View Full Version : Dragon's Prophet (Free To Play)

Peter McCoy
Nov 27th, 2013, 07:19:40 AM
So the latest issue of PC Gamer had a small booklet inside with details of this newish MMO, as well as a code for an awesome Dragon to use in game. I read the rticle and it sounded kinda cool so I thought I'd give it a go. I haven't played it yet but the download has finished and now it's installing so I'll let you guys know what I think...

The basic idea is that you make a character from one of four classes - Guardian, Oracle, Ranger or Sorcerer. Guardians are focus on heavy armour and sword techniques; Oracle's deal massive damage with huge scythes; Rangers use bows to keep enemies at bay and can also snipe for good damage; Sorcerers can keep small armies at bay with elemental AoE spells. So you fight and explore and level up, laying waste to undead enemies and other monsters like trolls. But then there's Dragons!

Once you defeat a particular dragon, you kinda own it. Without spending any money you have 2 active slots and 2 stable slots. You then level up and train your dragons in various skills and abilities such as combat and crafting which sounds initially similar to the companions of TOR. You also use them to fly around the huge world which is apparently very detailed and expansive.

The devs have plans to introduce other features such as being able to pit your dragons against other players' in a kind of Pokemon-style battle. Also, while currently you can have your own home and decorate it with loot and crafted items, guilds will eventually be able to found their own cities and claim regions Eve Online-style and choose how to run them, and they may even introduce the ability for guilds to control mega-sized Dragons to unleash on enemy territory.

It all sounds awesome to read but I'm ready to play now so I'll see whether this article paints a true picture or not.