View Full Version : Construction of a Lightsaber

May 25th, 2005, 03:24:21 AM
Bandage returns from the errands that he needed to run, several datapads and a large case piled in his cradled arms. Finally reaching the mat on the floor, Bandage lays everything down before closing the door behind him. In the next few hours, with schematics and parts and the Force accompanying him, Bandage would attempt to build his first lightsaber. Laying out all the datapads in order before him, Bandage picks up one and begins the grueling but promising task ahead of him.

May 26th, 2005, 01:26:18 AM
After a few hours of pouring through all of the current datapads, Bandage finds himself immersed with information on lightsaber construction. The essential parts were: a focusing lens to hone the raw power into a blade; a power cell to create a flow of energy to the other parts; a faceted crystal for color and blade composition; a power crystal to give the blade it's defined uses; and an emitter to carry the honed energy of the blade outward from the casing itself and into the air. A series of personal crystals could be added to give the blade an identity similar to the user, creating a unique lightsaber. Bandage felt that training sabers lacked these, for they were merely for training, to become adjusted to the use of a lightsaber, and not for personal use. Another essential part to the construction of the lightsaber, and not the lightsaber itself, is the Force, for it would hone down one's work to a precision unreachable by synthetic means, like the robotical assistance that some members of the Sith would use.

Bandage readied himself, opening the duraluminum casing, and laying out all the parts of his saber before him. They were innumerable, infinite. At first, Bandage was skeptical, as well as amazed. How could he, a doctor, create such a weapon? But that was just it. He was no longer a doctor. That title had been stripped from him. Now, he was a Jedi. And a Jedi was more than capable of creating a lightsaber.

Closing his eyes, extending his feeling to the parts before him, until the line between the pieces and himself was blurred or even nonexistent, Bandage focused himself. The Force would guide him, show him just what to do with his own parts.

Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, there was movement. It was Bandage's hands, but not just his hands. The crystals hovered, as if controlled by his hands. With a gesture to rise, the crystals slowly aligned themselves, ready for the biding of the Force.

A phrase escaped Bandage's lips, but the words, though quiet, were powerful, carrying such impact upon the process.

"The crystal is the heart of the blade."

With these words, the crystals became fully aligned, as if they were already in a dormant lightsaber, invisible save for the lone figure kneeling in front of it.

May 27th, 2005, 01:54:56 AM
As the next phrase came to mind, Bandage did not consciously think about it. From the pile of parts, the power cell floated slowly from it, taking it's position in the unassembled lightsaber. As it slowly locked into place, the next phrase then came aloud from the lips of Bandage, the words empowering, meaning much yet very little to Bandage at one moment. It was not the words themselves that had meaning, but the idea that the words inscribed into the mind of the Jedi, the focal point of the ajoining of lightsaber, Jedi, and the Force. As the power cell took its place, Bandage's hands clapsed over his chest.

"The heart is the crystal of the Jedi."

May 28th, 2005, 02:00:49 AM
Everything was going smoothly. No interruptions of any kind. Perhaps the others felt what Bandage was doing, and decided not to intervene in any way. This was, perhaps, good. His commune with the Force itself would remain undeterred.

With no real warning, Bandage brought his hands together, creating a diamond formation with them. The Force permeated the area in his hands, as the next phrase came from his lips.

"The Jedi is the crystal of the Force."

As Bandage's communion with the Force began to become more focused, the focusing lenses of the lightsaber floated from the parts, slowly but surely taking their places at the end, aligning themselves perfectly, as no being could do. This was the work of the Force, the assembly of something absolutely remarkable.