterday. New chain, new brake pads and swapped out the mountain bike treads for a set of slicks to use on the streets. Rides like a whole new bike. Broke it in yesterday with a 5 mile bike ride. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 6th, 2014, 02:24:57 PM
I have my deadlift up to 165x4, still far away from ultimate strength.

Darth Turbogeek
Apr 10th, 2014, 05:16:35 AM
Unfortunatly with some illness I wasnt *quite* at race weight. It's not been the best year to get rid of the last 5 kgs.

Stilll...... at least the legs look ripped



Apr 13th, 2014, 06:31:31 PM

I really should cut more weight but need to keep my strength up or I'll never get close to my toxx goal on SA :ohno

edit: forgot who I was signed in as :lol

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 15th, 2014, 01:00:00 PM
I am going to be starting the Texas Method style of weight training tomorrow, wish me luck.

Mu Satach
Jun 4th, 2014, 12:55:34 PM
I'm in my 4th week of a beginner Wing Chun class.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 9th, 2014, 09:09:01 AM
I'm in my 4th week of a beginner Wing Chun class.
I keep seeing your workouts on Fitocracy and going "yay Mu!"

My deadlift PR from this morning, was supposed to be 180x5, stupid plates rolled and I had to reset, killed my momentum and it was a terrible workout anyway.