View Full Version : Hunter Scramble

imported_Allex Mcgraves
Apr 8th, 2005, 11:05:38 AM
It had been how long now since he had seen Una? He couldn't quite remember it had to be about two years ago he guessed. He didn't even remember if they had ended on good or bad terms anymore. Yet for this next mission he needed her and possibly a few other good bounty Hunters.

Nar Shadaa what a crappy planet the smugglers moon really was. It was a bitter cold chill in the air this night as Allex Made his way to The Hunters Edge cantina a place he had not been to in years. He knew she was here or at least would be soon for this of all places was her favorite and he could never figure out why. Allex would have much prefered a cantina on Ruten or Duros more pieceful then the one's on Nar Shadaa. Also there where allot less Hutts in those place's unlike on this stink hole of a moon.

He entered the tavern with the edge's of his trench coat up high to hide his face hoping no one there knew him. He hated it when people knew him and pointed him out in crowds it was so embarassing especially when he was so good at forgetting names and face's. There was only one face and name he had not forgotten his old partner Una. He could smell her in this crowded bar already he never forgot her scent. It almost made him why he dumped her off to go in search of his brother's again.

That was exactly the reason why he was here new's on one of his brothers had crossed the wire and not in a good way. Now he needed a team but before he presented them with the prime objective he would do some money building hunts. He saw her out of the corner of his eye at the bar with some lizard people he had never seen.

He sat down at a table straight across from where she was standing. He proped his feet up on the table and set a smile in her direction. His twin Blaster's showed just under both of his arm pits in there hulsters as his coat slid away from them. He didn't know how she would take seeing his face after all this time but she was the best and he needed her for this.

Una Pavane
Apr 8th, 2005, 11:48:39 AM
:: Una was leaning against the bar, enjoying a drink as her Colarta associates hissed to themselves in their native tongue. They had just finished collecting a bounty and had stopped here for refreshment. She feels someone watching her, and turns around to find the familiar face of Allex McGraves. She leaves the Colartas at the bar and joins Allex at the table ::

"I thought I felt your eyes on me."

Apr 8th, 2005, 12:09:16 PM
In the corner of the cantina sat Ugg he was huge compared to humans and there was barely enough space on the seat for him to sit on. He loomed over the man he was playing pazaak with,it was the final set and then it happened the man won.
Ugg saw the mans smug smile as he took the money away from him,Ugg felt his blood begin to boil, then his face scrunched up and then he exploded with rage.Ugg shoved the table into the mans stomach knocking him backwards out of his chair, the Herglic then said to the man.


Ugg slowly walked towards the man as he attempted to scramble to his feet, Ugg grabbed him by the ankle and lifted him into the air then slammed his fist into the mans stomach. He then threw the man through a nearby table knocking him out. Ugg snorted as he felt himself beginning to calm down and he pulled up his seat then sat down oblivious to the people around him who were staring at the scene.

imported_Allex Mcgraves
Apr 8th, 2005, 01:11:33 PM
Allex stared at her for a moment longer he was still intregued by this woman every time he saw her. He wished he could remember how long it had been to long he thought to himself. He smiled as she spook the sweat sound of her voice only brought back memories of the past.

"I never could resist the Vie..."

He was cut short by some comotion in the corner of the room where a huge brute took down a man quick. Dam he thought to himself making note not to cross the whale man in the corner. He really didn't have to worry though he wasn't much of a gambler always had the worst luck when it came to such games. He turned back to Una after a few moments again with a smile on his face.

"I came across something the other day and I figured I would get a team together I thought of you first Una."

He was always a man who straight to business especially in place like this he hated. He hated Nar Shadaa and Una loved it maybe thats why they had split he couldn't remember. It really didn't matter he was down to business already no doubt she would try to turn the conversation around or change it. Wanting to know where he had been and what he had been up to. He didn't mind most people always tried to do that to him get him distracted and he was always pretty easy going when it happened.

Una Pavane
Apr 21st, 2005, 10:04:35 AM
:: She looked wary of the Herglic as she took a seat ::

"Oh? What have you got?"

imported_Allex Mcgraves
Apr 22nd, 2005, 05:09:53 AM
He noticed her wary look towards the Herglic as he put a Data pad on the table. He punched in a few things on then slide it across the table to Una.

"It's a List of names, names of force users. I never would have know the names where of force users if it wasn't for two things. One of my brothers names showed up on the list and the other thing a few of those names are few well known Jedi in the galaxy."

He waited for a minute as she opened up the list to look at it. There where allot of the names on the list some more familiar then others. At the bottom of the page was the imperial symbol giving away who had put out the list.

"It's Imperial that is for sure the symbol is no fake. They do how ever have a mistake on there list that I find funny."