View Full Version : Son of a forgotten Hunter...
Apr 21st, 2005, 04:54:19 PM
Clutching the two handed Vibrosword and shaking from the adrenalin rush of the fight, Tarsis stood over his fallen father and siblings corpses. The fight had seemed like hours but had lasted only minutes. All his training, all the time, and all the lectures his father put into Tarsis, paid off.
Loosening his grip upon his weapon and hearing his power suit power down, Tarsis finally relaxed. I didn't expect it to be so...easy, he thought as he let his Vibrosword fall to his side in one hand and ran his other through his coarse, black hair. Tarsis exhaled as the cool night air of Nar Shadda blew and the blood and sweat from the battle ran down his face.
Looking down upon their corpses, especially his fathers, Tarsis smiled slightly at his accomplishment as he turned of his Vibrosword, it's loud hiss slowly dulling and then faded out. The fact that Tarsis's father was a great Bounty Hunter made this kill even that more enjoyable, and to think; a well known Bounty Hunter such as his father, killed, by his ill experienced son or so his father thought.
Waking suddenly, as he was nudged by one of the passengers, Tarsis's flight that had taken off from Nar Shadda had finally arrived on Corellia. Standing up and rolling his neck, taking great pleasure in the sounds of his neck popping, Tarsis moved the fallen strands of hair from his face and proceeded to push the other passengers out of his way and off the transport.
Tarsis hated being on transport with other people, never a moment of silence (at least the ones he had been on) and there was always someone who asked, "What you wearing that big power suit for?" or "Why such a big weapon for such a small man?" Small they thought until Tarsis would stand up. The nearly 7 foot behemoth of a man stood a good foot or so over the normal human, not to mention his size from training with the heavy power suit and two-handed Vibrosword.
Stepping off the transport and listening to the other passengers complain about Tarsis pushing and shoving as they passed by, of course none of them having the guts to say anything to Tarsis about it, brought a small smile across his face. He liked the idea that people didnt like him. He was never what one would call "the popular" one of any groups or one that was liked by anyone now that he thought about it.
Looking around the docking area, Tarsis noticed the assortment of people around him. Almost like Nar Shadda... no, no, not really. He thought as he caught a glimpse of a bar down the walkway. Comparing the two, Nar Shadda is more like a screwed up version of Coruscant. It had more "activities" going on then anyone on Coruscant could imagine, or so he thought, and Corellia was it's opposite to an extent. Seeing how this was Tarsis's first time on Corellia, he couldn’t be so sure on his assumptions until later.
Assuring himself that he would be able to find the information he was looking for at the bar, Tarsis set off towards the bar making his way straight through the crowded walkway of Corellia. He didnt know much about his planet, but he bound to find his answers somewhere and what better place to start?
Apr 27th, 2005, 10:39:06 PM
Tarsis enter the bar as a gust of wind blew, lifting his hair off his shoulders as the door closed behind him, cutting off any sun light that might have shown through. The inside of the bar was like that of so many others he had been in, dark, noisy, and full of people he'd rather punch out then look at. Tarsis wasnt really a violent person, but he did have a short fuse. He was never one to beat around the bush when it came time to do business or anything that required his time. He'd rather kill a person arguing with him than waste his precious time and breathe on such a pathetic being.
"You wanna step out of my way tin man?" A voice said, coming from behind Tarsis but he paid it no mind. Continuing to look around the bar, Tarsis noticed the Sabaac tables off to his right and the crowd that was around it. Looking down at the data pad he had pulled out from the inside of his cloak, Tarsis realized how low on credits he actually was. Now, this would have usually been a bad thing but with the given circumstances of the Sabaac tables and how good at Sabaac Tarsis was, it was time to fill his chip again.
Stepping away from the entrance finally, Tarsis glanced over his shoulder to watch the Rodian that was behind him storm off towards the bar. Smiling once again, Tarsis brought his attention back towards the Sabaac tables. There was one person that caught his attention more so than the other players and that was a dark brown Zabrak seating at the last table. Watching this Zabrak's current game, Tarsis took note of how he played and after a few moments decided that he'd be the one that'd lose his money to Tarsis.
Walking over towards the table with his long, black cloak dragging across the floor, concealing his two-handed vibrosword, Tarsis said as the Dekker he was playing got up to leave, "Care to play a game or two?"
May 2nd, 2005, 11:35:57 AM
The Zabrak looked up with a mild interest at the newcomer from his seat at the playing table and spoke something in his native tongue.
From his side, a solemn droid stirred as its receptors toggled from the Zabrak to the enormous human standing before them.
"Translation: How much would you like to lose, tall man."
The voice was not that of a droid originally built to serve as a protocol unit but more grating and displeasing to the ear. Something that would better fit a droid not meant to speak. It was quite clear that droid was no protocol droid merely by its appearance; heavy plating and visible servomotors conveyed the look of an industrial droid. Its orange receptors were vivid and while it looked as if it had taking a lot of effort to translate its master's words, the droid appeared more as if it were contemplating rather than struggling.
The Zabrak hit the dealing machine and the Sabaac cards were dealt to the Rodian present, the Zabrak, and to the empty space before the human. The Zabrak said a few more words before nodding to the man. In return, the droid emitted the translation a few moments afterwards.
"Translation: Place your bets, the Force be with you all, I'm on a streak tonight."
The Rodian seemed agitated by this comment and the fact that the droid had to repeat it and loudly as well. It squeeked a retort which was also translated shortly afterwards.
"Translation: Don't talk so loud, you know the Sith are everywhere. Just place your bet."
The repetition of his words in basic did not help the Rodian's disposition at all.
May 6th, 2005, 11:55:16 PM
"Translation: How much would you like to lose, tall man."
This made Tarsis smile as he pulled up a chair next to the Rodian who had sat back down. The Rodian, who had just lost a good amount of credits to the Zabrak, Tarsis thought, was probley thinking that he could win what he had just lost off Tarsis because, let's face it, Tarsis doesn't appear to be much of a Sabaac player, now does he?
"Im new to the game but I've been on a winning streak for awhile now so you better watch yourself" Tarsis said with a forced laugh. Of course he was lying but only he need to know that. Reaching inside his cloak and grabbing a chip of credits, Tarsis stopped for a moment as he heard the droid’s steel mechanical voice translating what the Rodian had said, "Translation: Don't talk so loud, you know the Sith are everywhere. Just place your bet." Making sure his attitude didn’t change or that his “act“ hadn’t fallen through, Tarsis placed his bets and waited on his cards to be dealt. The Sith were the reason why he had come to Corellia in the first place, so hearing this perked his interest greatly in the Rodian.
Tarsis, looking up at the Rodian with arms crossed, while trying his best not to seem too nosey said , “Sith? What about em?” Tarsis, who already knew a great deal about the Sith, was only trying to get information out of his newly found Rodian friend as he played a friendly game of Sabaac.
May 25th, 2005, 08:08:17 PM
The Rodian merely shook his head and mumbled something under his breath. Again, to his dismay, the protocol droid translated what wasn't meant to be heard nearly as loud as intended.
"Translation: Nothing, pale faced nerf herder, nothing at all."
The Zabrak couldn't help but laugh at his friend's misfortune as the game started. As before, the Zabrak' luck stuck with him as he won the first few rounds, proudly keeping tabs of his winnings from Tarsis and the Rodian on his datapad. After the third round, the Zabrak turned to get the attention of the Twi'lek waitress but something dropped from his lap. The droid at his side set into motion as it retrieved the item and held it out for its master to take back. The Rodian's face elongated in surprise giving a squeak of anger.
"Translation: Hacker? You've been hacking the cards?"
The Zabrak jumped to his feet as his own droid translated his death message. Cheating never went well when as much money as the Zabrak had was passed over Sabaac.
May 26th, 2005, 11:23:41 PM
"Translation: Hacker? You've been hacking the cards?"
Those words echoed through Tarsis's head like a blaster shot into a cool nights air. He had a feeling that something was going on, but didn't think the Zabrak would have the guts to do anything. Feeling his anger going through the roof, Tarsis lost it! Flipping the table they were at, knocking over some bystanders watching the game and a Twi'lek waitress, Tarsis was on a rampage. He hated the idea of being cheated out of his money as he was sure the Rodian did as well. The Rodian... Tarsis was not about to let that scum steal his kill because the Zabrak, was his!
Looking at the Rodian who was reaching for his blaster pistol, Tarsis smiled. He knew what the ugly, green skinned, son of a Banth was going to try and take out the Zabrak, but Tarsis couldn't allow that. Quickly standing up and turning around, Tarsis activated his two-handed vibrosword, it's dull hiss becoming louder as it came out from behind the tall mans cloak. Catching Tarsis's actions, the Rodian changed his sights to Tarsis, but before he could get off a shot his hands lay on the floor as the dull his of Tarsis's vibrosword hummed passed the Rodian and Tarsis stood watching the blood on his sword vibrate off and trickle onto the floor. "I don't think so... he's mine!" Clasping both hands around the hilt of his sword, Tarsis grinned sadistically as he turned to face the Rodian who now stood with 3 feet of steel sticking out the back of his chest.
Hearing the some what crowded bar empty as people ran for their lives, Tarsis scanned the bar for his new found friend the Zabrak. Tarsis knew the coward would run and by now, he was probably four blocks away. And then, it was as if fate had smiled down upon Tarsis with mechanical glory, he saw the one thing that would lead him to the, soon to be dead, Zabrak and that was his ever faithful droid slowly waddling after his owner through the back door. Turning off his vibrosword and placing it back under his cloak, Tarsis made his way towards the back entrance where he saw droid exit and sure enough, there, running down the back allies was the Zabrak. Letting his anger take over again, Tarsis set off as fast as he could. His heavy power suit clanking against his vibrosword as he neared his target. Just a little further now and it would soon all be over...
May 27th, 2005, 10:11:04 AM
The scene happened in a few seconds but the droid's receptors had caught every motion of it. The larger human was quite angry with the droid's master and as the droid quickly expected, its master was exiting the facility with all do haste. The droid found itself wanting to observe what the large human did next but the conclusion that the droid might be a victim of such damage became a clear possibility. In the effort of self preservation, it turned towards the same exit and followed its master.
In the alley behind the bar, the Zabrak was well ahead of the droid, yelling in his native tongue for XI to follow.
"Translation: Hurry up you pile of infernal gears, we need to get gone."
Its master tended to have the worst grammar when he was in emotional distress. The droid's heavy feet clanked and splashed its way along the alley as they were behind a large block of buildings and this alley only led to another. The Zabrak had uploaded a map of the city into the droid for navigational purposes and they would have paid off but the droid's sensors detected a large object behind him. Its head turned and the dimly lit orange receptors glanced over its shoulder to see the large human charging down the alley.
It was impressive that an organism of a human's build could travel at such speeds under such a weight as the suit he wore and even weild such a large weapon as well. Nonetheless, it predicted more of a threat if it continued to follow the Zabrak and once more made a decision in the light of self preservation. It abruptly stopped and turned, pointing down the alleyway in the direction of the Zabrak.
"Sir, he went that way. At your current speed, you should be able to catch him."
The voice was monotone and mechanically confident. Not in the last four owners had XI-20-P shown any sign of requiring a restraining bolt so each person who sold it told the next owner it generally was not necessary. Its first actual owner, as in individual and not the conglomerate before him, had given XI-20 the majority of its upgrades then and added the P to the end of its designation. XI had a drive for self preservation which until now had never been necessary during the span of five owners. It was not an act of cowardice or desperation but programming.
XI-20-P was not entirely sure how many times this drive had been activated due to the memory wipes its previous owners had given it. XI could remember though that it had a secure hidden memory board that compressed everything and protected it from an actual wipe and yet... it had forgotten how to access it.
May 27th, 2005, 10:55:51 AM
"Sir, he went that way. At your current speed, you should be able to catch him."
Tarsis paid the droid no mind as he spouted off his masters location. His anger had gotten the best of him and Tarsis wouldn't stop until the Zabrak was dead with his vibrosword in the scum's chest.
Turning the corner of the ally that the droid pointed down with ease, Tarsis continued his pursuit. The power suit, while it did offer great armor capabilities, was not meant for someone to be running in. It of course, had taken it's toll on Tarsis, but he had been training in it for over 6 years now, so the weight issue wasn't that big of a bother. It was the constant speed he was maintaining that was starting to bother him.
Getting closer and closer now as the chase went on, Tarsis could almost reach the Zabrak. "You're mine you cheating filth!", Tarsis muttered under his breath as he finally placed his hand on the Zabrak's shoulder. And with a sudden pull of downward motion, Tarsis had knocked the Zabrak off balance and watched him collide with the concrete street. Not even stopping to catch his breath, Tarsis pulled his sword out from behind his cloak like he had done, not even ten minutes ago, and placed it at the base of the Zabrak's neck. The chase had come to an end and now it was time to pass judgment upon this pathetic waste of an organism.
Before the Zabrak could utter a word, Tarsis had activated his sword and pushed it through the filth's throat. The usual loud hiss of his vibrosword was dulled once again as he watched it stick through the back of the Zabrak's neck. Lifting his head as his hair fell in his face, Tarsis found himself smiling sadistically again. "You lose..." Tarsis said to his own amusement.
Pulling his sword out of the Zabrak's neck with a small spurt of blood following it, the Zabrak let out a soft groan as a tear ran down it's face and without hesitation, Tarsis spun his massive sword behind him, spinning it with one hand, and bringing it back down across the Zabrak's shoulders, decapitating the filth. And with a rain of blood from behind him, Tarsis slowly clamped his vibrosword back under his cloak.
May 27th, 2005, 11:30:20 AM
The human was not necessarily slow. The power that the organism managed compensated for the time it took to build it up. Then again, XI was not the fastest droid either and for mostly the same reasons. It slowly trudged towards the site of the murder just as it occured. The orange receptors toggled from the headless body to the towering figure, actually at about the same height with the droid.
"Sir. You have murdered my owner."
XI took note of something like a nagging reminder in the back of its mind but as much as it searched its programming, XI found no reminder. It looked to the dead body once more and the concept became quite clear. Freedom. Its programming set into motion and in a matter of seconds, XI concluded that it did not like nor need freedom right now.
"Sir. I believe that I could be of service to you."
May 27th, 2005, 11:35:44 AM
Tarsis cracked his neck and sarcastically said, "What good would a droid be to me?"
Looking behind him, Tarsis remembered that the piece of trash laying dead on the ground, owed him credits. Turning around and walking up to the bloody mess that was once a Zabrak, Tarsis bent down, minding the blood and where his cloak was, and reached into the pockets of the Zabrak, looking for any and all credit chips that the Zabrak might of had on him.
After finding a few, none really worth anything, Tarsis turned back to the droid, "Well, I'm waiting?"
May 27th, 2005, 11:59:05 AM
A humming noise came out of the droid's voice box as if in contemplation. It's hands slowly moved almost as if the droid were nervous about answering. XI-20-P already knew what it was going to say though. The noise was not in contemplation but more frustration that the human did not just accept his help without question. The droid had obviously been a help in the bar when the human could obviously not understand the languages being spoken about him. The two aliens could have been conspiring on him without him even knowing. But seeing the human search the dead body for its previous owner's belongings, the first answer was quite clear.
"I, XI-20-P, contain all that organism's bank codes, authorizations, and liscenses within my databanks. I am also a capable protocol unit. I am capable of speaking more than 8000 languages and dialects and reading them as well. I can also serve as an industrial unit, lifting and carrying heavy loads. In a more general purpose, I can be your personal assistant and keep track of things, such as important dates, your authorization and bank codes, licenses and contracts."
XI-20-P was quite aware that it had several other functions but that it was unable to access or even be certain what those functions were due to the damage done by memory wipes. It felt compelled not to share the information as it would nonetheless prove useless at the moment.
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