View Full Version : I hate to be the one to rain on your parade...

Dasquian Belargic
May 26th, 2005, 02:57:41 PM
During Palpatine's rule, several Force Users were discovered and recruited into a small group of Dark Siders called The Sith Order. TSO was established on Corellia, the planet being fiercely loyal to the Empire. When the war began to reach it's peak and it seemed to turn in favor of the Rebellion, Palpatine had TSO moved to Korriban in the old Sith catacombs where the small group continued to learn and thrive.

Upon Palpatine's death, Sel'arra Daijo took up the name Lady Vader, in honor of the late Sith Darth Vader. She also seated herself as an Elder, along with a few others, of the group so as to continue to maintain it's stability.

TSO made a pact to quel the unrest, fanning out singly, pairs, or in small group, to be rid of the Rebellion and what Jedi were left, once again ruling the galaxy in Palpatine's stead.

But this isn't very believable/practical/etc. Paplatine adhered strictly to the rule of two.

Lady Vader
May 26th, 2005, 03:22:29 PM

Here I comply to accept what's happening. I go through great lengths to think of somehow fitting in and then I get told I can't do something.

This place really is beginning to feel very tyranical.

If he adhered so closely to the rule of two, then why did he consider the possibility of turning Luke?

If it's against the RULES here, then please help me to think of something as opposed to "sorry, can't do that". Give me some options here before I go crazy.

Dasquian Belargic
May 26th, 2005, 03:30:48 PM
The Emperor wanted Luke to kill his father and assume his place as the new apprentice to the Sith Lord. It's just like Anakin and Dooku all over again.

As for an alternative... here is a suggestion that one poster came up with:

There is no way that Palpatine would back --or even suffer the existance of-- a large group of Force sensitive cultists of any type, regardless of their moral leanings. His version of the Sith Code wouldn't allow it.

But I would buy that a small cult existed in secret, just without any real power. They studied Sith lore as well, but focused more on the teachings of Reven, Malak (from the KotOR game), and Exar Kun.

Now that both Darth Sidious and his apprentice are dead, the time is perfect for a Sith Reformation to occur. A new group could form that was more like the Sith of 1,000 years ago. No rule of two.

Lady Vader
May 26th, 2005, 03:32:55 PM
Good alternative. And one I can live with.

May I ask who the author of the post was?

Is this better? Do the gods approve?

During Palpatine's rule, a few Force users created a small cult that existed in secret away from the Emperor's eyes. They knew that if Palpatine caught word of their existance, they would be exterminated without mercy. Thusly they lived in secret and called themselves The Sith Order.

Sel'arra Daijo, having wealthy family on Corellia on her father's side, created accidents where eventually the only one left in her family was herself and the vast wealth. She used this wealth to build a large mansion that resembled a palace. In the bowels of this palace, the cult would get together and study Sith lore, focusing on the teachings of the old Sith Lords through a vast databank of knowledge they pieced together and a Sith holocron.

While there, she befriended a high ranking Imperial, who was the only one that kenw of their existance.

When the Rebellion began to strike out in earnest and the Empire beefed up their military on their planets, TSO removed themselves from Corellia and moved to Korriban where they continued their Sith practices.

Upon news of the death of the Emperor and Darth Vader, Sel'arra took on the name Lady Vader, in honor of the late Sith Darth Vader. She also seated herself as an Elder, along with a few others, of the group so as to continue to maintain it's stability.

TSO made a pact to quel the unrest, fanning out singly, pairs, or in small group, to be rid of the Rebellion and what Jedi were left, once again ruling the galaxy as Palpatine had.

May 26th, 2005, 03:49:26 PM
Originally posted by Lady Vader
Here I comply to accept what's happening. I go through great lengths to think of somehow fitting in and then <font color=red>I get told I can't do something.</font> Please point out to me where you were told you could not do something.

Originally posted by Lady Vader
This place really is beginning to feel very tyranical.

If he adhered so closely to the rule of two, then why did he consider the possibility of turning Luke?

<font color=red>If it's against the RULES here</font>, then please help me to think of something as opposed to "sorry, can't do that". Give me some options here before I go crazy. And where was this said by the staff?

You know what? I am about one more lie away from banning you for being a drama hound. Just about every reaction I have seen from you in the last few days as far as the idea that was proposed has been nothing short of ridiculous, illogical, and in many cases blatantly wrong.
Originally posted by Lady Vader
Is this better? Do the gods approve?Take the attitude down a few notches. Take some time to read things carefully and think them through, instead of crafting your own version of events based on what appears to be an instinctual emotional response, or just put it down and step away.

Adraudia Basillie
May 26th, 2005, 03:54:43 PM
Drin suggested it :)

I will snurfle him for you since you like it

Sel'arra Daijo, having wealthy family on Corellia on her father's side, created accidents where eventually the only one left in her family was herself and the vast wealth.

as i said in chat this is funny with the wording :lol

Everything else is fine :)