View Full Version : Whistle while you work (open)

May 14th, 2005, 10:51:25 AM
"Ok...this goes here...no wait! It goes here!" Jacen exclaimed as he put the wire in place and used a small soddering tool to connect the wire to the circutry. He reached over and grabbed another wire placing it in the place of the one he had almost accidently misplaced. If he would have then he wouldn't have an arm left to use it with.

Sweat beaded on his forehead as he connected the wire. He placed his tools down and stood up stretching his body's muscles. They were tired and beginning ot get cramped from sitting cross legged and hunched over for so long. When he looked at the parts of the lightsaber under him though, he knew it would be worth it. A lot of Jedi he knew got lightsabers from their family, like a heirloom. For him however, he had to build his and so far it was coming along superbly. A few minutes of resting and then he would sit back down and return to his project. He just hoped that he connected the wires correctly and got the right jewels for his lightsaber. He had found them on a training exercise wtih Rognan and had just finished cutting them so they would fit inside the casing. He knew these were the ones he was supposed to have. He could fill that through the Force. He only hoped they were the color he had hoped they were.

May 18th, 2005, 02:01:52 PM
Andúril was walking down a corridoor back to his quarters, when he saw a young padawan, leaning over a half constructed lightsabre. He was reminded of his age, seeing how all the apdawans started fairly young. He was an exception though. He smiled, and leaned on the door frame.

Nodding to the sabre "The negative power cable is the wrong way around. You want to fire the energy through the crystal the other way, otherwise you'll be drawing power from the wrong end."

May 19th, 2005, 02:42:12 PM
Jacen blinked some sweat from his eyes and looked up at the man standing in his doorway and then back down to the book and saber in front of him. He glanced once more at the book and sighed as he turned it around.

"Thanks. I was reading upside down again. Done it a few times since I started this project. You can come in if you want. Name's Jacen," he said as he started taking off the wires and cables he had mixed up.

May 20th, 2005, 01:08:24 AM
Andúril walked in a little way, and sat down a little in front of the padawan. "I'm Andúril. Would you like to see mine? It might be a little easier when you have a real saber to reference it to."

May 23rd, 2005, 09:44:52 AM
Jacen smiled and nodded. "Oh yes please."

May 23rd, 2005, 12:13:56 PM
Andúril smiled and brought his out from behind his cloak. Though of simple design, it was old, and a dark grey colour. He twisted it, and pulled off the cover. Inside, he showed the multi crystal design, the light defractors and energy surpressors designed to shift the light into a spiral before it was focused through the lens.

The crystals were white, orange and octarine, the colour of darkness. the Octarine one was at the back and had its light spiralled, so the antilight could defuse the photons and air particals all around the blade.

"It might be a little more complecated than what you are trying to design. I made it from the two sabres I was given as a child, from my mother and father."