View Full Version : READ: Imperials need organising

Tiberius Anar
May 26th, 2005, 02:23:39 AM
As most will know the boards are being "re-set". Essentially we are going back to the hours after the Emperor died and, for one year at least, playing out a story arc based around that time.


This means that the Empire is, at least to start with, a single entity once more. This in turn means that all the Imperials on the boards are going to be working together.

Let's work out where and, to some extent, who we are all going to be in the re-set galaxy. Are we going to be Moffs who see an opportunity to make their own Empire? Are we Generals wlling to maek a bid for the throne? Admirals left in command of the fleet at Endor by the death of Piett? Are we Vader's Sith apprentices? I will start.

I wish to make Tiberius Anar a full time polictician/administrator in this new setting. He is the Emperor's caretaker, the chief minister who gets lumbered with all the donkey work of implementing domestic policy. When the emperor dies he is one of the men left trying to hold the empire together (I'm thinking he could tell the Moffs and has them implement martial law). The question is: will he make a bid to be the man?

(As a note, the story arc that I thought would be most interesting for us would be that Sate Pestage, the Grand Viser, knows the Emperor has a clone. The leaders of the Empire send out a fleet to search for the clone. We could put it under the command of one Palpatine's loyal apprentices (e.g. Viscera) and have him roving the Galaxy whilst the Rebels try to thwart his efforts to find the clone.)

Lady Vader
May 26th, 2005, 11:41:05 AM
Speaking for Javus Parr, former Commander in the Imperial Navy and to the Saiatah High Roller, now the Prime Minister or Moff or whatever title is appropriate for watching over Corellia's dealings (not beaurocratically, but mostly militarily).

Anyways, I'm going to tie him losely to TSO, mostly because TSO was set up by Palpatine on Corellia and then later moved to Korriban. The only ones that had knowledge of this to secure secrecy of TSO were Palpatine, Vader, and Javus. Now with Palpatine and Vader dead, Javus is the only one that knows of TSO's existance and where it is based. He can be a mediator between the Empire and these Sith.

Javus is extremely loyal to the Empire and Emperor (Sith as well), and with the Emperor now gone, he has taken it upon himself to continue to oversee dealings on Corellia and maintain order there, while also supplying TSO with information.

He feels that these chosen Sith by Palpatine, along with the stability of the Empire, are the ones that can thwart and crush the Rebellion and what Jedi still remain.

(And assuming enough still want to play Shadow Squadron and it is ok with the other Imperials, Javus will allow the squadron a safe haven on Corellia.)

So, um, yeah, can Javus play too? :p

May 26th, 2005, 12:25:17 PM
I'll keep my eye on this thread since there is a renewed interest in Shadow Squadron and I want to a) make sure the implementation of the squadron into Imperial activities wont be stepping on anyone's toes, and b) discover how the Empire will continue in the reset: will it become splintered or will it remain strong? I am personally hoping the latter option as opposed to the former, since the splintering happened in the old roleplaying story arc and this new arc is about making things fresh. What are your thoughts, guys?

If any of you Imperial guys have any ideas, suggestions or recommendations for Shadow Squadron, please speak up, I'd only be too happy to recieve advice from Imperial veterans. :)

Tiberius Anar
May 26th, 2005, 12:28:12 PM
Thank you both.

Droo. This thread is intended to give some idea of who will be involved with the Empire in future and, based upon the ideas of those people, what direction it will be heading in during the course of the coming fun and frolics (oh I am sorry that should read "war and strife")

May 26th, 2005, 12:42:33 PM
I'll be retaining my role in the Empire but with a slight twist added to by backstory. Im also going to melding more in the command structure. Tear needs more powah!:p

so watch your back you sneaky politician..

Tiberius Anar
May 26th, 2005, 12:44:47 PM
I sense a challenge! Would you mind copying your post about Tear from OOC to here, for the sake of easy reference?

Lady Vader
May 26th, 2005, 01:12:52 PM
Well, lesse... if you're going to need to rebuild Shadow Squadron due to the fatermath of Endor, then you've got the support of the Corellian shipyards.

Khendon Sevon
May 26th, 2005, 01:46:54 PM
Khendon won't be an Imperial. Expect mystery and deception to follow. More information to come as it flows ;)

Tiberius Anar
May 27th, 2005, 02:23:06 AM
Oh my!

Sad to hear this, though very pleased you are being adventurous. This new Galaxy promises not to disappoint.

Any chance of tempting you to do an Imp on the side?

*Anticipates all jokes that could stem from that and does NOT. FIND. THEM. FUNNY.*

Khendon Sevon
May 27th, 2005, 08:48:20 AM
It's possible. Khendon will be doing a bit of fleeting—limited to one capital ship with escorts. So, having another character that does large scale, traditional fleeting might be fun.

Ishan Shade
May 27th, 2005, 12:50:58 PM
I'd like to incorporate Ishan into the Empire somehow.

I was possibly thinking something along the lines of since he owns his own weapons manufacturing corporation, he had worked alongside the Empire all through its reign. He also had a business and somewhat personal relationship with Palpatine, but now with him dead he could try and vie for some of the power within the Empire itself. He has always been an exalted friend of the Empire.

Something along those lines...

Tiberius Anar
May 27th, 2005, 01:19:53 PM
I'm sure that we can work something out.

Ishan Shade
May 27th, 2005, 01:23:09 PM
exccccccceeelllleeennt. :evil

Danik Drayton
May 27th, 2005, 03:23:03 PM
Just a post to say a few things.

Firstly hello.

Secondly I was Colonel Danik Drayton Soveriegnty Army (still am I suppose until the changes take place) if no-one has any objections I would like to retain my position in the Imperial Army in whatever new form it takes.

Luckily for me there is probably little I need to change about my character to fit in the new storyline, so everything I need to carry on is in place.

PS: As far as I know I am the highest ranking Imperial Army Rper apart from Jarek Tchort who is currently absent. If anyone has any ideas or questions etc Id be happy to handle the army for now, and hand on anything I have done to Jarek on his return

Navaria Tarkin
May 27th, 2005, 03:59:07 PM
Anar :) I saw you mention Miranda in your post about cooridinating with the Moffs, and then I realized.. oh yeah o_O She's an Imperial Politician... but the catch is she has only been an advisor to the local government and military because of the name :smokin

She has no -official- title unless the circumstances are dire for her to be bestowed one. Something to RP out perhaps? I personally dont care, but I figured to post in this thread to get the ball rolling with Miranda :)

Lilaena De'Ville
May 27th, 2005, 04:15:33 PM
Consider all of Shadow Squadron part of the Empire. We need to be assigned a ship. Can we just name our own ISD and leave it at that?

We also have our own general to 'command' us. I think.

Tiberius Anar
May 28th, 2005, 02:03:35 AM
Naming a destroyer will be fine. Make sure it is a good name though! No Petals, Pansy's or Flowers (There were British ships by those names during WWII. Long story)

And Navaria, thanks for reminding me about Mrianda's exact status. I have some ideas for how to get her into the political thick of things. When they are fully formed I'll let you know the details.

Navaria Tarkin
May 28th, 2005, 07:12:37 AM
Awesome, I'll keep my eyes posted to this thread and my PM box as things progress.

Telan Desaria
May 28th, 2005, 09:34:25 AM
Shadow Squadron - -I think it would be fitting if your host Destroyer was the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Termagant.
- Termangant is a word that means a ferocious female warrior.
For a squadron, I would recommend having a Major or Colonel - -but if you want to be truly elite than you can have a Major-General who is both the squadonr commander and the commander of the Destroyer's six squadron compliment.

Danik - -you may retain your character. You also have another assignment. Find out where Jarek is - - he is a good friend and I have heard hide nor hair.

Tear - -welcome back also - -I look foward to rping with you.

Ishan - -welcome also.

As far as Desaria- - he wont be here. Telan Desaria was borned five yeasr after the battle of Endor. As to just what Im going to do Im not sure. I think im going to have an original Desaria as one of the Twelve (grand admirals) and have him make a clone copy of himself and give him a full maturation period thus being raised by a family in normal time. So Desaria we klnow now would still be such nd the one I rp would be the same, just at a different time.

Thoughts? cause thats the best I can do - -ive been batt;lling this one for a few days now.

Dasquian Belargic
May 28th, 2005, 09:39:44 AM
you could just ... move Telan back in time (I don't mean literally, I just mean alter his background obviously), so that he wasn't born so late?

Tiberius Anar
May 28th, 2005, 01:55:06 PM
Way I see it, the Desaria of the present boards will exist in the archives. The Desaria ypu rp will be a different incarnation in many ways, distinct and separate in his experiences though not his behaviour and motivations.

I say tweak this incarnation's past to make him a generation earlier. A rising star in the Imperial Navy, head hunted by the Imperial Navy from Centaur's own defence forces. That would make him 35 (or there abouts) and still offer his family history which is one of Desaira's interesting features. (Like I am doing with Anar, the academic turned politician instead of businessman turned politician. Same family history- just shuffled back a bit.)

As for Grand Admiral, difficult. At this stage there is a full coplement of Grand Admirals and the fleet is not so much a meritocracy at its height as it is later. Why not an Admiral serving in one of secotrs against the rebels, or as Piett's deputy who takes over control (we can say he still died when a fighter hit the Executor) you get your first battle big battle field leap and are ready for when the Grand Admirals start to make trouble or die (which is higly like as Anar and the "loyalists" do everything to hold things together).

That way we get Desaria. You get most of the high rank you have already earned and can quickly get the rest of the ranks courtesy of infighting, rebel attacks and general skulduggery. And if you take the position at Endor you get the bonus of all the fun of mopping up, too!

Whilst on this topic. I am thinking of how the first hours of the post-Palpatine empire will play out. I think, in the immediate panic his death will cause, the Empire ought to stick together out of fear of the rebels or that Palpatine is playing possum to weedle out dissenters. After a few weeks pass, everyone realises it is not the latter and starts to think about the future. At that point the fun would start as the more ambitious moffs, siths (where is Viscera btw?), industrialists, and new order grandees jostle for position all with an eye on the throne. Thoughts?

Lilaena De'Ville
May 28th, 2005, 02:35:00 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
Shadow Squadron - -I think it would be fitting if your host Destroyer was the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Termagant.
- Termangant is a word that means a ferocious female warrior.
For a squadron, I would recommend having a Major or Colonel - -but if you want to be truly elite than you can have a Major-General who is both the squadonr commander and the commander of the Destroyer's six squadron compliment.

Sounds great to me. I've been bumbling around trying to figure out how to do the ranks but I don't know enough. Apparently the way Taylor had them set up before was a little improper.

Teleran Balades
May 28th, 2005, 07:51:58 PM
*Tentatively,raises hand*

Um, I know that I'm off the active list for the Sov, but I still hold the rank of Rear Admiral, no? If there's a chance, I'd still like to support the empire, when I resigned, I didn't realize that Jarek and several other experienced Imps were AWOL before I was. I guess I feel guilty about leaving everyone hanging.

Is this the part where I crawl back on my hands and knees begging for the Grand Admiral's forgivness?