View Full Version : A Cry for Freedom!

Jul 8th, 2013, 04:13:38 PM
Hey everyone, So Travis and I have been talking for about a month now about a story. And now it seems we have the idea worked out and I wanted to throw it out here for others to comment on.

So this will be based in a new system were making up on the boarder of Imperial / Alliance space. The system has 4 terrestrial worlds one of which is a major Agri world for the newly formed Alliance of Free Planets. It will be a massive part of feeding all the new citizens of the Alliance. This world from the outside looks on the up and up but there is a secret. The world is under the protection of the Alliance and with the leverage they have being one of the major food providers they have been able to keep secret the fact they they are really a tyrannical regime suppressing their population and slaving the population of one of the other worlds in the system.

Now as everything seems nice and legit the alliance leaves them alone for the most part. The Conglomerate controlling the world is allowed to police themselves, have their own defense force and fleet. They control the world with a smile on their face and make happy happy joy joy friends with anyone from the outside. This is all about to change. The Imperials have been working on propagating a slave revolt. They have 3 of there new cloaking corvettes in system and have been funneling arms and resources to a rebellion forming on the slave planet.

So what we have is a role reversal of sorts where the Empire is helping a suppressed people against tyrants. But for their own benefit. Making the whole thing public and embarrassing the Alliance will go a long way to maybe bringing worlds on the fence over to their side.

An attack on their main food processing planet will halt their production long enough for the Alliance book keepers to notice. They will send a rep to investigate and that's when the fun begins. Slave Pirates will attack freighters and other targets of opportunity with materials siphoned to them by Imperial agents. The Alliance will see a rebellious population rising up against one if its main food worlds and will be lead to believe it is just that.

So I know alot of you guys have alot of other stuff going, but if anyone is interested jump in. We have worked out alot of details already. just waiting on the timing to be right.

Jul 8th, 2013, 09:11:24 PM
Sounds really interesting. I don't know about getting involved directly (though maybe I can get Onashi in because he needs to be badass in a morally bankrupt way), but I would definitely like to use this as background/backdrop for a (Dis)Honest Job for Ben.