View Full Version : Vanilla Sunday

Captain Untouchable
Jul 29th, 2013, 10:31:42 AM
Vanilla Sunday is an idea I had a while ago for a podcast that isn't a podcast. It would involve a few people chatting about nerdy news and that sort of thing for half an hour or so (like a podcast), but while they're doing it they'd be pottering around on an umodded ("Vanilla") Minecraft server.

If people want to experience it as a podcast, they'd be able to download each episode as an mp3. If people want to experience it as video content, it'll be uploaded for them to watch on youtube. If they're the sort of person who likes to watch minecraft while they minecraft, they "won't miss much" if they're only half paying attention. I'm looking into the possibility of using twitch.tv to "livestream" the sessions (then archive the footage, download, edit, and upload to youtube), which means that potentially people could watch live, interact with the 'casters, ask questions, etc. Plus, there's the possibility that our chatting will get interrupted by a zombie invasion, a skeleton attack, someone accidentally riding their horse off a cliff, etc.

I'd like to get an episode recorded either in time for this Sunday or next Sunday... I figure that Comic-Con and Celebration should give us plenty of stuff to talk about. I can't really chat with myself though, so I was hoping a couple of people might be interested in getting involved?

(If you don't have Minecraft or aren't able to play but are still interested in being involved... I have some solutions in mind.)