View Full Version : NEW Challenge for Vintage Collectors

May 10th, 2005, 08:42:30 AM
First off, I want to thank the three that replied to my last post; you answered a LOT of my questions (especially with that website)... but now I've got 2 items left that the website didn't have (I attached the picture).
I think the two cardboard "walls" go to the Death Star Space Station, but I have no clue what the R2-D2 and pod are from.

...Oh, and for an added bonus, I have a speeder (from Tatooine) that has a spot for a battery, and a rotating wheel in the front (looks like some sort of "driveable" speeder)... My closest guess (from the Rebelscum website) is "Sonic Controlled Land Speeder (a JC Penney's Exclusive)"... anyone else have an idea about that either? Let me know. Thanks again! - David

May 10th, 2005, 09:05:06 AM
Okay, I figured out the walls (they do go to the Death Star Space Station)... still note sure about the R2-D2

And as long as I'm adding this, I've attached a picture of the bottom side of the speeder I'm trying to figure out. Thanks!

May 10th, 2005, 09:44:42 AM
I'm not sure what any of those things are. The pod may have been a toy on its own, but that R2 thing is beyond me.

Your guess on Luke's landspeeder sounds about right.

May 10th, 2005, 12:45:21 PM
Definetly Lukes Land Speeder on the last one.

The Pod is obviously a landing pod from Tantive IV but I don't recall seeing it released as a toy so no clue where it would have come from.

May 10th, 2005, 03:27:14 PM
I'm pretty sure that's the landspeeder.

I don't mind answering vintage questions, but to be honest, there are much better resources out there. The rebelscum forums are loaded with vintage gurus that could probably answer your questions without breaking a sweat. Here's a link to their vintage forums.


May 11th, 2005, 10:10:49 PM
Thanks. I didn't know Rebelscum had a forum... guess I didn't look very well.
Anyway, thanks for everyone's help! - David

May 13th, 2005, 01:33:45 PM
Sears released a "Land of the Jawas (http://www.toysrgus.com/index.php?action=disp_item&item_id=39642)" playset, that's what the Escape Pod is from.


The Artoo thingy is the remote for the sonic landspeeder... wow! Congrats!! You hit the jackpot on that thing. It's as rare as hen's teeth.