View Full Version : Dathomir: What Danger Lurks in the Jungles (Adraudia, invite)
Lady Vader
Mar 30th, 2005, 05:32:08 PM
They hadn't been on Dathomir long, perhaps maybe a day or two since they had arrived (
LV had chosen this day to begin Adraudia's training, and stealing away from the camp as the warriors went about with finishing construction and touches on the temple, she made her way to a clearing not from to the south.
Tucta had borne LV to the clearing, but before LV had left, she had summoned Adraudia.
The first test, however, was that Adraudia must find her utilizing the Force. LV had given her no indication where she was or what direction she was going. This was to get the young witch to open herself to the Forces flow and to trust it.
As Tucta had made his way to the edge of the clearing, LV had found patch of soft grass in the center of the clearing to sit on, Iesis laying beside her, with the morning sun just peeking over the tops of the trees behind them.
Adraudia Basillie
Mar 30th, 2005, 06:37:25 PM
One of the Warrior Witches had been given instructions to find Adraudia and inform the young Witch to find her Master. With all the commotion going on, it took close to two hours to find her and deliver the message, and also to be surprised in knowing that Lady Vader had left the grounds.
She searched the area and found that her rancor, Tucta, was gone. It would mean that her Master would have had much more of a head start then at first thought. The gait of a rancor was several times that of a human.
A test it was then and one Adraudia was looking forward too. She put a few food items together in a pouch and secured her weapons before heading off in the direction of the rancor tracks. There were alsosmaller cat like tracks that were noticed, and they followed close to the larger ones of Tucta. It was Iesis no doubt, following alongside her Mistress.
As she traversed through the forest, she curled her nose up in confusion. The tracks were easy to follow. Their was no trickery involved in hiding them and the musky scent of Tucta, one that was well known to her in taking care of him, permeated the area. Perhaps she misinterpreted her Master's wishes in thinking that this was a test?
Even with the ease of following Lady Vader trail, it took over half a day to find where it led. The trees parted towards a clearing and she could see the large rancor poking around the tall grass in the distance. Lady Vader on the other hand was not seen at first until Adraudia stalked closer to see the Mistress sitting alongside Iesis. There was no doubt in her mind that Lady Vader had sensed her presence long before and strode up to her location, kneeling behind upon one leg and bowed her head in great respect. "You had sent for me my Master?"
Lady Vader
Mar 30th, 2005, 07:37:05 PM
LV raised an eyebrow. "I was beginning to wonder if you would come at all."
She regarded the young woman and frowned slightly. "I take it from your tardiness, you did not use the Fore to locate my signature, nor use it to speed up your gait?" She shook her head. "We're going to have to break you from your previous knowledge of tracking. I'm not saying you're going to unlearn it. No, your tracking abilities as they are serve you well." She stood. "What we're going to do is enhance what you already know. That will be your first step in this training."
Adraudia Basillie
Mar 30th, 2005, 08:06:30 PM
She felt ashamed at failing her task and for being arrogant with her tracking skills, for they were not the ones her Master were testing.
The Witch did not move at all from her position and much regret was held within her voice. "I will not apologize, Master. They are merely words. I will work hard in my training to regain your favor once more."
Lady Vader
Mar 31st, 2005, 02:19:11 PM
LV hadn't lost favor with Adraudia, but she didn't say as much. She instead allowed the woman to believe what she had said... it would insure she would work hard to accomplish her tasks in the training LV would give her.
She regarded the woman. "Have you ever used the Force? In any of your tasks here on Dathomir?"
Adraudia Basillie
Mar 31st, 2005, 04:04:44 PM
She fell to both knees and nodded, "Yes. In order to defend mostly. Or during the construction, to increase my strength to help with the heavy lifting."
Lady Vader
Apr 4th, 2005, 03:26:12 PM
LV nodded her head slowly. "Lets focuse first on what you have used to defen your sisters. Even if you only know the basics, you need building blocks in order to grow."
She smiled. "We will turn those building blocks into monuments."
"Come." She gestured for Adraudia to follow her. They made their way to the edge of the clearing, Tucta still rumaging about, and Iesis following them silently. Not more than a meter or two from the edge of the clearing was a sheer cliff, down which at the bottom was a tranquil river flowing through. At the edge of the river was a herd of victious-looking rodents, about 20 of them. They were lazily sunning themselves, drinking from the stream, or splashing in the waters. They were all about a meter in length, possibly far decsendants of the womp rat.
"We are about to defend ourselves against these creatures. But I don't want you to use any weapons. I want you to use your physical prowess and your ingenuity in the Force." She looked at Adraudia. "Do you think you can do that?"
Adraudia Basillie
Apr 4th, 2005, 08:24:01 PM
She gazed down the cliff, inspecting what would soon become the predators coming for her and her Master. It would be hard to fight against instinct in reaching for her weapons. In order to make sure that did not happen, Adraudia took off her belt that contained her knife and sabre. She also pulled out the two daggers that were in her boots and placed them on the ground near the edge of the sheer. "I have no choice now, Master."
Lady Vader
Apr 5th, 2005, 01:28:18 PM
LV smiled at Adraudia's tenacity. "Very good then."
Without further adue, she raised he hand and aimed it at one of the frolicking rodents below, letting lose a small bolt of Force lighting. It hit the young rodent and fizzled it's rump and tail, sending it yelping in circles. The other dozen or so looked up and began to growl and bare their teeth at the duo at the top of the cliff.
Soon, there were several rodents scurrying up the sheer cliff with extreme ease, headed for the two Sith.
Adraudia Basillie
Apr 6th, 2005, 03:59:06 PM
Pale eyes darted about frantically to figure out the best course of action. The Witch had forgone her weapons and she didn't have anything as powerful as the lightning that could be generated by her Master. Quickness was her strength. She would have to use that.
She back handspringed out of immediate harm, knowing full well to move to the side or forward would be suicide. Her body's agility was being empowered by the Force and it was the only way to keep up with the amount of creatures. Such tactics wouldn't last for too long and Adraudia would be overwhelmed soon.
Landing in her usual crouched position, she kicked up her feet and kicked away one of the rodents and then tumbled out of reach of another. A third and fourth were on her too quickly and tackled her against the ground by hitting her against her chest...
Lady Vader
Apr 6th, 2005, 06:01:30 PM
LV kept most of her attention on Adraudia, swatting the occassional rodent with a casual Force push. She had even gone as far as to errect a Force protection bubble around her, and found herself amused as the creatures bounced off the invisible wall.
As for Adraudia, the young witch was holding her own until she got ganged by 4 of the younger rodents simultaniously.
"Use your anger to create a Force wave. That will push them from you."
She was trying to give the young woman some pointers, to dig deep into the annoyance bubbling inside her. that anoyance at being taken down by mere animals would generate into rage and fuel the Dark Side in her. All she needed to do was unleash it.
Adraudia Basillie
Apr 10th, 2005, 06:25:08 PM
This was idiotic. Her, a Dathomir Witch being assaulted by meager rodents. How could she be so weak to let this happen? Rolling away, kicking, punching; nothing worked! Her garb was covered in slash and bite marks, blood seeping through the fabric.
Adraudia was more then annoyed. Lady Vader was correct in her assumption. Now it was transformed into a terrible anger directed at herself for being so weak.
She kicked her arms out and brought her body straight, though still upon her knees. The power that was within her coalesced into a mighty force wave that emanated from her body and flung the rodents several meters away. Some of the unfortunate ones fell backwards down the sheer.
Lady Vader
Apr 11th, 2005, 11:56:17 AM
The rodents that hadn't met the unfortunate fate of being flung over the cliff's edge, came to a rolling hault several meters from where Adraudia stood, bloddied, battered, and seething with rage. The creatures looked uncertain whether to continue or to count their losses and leave. A few more moment of loitering and they eventually scattered.
LV walked towards the young witch, who was still panting from her effort. She politely clapped at the Witch's show of force, smiling from ear to ear. "Excellent, Adraudia! Now you know what it is to feel true power. Though you have only just scratched the surface."
Adraudia Basillie
Apr 12th, 2005, 07:59:16 AM
As exhilarated as the young Witch felt, Adraudia was exhausted. She had never attempted such a feat and her body was craving rest. It did not mean she was going to subcumb to it.
She licked her lips and pulled herself to stand before her Master, bowing at Lady Vader's praise and said nothing out of respect.
Lady Vader
Apr 20th, 2005, 05:41:34 PM
LV inspected the young woman for a moment, noticing the scrapes and bruises that she had been inflicted with. "When we get back to the village, you can clean your wounds, but I do not want you using any medications. I want the injuries to heal at their own rate. I want you to remember what power you showed here today."
LV began to walk slowly back to the clearing where they had left Tucta to rumage about. Iesis showed up moments after the rodents had fled, licking her chops slowly, a few strands of course greyish-brown fur sticking from the corner of her jowls.
Once they came to the clearing, LV turned to Adraudia. "Now that we have tested that you do indeed possess the power to use the Force at will, let us try some jousting with weapons."
LV called to her a long staff that had been lying on the ground, where she had unsaddled Tucta, and hefted it in her hand. "I am going to use this simple staff. But I will allow you to use whatever weapon you wish."
Adraudia Basillie
Apr 28th, 2005, 02:50:10 PM
She titled her head to the side, looking at her Master's weapon curiously. Many of her Clan Sisters used a weapon similar. It would be arrogant to choose her lightsabre. Mistress Vader would easily dance circles around her and the deadly blade in her hand would mean nothing.
Nodding her head, Adraudia walked back to where she had laid her daggers on the ground. They had been kicked around a little because of the rodents but remained untouched. She picked them up and wiped the dirt off the metal against her sleeve.
"I shall use these." She said, turning around to face her Master. Both hands held two daggers, six inches in length. They were comfortable to her. She was trained so fiercely with them that they felt as if they were an extension of her own body.
Lady Vader
Apr 28th, 2005, 03:58:38 PM
LV nodded. "Then let us proceed."
With out further adue, LV used the Force to yank a carpet of long grasses from underneath Adraudia, while at the same time coming at her with the staff, meaning to smack the young witch upside the head.
Adraudia Basillie
May 4th, 2005, 04:47:41 PM
Adraudia fell on her back and grunted hard as the wind was knocked from her lungs. Thankfully her eyes weren't closed for too long. Perhaps a second later and she would being seeing stars from being wacked on the head with the staff. Instead it hit the grassless dirt as the young witch rolled to the side and spun herself up to one knee.
A flash of a dagger within her right hand, she went for Lady Vader's calf. It would be most difficult to attack her with a wound so severe ... if it would hit.
Lady Vader
May 24th, 2005, 04:12:53 PM
LV quickly positioned the staff and jumped, utilizing the staff as a vault stick to avoid the dagger and land behind the witch. As she landed, she kicked out with her foot, catching the witch at mid-back level.
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