View Full Version : Footsteps (OOC)

Captain Untouchable
Jun 16th, 2013, 09:40:17 PM
The Thread - Valiant: Footsteps (http://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?23392-Valiant-Footsteps)

Figured this was easier than trying to do everything in the one thread we already had.

At the moment we're in the introductions phase of the story, where I'm trying to get the Captain and "audience" acquainted with as many of our main characters as possible in an order that makes narrative sense. The order is currently:

Charley's chief engineer (done!)
Dee's helmsman (done!)
Andrew's navigator (in progress...)
Sarah's science officer
Chris's doctor
Christin's executive officer
Charley's comms officer
If you're not on the list because I'm forgetful, or if you're adding bonus characters and would like to slot them in somewhere, y'all know my AIM details, and I pretty much never sleep.

When we get to the meat and potatoes of this story, we'll be going to Eminiar VII (http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Eminiar_VII), which is a planet that was featured in the original series episode "A Taste of Armageddon (http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/A_Taste_of_Armageddon_%28episode%29)". We will be arriving nine years earlier than the Enterprise did, and under different circumstances, so the plot itself will end up being a little different for us: but if you have the opportunity to watch the episode on Netflix, you might find it helps get a feel for the kind of situation we'll be in.

Also, make sure you pay attention to the people we meet and the stuff that happens during this thread (as well as When Vulcan Fell (http://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?23403-When-Vulcan-Fell)), because I have been and will be introducing characters, events, and concepts that will wind up being relevant in later stories.