View Full Version : Bai Ling cut from RotS

May 3rd, 2005, 08:47:57 AM

I know she has a lot of fans, so there may be some folks here that are peeved with this news.

She thinks it may be because she is posing in June's Playboy, which didn't sit well with Lucas & co. (IMO she's on to something there - that is a very Lucas-like move). Meanwhile Lucasfilm claims that her one and only scene was cut over a year ago...which also makes sense...if she's only in one scene she clearly isn't important.

I guess she can always hope to be re-inserted on the DVD version.

May 3rd, 2005, 10:05:40 AM
:lol I saw that this morning and had a good laugh. I know Lucas is trying to make Ep. III a little edgier, but having Miss June in there might be going a bit over the line...

I can't see why people would be peeved - its not like she's a major character or anything. This seems somewhat reminiscent of people being peeved about the inclusion or non-inclusion of a certain boy-band we all know and hate... :)

May 3rd, 2005, 11:41:37 AM
Oh no, a bit character with little to no relevance in the grand scheme of SW has been cut! How will I find the will to go on....... I've seen pics of her, I don't think June's Playboy will be anything special. Not that I still look at Playboy..........

Lilaena De'Ville
May 3rd, 2005, 11:48:51 AM
"The Olsen Twins are adorable and the fact that they are twins is a good omen. I'd like to hook up with both of them at the same time. Here is my shout-out: 'Let's get to know each other, Olsen Twins. Let's do a meet and greet together.' "

*snicker* Her, and every man in the world.

May 3rd, 2005, 11:57:18 AM
Count me out of that one, the Olsen twins scare me. A 2-headed media whore is a frightening beast indeed!