View Full Version : I'll say it again, I'm not food!!

May 15th, 2005, 09:47:56 AM
It had been a very long time since the little Isnik set foot in the Bar and Grill; what with its' relocation to Coruscant and all. But the little orange ball of fuzz had tracked down his favorite sometime-hangout, not an easy feat for one so small.

As he had been prone to do in the past, the small creature had to wait for someone to either walk in or walk out, providing an easy entrance through an already open door. Also as it had always been, there was the everpresent doorguard checking weapons just inside. True to form, the Isnik bounded easily up to the top of the counter, puffing his chest out bravely and clasping his little paws at what could only be percieved as the small of his back.

" 'Allo, laddy-buck! No weapons to check from me, today."

The guard simply stared at the animal, mild disinterest in his eyes.



"I said I have no weapons."

Again the silent stare.

This time, Jhyx made indecipherable handsignals as he over-enunciated. "Nooo Weeeaaaponnnss."

Still not a word from the guard, and the Isnik huffed in frustration. He sat, stumped, then shrugged before picking himself up and trundling to the edge of the counter. A drop to the floor and the small creature surveyed the sea of legs before him.

With youthful vigor, the little animal set off, bounding through table legs and any other moving obstacle that presented itself.