View Full Version : Return of the forsaken (open)

Jason Dreggs
May 20th, 2005, 04:32:17 AM
He stood outside the gates of the stronghold unable to allow himself to enter. He had been gone so long would they still accept him after all this time. He had left with out a word and returned to the ways of his mortal self drifting from planet to planet. He had left because he could not coop with the lose of his master a master he could no longer feel inside him. He had loved his master so dearly in the short time they where together but when she left apart of him died. He wasn't sure if he could live out his unlife as vampire and still he was not sure if could.

Most thought of the blood drinkers as villians with out heart but Jason knew differently. Vampires where just like every other race in the universe trying to survive any way that they could. So why had he returned after all this time was a question that hung on his mind. Maybe it was because this was the only place willing to accept him or maybe he was fully ready to leave his mortal self behind. He sat down on rock just outside the gates thinking his action through wondering if he was really ready to return.

imported_Gerbo Lang
May 20th, 2005, 04:43:03 AM
Gerbo stepped off of his ship and knelt down on one knee. He put the palm of his hand on the ground and grabbed some dirt from it. He allowed the dirt to sift from his hand and blow away in the small breeze. He had been following a vampire he knew all to well for several months now. He had hoped this vampire would lead him to the knew home of the shrine. Last time he was on the planet roon he found there stronghold abandoned but he believed they where still around some where. He looked up at his new partner with a miscivous smile.

"It's time to get your brother Nicky. I believe he has brought us to the knew home of the shrine."

Nicky Huu
May 20th, 2005, 04:57:58 AM
Nicky sneered at Gerbo's comment and the mention of her brother. Her father had sent her here with this foal abomination that was caught between life and unlife. Gerbo was nothing more then her fathers personal gaurd dog. She hated gerbo just about as much as she hated her brother but she loved her father so she obeyed his wishes.

"So after we capture my brother you can start exterminating your kin again?"

Her voice had malice in it and made its point by refering to the vampire as Gerbo's kin. She knew Gerbo dispised vampires but she had no clue why. They where his kin weather he wanted to admit it or not half of them made him who he was. He had blood lust just like them althought he could control it. He was still a beast like them in Nicky's eyes.