View Full Version : Rank Transfer for Talus Invictus
Mar 9th, 2005, 12:07:34 PM
[Just received this PM]
I have never done this before, but due to a situation outside of my control I can no longer post at a board with this character.
I have rped with Invictus for over 2 years at a seperate board, he has been my primary character since I began rping and I have logged over 1000 replied IC with him. I have moved Invictus up the ranks from Sith Disciple to Sith Lord via training, character development, and battle threads. Invictus has been trained by Sith Lord Dagger and Snack, he was promoted to the rank of Lord by Vega van Derveld. I am asking for the staff to present my application to transfer Invictus to Fans at the rank of Sith Knight to the community. I understand that there is not really a process for this written in stone and I would not want to step on the toes of anyone on the board who might think it unfair for Invictus to start rping at Fans at a higher rank, but I'm hoping that people will see this as a unique situation and that my experience, reputation and hard work might help with this process.
If the staff feels that I am out of line with requesting this I understand and I will not plead this case in the OOC forums. In fact if acceptable I would like the staff to broach the subject to the community so that they see that I am going through the proper channels. Due to a situation that I do not wish to discuss openly and that is very lengthy in nature, I can not personally provide any links from the other board for the staff to go by, but if they are willing I will ask Snack, Jenny and Phantom to provide you links to my various duels, training threads and character threads. I apologize for the nature by which I have to do this, but I no longer have access to these threads and would have to subvert the rules of another board to obtain them on my own. An action I believe would not be justified by the end result.
I thank you for your time and input in this decision and will provide information to any members of the staff that have questions regarding my rank, reputation or situation.
Thank you.
Mar 9th, 2005, 12:10:06 PM
Personally, I hate transfering ranks over from other RP groups. I don't see why someone can't just start over. It's only caused us headaches in the past. But, unfortunately, it's pretty much in the rules that this can be done.
He says that he can't provide any links, which is the first strike against him. I'm leaning towards just saying "No proof = not happening", but I'm the big meaniehead about this sort of stuff. If we do let him keep his rank, I'd be sure to add the boiler plate that god-moding is a one way ticket out of here.
Mar 9th, 2005, 12:14:54 PM
Here is the PM I got, to which I basically replied I cannot make the decision myself since I am not an active RPer and said to take it up with the rest of the staff and then with the community.
Ka' el Darcverse wrote on Today 08:18:42 AM:
Recently I was banned from RPG. I will spare you the details, but it is common belief, not just my opinion that it was unjust, ask Snack, Sorsha, and Phantom if you wish. Long story short, Dara baited me, I resisted then she personally insulted me and I snapped, all of which was done in Private Messages. As a result my Invictus character, which I have spent 2 years working up to the rank of Sith Lord logging well over a 1000 IC replies and many training threads is no more. I had recently spoken to s'Il and Morgan about transfering Invictus to Fans, but perhaps at the dimished rank of Sith Knight, as I would not like to restart the character from scratch, but I understand that a few of the things that make him such a good Sith Lord could not have possibly happened here, example He served as a puppet emperor.
Both s'Il and Morgan expressed some reservations about it which were both 100% understandable, fairness to other community members and adherence to the board rules, both thought it may be possible but asked me if it would be possible to do some flashback threads. Again, they did not tell me yes, Invictus could be a Sith Knight or no he can't they just said that we would have to discuss it further.
Things were going fine at RPG but I had a nagging suspcion that Dara and mines shared animosity towards one another would eventually flare up. I didn't foresee it happening in the way it did, but it did none the less. Now I'm S.O.L, I've told staff members who are trying to get the ban turned into a temp ban that I won't accept anything other than an apology and a complete lifting of the ban as I didn't do anything wrong other than to tell her to shove it when she insulted me. So now I have to step up what was once a back-burner issue to the forefront and I wanted to send out a feeler to you on the issue before formally applying to have my rank transfered.
I understand if you need some time to think about this and please don't think I'm trying to use fans as leverage against RPG. I'm done with that board and I'm pretty sure it is done with me lol. I just want to keep rping a character that I have put a lot of time and effort into without having to start him over from scratch.
I thank you in advance for you input.
His reply to my reply is as follows:
Ka' el Darcverse wrote on Today 09:00:08 AM:
I understand and appreciate you taking the time to explain. I was not intending to include any mention of my ban to anyone on this board as it is a sore subject with myself that I do not wish to bring up in general conversation however I felt it pertinent to my situation to inform you of this, in case of some extremely unlikely case that Dara continues to hound me even here that the staff would be adequately informed of the situation before it became a problem. The problems between myself and RPG are of a private matter and I would not bring them on on any non-RPG affiliated boards as it would only cause problems between Fans and members of RPG and in the process perhaps open old wounds that have finally scabbed over.
Thank you for the information and I will pm members of the staff with my request. Unfortunately due to my situation I can not link any threads from RPG as all of my accounts and ips have been banned, but at least one of my promotions in rank was done by Vega and I believe that Jen would be supportive in helping me link promotion threads and training threads.
Mar 9th, 2005, 12:20:06 PM
That's a good deal more sympathetic sounding than the PM he sent me. I'm slightly more inclined to let him, if a couple of the posters he mentioned will vouch for him.
At least he can type coherently.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 9th, 2005, 12:27:45 PM
I'd completely forgotten about that conversation; had to check my logs to make sure it existed. But yeah, I know now that he talked to me. I must have talked to Holly or someone; not sure who it could have been, cause I asked if being busted down to knight status would be ok. If anyone wants me to, I'll post the transcript. It's not very long, thankfully.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 9th, 2005, 12:44:16 PM
I'll vouch for him, definetly. PJ is a great roleplayer and very much deserving.
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 9th, 2005, 12:47:54 PM
And here I thought I was special, getting that PM (same as Nup's).
I asked him to get someone to provide us with links to training and his promotion thread so we can make an informed decision.
The only concern I have is: This is a bad precedent. A very bad one.
I'm not saying he's not a good RPer, because what he's done here as Ka'el is great (although, not much), but it will only give other RPers more excuses to abuse un-earned rank.
Morgan Evanar
Mar 9th, 2005, 01:35:36 PM
I gave him a list of public proxies. I told that showing us threads would help his cause. It's more for the other people and to prevent a precedent if we have a record of it.
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 9th, 2005, 08:12:14 PM
Ka' el Darcverse wrote on Today 01:24 PM:
How about his link to being named a Lord and a duel with Snack displaying his power and control over the Force. I will provide other links asap, but for now these are the only ones I can get ahold of readily.
I can get other links sometime this week for you but right now with my current situation these are the only ones I can get. Due to the fact that my other training threads have been archived in a now defunct group and it will take some digging for me to find them.
Morgan Evanar
Mar 9th, 2005, 09:20:18 PM
I realize this is both off topic and taboo, but why the fuck do people keep RPing over there?
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 10th, 2005, 12:39:20 AM
they enjoy the pain. Sickos.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 10th, 2005, 11:10:39 AM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
they enjoy the pain. Sickos.
it's true. I love it :cry
:spank me
Morgan Evanar
Mar 10th, 2005, 01:45:24 PM
If you were around more I would :evil
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