View Full Version : Shelter from the Storm (open)

Zereth Lancer
May 5th, 2005, 10:23:20 PM
The sun had gone and the moon and stars dominated the sky above the sith temple. Deep inside the stone palace, in the caffeteria, was Zereth Lancer. It was late in the night and the room was empty and nearly everyone had gone to bed already. Zereth was to busy to sleep and his sleep was haunted by terrible nightmares of the storm that was to come soon. Luna Eclyse, Alexander Bane, and himself had returned last night from the secret labratory of Dr. Zanon. They had fled the labratory and the mutated monsters the crazed scientist had created. Zereth had informed the eldars that he knew that Zanon would soon release the monsters apon CoroNet City and that they must stop them.

Now he sitting at an empty table. Infront of him was the remains of his lightsabre. In the battle in Zanon's labratory, his lightsabre had connected with a high energy source and caused it to short out. He and tried to re-activated the lightsabre but nothing happened. When he had opened it up and found that the power burst and the banging around had caused the red ruby gem to crack in several places. He had carefuly removed the gem and had managed to find a silver diamond and some rubies gems to replace it. He took the silver one and had then came in here.

Now he was busy removing and replacing the wires the power surge had burnt out. He had a few tools with him aswell as fresh wires and was so engrossed in his work he didn't notice the door open...

Zereth Lancer
May 11th, 2005, 09:42:09 PM
Zereth finished removing the burn't wires and replaced them with some new ones he had managed to find and was soon finished with that. He double and triple checked his work to make sure it was all done correctly. He slid the diamond gem into place and secured it. He returned the out cover onto the lightsabre and sealed it. He stood up from his chair and stood there in silence for a moment. He pressed his thumb to the activation stud and the lightsabre sprung to life.

A bright grey blade extended from the emitted at the top of the sabre and illuminated the poorly lighted room with its glow. He moved the sabre around and bit and admired the grey blade. It was vasty different then a red blade but it would draw less attention then a bright red one. He grinned to himself and deactivated the sabre and placed it on his belt.

Zereth stepped out of the cafeteria and into halls. He took a few turns and went down a couple halls and ended up outside. He was releaved to be out of the warm halls of the Sith Palace and in the cool night air. He leaned against the wall of the palace and looked up at the stars.