View Full Version : Exploring one's nature (open)

Apr 25th, 2005, 07:19:48 PM
Alf walked down one of the many alleyways in Iziz city and smiled. This was the life for his people. Sure the palace was comfortable by many species tastes, but to him, this was home. His was a people of scavengers and this was freedom to him. But even as much as he would have loved to just lounge about the place, he had come here with a definite cause. He was here for information.

His training in the darkside had prgressed a great deal in the past few months, but it had not granted him to power of foresight, so he still used his old connections from time to time. Now was a critical time. He had heard of something happening. Something big. He for one was not going to be unprepared for this turn of events however. He reached the end of the alley and looked around to make sure no one was following him. He then pressed a small pieece of duracrete and the wall suddenly shifted back slightly and then slid to the side.

The Melmac shuffled inside and closed the door quickly. Inside was a table with a lone Duros sitting there.

"You got the cash?"

"Right here," the fuzzball replied. He took a smalll cred disk from a hidden pouch under his fur and slid it on the table. The Duro placed the disk in a small datapad and waited for the information to process before smiling.

"Pleasure doing business with you firend," he said as he got up and left. Alf lifted his hand and called the small packet over to him. Inside where three disks, each containing information. None of it was spectacular, or hard to get for that matter, but that was only to utrained eyes. To his eyes, eyes that have spied for a long time, it was small details that counted. He put the package under his fur and into the same pouch he had hidden the cred disk from and walked back out the hidden door.

This time, he looked about and smiled. Maybe he did have time to indulge himself, but not here. Closer to the Palace where he could be able to answer his Master's call should she need him.