View Full Version : Enforcing Stability (Zereth, TSO)

Jacen Mann
May 16th, 2005, 03:01:12 PM
The room was barely lit enough for the light to reflect off the Corellian guards blasters as they stood in pairs in front of the doorway. The darkness made him uneasy, but he was getting used to it as his dealings with the Sith increased more and more. Traditionally he would be dealing with Southstar, as Jacen was his political aide, but this time he was working with the stealthy and most dangerous Zereth Lancer.

Their purpose on Kashyyyk was to quell a political uprising through any means necessary. It was a dangerous moment for Corellia and the Sith Order as an attack by the New Republic seemed imminent. With the exceptionof Zereth, every Sith was called to Corellia to defend their home. The political problems could not have come at a worse time.

"Zereth?" He said steadily. "Are you here?" The Sith Knight had travelled seperately and secretly to Kashyyyk while Jacen's own arrival was much celebrated by the ruling government. He had left a short and simple request for Zereth to meet with him in the lower levels of the Wookie government compound. They needed to discuss how to diffuse the dangerous situation.

Zereth Lancer
May 17th, 2005, 09:22:27 PM
A few of the lights in the room somehow been deactivated or broken. Out of the darkness, created by the lack of light, walked Zereth Lancer. "Yes, I am here" Said the black dressed assassin. His red glowing eyes peering out from under his hood. Zereth had arrived on Kashyyyk a few days before Jacen. He had stowed aboard a transport ship and then slipped off and hid on the planet until the day that Jacen arrived. He then went and hid in the meeting place and waited.

"Is everything going as planned so far?" He asked while keeping all nervousness from his voice. A normal assassination would never have made him this nervous, but this wasn't a normal assassination. If he messed this up he wouldn't just skrew himself but he could make this ugly for The Sith Order.

Jacen Mann
May 18th, 2005, 06:18:13 PM
"According to my first plan? No." He said and brought a liquored drink to his lips. "I was hoping to be able to push the rebels off the scene, but... It's not happening." He met the red eyes for a second and turned away. "So is everything going according to your plan? Yes. I think we have no other choice but to kill him. Privately of course."

Zereth Lancer
May 19th, 2005, 10:09:35 PM
"Yes. Everything is going well, so far." Zereth said as he took a few steps around the room. He had already been briefed of the assumed location of the rebel leader and he had come prepared to "removed" the individual. "But the real question is if you want a simply assassination or do you want him dead and someone framed. I would suggest framing but I do not know who would be best to frame."

Jacen Mann
May 23rd, 2005, 03:59:40 PM
Not a bad idea. he thought but kept it unshielded. He had learned long ago, from Southstar not to attempt to hide his thoughts from the Sith, regardless of content.

"I doubt we could make it look like someone of importance pulled the trigger, but perhaps a paper trail to a random assassin would suffice." But who the paper trail would lead to was in question. The rebel Wookie had many rivals and enemies, but they were all allies of the Sith and Corellia. Jacen took a sip of his drink and exhaled a big breath of air. "Leave the trail to me, you do what you're best at. I'll have a framing candidate for us tommorrow morning."