View Full Version : Apologies

Teleran Balades
Apr 27th, 2005, 09:04:18 PM
I am sorry about my absence for well over a month, or so it seems. I have no excuse, or rather, no excuse that is worth mentioning here. I have been distracted and, well, lost motivation to even log on. Whether from genuine lack of interest or another matter entirely I do not know.

Seeing as how I haven't posted anytime recently or tried to get in contact with any of you, I feel it's time that I submit my "resignation letter" or at least take me off the active RP list.

I never expected to stay here for an extremely long time, but now after nearly two years since first signing on, I realize what a truly amazing feat this has been for one as, and what a wonderful community you have set up here. I express my deepest regrets about leaving; you all have become a second family to me. I have learned from each and every one of you, for better or for worst. I have been shaped from a hopeless writing-fluke to a skilled and experienced writer, I thank you all.

Telan, I have you to thank the most for my improvement here. You're the one who taught me the most about RPing and writing in general as well as helping me open my mind to the qualities of honor and chivalry that I had never considered before.

Jarek, heh, we made quite a team under Telan's tutelage, I am grateful to have had the pleasure of working with you here.

S'il, Tear, Travis, and of course Dae, I had a lot of fun speaking with each of you, all of you helped keep me motivated to stay here for as long as I have. There was great humor with our polluting these wonderful forums with our expert wit and sarcasm. Long live the Golden Wrench.

Anar, I always despised politics and even more than that, politicians themselves, but your actions here showed me how important it is to have someone around to keep things from falling into chaos. i.e. - Tear's oh-so-fun mud wrestling powers.

I once again thank all of you that helped me along at SWfans and for bringing me another step towards enlightenment. If I see any of you on Yahoo Messenger, I’ll be sure to talk with you guys.

Gloria Imperium!

Tiberius Anar
Apr 28th, 2005, 02:49:16 AM
I am saddened by this news. I had hoped that we might rp together in the future. We will be the poorer for your absence. Good luck wherever you go and whatever you do in the future.

Gloria Imperium!

May 1st, 2005, 05:08:15 PM
Take it easy buddy

Travis North
May 1st, 2005, 06:08:07 PM
The Fort will never be the same without you. Take care.

Telan Desaria
May 4th, 2005, 02:44:46 PM
Another one gone.

I am sorry to see you go my friend - - we will retain a place of honour for you at the table and in your absance, request to npc your character as Rear Admiral. And whenever you return, an officer shall you be once more, and welcome into the ranks with open arms.

You have progressed immensely and I am very proud to have been able to help.

WE will miss you. Hail Teleran!

Keep in touch.

Teleran Balades
May 10th, 2005, 07:23:00 PM
Go ahead with NPCing Teleran. I'll probably drop in occasionally. I don't think I'll be able to cut all my ties to the Sov.

P.S. I am not without a sense of duty. If there is a dire need of assistance, just email or IM me and I'll do my best to pitch in.