View Full Version : Star Wars RP Classifieds
Captain Untouchable
Oct 29th, 2013, 10:33:14 AM
Got a Star Wars character that you're itching to write as, but you're not really sure what to do or who to do it with?
Have an idea for a thread, but there's a character missing?
Our Classified Ads thread offers YOU the opportunity to flaunt your ideas at the low low price of FREE! All it takes is a few short moments to plug your character or idea, and then just sit back and watch the PMs from interested parties roll in!
And don't forget: when our HIGHLY PROFESSIONAL and ALL INCLUSIVE service is inevitably successful, make sure you come back and update your ad so the world knows that RP CLASSFIEDS has another satisfied customer!
Oct 29th, 2013, 10:46:52 AM
Force Sensitive Bounty Hunter Seeks Prey
Honestly, I'm just looking for something to do with this dude. He's been around on the boards for 5 years but I never really got a chance to get him off the ground.
Best way to sum him up is to compare him to a panther or something: when he's calm, he slinks around and does a lot of growling, purring type talking stuff, but when things start hitting the fan he goes into pounce mode, and tears it up like a ferocious animal. He uses Vapaad - the badass lightsaber style that only works when you get angry - and tends to only use lightsabers when he wants the kill to be clean: the rest of the time he prefers swords and daggers and claws and stuff that are gonna make a mess. He's very physical when it comes to fighting, so if someone's just plain spoiling for a fight and they're more of a telekinesis type Jedi person, that might be interesting.
Also, he's one of Salem Ave's lackeys, if anyone's interested in doing stuff with him on more amicable terms. On top of that, he's a Lieutenant in Black Sun, and is sort of an enforcer type guy, so if anyone wants to be visited and threatened by Idris Elba... I can arrange that. :mischief
Amos Iakona
Oct 29th, 2013, 11:07:03 AM
Amos Iakona's Outrageous Adventure
To keep things interesting with my Force sensitive characters, I'm trying to give each of them a bit of a twist when it comes to their skills and their combat style, so that it's more challenging/interesting/engaging for me to write. With Amos Iakona, I decided that he was going to be utterly terrible at deflecting blaster bolts, because "that's impossible", and it's sort of a mental block that he struggles to overcome.
He does come up with a solution, though: Amos hails from Naboo originally, and so he's familiar with the Gungans and their energy shields. What I'd like to do is have some sort of quest / trial / whatever you want to call it that involves Amos going to Naboo, retrieving one of these shields, and perhaps having a bit of an adventure along the way. I don't want to do a ginormous epic thread because I really, really want this to be something that gets started and finished: I've been wanting to do it for three years, and none of my attempts have managed to get very far.
That said, the idea of the thread being "just about me" is kinda boring... if other people (other Padawans?) have ideas for little adventures they might want to do on Naboo or elsewhere, maybe we could make a little field trip out of it? A small group piles into Amos' ship, we do a series of little quests, and come back more badass as a result?
Zereth Lancer
Oct 30th, 2013, 04:09:43 PM
Creole Ninja Marmalade Seeking Conflict
Zereth is one of the final remnants of the fallen Sith Order, and while his outlook on life puts him more in the moral gray he cannot refute that he draws power from the darkside of the force. His recent adventure moved him from familiar streets of Corellia into the ranks of the New Republic as a Special Forces operative working alongside Asha Vendax. While she is very aware of his status as a force user, she has kept that knowledge between them and thus Zereth has managed to keep his darkside powers hidden from his New Republic superiors. However, it's only a matter of time before someone finds out or a Jedi passes by and senses him. Zereth specializes in force illusions and has used them to further hide his true identity. He has no ulterior motives for working with the New Republic and is serving no darker agenda.
Potential thread could include Special Operations with Zereth, any kind of New Republic military goings on, or perhaps his identity as a darksider being discovered by a passing Jedi/force sensitive member of the New Republic military.
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