View Full Version : Seeking Readmittance

imported_Corin Zetith
Apr 26th, 2005, 02:21:59 PM
Greetings, to all the members of the GJO council. My character's name is Corin Zetith. I was active on the SWForums a long time ago. I think I created my character in May of 2001. I have not posted in quite some time, and as you can all probably see I did not even have that many posts during my time on the forums.

I started this character in my freshmen year of high school and I did not really have much motivation to keep up with the postings every day. I was constantly in class or running for my cross country team. I posted occasionally since then until I eventually stopped altogether. I just recently (last week) realized my account is still active. Being a college freshmen, I now have much more time on my hands and I believe I can be much more dependable as an active member of the GJO and the Swforums altogether. I have a direct connection through a lan server on my campus and the forums are much more easiy accesable. I am an extreme Star Wars geek, aren’t we all, and I love to write.

I am writing this re-application to the GJO in the hopes that I will be found worthy enough to come back and train, as a fallen-away padawan of one of the Jedi masters who are currently active on the forums. I know that if I am given one last chance I will return posts in a timely fashion.

My Re-Application is below:

Character Name: Corin Zetith

Character Profile: Corin is 5'6'', skinny, red-haired, and strongly attuned to force absorption. He is intelligent, a quick learner, but headstrong. He is quick and nimble, depending upon his skill and intellect rather than strength.

Character History: Corin was born into a noble class family on the planet of Naboo. He was discovered at a young age to be sensitive to the force. He tried to train himself through a Jedi holocube until he was 15. He never had much luck with this training because unlike most Jedi, he can not use the power of telekinesis. Corin became frustrated and abandoned the training cube practices. On his 15th birthday his mother gave him a ship and told him to go to the Jedi Order to train as a padawan. In the years involved with his quest to become a Jedi, his mother and his niece (the only two members of his family he was familiar with) were murdered by Darth Uhlen, at their home on Naboo. Uhlen is a half Yuuhzan Vong and half human sith creature. Corin, who was at the time coming home to visit, saw Uhlen fleeing his family’s home. The young teenager ran after the sith. When Uhlen had reached his ship, he turned around flicked his lightsaber on and slashed through Corin's cheek, clear to the bone. Uhlen escaped and Corin discovered that his family had been killed. Corin has yet to make amends with his family. He feels it is his fault for their tragic deaths. He is the last of the Zetith line.

Corin had a past love relationship with a fallen-away Jedi named Enya Ramelian. Currently he does not know what happened to her and he does not know where she might be.

Character Motivations: Before Corin’s family members were murdered, his sole ambition was to become a protector of the galaxy, a sworn enemy to all evil throughout the universe. In other words, Corin wanted to be a hero, a Jedi. This premature teenage ambition of heroism is all but lost to Corin now. He no longer feels the strong and incessant need to help others as he once did. His new motivation comes from a more personal perspective.

Corin’s inner motivation to become a Jedi is based entirely on his past and the problems he has faced. His mother had always wanted for her son to become a jedi. He believes that perhaps becoming a jedi will help him settle some of the inner guilt he feels for his inability to protect his mother and niece. Also there is a deep hunger for vengeance within his being. This is more of a dark side trait and could lead him into trouble very quickly. He knows he is headstrong and usually takes more than he can handle when it comes to fighting, so he believe that with the aid of the force he might not get banged up nearly as bad as he usually does in combat.

Character Skills:
Why should we accept you?: Corin was, and if given another chance, will be a great asset to the order. TGrained in basic martial arts and combat fighting, he is respectful of those who know more than he does. He is able to admit his mistakes and perform his tasks according to his instructor’s wishes. Corin will make a great jedi if given the chance. Num chuck skills, bow hunting skills, he's got plenty of skills.

Roleplaying example:

Which way did he go? (open) (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38252&highlight=Corin)

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: Yes

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Yes

imported_Corin Zetith
Apr 29th, 2005, 08:04:11 AM
Sorry, I screwed up on my registration date. I have been registered for the forums since May 6, 2002. My mistake.