View Full Version : Fire of the Stars (Kyashi)

Je'gan Olra'en
May 10th, 2005, 09:52:46 AM
The skyhook’s window revealed an impressive vista: Coruscant, in all of its nightside glory; above it, other skyhooks, globules linked to the planet below by nigh-invisible tethers; then drive trails, connecting the two and linking them to the infinity of star-strewn blackness that offered the tableau a worthy enough frame.

What Je’gan liked best about it, though, was not the beauty of the planet nor the technological wonders that wove about it. The true reason he was standing here in the window of the public skyhook was that from here, he could see the Core. The dense star-ball that gave the galaxy an axis was, to him, a rather superb symbol of power. He had not actually been in the Deep Core in some time, but he remembered it vividly. There was no black to the space there. Radiation and gas effluvia made it pastel swirled with flame. It was lethal and it was gorgeous.

It was also a decent enough reminder of two things: what was waiting for him in the higher levels of the skyhook, and what was waiting for him back on Corellia. Beauty and lethality: Trric at the Palace; the unknown threat not fifty metres away. It was difficult for Je’gan to home in on who or what, precisely, was up here with him. Still, he had only to turn around, ascend a staircase.

Was he quite done here?

He gave the panorama a last glance and turned from the window. Beneath his cloak, a pair of curved silver tubes sat waiting. They would wait. Je’gan himself would not. He was quite finished with waiting, of hiding behind TSO's pretense of harmlessness. It was quite fitting that he was dressed as a Jedi, and that his sabres had sky-blue blades. No blame need go to TSO or him.

And wasn't it lucky that he sensed the dark side?

May 10th, 2005, 11:01:46 PM
It was one of the rare occassions that he had ventured above the deepest inhabited levels of the city. Kyashi stood in a crowd of people, moving with them, when he caught something.

Or rather, someone. Someone who was trailing behind him. He stopped mid-step, and glanced over his shoulder. Another young man was coming towards him, dressed in the robes of a jedi. Instictively, he reached inside his own dark robes for a weapon. He turned, facing Je'gan with a slight grin.

"Stop right there, "Jedi"." His voice dripped sarcasm as he said that word, his grin growing. "You wouldn't want to cause a scene, would you? It wouldn't be...proper."

Je'gan Olra'en
May 11th, 2005, 01:47:47 PM
"I don't start scenes."

The obvious lie was accompanied by a slight twist of a lip - carefully feigned. Black eyes took in the young man, giving the sense that Je'gan would have dismissed Kyashi out of hand in other circumstances. Arrogance was a mask as much as any illusion the young Knight could bring to bear.

He slowed to a stop just inside weapons range.

May 11th, 2005, 10:13:34 PM
He waved his hand dismissively at Je'gan, his grin fading as quickly as it came.

"Sure, sure." His red eyes met the Siths' black ones for a brief second before the other boy took a step towards him. "I'm not stupid. You could sense me, and I could sense you."

He took another step and sighed heavily. "What do you want?"

Je'gan Olra'en
May 12th, 2005, 12:21:41 PM
"To change the universe," Je'gan said flatly.

May 13th, 2005, 08:14:01 PM
"Then do it on your own damn time, and leave me alone."

His tone was just as blunt, as he turned his back on Je'gan.

"I have no such desire."

Je'gan Olra'en
May 14th, 2005, 06:19:57 PM

"Make up your mind which way you're going."

May 14th, 2005, 07:09:34 PM
He paused.

"So, you'd attack an unarmed man from behind? Lovely."

He turned, staring down Je'gans' saber. "You know, I'd expect this from a Jedi, but not from someone like myself..."

Je'gan Olra'en
May 19th, 2005, 11:38:02 AM
"What makes you think I'm anything like you?"

People around them were edging away from the snarl of Je'gan's weapon. He did not spare them a glance, nor did his attention waver from the things on which he had chosen to focus: Kyashi and the Force. The Dark Side pinwheeled around him, a vortex of power edging a little tighter with each intake of breath. It was a wonderful feeling.

May 19th, 2005, 08:32:28 PM
"I know you're like me. At least in some ways."

He spoke plainly, ignoring the panic that was building around them.

"We both are connected to the Force, and it's plain to see which side of the coin you fall on. Of course, you're not a Jedi. You don't feel like one."

Kyashi held the needle to his chin, looking Je'gan over thoughtfully. "That would make you what? A Dark Jedi perhaps? A Sith? That's where our differences begin."