Captain Untouchable
Jun 20th, 2013, 03:15:29 AM
I used to do those movie clips to music type videos that you see on youtube all the time when I was at school... haven't done it in quite a while, but if I'm going to be doing Youtube videos and stuff I thought it'd be good practice for editing those. Also, my dad got me some decent music mixing/editing software for Christmas for recording songs that I've written, so I want to practice using that to.
The first video I'm going to be working on is a trailer and/or opening credits type thing for the Star Trek roleplaying some of us are doing. Since I'll be working with footage from one or both of the Abrams movies, there may well be some other Star Trek theme stuff that ends up getting made as a get familiar with the footage. In prep for that, I'm playing around with some audio edits / shortenings / blends that I can use for the backing.
The first ( is a blend of the Star Trek "do-do-dooos" (technical term) from the end of the first Abrams movie, blended with a bit of Two Steps From Hell. The transition between the two is intentionally abrupt, because I want to cut from the "majestic tranquillity" of the beginning bit to Heart of Courage for the more action-orientated stuff. I did another version ( with the Next Generation do-do-dooos, which had a different transition that I might use for something else.
The second ( so far is the Next Generation do-do-dooos blended with a cheesy TV theme tune from the 90s. I figure I'll use this for a kind of spoofy GalaxyQuest style title credits montage, either for our roleplaying or for the actual Abrams crew.
More to follow, probably!
The first video I'm going to be working on is a trailer and/or opening credits type thing for the Star Trek roleplaying some of us are doing. Since I'll be working with footage from one or both of the Abrams movies, there may well be some other Star Trek theme stuff that ends up getting made as a get familiar with the footage. In prep for that, I'm playing around with some audio edits / shortenings / blends that I can use for the backing.
The first ( is a blend of the Star Trek "do-do-dooos" (technical term) from the end of the first Abrams movie, blended with a bit of Two Steps From Hell. The transition between the two is intentionally abrupt, because I want to cut from the "majestic tranquillity" of the beginning bit to Heart of Courage for the more action-orientated stuff. I did another version ( with the Next Generation do-do-dooos, which had a different transition that I might use for something else.
The second ( so far is the Next Generation do-do-dooos blended with a cheesy TV theme tune from the 90s. I figure I'll use this for a kind of spoofy GalaxyQuest style title credits montage, either for our roleplaying or for the actual Abrams crew.
More to follow, probably!